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News Item4/1/16 1:02 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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This man obviously knows that you cannot serve God and mammon. So he has decided to serve mammon. For him it is more important to have the big bucks flowing from having Atlanta host the Stupor Bowl than to protect a Christian man's liberty of concience. Forget the "war on terror." This government is at war with God and His Annointed. A war that it is sure to lose. And I do not want to be around when it happens.

News Item3/29/16 8:25 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Oh, but they really don't worship Satan. They really worship Lucifer, who really isn't Satan, or might not be Satan. Or who is Satan but not in that sense even though they cal themselves Satanists. Don't you get it?!?!

Sermon3/13/16 9:22 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
David Bowie benefited society in one way. And that was in a statement he made in a 1976 issue of Rolling Stone when he stated "Rock and roll will destroy you. It lets in lower elements and shadows. Rock has always been the devil's music." When he said this he wasn't speaking metaphorically. These were simple facts from the horse's mouth. Alas the only good he did was ignored by society at large, and rationalized away by the vast majority of professing Christians.

Sermon3/13/16 9:06 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We need to stop equatingRoman Catholicism with Christianit. BTW I don't trust ANY pope.

Sermon3/13/16 2:10 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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39 - Beware of Reconstructionism
Dr. Paul M. Elliott
“ Great Sermon! ”
Let's not forget a most devastating movement called New Evangelicalism. Give me Carl McIntire over Harold Ockenga and Billy Graham any day.

News Item3/7/16 11:04 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I can't help but wonder how much more blessed of the Lord and accompanied by His power his words would be and how much more weight they would carry if only he would separate from the Roman Catholic Church.....Not holding my breath.

News Item2/27/16 11:25 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Bart wrote:
Oh what dribble...homophobia can be treated now, there is hope for you all.
Those who cannot win arguments resort to name calling. Although you're right. There is hope for us all, but only in Christ, as He is put forth in the scriptures. It is obvious that you are not in Him and therefore there is no hope for you. You need to repent of you're sodomy (if that's what you are) and the rest of your sins for that matter, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as He is set before you in the scriptures, and you will be saved.

News Item2/27/16 10:30 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I like this idea of dumbphones. As a matter fact I miss the days of dial telephones and passenger trains. The exponential advance of technology in the hands of totally depraved man is not necessarily a godly thing. (a gross understatement by the way)

News Item2/24/16 11:03 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Are there no sodomite bakeries or sodomite florists or sodomite banquet halls around that they should have to go harassing Christians? They are doing this because they are working for their messiah, Lucifer, Satan, the devil. And his lusts shall they fulfill.

News Item2/23/16 6:10 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I wonder which branch of Merck he must have done his research in.

Sermon2/21/16 11:49 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Psa 113:7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; Psa 113:8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people. Praise God for His mighty hand in your life brother Aaron.

Sermon2/21/16 9:08 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful! Franklin Graham has Samaritan's Purse. But why hasn't he separated from the Roman Catholic Church yet??

News Item2/18/16 8:43 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Search history. Has there ever been a more apostate age than this one? Especially in the west? Maybe the times of Noah, just previous to the first deluge? Where the intermingling of the sons of God with the daughters of men produced a virtual indistinction between the servants of the devil and the supposed servants of the living God? No distinguishing darkness and light, the holy and the profane? Is that where we're headed? Is that where we're at. If it is, we are headed there at breakneck speed brethren.

News Item2/7/16 4:22 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Nowadays in America, right and wrong are defined by how many extra slices of bread you can put into a judge's or politician's pocket. God hates bribes, and He hates the receivers and givers of them.. (Ps. 5:5)

News Item2/4/16 12:15 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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I know this isn't very evangelistic but,
Psa 37:12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
Psa 37:13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

News Item2/2/16 8:16 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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.....The 20-year-old known as Nano said she possesses a slew of catty characteristics like ultra-sharp hearing, laser night vision and fierce aversions to both dogs and water....
She must smell wonderful.

News Item1/30/16 10:44 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Jimmy Carter was a "Christian"
Ronald Reagan was a "Christian"
George H.W. Bush was a "Christian"
Bill Clinton was a "Christian"
George W. Bush was a "Christian"
Barak Obama is a "Christian." ...or a Muslim who became a "Christian"....or a "Christian" who's still a Muslim.....Oh forget it . We'll let Rick Warren sort this one out.
Now Ted Cruz is a "Christian"
Mark Rubio is a "Christian"
Even Hillary now says that she's a "Christian"
Any body see a pattern here?
The pandering continues and so it ever will.

News Item1/16/16 7:30 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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God hates ecumenism. You cannot expect God to bless amorphis movements and coalitions that yoke up the people of God with the enemies of the Gospel, no matter what the cause. (2 Chron. 19:2) That's why all these efforts to "save our culture" have failed over the last 40 years or so.
That being said, this does not mean that Christians stay quiet in the public square. Those who cry out against Christian Activism are often those who don't even lift a finger to hand out a tract or stand on a busy street corner reproving sin and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I agree that the answers will never be found in any politician or political party. But if Christians are not publicly warning against and reproving sin and wickedness in government, the church, academia, the media, entertainment and society at large , both individually and collectively, then who will. This we do without leaving the rest undone. Christians need to throw out their brazen serpents and read their bibles, and get balanced.

News Item12/29/15 12:15 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Fallen man does not have the ethical faculties to handle the exponentially growing technology that is on the horizon. We're looking at the type of gadgets and gizmos that will make privacy a thing of the past (if it isn't already)and can avail man to play God. I sometimes find myself hoping that God would blow us back into the 19th century. I do however take comfort in the fact that "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh...."

Sermon12/27/15 12:59 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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CS Lewis-safe guide/confused soul?
Rev. Ivan Foster
“ Great Sermon! ”
So what if he teaches that sincere pagan worship is acceptable to God. So what if he denies the doctrines of total depravity and biblical inerrancy. OK, so he denies that certain sections of scripture are actually inspired, and denies the doctrine of substitutionary atonement (which denial caused Martyn Lloyd-Jones to warn his readers and listeners away from him.)and by indirect implication denied the omniscience of Christ because he "didn't know the day or the hour" of his return, thereby impinging on his divinity. So what. We like him. And so we will offer up every lame palliation of his damnable errors like "he just says wrong things" or "it's what his church believed and taught", or "well he was a philosopher not a theologian." Plop all these facts on the lap of a C.H. Spurgeon or an Asahel Nettleton and ponder if they would have offered up these sorry excuses for him. It seems meet that he would be trafficked through the most undiscerning generation of Christians since the Reformation.
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