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News Item1/26/14 6:22 PM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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Michael Hranek wrote:
So let's be honest here as if what you post is accurage WHY??? Aren't Calvinist/Reformed/DOGers exhorting people to pray and seek God to do what He has PROMISED that lost people we love and care about come to salvation
instead of sabotaging the faith of the child of God to pray and not faint, especially for the most impossible of sinners (humanly speaking) they love and care about to be saved, and not stop till they are, or they die?
I have no idea who you are referring to. I don't recognize that description of any DOGs I know. We work and pray hard for all unconverted folk, knowing that God uses intruments in his work.

If you have come across Hypers (and they are a growing crowd) then you have a very stilted view of what DOG people believe. So rather than tar everyone with the same brush, be a bit more discerning.

Now I ask you again, since you believe in free will, what is it that you pray God will do for unbelieving folk?

News Item1/26/14 5:49 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dear Duh
Thanks for the post back
Sorry, I forget sometimes that not everyone professing to believe in the Grace of God has an interest in seeking Him in fervent prayer and intercession, for His mercy, grace and to do what is impossible for us who do not deserve His answers to see His kingdom come and His will done in our lives and those we care about and yet so desperately need them.
Michael H

Thanks for your post back.

It is those who believe that God accomplishes what he pleases who can pray to him, according to his will, for the salvation of individuals, because he can open hearts. That is why we preach the gospel (its is God's instrument and power in Salvation) and we pray knowing that God will hear prayer and open hearts.

But when the human will is Sovereign, what is it that you pray for? What can God do? Beg and be a debtor to the sinner?

News Item1/26/14 5:15 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Dear Duh
I take it you hold to Calvinistic/Reformed theology of some form or another.
I am no calv. I believe that the DOG are scriptural.

Michael Hranek wrote:
Why don't you do this instead, simply let Scripture speak in context of the whole as Mike from NY has done, resting on the reality that God knows what He says far more than any theologian no matter how expert and adored by men they might be.
Really?! He did that? Well, I never noticed. I'm sure I would have noticed if it had happened.

Michael Hranek wrote:
AND also in as much as you might have any concern that the lost hear the Truth of Jesus Christ and are truly converted to Him, I trust you know it will indeed take a supernatural sovereign work of God
So PRAY!!!
Now I'm truly confused MH. What precisely can God do? Isn't he hostage to the sinner's will? He cannot accomplish anything in your theology! Please clarify what you pray for and what you expect God to do?

News Item1/26/14 4:31 PM
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Mike wrote:
Christ the propitiation has satisfied the requirements of justice. His work is sufficient to save the whole world. God is satisfied on man's behalf. True, not all the world will be saved, because not all in the world will put their trust in Him. Sufficient for all, efficient only for those who believe, not in their own works, but who believe, and believe in, Him who saves them, and in His work.
So God is propitiated but also he is not because the propitiation does not extend to unbelief?

Mike wrote:
If all were automatically saved, there would be no need for preaching the gospel at all. But if all the saved are preselected, preaching of the gospel is emptied of the "power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth," for it would not and could not change a thing.
God hardens hearts and also softens them. What made you believe and not others? Your superior intellect? Or did God, as he did with Lydia, open your heart? Oh, but we cannot allow that, because we mustn't allow God to be God.

Permit me to ask, when God damned the whole human race based on the sin of one individual, is that grossly unfair in your eyes? You didn't get to exercise your free will! Gutting isn't it?

News Item1/26/14 4:19 PM
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Skylight wrote:
Question: do you feel it is vital to preach the gospel to every living creature or just do nothing because it's God who does the "electing"?
It is vital to preach the gospel to all creatures- that is Christ's command. What does the command have to do with election? God nowhere shares with me or you as to exactly who the elect are. We only know them once they come to believe.

Such a dumb question from someone who pretends to know what ex-Roman Catholics believe!

News Item1/26/14 1:26 PM
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Skylight wrote:
Haha... Skydark! Funny! Hey, you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Apperantly I'm talking to a child who's been corrupted by the teachings of an ex-Roman Catholic. It seems you should spend a little more time in the book but before you can understand it, you should get get saved biblically instead of assuming you've been elected or predestined to go to heaven. Then will the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the truth. Good luck kiddo.
No meaningful answers as expected.

Luck! The Arminian's spiritual motto! And you've bought into in Skydark! That just about sums your knowledge of Christianity kiddo - Nada!

News Item1/26/14 1:03 PM
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Skylight wrote:
Incase you didn't comprehend what I said about the argument between the two, yes I'm very aware of what this thread is about,duh!
Why the surprise then Skydark?

Skylight wrote:
As far as predestined fate, isn't that what you beleive? That only certain are predestined to be saved and the rest are predestined to be damned? Duh!
Only an ignorant buffoon would equate predestination with fatalism. Is that you Skydark? Duh!

Skylight wrote:
As far as free will, even after a man is confronted with the gospel and aware of his condition he's in, yes he still has a free will to either accept or reject the free gift from God. Duh!
Can the Leopard change his spots? The Ethiopian change his skin? Will the dog not return to his vomit? Etc. You really don't know even the basics of sound theology. Try a theology 101 course Skydark!

Skylight wrote:
Christ did die for the whole world. He wants the whole world to be saved, that is the Fathers will right?...Duh?
Your god is impotent to achieve his will. All he can do is wish. That is NOT the God of the Bible, Skydark! Try reading the Bible once in a while and learn to fear the true and living God!

