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Sermon11/24/2023 12:29 AM
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Hating the Light
Henry Sant
“ The Light: Hated By The Satanic and Demonic ”
As Yohane The Apostle spoke on in John 03, particularly John 03:19-21, they who do evil, including that of the demonic and Satanic variety, hate the light. The tragedy is that those who do demonic evil will have their part in The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Reveation 20 in response to hatred against The Light.

Sermon11/13/2023 10:42 PM
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“ Trying The Popish Marian Apparitions ”
As Johan The Apostle warned us in 01 John 04, particularly 01 John 04:01-05, we need to try the spirits, including the popish Marian apparitions, which are really demonic and Satanic beings in disguise! In The Gospel According To Mateo as outlined in Matthew 24, particularly Matthew 24:24, Yesu warned that false christs and false prophets would arise and possibly deceive even the elect. We as believers should exercise discernment so that we are not so easily bewitched by these Marian apparitions. A podcast like this literally cuts off the sucker clad squid tentacles of the Catholic Mary. As noted. Mariolatry, is one of the many squid tentacles of popery.

Sermon11/13/2023 10:27 PM
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“ Vanessa: Satanic Ursula in Disguise! ”
In the animated feature called The Little Mermaid (1989) and the live action remake in 2023 called The Little Mermaid (2023), both produced by Disney, Satanic Ursula had an attractive female disguise called Vanessa. We also realize that according to 02 Corinthians 11, particularly 02 Corinthians 11:14, the angel of light called Rushifā ルシファー is really Shetani in disguise. Note: Rushifā ルシファー is Japanese for Lucifer. The character called Vanessa from the Disney feature called The Little Mermaid clearly illustrates how Shetani, his demons, and his other demonic followers, disguise themselves with an attractive facade, but are really demonic and Satanic beings in disguise. This should also be noted regarding the Catholic Marian apparitions, who are really that slimy Satanic squid of a Satanic goddess called Asherah in disguise!

Sermon11/10/2023 10:50 PM
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“ Erroneous Gospel Song From Hercules (1997) ”
As we know, 13 June, 1997, an animated feature produced by Disney called Hercules (1997) was released. Yet, one troubling aspect of this animated feature is that not only was it rooted in pagan Greek mythology, but it also had a song erroneously referred to as "The Gospel Truth". We know for a fact that The Entire Holy Bible, including 01 Corinthians 15, as well as 01 Corinthians 15:01-14 has The Entire Gospel Truth that Yesu lived a sinlessly perfect life, died on The Cross at Golgotha, was buried, ressurrected on The Third Day, and ascended to Heaven at The Right Hand of Abafu (Ābàfù 阿爸父). Note: Abafu (Ābàfù 阿爸父) is The Chinese Name for Abba Father. Also, Hercules (1997) had demonic characters like Pain and Panic, who were the subordinates of Hades (the false Greek deity of the underworld). The Biblical Gospel is The Only Gospel Truth that there is, and it demonstrates that there is no light in Satanic paganism just like Isaiah 08, particularly Isaiah 08:20 said.

Sermon11/9/2023 12:44 AM
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“ Shetani: Kiswahili Name for Satan ”
It should be noted that Satan is known as Shetani in the language Kiswahili. However. As Revelation 20 reveals to us, Shetani shall be forever tormented in The Lake of Fire.

Sermon11/7/2023 8:33 PM
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“ Spawn (1997): Marketing Demons As Superheroes ”
Back in 1997, there was a film released on 01 August, 1997 called Spawn based on the Image Comics character created by Todd McFarlane of the same name, whose name is Albert Francis "Al" Simmons. The tragic reality was that the 90's decade, especially 1997, was a decade of liberalism. This was made evident with the 1997 film called Spawn having a demon character portrayed as a "superhero", which is a very confusing message in and of itself. We also realise that demonic and Satanic spirituality will have its part in eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 19 and Revelation 20 with regards to the fate of Satanic and demonic spirituality. The bottom line is that Satan and his demons are only villains.

Sermon10/27/2023 12:09 AM
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“ Catholic Mary: Slimy Satanic Squid ”
What the idolatrous popish religion refers to as the "Virgin Mary" is really the Satanic slimy squid known as Semiramis, a Satanic Babylonian goddess. Of course, this Satanic squid of a goddess is known as "the queen of heaven", which is strongly condemned by Jeremiah 07, particularly Jeremiah 07:18 and Jeremiah 44, particuarly Jeremiah 44:17-25. In short, the Catholic Mary and all of the Catholic "saints" are really demonic and Satanic slimy squids responsible for damning souls into Hell and The Lake of Fire. How tragic that Roman Catholics are duped into worshipping this slimy Satanic squid called Mary, which is really the Satanic goddess Semiramis.

