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Sermon7/7/2023 5:09 PM
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Commending What God Has Condemned
Rev. David Mook
“ A Response To The Death of Tim Keller ”
This sermon is much needed in response to the death of Tim Keller (23 September, 1950 – 19 May, 2023) on 19 May, 2023 at the age of 72.

Sermon6/27/2023 12:24 AM
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“ Popery: Monster of Satan ”
Popery is nothing else than a monster formed out of the innumerable deceptions of Satan, and that what they call the Church is more confused than Babylon. (Excerpt from: John Calvin's Commentaries On The Gospel Of John Vol. 01).

Sermon6/18/2023 1:24 AM
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“ Avengers: Age of Liberalism ”
Superhero media has a very liberal agenda, and media like Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) and Avengers: Endgame (2019) are clearly a reflection of that liberal agenda. This liberal agenda shows a team of superheroes like the Avengers and/or the Justice League battling against the "big tyrant in the sky". Of course the "big tyrant in the sky" which the superheroes, and even some supervillains, are uniting against is really El Shaddai Himself. This means that superhero media is liking "sky tyrants" like Thanos, Darkseid, Ultron, and so many others with El Shaddai. Though wishful thinking, liberals believe that once "human rights" is respected worldwide, there will be a worldwide utopia. The Biblical Reality is that world peace will not be realized until Christ returns to reign as Eternal King. This is the exact opposite of the liberal view of utopianism. There needs to be more Christian podcasts in response to the liberalism of superhero media, including the liberal philosophy marketed by the Avengers.

Sermon6/16/2023 1:27 AM
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Disney Ruined My Family
Kevin Swanson
“ Ursula: Sea Witch of Satan ”
As noted earlier, Ursula the Sea Witch is really the Sea Witch of Satan, especially given her appearance as a demonic Satanic cephalopod who is devilish in all areas. With The Little Mermaid (2023) being released, a podcast like this is a much needed response. Of course this same film also has amazing music composed by Alan Menken and natural scenery, both terrestrial and aquatic. Yet it does not change the fact that Ursula the Sea Witch is 100% Satanic. It is also worth noting Revelation 20 in response to Satanic spirituality, whose final fate is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. This also includes the Satanism and demonism clearly demonstrated by Ursula the Sea Witch.

Sermon6/9/2023 11:54 PM
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“ Cumberland Presbyterian Church: Liberal Church ”
It should be noted that the Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a very liberal denomination, especially since the Cumberland Presbyterian Church is associated with the liberal World Communion of Reformed Churches and the liberal World Council of Churches. As noted, the World Communion of Reformed Churches is closely associated with the liberal World Council of Churches. Of course, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church originated in Dickson County, Tennessee, USA on 04 February, 1810. Given that the Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a member of both the World Communion of Reformed Churches and the World Council of Churches, it means that the Cumberland Presbyterian Church is really a vehicle of popery. Worth noting Revelation 17 and Revelation 18 in response to the impending fate of liberal denominations as well as the fate of the Catholic Church. Babylon is fallen indeed.

Sermon6/8/2023 12:01 PM
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Brother Mark Reno
“ Imprecatory Psalms: Indictment Against Popery ”
There are Imprecatory Psalms of Psalms 05 (Psalms 5), Psalms 10, Psalms 17, Psalms 35, Psalms 58, Psalms 59, Psalms 69, Psalms 70, Psalms 79, Psalms 83, Psalms 109, Psalms 129, Psalms 137, and Psalms 140. Of course, these Imprecatory Psalms are indeed an indictment against popery as well as this popish monster called The World Council of Churches.

Sermon3/31/2023 11:24 PM
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Robert W. Reed
“ Ursula: Evil Hideous Satanic Demonic Sea Witch ”
It should be noted that Ursula from the Disney film called The Little Mermaid (1989) and its respective remake release for 2023 is really an evil, hideous, demonic, Satanic, sea witch. This is very obvious in her artistic design with an obese woman for an upper body and octopus tentacles for a lower body. Of course, Deuteronomy 18:10-12 also condemns witchcraft as an abomination in The Sight of The Lord. Also, Ursula had a signature villain song called 'Poor Unfortunate Souls', which denotes her evil ways of demonism and witchcraft. As noted, the Ursula character represents a demonic abomination combining cephalopod-like features with Satanic witchcraft.

