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Survey11/21/07 8:03 PM
Just Wondering  Find all comments by Just Wondering
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Just wondering,

You aren't saying that Jesus was born spiritually the same way that a sinner is, are you? "if Jesus Christ is the first Spiritually born son of God at his resurrection" seems to indicate that you are saying just that.

If you are, then that is heresy. Jesus did not need to be spiritually born again. It was His body that was raised, as a firstfruit, not His spirit or soul. Don't you agree?

Just wondering

Survey11/21/07 5:42 PM
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JD and Yamil,

Just wondering,

I've noticed two groups that are very similar in their replies to Calvinists. They say things like, "Your view is quite intolerant", "You think you're something special", "you believe your way is the only way", That's your interpretation of the Bible", "You don't think God will save anyone but your group", etc, etc.

Do you know who the two groups are that make such comments? The unsaved and Arminians! Maybe there are more similarities than you would care to admit! Don't you agree?

Just wondering

Survey11/19/07 10:31 PM
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Just wondering,

Why are you making reference to physical death when we are discussing spiritual death? You wouldn't be trying to confuse the subject, would you?

When Adam sinned, and death came, it was spiritual death that came on that day. This is the discussion.

Adam ceased on that day to be able to respond to God in his own ability. Just look at his response when God sought him out in the garden.

Adam had died, and God had to initiate the work of reconciliation by seeking Adam and providing the blood sacrifice needed to bring restoration. It was all of God and none of Adam. Don't you agree?

Just wondering.

Survey11/19/07 10:14 PM
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Just wondering,

If death is just separation, then why the need to be born again? Why does salvation give us eternal life? Why does Rom. 6:13 speak of us being "alive from the dead"? Why do both Eph. 2:5 and Col. 2:13 state that we are "quickened(made alive)together with Christ" if it is just separation?

Just wondering.

Survey11/19/07 10:01 PM
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Just wondering,

Can you define dead for me now that it won't be a consecutive post?

Thank you.

Survey11/19/07 9:38 PM
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Just wondering,

What is your definition of dead? And please don't answer, "dead". Give something with some meat to it.

Thank you.

Survey11/19/07 9:16 PM
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Just wondering,

According to you, death must include some kind of ability if a spiritually dead person can, in and of himself, muster the strength and will to come to God.

I'm sure a physically dead person would like to be able to muster the strength and will to get his heart to beat and his lungs to breathe, but alas, he is unable. Why? He is dead!

Just like what the Bible says about the sinner! Dead, with no ability to do anything about it.

Actually, Webster's dictionary does have a definition for dead that states, "without power". A good synonymn would be "inability"! Wouldn't you agree?

Just wondering.

Survey11/19/07 9:07 PM
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Just wondering,

"What dictionary on the face of this godless universe defines "death" as" having any kind of ability to do anything? A physically dead person can do nothing physically for himself. Likewise, a spiritually dead person can do nothing spiritually for himself. Wouldn't you agree?

Just wondering.

Survey11/19/07 6:40 PM
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Just wondering what you were going to refer to these two "gentlemen" as when you began to write "slu"?

It leaves to much to the imagination, and you should really be more careful!

Survey11/5/07 7:20 PM
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Weapon, in judging Wayne M. for a divorce that happened BEFORE he was saved, are you saying that we are to hold sinners to the same standard as saints? And if you are, does that mean we are to hold it against them after they are saved, even though God has forgiven them? Were you a drunk or a drug user before you were saved? What sin should we hold over your head? Just wondering!

Survey10/31/07 3:16 PM
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"converted-forgiven-marries-Praise the Lord. BUT innocent Christian?"

Just wondered what your thoughts on this are. How does God look upon such a person? How should we as christians look upon them?

News Item8/4/07 5:33 PM
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tim if gay bishop is celibate but just thinks about sex with men is he still going to spend eternity in glory?

News Item6/26/07 3:08 PM
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"Individual repentance, one cannot be born a Christian."

I thought God elects who to save and who to damn, and that a lot of it has to do with the family you're born into. Or does God just pick people out of a hat to save?

Don't the Presbys believe their kids are all saved from birth or even before?

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