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News Item9/27/08 11:55 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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What is with the British population? Why are they converting from Christianity to the Satanic Cult of Islam? The answer is obvious. Because they are being influenced by Satan into converting from Christianity to Islam.

News Item9/27/08 11:36 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
No, they do not, John, or at least not every word in them. Some Lutherans such as myself emphasize Justification by faith alone instead of a sacramental view of redemption.
Well you may personally believe in Justification By Faith instead of a sacramental view of redemption but your Lutheran Church believes in a sacramental view of salvation along with Justification By Faith which I happen to know for a fact because I have studied the Statements Of Faith of all the branches of the Lutheran Church and every single one of them state that they believe that salvation comes from Baptism and Holy Communion and they also believe in Justification By Faith. I personally believe in Justification By Faith for salvation instead of a sacramental view of salvation but the RCC teaches a sacramental view of salvation.

News Item9/26/08 8:09 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Both Jim and John know little of Lutheran doctrine, since Lutherans confess the five solas...faith alone, grace alone, scripture alone, etc. so are not so heterodox as Jim and John would make them to be. We know the RCC is heterodox, but what about IHCC, Jim? Possibly something there is just not right or is it right enough...or is perfect and free of any error in its interpretation of the scriptures?
How many times do I have to state this before you get it? I know what the Lutheran Church teaches concerning salvation because I own Luther's Small and Large Catechisms. In the Lutheran Catechisms it states that salvation comes from Baptism and from partaking of Holy Communion. All Lutheran Churches follow the teachings in the Small and Large Catechisms.

News Item9/23/08 8:10 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Ok. And that means?????? That Lutherans have majority of Catholic doctrines? I don't think so. You still have to deal with the Lutheran(and broader Protestant) emphasis on faith alone, scripture alone and Christ alone as head of the Church. I go to a Lutheran church and hear how important faith is. Without faith, we cannot please God. Without it we are condemned no matter if baptized and partaking of communion. And if you studied Lutheran doctrine, I think you would see this..that without faith, baptism and communion are empty and of no avail. It goes back to faith...and that only, so the two are still quite different.
But all Lutheran Churches also teach that salvation comes from Baptism and through partaking of Holy Communion because all Lutheran Churches adhere to the teachings of Luther as is revealed in the Small and Large Catechisms.

News Item9/22/08 8:27 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
No, John, he did not retain most....clerical celibacy, infallibility of the pope, tradition's equality with scripture, allowing both wine and bread to be partaken in communion, praying to saints, among others. He and others before and after him taught scripture alone, Christ alone, and other important doctrines which are anathema in the Roman church. You apparently don't see a big difference between the two, but I see a particular difference and an important one, namely the primacy of scripture for protestants instead of the primacy of others' opinions and that Christ only is the only infallible head of the Church. Again there are some important differences which set Protestants apart from Catholics...again they are the primacy of Scripture and the primacy of Christ..and of course faith, grace and God's glory according to his foreknowledge, will and purpose. Protestants would do well to safeguard these and not compromise them.
Lance, the Cathoic Church here seems quite adamant to keep using Latin(the liturgical texts anyway) in the services. Why?
Luther taught that salvation comes from Baptism and Holy Communion according to his Catechisms, which I own.

News Item9/22/08 7:57 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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According to Luther's Small and Large Catechisms Luther taught that Baptism was necessary for salvation. Luther also retained in the Lutheran Church the practice of Infant Baptism. Luther also believed that the Virgin Mary remained ever virgin. Luther retained the majority of Catholic doctrines in the Lutheran Church.

News Item9/22/08 7:52 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well good that the magazine with those female pastors on the cover was pulled from the shelves because the Bible does not allow for women to become pastors.

News Item9/21/08 8:27 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Bob O. wrote:
Sarah Palin is about as much a born again Christian as George Bush is.
A real Christian woman would not plan on running off for an 8-year job 5,000 miles away when she's just had a Down's Syndrom baby.
Also - a real Christian woman would not expose her 17-year-old daughter's un-wed pregancy problem for the whole world to see.
Sarah Palin's priority is - Sarah Palin and her career. This woman is a Jezebel.
Once again too many American Christians have been snookered by the phony Christians that the Republican Party trots out.
You really are in dire need of psychological evaluation if you think that you can see into the hearts of Palin and Bush or anybody else to tell if they are really Born Again. Only Jesus has the ability to know for certain who has and has not received Him as their Savior. And if Palin is elected vice president then she, her husband and her children will move to Washington DC and thus your stupid argument that she would be leaving behind her Down Syndrom baby is stupid.

News Item9/15/08 7:53 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Sandie wrote:
I am voting for Gov. Sarah Palin. I think she is awesome.
Why is it that some "Christians" know little about God's way, the Bible and His Kingdom.
Sarah Palin is not usurping spiritual authority over any man. She's not trying to be a Pastor. She is running for VP of the U.S.
It's amazing that "Christian" men will stand by and let this country be taken over by a muslim, bent on disarming this country and destroying it.
The traditions of men ...
Psalm 31 describes a working mother who is blessed by God, not condemned.
You are correct that there is nothing in the Bible that prohibits women from serving in leadership positions in government. But some of the Fundamentalist Protestant men on here have a screw loose if they think that the Bible prohibits women from serving in leadership positions in government.

