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Sermon2/24/11 11:24 PM
Rob | Spring, TX  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Solid teaching that is so important to be listened to by father of both sons and daughters: providing wisdom in terms of what a daughter should look for in a Christian man, and guidance for sons in what they need to be as fathers. Powerful teaching and so important for this day and age.

News Item1/15/11 1:47 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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You certainly do speak from experience, but I am afraid you also speak from great ignorance. Are you really putting the words of a 16th century translation over and above the GK text? (from which it was translated)

If so, as I said earlier this is not only superstition but idolatry!

I have shown very clearly, clearly enough for any lay person to understand, that there are errors in the kjv, even deviations from the TR itself. If you continue to live in the dark, and take pride in such ignorance, then I am afraid you simply are unteachable.

Please sermon audio users, do not fall into this Romish superstition, the arguments used to defend kjvo are just like the traditional papist argument for the Vulgate.

Turn away from this error, use the kjv if you like, but do not pass the traditions of men off for the commandments of God.

Having Just seen nowchildren's comment, I am rebuked and humbled, this will be my last post, Good night!


News Item1/15/11 9:48 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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It is quite evident that the translators of the kjv would not agree with the arguments advanced for the King James-only position. They certainly did not believe that their version was the final authority for the English speaking world. They viewed their work as simply a continuation of the process of revision of English Bibles, not “to make of a bad one a good one;…but to make a good one better, or out of many good ones one principal good one.” While it is generally accepted that the kjv was superior to all previous English versions, there is no reason to believe that the kjv cannot be improved upon after almost 400 years. As the translators themselves say, there is “no cause therefore why the word translated should be…forbidden to be current.”

News Item1/15/11 7:21 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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What you have written has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that there are errors in the kjv, as I said NO GK MSS!

Also there were also Heretics in all parts of the 'Christian World' in fact one of the greatest defenders of the Christian faith in the earliest centuries was Athanasius can I ask you where was he from?

There is simply no evidence that the earliest manuscripts we have were tampered with by Heretics, the fact that they agree 100% doctrinally (No variant changes any point of doctrine) with other MMS found elsewhere, would suggest that any such claims are unfounded.

But I guess no matter how clear the evidence is, like the Romanist, those who are blinded by superstition, simply refuse to see!

News Item1/15/11 5:34 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Dear TS,

With regards Rev 17:8 not one single GK MSS (including those used for the TR!) has the words and yet is, NOT ONE!

This is clearly an error in transmission, now for you to suggest that we should cleave to 'and yet it is' just because it is in the kjv, is superstition of the worst kind.

You show by this you have more regard for a 17th cent translation than you do for God Himself.

To keep throwing up W&H is simply disengenous, this mistake clearly happened 200yrs before they were born.


Nothing to do with 'newly found' MSS the phrase is missing from every MSS, do you get that?

Again this includes the MSS used by Tyndale and the like.

Please leave off this idolatry and superstition. Cleaving to the kjv does not make you anymore holy, or reverent, or reformed. I know many think using it and defending it makes them, an elite breed of super Christians, but surely God hates that attitude.

If you prefer the kjv fine use it, but do not force this translation on anyone else it clearly contains errors, and only those who are willfully deceived would try to deny this!

I pray you will take this rebuke in Christian love!

News Item1/14/11 11:20 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Yes Neil you are of course right!

In the OT it is universally agreed, even by kjv-only advocates, that The kjv was based on the Second Bomberg Edition of 1525 edited by Jacob ben Chayyim. However, on occasion the translators did not follow the Hebrew/Aramaic text before them. For instance, in Isaiah 13:15 the kjv reads “joined” (“every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword”). There is no support for this reading in any Hebrew manuscript, text, ancient version, or rabbinic tradition. Instead, the correct reading is “captured” (“anyone who is captured will fall by the sword,” nasb). Possibly, the kjv translators misread one Hebrew letter for another, mistaking the word sāpāh (סָפָה, “capture,” for sāpa סָפַח, “join.” Whatever the case, the reading of the kjv is not the reading of the autographs and is thus an indisputable error.