Sermon3/20/2023 10:41 PM
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“ Hindudharma: Satanic Religion ”
One of Satan's most well-known religions is known as Hindudharma (Hindūdharma हिन्दूधर्म), which is a source of spiritual darkness. We know that according to Isaiah 8:20, there is no light residing in people associated with Satanic false religions, including Satan's Hindudharma. Also, the strange looking Hindu gods are Satanic as well, given their appearance mixing human and animal as well as having multiple arms and faces. A podcast like this is need in response to this Satan worship called Hindudharma, which has tragic influence over most people in India.

Sermon3/10/2023 5:23 PM
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“ Liberalism's War on Christian Monarchy ”
It should be noted that the Enlightenment with its Masonic revolutions like the American Revolution turned America into a safe haven for liberalism. As the Masonic American revolutionaries sought to overthrow Christian Monarchy during the 18th Century, so today's liberals are seeking to do the same. One of the ways in which liberals are seeking to undo Christian Monarchy is by attacking The Biblical Tenet of Families being The Principle Building Block of Society, especially since Christian Monarchy is based on This Tenet. We also realize that Satan and the antichrist are seeking to undo The Biblical Tenet of Families being The Building Blocks of Society by promoting the liberal idea of the state as the building block of society. Of course, The Book of Revelation revealed the fate of the liberals, which is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire.

Sermon3/3/2023 2:04 PM
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Disney Ruined My Family
Kevin Swanson
“ Ursula: Hideous Demonic Sea Witch ”
It should be noted that Ursula the Sea Witch from the Disney film called The Little Mermaid (1989) and its coming remake in 2023 is a hideous demonic looking sea witch with octopus tentacles for the lower half of her body combined with that of a human female, which would have classified Ursula the Sea Witch as a type of Nephilim. Of course, we also realize that witchcraft is an abomination in The Lord's Eyes according to Deuteronomy 18:10-12. As clearly shown, Ursula the Sea Witch is a combination of the demonic and Satanic Nephilim, demons, and demonic and Satanic witchcraft, which classifies Ursula the Sea Witch as a type of abomination.

Sermon2/17/2023 2:37 PM
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“ NRA: Secular Humanistic Right Wing Club ”
It should be noted that the NRA is really a secular humanistic right wing club. It is also known that the NRA has a blacklist of people and organizations of whom they deem as "anti-gun", but this blacklist of people and organizations also lists Old-Fashioned Bible-Believing Churches there as well, given their message of being Righteous Peacemakers. We know that The NRA has nothing to do with The Kingdom of Heaven at all, but with the desire to establish a secular humanistic right wing empire dictated by a secular humanistic right wing emperor, which is really an attempt to continue the Roman Empire, which was no friend of Christianity. As Roman Emperor Nero blacklisted Christians and their churches, so the NRA blacklists Biblical Churches under their "anti-gun" organizations.

Sermon2/12/2023 1:44 AM
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“ Republic: Secular Humanistic Government ”
Given that a republic is a form of government in which supreme power rests in the people and their elected representatives, it is very clear that a republic, like a democracy, is clearly a secular humanistic government. Of course, the humanistic Enlightenment thinkers desired to revive the secular Roman Republic (509 BC–27 BC). A podcast like this is needed as a plea for the people of the Earth to return to a Biblical Monarchy and reject the secular humanistic ways of democracy and republicanism. It is also a plea for people to renounce the Masonic ways of "liberty", which like the secular humanistic ways of democracy and republicanism, are really rooted in a rejection of Biblical Monarchy.

Sermon2/11/2023 11:51 PM
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The New Jerusalem Pt I
W. J. Mencarow
“ New Jerusalem: Eternal Utopia ”
Based on reading Revelation 21 and Revelation 22, we realize that The New Jerusalem will be an eternal utopia. As we know, a utopia refers to a location of 100% harmony and perfection. Originally, the Garden of Eden denoted in The Book of Genesis was a physical paradise on Earth, but when Adam and Eva introduced sin into the world in Genesis 3, that physical paradise on Earth was tragically lost. One day, we will have Eternal Paradise in The New Jerusalem, but it will only be for born again believers. As The Lord created everything as good back in Genesis, so He will make everything good again in The New Heaven and The New Earth, including The New Jerusalem.