News Item9/15/08 7:48 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I think that it is stupid for any Catholic man to become a priest until priests are allowed to get married. I also think that is stupid for any Catholic woman to become a nun until nuns are allowed to get married.

News Item9/14/08 9:26 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well that is good that Palin's church is promoting the conversion of homosexuals to heterosexuals.

Survey9/13/08 9:58 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Women should not be in a position of authority in the church but there is nothing wrong with women being in a position in the government. There is nothing in the Bible that states that women are not allowed to be in positions of authority in the government.

News Item9/13/08 9:45 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
You're right, John, just because McCain isn't a member of a particular church, that doesn't mean he's a Christian, however, if he is a member of a church such as the Roman Catholic one, and preaches [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=5504151546]]]The Doctrine of Apostates[/URL], then you can be fairly certain that he isn't a Christian, unless that person plans to leave that church quickly.
Gentlemen! The www.bible.org site has a comparison site on looking at a verse in the Bible as given the Bible and then has the translators' notes from the NET bible on that verse, e.g., [URL=http://net.bible.org/verse.php?search=Matthew%206:13&book=Matthew&chapter=6&verse=13]]]Matthew 6:13[/URL], look it over.
You made a mistake when quoting what I stated about McCain. I did not state that because McCain is not a member of a church does not mean that he is a Christian. I stated that just because McCain is not a member of that Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona does not mean that he is not a Christian. Why do you state that there are no Born Again Christians in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches? Church membership is totally superfluous to salvation.

News Item9/10/08 8:51 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Moonwalker wrote:
If anyone on this site thinks that John McCain is a "Christian" you apparently do not know what constitutes Christianity!
John McCain is about as much a Christian as Satan is!
Just because McCain has not become a member of that Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona does not mean that he is not a Christian. Do you think that you are able to see into the heart of McCain or anybody else to tell if they have received Jesus as their Savior?

News Item9/7/08 8:36 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I don't blame Dobson for becoming an enthusiastic supporter of McCain because Palin is one hot and sexy doll.

News Item9/6/08 2:17 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Born Again wrote:
If Palin was a Christian the first thing she would have said when she got to the microphone was my name is Sara Palin and I am a born again Christian, washed in the Blood of the Lamb Christ Jesus. Did she do that?
And why should have Palin had stated that when she got to the microphone? No Born Again politician has ever done what you stated. James Earl Carter Jr President of the United States was Born Again and he did not state when he got to a microphone that he is Born Again.

News Item9/6/08 1:58 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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hidemi williges wrote:
One thing that I don't understand is if McCain has been going to this Church for 15 years, why isn't he a member?
Well maybe because McCain does not want to be Baptized again since his Baptism as an infant in the Episcopal Church is a valid Baptism because it was done in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit which is the formula that Jesus gaved for Baptism. Why is it that most Baptist Churches require for membership that Baptism be done? And why do most Baptist Churches require that someone who was Baptized as an infant be Baptized again in order to become a member of their Baptist Church?

News Item9/4/08 4:41 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Locke wrote:
This is the most blasphemous statement yet uttered on these boards. She can't rule consistently with Scripture because Scripture condemns her "ruling" period, unless it ruling her unruly and wayward, promiscuous and partying teenage daughters and caring for her 4-month old baby. There is not a Christian alive that will ever "support her" nor "work with her" unless they are apostates serving a false Jesus and preaching a false gospel.
We do not agree with Palin's liberal feminist values nor her attempts to legislate morality nor her nepotism nor her numerous lies (claiming to have been against the Bridge to Nowhere, only to find she was all for it until Congress said they wouldn't pay for the whole project, her daughter had "mono," etc.). While you play political games, and degrade the godly women of the Bible by comparing them with this ambitious feminist we Christians know that God has no intention of reforming the pagan, Satanic governments of this world and that the kingdom of God is the only true solution to man's woes.
Where does it state in the Bible that women are forbidden from being in leadership positions in government?

News Item9/2/08 5:42 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Locke wrote:
Then she ought to be serve the Lord Jesus Christ instead of being a useless tool to get the immoral adulterer McCain in office. She isn't responsible for Obama's election, that is God's sovereign decision. I'm sick of seeing these liberal "feminist" ideas masquerading as genuine religion.
Why do you refer to McCain as an adulterer? There is no evidence whatsover that McCain has been involved with any other woman other than his wife.

News Item8/21/08 7:47 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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enough already wrote:
John Y. - don't play dumb, winning the lottery is not of God. God wants us to depend and rely upon Him for our daily bread, not some hoax the state set up and others spend money on dreaming of riches. It is not about how much was given, it is about where the money originated from, it is 'tainted' because it is gambling. Of course, the RCC does not teach the evils of riches, so I can see why you lack discernment.
Well obviously Powell being a member of that Baptist Church is Born Again and was probably taught that gambling is wrong. But Powell obviously decided that playing the lottery is not gambling. You stated that Powell's minister had to be told how much money Powell was putting in the collection basket. Do you tell your minister how much money you put in the collection basket? I have never heard of anybody being told by their pastor that they have to state how much they are putting in the collection basket.
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