News Item1/14/11 9:52 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Another problem is found in Acts 19:37, where the kjv says:

For ye have brought hither these men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.

The word translated “robbers of churches” should be “robbers of temples.” The Greek word, which is found in all manuscripts and all editions of the TR, describes someone who robs temples ἱερόσυλος not churches. In the context of Acts 19, Paul and his companions at Ephesus find themselves in the midst of a riot instigated by Demetrius (v. 24) and his fellow silvermiths, who are upset that Paul’s preaching against idolatry will diminish their profits from the “silver shrines for Diana” (v. 24) they sell for a living. In trying to quiet the riot, the “townclerk” (v. 35) argues that Demetrius and his friends have no basis for the commotion they are causing since the two Christians they have detained, Gaius and Aristarchus (v. 29), are “neither robbers of churches, nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.” The townclerk’s point is that these men must be released since they have obviously not robbed the temple of Diana; besides, there were no church buildings to rob in Ephesus. “Robbers of churches” is simply an erroneous translation

News Item1/14/11 8:11 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Dear Joe,

The reason for my attitude is not that I dislike the kjv or its translators, I do however dislike, superstition and Idolatry. Many who would impose the kjv upon everyone, are either ignorant of the facts or are knowingly trying to mislead people. Therefore as a servant of Christ who was truth incarnate, it is incumbent upon me to confront and expose such error. Again my beef is not with the kjv or its translators, but the dictators and tyrants who try to uni-formally impose it upon God's church.


Soli Deo Gloria!

'Our relationship with Jesus Christ is not based upon a particular Bible translation. Men and women had fine Christian lives for fifteen hundred years before the kjv came on the scene. Obviously one can live such a life without ever opening a kjv Bible.'

News Item1/14/11 6:19 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Probably the most indisputable translation error in the kjv is found Hebrews 10:23,

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)

The phrase “profession of our faith” should be “profession of our hope.” Everyone concedes that the actual Greek word is hope (ἐλπίς, not faith πίστις hope is found in all manuscripts and all editions of the TR. Hope and faith are two entirely different words, so one cannot sincerely argue that the translators simply decided on “faith” as the correct translation at this point. Besides, the Greek word for hope ἐλπίς is used 52 others times in the NT and in every case the translators of the kjv rendered it “hope,” not “faith.” How this error slipped past the translators is unclear; nevertheless, it is an indisputable error in the kjv.

ps when I said Neil in my last post I meant Alan, sorry!

News Item1/14/11 4:37 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Yes of course I have the word of God, like the kjv translators I believe the word of God is contained even in the meanest translation.

I do not use the NIV (Although it is a very good version)my preferred version is the ESV.

Neil I have proven modern translations to be better, as they do not make the mistakes mentioned in the kjv!

'The record for whose inspiration we contend is the original record—the autographs or parchments of Moses, David, Daniel, Matthew, Paul or Peter, as the case may be, and not any particular translation or translations of them whatever. There is no translation absolutely without error, nor could there be, considering the infirmities of human copyists, unless God were pleased to perform a perpetual miracle to secure it.'

“The Inspiration of the Bible,” in The Fundamentals: A Testimony to the Truth.

News Item1/13/11 4:23 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Wow if that is the height of the argument for the kjv then I am afraid it is no wonder it is vanishing from our churches.

The comparison is being made with all extant GK MSS!

It may surprise you to know that they have been around 1000yrs before the much maligned W&H.

It may also surprise you to know that the kjv was an Anglican version.

But from your last post, it seems it wouldn't take much to surprise you!