Sermon9/28/2023 10:16 PM
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“ Impalement: The Demise of Satanic Ursula ”
In both the 1989 version and the 2023 version of The Little Mermaid, Satanic Ursula, who transformed into a giant Satanic sea monster called a Kraken, met her demise by being impaled by the bowsprit of a galleon. Well, Old-Fashioned Preaching like this is also something that would have also slain Ursula The Satanic Sea Witch in addition to a harpoon and a bowsprit of a ship. It is also tragic how children have become attracted to the Satanic Sea Witch called Ursula. Not surprisingly, Ursula is referred to as a slimy squid in the 2023 version. It is rather concise to refer to Ursula as a slimy squid because Ursula The Sea Witch has a Satanic appearance! Not only that, but Ursula The Sea Witch is 100% Satanic! This sermon is much needed in response to the marketing of Satanism, which is clearly evident in the marketing of this slimy Satanic squid named Ursula!

Sermon9/26/2023 5:11 PM
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“ A Harpoon To The Papal Giant Squid ”
It is common knowledge that the giant squid (Architeuthis dux) is one of the largest known cephalopods. Yet, the largest giant squid is the Satanic squid called the Vatican. As cephalopods have tentacles with ganglia (a mind of their own), so the Vatican has numerous sucker-clad tentacles like Mariolatry, patron saints, Mass, sacramentalism, etcetera. It is also know that harpoons are spears utilized to impale giant sea beasts, including the giant squid. This sermon is literally a harpoon to this giant squid called the Vatican. We need to denounce the damnable heresies of popery so that we do not end up being unequally yoked with this slimy squid called the Vatican. Of course, The Baptists, especially The Anabaptists, of old, hurled harpoons at the Vatican squid in the form of hard preaching. Let us not also forget that Charles Haddon Spurgeon preached hard against popery! Also, Chick Publications has Chick tracts denouncing this slimy squid called popery! These are numerous examples of harpoons aimed at impaling the slimy giant squid called popery!

Sermon9/25/2023 12:30 AM
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“ World Council of Churches: Papal Squid ”
As the Vatican is a papal squid with popish tentacles, so the World Council of Churches is also a papal squid mixed with liberalism in its popish and liberal tentacles. Worth noting Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 with regards to the fate of the papal squids called the Vatican and the World Council of Churches, which is to be cooked popish calamari in The Lake of Fire!

Sermon9/24/2023 10:45 AM
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“ Lady Gaga's Bad Romance: Promoting Vice ”
Back in 2009, particularly 19 October, 2009, a song by Lady Gaga called Bad Romance was released. Of course this song called Bad Romance promotes vice, particularly the vice of lust, which is erroneously referred to as "love". Another vice promoted by the song called Bad Romance is known as revenge, or in this case, resentment, which is the opposite of the virtue of justice and the virtue of forgiveness. The Parable of The Unmerciful (Unforgiving) Servant in Matthew 18, particularly Matthew 18:21-35 also shows how the virtue of forgiveness prevails over the vice of revenge and the vice of resentment. How unfortunate how the song called Bad Romance by Lady Gaga markets the vice of lust and the vice of revenge in a pop music song. A podcast like this is a call to demonstrate virtue instead of vice.

Sermon9/22/2023 12:51 AM
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“ Poor Unfortunate Souls: Satanic Ursula's Song ”
In the live action Disney remake film called The Little Mermaid (2023), as well as the original version from 1989, there is a villain song sung by Satanic Ursula called Poor Unfortunate Souls, which is a song about the evils of witchcraft and bargaining with the Devil. The original one from 1989 was sung by Pat Carroll (born as Patricia Ann Carroll, born on 05 May, 1927 – died 30 July, 2022), while the 2023 version was sung by Melissa McCarthy (born 26 August, 1970). It is tragic how comedy icons like the late Pat Carroll and Melissa McCarthy can perform as Ursula, an evil demonic character who is a type of Satan in every aspect, especially with her Satanic cephalopodic features. On Judgment Day, both Pat Carroll and Melissa McCarthy will be judged by Yesu (another name for Jesus) for performing as Satanic Ursula. There is nothing "humorous" about Satanic spirituality, which Ursula clearly represents. As Isaiah 08, particularly Isaiah 08:20 clearly demonstrates, there is no light in unregenerate sinners, especially those drawn to Satanic characters like Ursula, The Sea Witch of Satan.