Sermon2/11/2023 1:06 AM
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“ Hypotassō Vs. Antitassō ”
In Romans 13, the word 'subject', as in being a subject to The King, is translated from the Greek word hypotassō (ὑποτάσσω). The antonym word 'resisteth' is translated from the Greek word antitassō (ἀντιτάσσω). This podcast is a plea to be subject to The King of Kings and all Godly Kings, who are a terror to the evil Satanically-inspired rebels, including those Satanically-inspired Masonic revolutionaries called the American revolutionaries.

Sermon2/10/2023 3:49 PM
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“ Satan: The First Revolutionary ”
As we know, Satan was the first revolutionary as denoted in Isaiah 14, particularly Isaiah 14:12-15. Of course, the price for his revolution is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire like noted in Revelation 20, particularly Revelation 20:10. It is tragic how Satan used the Enlightenment and its major revolutions like the American Revolution and the French Revolution to spread Freemasonry. Yet, as stated earlier, The Lake of Fire will be the final place of eternal torment for Satan, all the fallen angels, the Beast, the False Prophet, and all lost sinners, including the Freemasons and their association of Masonic revolutionaries. As Satan and his fallen angels rebelled against The King of Kings, so the Masonic revolutionaries during the Enlightenment rebelled against Godly Christian Monarchs. A podcast like this is also a plea to return to The Old Ways of Biblical Monarchism and to renounce the revolutionary ideals of Masonic "liberty".

Sermon2/5/2023 8:51 PM
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The King of POP Is Dead
Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D.Hum.
“ Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley in Hell ”
It should be noted that Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley both died in their sins and are now tormented in Hell. As the prestigious rich man in Luke 16 died and entered torment in Hell, so also did Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley. One day, all of the rock musicians like Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley will be judged at The Great White Throne and be cast into The Lake of Fire for all eternity. Worth noting Revelation 20, especially Revelation 20:11-15 in response to this Satanically inspired rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit called rock music. Never again will rock musicians enjoy the pleasures of sin once they are forever cast into eternal torment in The Lake of Fire.

Sermon2/5/2023 8:45 PM
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The King of POP Is Dead
Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D.Hum.
“ Rock Music: A Futile Vanity ”
It is worth noting Luke 16:1-31, Matthew 16:24-28, Mark 8:34-38, Luke 9:23-27, and 1 John 2:15-17 in response to this futile vanity called rock music.

Sermon2/5/2023 8:44 PM
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“ The Futility of Athletic Prestige ”
It is worth noting Luke 16:1-31, Matthew 16:24-28, Mark 8:34-38, Luke 9:23-27, and 1 John 2:15-17 in response to this futile pursuit which is known as athletic prestige. A sermon like this shows that pro sports is of the world, thus representing the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Also, The Book of Ecclesiastes written by King Solomon also shows the futility of the temporal worldly life compared to The Free Gift of Eternal Salvation offered by Faith in Jesus Christ.

Sermon2/3/2023 3:10 PM
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“ Appalachian Masonic Hillbillies ”
As we know about Appalachia, and the American South as a whole, it should be noted that Appalachian hillbilly culture is really Freemasonry. This is not a surprise since various varieties of Freemasonry originated in the American South as well as hillbilly country. This podcast is much needed in response to hillbilly pride, which is really Freemasonry.

Sermon1/30/2023 12:08 AM
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The King of POP Is Dead
Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D.Hum.
“ The Fall of Lisa Marie Presley ”
As Michael Jackson (29 August 29, 1958 – 25 June, 2009) died at the age of 50 from cardiac arrest on 25 June, 2009, so also did Lisa Marie Presley (01 February, 1968 – 12 January, 2023) died at the age of 54 on 12 January, 2023 from cardiac arrest. This sermon is much needed in response to the death of Lisa Marie Presley.
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