News Item1/13/11 2:27 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Revelation 17:8 the kjv reads:

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

The final words in the verse, “and yet is,” should actually read “and shall come”—”the beast that was, and is not, and shall come.” No Greek manuscript reads “and yet is”; all have “and shall come.” This error, and a few others, derive from the circumstances surrounding the production of Eramsus’ Greek NT (1516). For the book of Revelation, Erasmus had
access to only one manuscript (1r). However, this was not really a separate manuscript of the text of Revelation but was actually imbedded in a commentary on Revelation by Andreas of Caesarea. As such it was difficult for the printer to read the text itself, so Erasmus had a fresh copy of the text made. The copyist himself misread the original at places, and thus a number of errors were introduced into Erasmus’ printed text. In Rev 17:8 the copyist mistakenly wrote καίπερ ἔστιν (“and yet is”) instead of καὶ

News Item1/13/11 1:29 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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That is a poor defense and no that is not my only problem with kjv:

Another textual error is found in Acts 9:6, where the kjv reads:

And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

The words “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him” τρέμων τε καὶ θαμβῶν εἶπε, κύριε, τί με θέλεις ποιῆσαι…καὶ ὁ κύριος πρὸς αὐτόν are not found in any Greek manuscript. They are found in the kjv because they were inserted by Erasmus into his Greek NT (1516), which became the basis for future editions of the TR like the one used by translators of the kjv. Erasmus frankly admitted that he took the words from the parallel passage in Acts 26:14 and inserted them at this point in the Greek text. He did so because they a

News Item1/13/11 12:13 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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1611 kjv reads 1 John 5:12 'he that hath not the Son, hath not life'

Modern kjv reads 'he that hath not the Son of God hath not life'

1611 kjv reads 1 Tim 1:4 'rather than edifying'

modern kjv reads 'rather than godly edifying'

There are many more variants between 1611 and the modern kjv my question is which one is the true rendering of the GK text?

Even present editions of the kjv still contain what is apparently an original printing error that was never corrected. In Matthew 23:24 the kjv reads:

Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

Instead of “strain at a gnat” the correct reading is “strain out a gnat.” There is no textual problem here; all manuscripts and all editions of the TR have the Greek word for “strain out” διῢλίζοντες, which means “strain” or “filter out.” All English versions before the KJV had “strain out” or a synonymous expression. There is a vast difference in meaning between “to strain at” something and “to strain out” something. This error in the kjv has never been corrected.

News Item1/13/11 11:38 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Revelation 16:5, where the kjv reads:

And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.

The words “shalt be,” should actually read “holy one”—”Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, the holy one….” This error came into the kjv because, the translators mainly used Beza’s Greek NT (1598). Beza simply speculated (guessed), without any evidence whatsoever, that the correct reading was “shall be” (ἐσόμενοS instead of “holy one” (ὅσιοS All previous editions of the TR (i.e., Erasmus, Stephanus) and all previous English Bibles (i.e., Wycliffe, Tyndale, Coverdale, Matthew’s Bible, Great Bible, Geneva Bible, Bishops’ Bible) read “holy one” (ὅσιοS There is no manuscript evidence whatsoever for the kjv’s “shalt be.” It is an indisputable error.

Sermon12/28/10 9:17 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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Answering Big Questions About the...
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
Bless God for faithful ministers such as john macarthur

News Item12/10/10 3:04 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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I am in my final year of my Theology degree, so the rise will not affect me, and to be honest this rise will probably weed out a lot of wasters wanting to go away and party for three years gratis!

News Item12/10/10 1:55 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Yes Cliff, they are bitting the hand that feeds them!

Sermon12/8/10 4:22 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Great ! ”
this is really helpful stuff, the church really needs this kind of equipping in these days, and yes, even if we have not experienced these kind of addictions can have a mighty impact if they can get the kind of understanding these messages give, i will definately be refering to this in the future

News Item11/26/10 3:29 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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The information you have provided is simply the opposite of what is really happening in the world today. Can you see beyond your own front gate?

80million Christians in China

More Presbyterians in South Korea than in USA!

Why do you continue to trot this nonsense out?

I have had enough of this ignorance, please stop wasting you life with this tomfoolery!

Stop imposing this traditional legalism upon the conscience of The people of God!

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