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News Item1/16/08 4:14 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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enough said:

Thank you and well put. I will have to say, after looking it over, that you may be correct. I will have to study it a little closer. But there is still an issue with the "many" called.

Since many are called, and many reject the calling, that must mean that non-elect people are called.

I may be wrong (again ), but don't Calvinist believe that only the elect are called?

News Item1/16/08 10:29 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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enough already said:

"For many are called, but few are CHOSEN" Matthew 22:14. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said it, that's good enough for me."

context, context, context!!!

This verse was speaking about service, NOT salvation.

You might want to find a new verse to wrest (oops, rest ) all of your theology upon.

But, even if you do want to choose this verse for salvation, it is saying that more are called than are choosen.
The doctrine of Calvin says that ALL who are called are choosen, and only the elect are called.

It does us all well when we try to read our Bible without any presuppositional filters to flow through.

Survey1/13/08 12:25 AM
derek | missouri  Find all comments by derek
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L K - you said:

"Jn 10:2 "But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: FOR THEY KNOW HIS VOICE.
5 And a stranger WILL THEY NOT FOLLOW, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."

One problem - these sheep are already saved. If you would follow the line of reasoning by Cavinists, God chose certain peaople to be saved. Once saved, they would become "sheep", and his sheep are who hear his voice. This scripture is dealing with the saved, NOT the lost. We are predestinated IN Christ, NOT outside of Christ. And Predestination in one word is simply SANCTIFICATION.

Think on that for a while.

You still have not given me any verses supporting my question.

Survey1/11/08 8:48 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Thank you Michael. I will just tell you what a professor in college some years ago told me when I let him know I was a Calvinist (he was an old man)

"Just keep reading your Bible son."

And as I kept reading my Bible, the Holy Spirit kept revealing to me that I was lost and separated from God. But it was wicked pride that I kept giving myself excuses to why I was saved. You know..."but I teach Sunday School, and Bible College, and preach, and...and..."

I was dwelling on things I did to convince myself I was saved. I even had specific prayer answered (who's to say God doesn't have to answer the prayer of the lost?). But when God finally humbled me (like he did with Paul - but I am in no way a Paul), I repented and confessed and BELIEVED that I was lost and separated from God - and what a day that was

You see, Jesus was a friend of publicans and sinners, and he was a friend of mine, slowly reeling me in, telling me I was not his, revealing sin, answering prayer, etc., etc... But it was pride that for so many years kept me from repenting. Don't miss this also...I did say a prayer when I was about 8, but it wasn't because the Holy Spirit was convicting and I saw myself as disgusting before God. It was only because I was afraid to die.

Survey1/11/08 8:25 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Well, that upset the apple cart

I am not saying we must know everything about God. What I am saying is the Calvinist presupposition is wrong. And this presupposition is the filter they view all of scripture through.

I have not resorted to verbal assault due to lack of evidence. But rather because of pride and arrogance. I called myself a Calvinist at one time, and the condescending arrogance that accompanies that makes me sick. When I finally repented, and got saved, the blinders were removed and I was able to see Calvinism for what it was - fatalism!!
I was so religious, but God didn't know me, and I was as lost as could be.

Jesus said "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, NOR THE POWER OF GOD"

The Calvinist God is so limited that he has to control his subjects.

Yamil - in the words of pastor P - Calvinism destroys the simplicity of Christ.

But they will never get it as long as they refuse to believe.

Survey1/10/08 11:30 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Question for Calvinists:

If Jesus is God (and he is), why did he not reveal to all he came to that there were only some who were chosen, and the rest were not? Why did he constantly ask those he came to "believest thou this?"

Calvinism is a system that can be boiled down to one act - tempting God!!

They turn the table on God and require him to answer for his "choosing", all the while dubbing him Sovereign.

What is actually happening is God is not big enough to handle man's free will, so he is become a micro-manager who has not enough power to control his creation.