News Item1/26/14 12:28 PM
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Lurker wrote:
Like it or not, there are two worlds (kosmos) in view in the NT and you've got to pick the right one for 1 John 2:2. Will you?
Not a chance in heaven that he will accept that. Watch him jig and jive!

News Item1/26/14 11:35 AM
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Skylight wrote:
One claims that salvation can be lost and the other claims predestined fate.
Salvation is eternal so Arminianism is not correct.
If we were predestined as calvinism says, then where does free will come in to play?
Arminianism vs Calvinism (so called) is the subject of the thread, in case you missed it!

Predestined fate? Predestination is not about fatalism silly.

As for free will, depends what you mean.
If you mean, is man entirely free to act in accordance with his sinful nature, then sure that is not a problem. If you mean that man can unaided come to understand and respond to the gospel, then you're silly to believe such unbiblical nonsense.

News Item1/26/14 10:16 AM
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John for JESUS wrote:
Yes, all unsaved. When people have trouble grasping what the Bible says, I think they tend to reinterpret it to make it understandable to them. I believe that is what you are doing. However, the verse says what it says. Jesus is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world, not just believers. Why will some be sentenced to Hell? As a result of them not believing in Jesus, who is the propitiation for their sins. They are not in Christ, so how can they have their sins atoned for?
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, and it is YOU who is reinterpreting the bible to suit yourself.

What does propitiation mean? What does atonement mean? What is the relation between propitiation and atonement?

So God is propitiated for every sin of the unbeliever, excepting unbelief?

News Item1/26/14 9:29 AM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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John for JESUS wrote:
And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (I John 2:2 NKJV)
As I understand it, Jesus is the propitiation for all the believer's sins, and not for theirs only but for the sins of the whole world. Like it says.
The "world" meaning all the unsaved? If so, then if God is propitiated for the sins of all the unsaved, why the judgement to come? What should they be looking to be saved from?

News Item1/26/14 9:05 AM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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John for JESUS wrote:
And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (I John 2:2 NKJV)
It's pretty sad that people who profess Christ will argue against this truth!
No one is arguing against the truth. It is your understanding of it that is woefully inadequate.

News Item1/18/14 5:45 PM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
My local Catholic parish doesn't use bells or incense. The only time they use incense is during Funeral Mass. What is repetition over teaching?

News Item1/4/14 5:19 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Well the Mennonite Church is now a liberal church. But the Catholic Church is and always has been a conservative church for being against abortion and homosexuality.
In official policy yes. But it's priests and popes can engage in sodomy to their hearts content - well until they are found out! Which makes them hypocrites and sodomites!

News Item9/11/13 12:02 AM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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People: go look up Joint Vision 2020 or 2030 and see what the military declares as subjects for the use of military forces. You get to a point when all subject matter has been militarized. I understand we have enery needs but not at the expense of killing someone for the sake of business and $$$. The intelligence that O'bomit is putting forth is more faulty than what Bush put on the table. They must show the evidence just like what was shown in the Cuban missile crisis. Lying to the American public regarding intelligence and sending our troops to war under faulty pretense is an inpreachable offense and criminal offense.

News Item9/10/13 9:04 PM
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Maybe the evangelical leaders across the country might now want to take on Obama. Surely they would want to influence Christians across the country instead of leaving it all to the Pope. Where is the witness of the true Church? Silence as usual in America. Pastors are scared that they might loose their 503 tax exempt status. What is your faith without works? Dead!

News Item9/10/13 8:57 PM
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President Obama is directly supporting terrorism against Syria. Obama has created a civil war against a sovereign nation. Obama is supporting the rebels who are killing and raping Christians across Syria. America doesn't belong in this action against Syria. Call your senators and congressmen to get America out of this proxi-civil war; we have no place in this. Imagine if the President of Mexico supporting an invading army of rebels to rape and pillage Austin TX? Call your congressmen and senators to impreach Obama for warcrimes against the Syrian people. Even though America may now not strike Syria, the civil war continues with full american support. This is illegal! Asad may not be what we would like him to be, but he is atleast better than Obama because he cares and protects his people (tribe) and other religions have protected status in his country.

News Item6/17/13 10:05 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
How insane can anybody be?
You clearly have the monopoly!

News Item5/26/13 4:09 AM
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Marshall wrote:
If babies all go to heaven, then the abortion clinics are doing a wonderful service, saving all those souls from any torment or pain, and we should support their work.....
If what man intends for evil God means for good (like Joseph and his brethren) what kind of perverted logic then goes on to justify the evil?! Pretty dumb comment!

News Item4/19/12 5:40 PM
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Christ saves the elect. wrote:
One question I would like to put to you is that in Rom 1:18 we find the 'wrath' of God being referred to. Now when is God angry with the sinner and fallen world?
The opposite of that would be when is God 'happy' about the fallen world. Never?
If we accept that God is angry with the fallen world, the sinner in his state of iniquity, then the quote "given them up" or "given them over" is a permanent state of affairs between the fallen world and the Lord.
Reprobation then becomes a more long term even eternal state of being and justice then requires punished in hell!
There must be some sense and logic in this post somewhere. Darned if I can find it.

Can anyone make sense of this and translate into comprehensible English?

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