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News Item12/14/15 5:50 AM
Christian  Find all comments by Christian
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B. McCausland wrote:
There is no harm in presenting the detracting side of a particular with the aim of stirring up better understanding in others.
We should aim for ‘the unity of faith in the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ’ Ep 4:13 and for this principle only, it can be expected that "beloved, we are persuaded better things of you" Heb 6:9
I agree wholeheartedly. Though I have found that some believers have an elitist attitude and superiority complex regarding the celebration of Christmas, Easter and other side issues that they themselves find unacceptable. I find such condescending attitudes to others grieving most especially because I sometimes detect such an attitude in my own heart. May God give us the wisdom needed to refrain from needless frivolities yet at the same time understand that some others, including some godly, Christlike believers may never agree with us on the issue.

God bless and thank you for your comment

News Item12/14/15 4:05 AM
Christian  Find all comments by Christian
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I don't celebrate Christmas. I hate the commercialism of the whole holiday. However, it doesn't bother me if other believers choose to keep it in some way or other. I don't measure a persons walk with God based on what they do and don't celebrate.
If we are to be consistent then we would need to quit wearing wedding rings, eating cake and celebrating birthdays, to name just a few modern practises originating in paganism.

Let each one be convinced in his own heart about the matter.
God bless.

News Item12/10/15 6:42 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@ Legacy Seed: Why are you accusing me of adding to God's Word? What is your standard? A translation that was written over a millennium and a half after the canon was closed? I trust the translational integrity of the scores of Greek scholars on dozens of translation committees who have determined that the most accurate translation is "one man." It's not a paraphrase. It's a translation from Greek to English. It may not be word for word, but accurate translation rarely is -- even in the KJV, I'm afraid.

Only the dishonest (and those fraught with the fear of man and the concern to make every whim of modern science fit with the Bible) will attempt to reinterpret that passage to say that we didn't come from a real, historical Adam who was created by God to be the father of all men of all nations. Again, it is inappropriate and deceitful to say that this is what Bible translators are doing when they choose to translate "man" instead of "blood."

News Item12/10/15 6:35 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Language changes over time, as I said. And making 21st century people keep up with 17th century English (arguably, 16th century, since it was patterned after Elizabethan English), when they could easily and more effectively read a modern version faithfully translated from the original Greek, is simply ridiculous and ultimately foolish.

News Item12/10/15 6:33 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@ s c: If you'll kindly, carefully re-read my comment, you'll notice that I did not say that the KJV is incomprehensible. In fact, to say that I did is a total misrepresentation. I said that it's unreasonable to expect sixth graders today to keep up with an ever-evolving English language to the extent that they understand exactly how the language worked 400 years ago.

As I said, that's like trying to ask 17th century children to interpret an ancient book from the 1200s, expecting them to comprehend it. It's ludicrous to make that argument.

Sure, the KJV has parts that aren't too different from modern English. But then there are passages where we're told that an army "fetched a compass." What's any 6th grader today going to think of that expression? That a group of people picked up a magnetic device that displays directional angles. But that makes no sense, since compasses did not exist at that time. In fact, one might argue (with argumentation methods similar to your faulty argumentation) that a young person's faith in the inerrancy of Scripture could be faltered by such a misunderstanding. In reality, however, all that passage would be saying is that an army turned around, did a 180 degree turn. But is any average modern reader going to understand it that way? No.


News Item12/10/15 4:11 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@ Darwin Free: As if there's any difference between translations that say God made every nation of man from one "blood" and translations that say He made them from one "man." Regardless of the exact phraseology, the point remains the same: all men came from one man; racism is sin and is a baseless ideology. The KJV is not the only translation from which you could draw that truth, and to say as much is to be dishonest.

News Item12/10/15 4:05 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Language changes! What was able to be read and understood by sixth graders 400 years ago isn't what "should" be understandable to the same age group today. That's like saying the sixth graders of the 1600s should have been able to understand the English of the 1200s. That there is asinine logic.

News Item11/26/15 8:15 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Why the distraction from the focus of Thanksgiving -- giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done? Why the unnecessary list of links that no one is going to read? I understand that, yes, this day is a manmade holiday and we can and should give thanks whenever we want (similar to my thoughts on Christmas and Easter), but is it really necessary, Get Real, to, frankly, get obnoxious about your opposition when you could just go along with the spirit of gratitude to our great God?