See, this is all a big play that began with Adam and Eve. It was God who made Adam sin and the act is still playing, and still waiting for the curtain to drop. It was God who made it all happen exactly how he wanted it to, and we are all just puppets. How does this scenario fit God's love? With the love you all have for your children and families, would you make them do something wrong, just so you could punish them? How sick!
Calvinism is completely and totally the doctrine of devils! What arrogance to think that God could not handle your free ability to choose.

(after reading all of these posts for a while, I just need to rant every so often )

Survey1/10/08 10:30 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I get so sick of carnal worldly music, in or out of church!

And don't even get me started on the tight pants (or any pants on women for that matter)

Survey1/10/08 7:01 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Ephesians 5: 18-19

"...speaking to yourselves in Psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody IN YOUR HEART, as unto the Lord."

God has not prescribed Pslams only, as far as I can see. But there is nothing wrong with staying with Psalms only.

Survey1/10/08 3:28 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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My bad I didn't read close enough.

Survey1/10/08 1:21 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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"btw Somehow I just do not believe that the Holy Ghost fell upon any infants present to where they spoke in tongues and I do not believe Peter commanded any infants there to be baptized, just believers."

So - children can't be believers?
Maybe this is a problem of deffinition and we need to define our terms. I find it hard to believe that a child under 5 years old understands he is lost, but who's to say it isn't possible? It surprises me that those who believe there is no cognative aspect to salvation will cut it off for children because they haven't the cognative ability to comprehend their lostness. Ir God has choosed whom he wills to be saved, who's to say he didn't save them at a 4 or 5 years old? How old was Samuel when the Holy Spirit began to speak to him?

Survey1/10/08 8:09 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Jago - can children repent and be saved?

I think it was Jesus who said "suffer the little children to cime unto me..."

But, no biblical Baptist church teaches that unregenerate children, OR adults, can partake of the Lord's Supper. It's not to say that some ignorant parents might give it to their children, but hey, Presby's baptize their children, and Scripture is clear that Baptism procedes salvation.

Survey1/9/08 9:47 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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jago - I answered you earlier. You might want to scroll down a little and read my post

Survey1/9/08 8:23 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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jago - hi again. Good question. here we go with symbolism again

In the Bile, the priests never used fermented wine in sacrifices and the such because leven (yeast, which makes the juice ferment) is a type of sin.
That is why we use grape juice, because there was no "leven", sin, in the blood of Jesus.
Please note that in your Bible, there are several words translated "wine", and they don't always mean fermented alcoholic beverage. It would be a great study for you.

Again - great question!

Survey1/9/08 8:18 AM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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The amount of water is important because of the symbolism attached.
In the Old Testament, in the simplest form, all of the sacrifices were symbolic of the coming sacrifice; but they were to be strictly followed.
Baptism is symbolic of the death, BURIAL, and ressurection of that new believer. When we are buried, they don't sprinkle dirt on a dead body to bury it; they drop it in a hole and push all of the dirt back in. They are immersed (meaning there is dirt above them, under them, and all around them) in the grave. Really, the same symbolism is in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He is above us, under us, all around us - immersed.

I know these things are symbolic, but I think God is very concerned with the symbolism he established. It simply comes down to a heart of obedience - and when God reveals the meaning of Baptism, the obedient heart desires to follow as closely as possible to what God was trying to symbolize.

Also, it is difficult to get past te fact that the very word Baptize means to dunk or immerse. It's like saying (as an American might) I dunked the doughnut in my coffee. Would you now conclude the he might have sprinkled or poured coffee on his doughnut? No. The very word "Dunked" defined what he did.

God Bless!!

Survey1/8/08 11:25 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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That's funny bacause I have heard the same example just a little differently worded.

Yes, my brother says it is around 100 degrees about Christmas time. He and his "household" (which does include children, but no infants) are Independent Baptist missionaries living in Nowra, but once their two year stay with the Pastor they are sponsored by is expired, he is praying about starting a work in Melbourne. They are used to working in the inner-city, and Nowra has been rather lethargic feeling compared to inner-city Philladelphia. But they are looking great, and I think God has given them some needed rest before they begin a city work. I will have to ask him where in Melbourne they believe God is leading them, because he has mentioned a suburb, but I don't remember where.