News Item11/13/15 3:53 AM
Christian  Find all comments by Christian
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B. McCausland wrote:
2. Thank God males are coming on well about finding their right places! We only need to work at the female camp now ..

Perhaps you didn't mean it to be so but this point sounds so sanctimonious.

News Item11/12/15 4:15 PM
Christian  Find all comments by Christian
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@ John UK.

Very very rude and unnecessary insult to the female posters.

News Item11/7/15 11:34 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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I think the Bible outlawed depictions of religious figures, too -- or at least figures that depict people who are venerated. It's called the Second Commandment.

News Item11/7/15 7:19 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Why can't we just say something like, "Oh cool, a broken clock is right twice a day," rather than launching into diatribes about how terrible Mormon theology is. The vast majority of visitors here, I would have to think, already know everything you guys are saying. There's really no need to repeat it when that wasn't the focus of the article. Can't we just be somewhat glad about the positive nature of the fact that Mormonism isn't yet among those who are fully embracing sodomy?

Sermon11/6/15 3:18 PM
Christian | NYC  Find all comments by Christian
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Strange Preachers
Pastor Jason Selby
“ Though provoking ”
Thank you for highlighting these interesting preachers from the Book!

News Item11/2/15 6:13 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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It's disappointing that so many people are so ready to be outraged about something like this before looking into the facts. I don't know any certain facts, but I would say that it's very likely that this is a situation that is very much akin to the "endorsements"/donations that Chick-fil-a gives to dozens of Christian movies, merely by appearing in the credits.

Level Ground probably told Chick-fil-a that they were Christians making a movie and then asked for donated catering, in exchange for naming Chick-fil-a as one of the sponsors. Chick-fil-a likely didn't know anything about the LGBT nature of the film company and merely provided them with meals from time to time. I don't think it's edifying to jump to conclusions, let alone start a petition, when we don't know all the facts.

News Item10/27/15 2:32 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@Jim: I'm about as critical of Catholicism as the next guy, but I don't think it's fair to say that everything about it is heretical... I mean, they at least hold to all of the historical creeds of the church fathers. Obviously, in many cases, they have some different definitions behind some of the words in those creeds, but it's not like they don't get anything right at all...

News Item10/27/15 7:36 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Thanks, Jim, for the clarification. I was almost inspired to take up blood-drinking as a way of life.

News Item10/24/15 7:43 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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I think Jim's point is that the kid may have just as easily looked like he was gesturing to call himself "Number 1" or something. Since we haven't seen the gesture, all we have to go on are other people's reports of what his intentions were. So there's no real way to know what's been fabricated to make the kid look persecuted and what hasn't. Perhaps all is just as the article says it is. But we just don't know. So I think Jim is wise to withhold comment either way.

News Item10/23/15 4:46 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@B. McC: I thought it was very interesting that you claimed that the day that the early Christians met together was a day of ceasing from work. I would like to point out to you that there is no historical evidence for that claim. Up to that point in Jewish culture, the first day, Sunday, had always been a day of work. That didn't suddenly change when Christianity came about. The Christians didn't boycott work on Sunday and choose instead to work on Saturday. No, they merely met together on Sundays -- probably Sunday evenings -- and carried on with regular work that day. That's why people like Peter and Paul had the freedom to go to the synagogues on Saturdays, because that was the day that the entire society had off. Saturday remained the day of rest for a long time, with Sunday just being the day they met together, not a day of total rest.

News Item10/22/15 8:06 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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*no affirmation

In fact, there are even places in the book of Acts where Sabbaths are referenced -- and they're all the Jewish Saturday Sabbath. Paul and Peter used those days to go and witness to the Jews about Christ. But you never hear either of them telling the Jews that they've got the wrong day now and that the Sabbath has been switched to Sunday. They had every opportunity, especially since we're told that the early church began worshipping on Sundays, and yet there's no record of that given. All the evidence points to the fact that the early church had zero concept that the Sabbath had been switched at all.

News Item10/22/15 8:00 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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If you're gonna say Christ affirmed the Sabbath there, then you have to admit He affirmed only the Saturday Sabbath. Again, you'll find know affirmation of the Sabbath commandment in a context where the Sabbath is on Sunday.
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