Where do you attend church?

Great talking to you...it's rather nice to break from the theological and talk about something lighter.

Survey1/8/08 10:13 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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I don't remember agreeing with you much, but I think you are giving valid opposition to circumcision=baptism.

Wouldn't Judas have been circumcised? And didn't Jesus call him the Son of Perdition? If he was foreordained to be the Son of Perdition, and was circumcised by his parents, what effect did it have. He still went to Hell.
It just seems to me that circumcision could not be an end-all to weather someone was saved, and so to is baptism. It has no effect on someone's eternal destination.

And about households, who's to say what makes up the household. Some have parents only, some have parents and children, and some have parents, children and inlaws . You would have to read into scripture what isn't there, namely, household means a family unit that consists of parents AND children, and any combination of relatives, for that matter.

On another note...what part of Austrailia do you live? My brother and family live there, in Nowra (sp.?), south of Melbourne. Do you know of it?

News Item1/8/08 3:09 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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Dr. John (and thank you for letting us know your credentials)
If Pentecostals and Charismatics have more of the Spirit, why the doctorate? Was the holy Spirit not sufficient?

And, another question:
Why in the list of gifts listed in the book of Romans ( which to the best of my knowledge was written after the letters to the Corinthians) that there were none of the "spritual gifts".
There is no doubt that those believers in Rome did not have access to the letters written to the Corinthians, so how would they know that they could laugh and bark and heal like the others.

It is my opinion that the Charismatic movement is the vehicle for the coming one world church. And that is because it is the "gifts" that are uniting all of these groups, and even Catholics, and bringing them all together to hold hands and sing Kum By Ya.

Survey1/8/08 2:57 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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you are exactly right!

Their Covenant theology is no different that Dispensationalism, except they ony have three. I like to call it Reformed Dispensationalism, because once again, Bible truth is taken and re-fitted for alternate consumption.

News Item1/8/08 2:50 PM
derek | Missouri  Find all comments by derek
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First things first: A Baptist is not a Protestant. We never protested or "came out" of Rome because we were not there to begin with.
A simple question:
Since Rome was not the first church, and Jesus, who started the church, said He would build it, and he is, what did those who left Rome go to? Was not the church Jesus built in existance? And if it was in existance, why didn't the Reformers go to them?
And, what was reformed anyway? Did the church of Jesus Christ really need reformed? Are you telling me the church Jesus built was broken?
That, my friend, is blasphemy, and Jesus is then a liar and is not capable of preserving the church he started.
Satan has always has counterfeits, which are a resemblence of the real thing. So what it Satan's counterfeit church?
As you can tell, I detest being called a Protestant.

Another thing: What were believers before Calvin or Arminias?

Satan is still dividing the Church, and many of you are so bloated with pride that the tag line under your name reads "calvinist". I used to love the fact that I was a Calvinist. I was so much smarter and enlightened than every other dumb believer. No one loved truth but me. What pride! And then I got saved!! (and I am not joking). May God help our Idolatry (Calvin).

What a shame!

Survey1/6/08 6:40 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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remember, the Bible says that Jesus is the Light of the world, that lighteth EVERY man that cometh into the world.

according to this, everyone born into this world has the knowledge of Christ. But not everyone is obedient to that light. Many recect the light, and because of their rejection, God hardens their heart so they can't believe, because they wouldn't believe. Remember, when god hardened Pharao's heart, he had already hardened his own heart. All God was doing was making sure, after his rejection, that he could not be saved.

We too have the same opportunity, and after some reject he Holy Spirit long enough, they sin a sin unto death, and can not be saved, but only because they already rejected.

Just keep reading your Bible and try to discard any predetemined ideas. Let the Holy Spirit guide you into all truth. And don't fall for these UNBIBLICAL titles such as Calvinist or Arminian. The Early church had this same problem, to which Paul tried to correct.
God can not lie...he WILL lead you, if you want to be lead. To bad so many have made up theur mind and won't be led.

God Bless

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