Sermon9/21/2023 3:54 PM
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“ Peaches: Sung By A Demonic Satanic Dragon ”
A podcast like this is much needed in response to the release of The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023), which had a song called Peaches sung by the demonic Satanic dragon turtle named Bowser, who in this particular film, was portrayed by rock musician and actor, Jack Black (Thomas Jacob "Jack" Black, born 28 August, 1969). While the song called Peaches may sound like a relaxing melodic song played on piano, the very person singing said song is a demonic Satanic dragon turtle called Bowser, who is obsessed with a blonde princess named Princess Peach. Also worth noting Revelation 12, Revelation 13, Revelation 16, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 in response to the promotion of Satanism through dragons. The dragon called Satan, his demons, and the Nephilim, will one day be forever tormented and cast into The Lake of Fire, which means that there will be no dragons, demons, and half-demons (also called Nephilim) allowed in The New Jerusalem!

Sermon9/21/2023 3:29 PM
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“ Ursula: Satanic Marine Witch ”
There are numerous examples of Satanic characters in the media. One of them is the Satanic marine witch known as Ursula in the Disney film called The Little Mermaid, both the 1989 version and the 2023 version. In 2023, Disney released a live action remake of The Little Mermaid (2023). It is very simple to see why Ursula is a Satanic marine witch, given her appearance as an abominable cephalopodic humanoid. In the live action remake called The Little Mermaid (2023), Satanic Ursula had bioluminescent suckers on her tentacles combined with an evil high collar. Worth noting Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 in response to the fate of all demonic spirituality and Satanic spirituality, which is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. A podcast like this is needed in response to Satanic symbolism, especially the demonism and Satanism clearly displayed by Ursula the Satanic marine witch, who is 100% evil, demonic, and Satanic. It is clearly manifest that cephalopods are marketing demonism and Satanism, and Ursula the Satanic Sea Witch is evidence of such. A podcast like this is much needed in response to popular culture in general, especially films, both past, current, and upcoming.

Sermon9/16/2023 4:38 PM
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“ Anime and Manga: Marketing Androgyny ”
It should be noted that anime and manga are both tools for marketing androgyny, especially since many male characters in anime look like women. It also means that anime is marketing transgenderism as well. Such transgenderism is strongly condemned in Deuteronomy 22, particularly Deuteronomy 22:05, Romans 01, particularly, Romans 01:18-32, and 01 Corinthians 06, particularly 01 Corinthians 06:09-10. Also, 01 Corinthians 11, particularly 01 Corinthians 11:14, declares that even nature itself regards long hair on men as a shameful thing, since long hair on men is very effeminate. How tragic that anime and manga have marketed androgyny and effeminacy to the public with androgynous men who, in their own way, identify as women, despite their lack of human female organs and hormones. It clearly shows that anime and manga have created a generation of men who desire to be effeminate, which sadly, is occurring in East Asian nations like Japan and South Korea.

Sermon9/16/2023 4:13 PM
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“ Vanessa: Satanic Ursula in Disguise ”
In the animated feature called The Little Mermaid (1989) and the live action remake in 2023 called The Little Mermaid (2023), both produced by Disney, Satanic Ursula had an attractive female disguise called Vanessa. We also realize that according to 02 Corinthians, particularly 02 Corinthians 11:14, the angel of light is really Satan in disguise. The character called Vanessa from the Disney feature called The Little Mermaid clearly illustrates how Satan, his demons, and his other demonic followers, disguise themselves with an attractive facade, but are really demonic and Satanic beings in disguise.

Sermon9/16/2023 12:38 AM
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Disney Ruined My Family
Kevin Swanson
“ Melissa McCarthy as Satanic Ursula ”
It is rather tragic how comedy icon Melissa McCarthy (born 26 August, 1970) was cast as Satanic Ursula, the cephalopodic sea witch. This podcast related to Disney is much need in response to the Disney live action film called The Little Mermaid (2023), a remake of the 1989 Disney feature called The Little Mermaid (1989), which was released worldwide on 08 May, 2023. As stated, it is very simple to see that Ursula looks Satanic and demonic due to her appearance as a humanoid abomination with a cephalopod as the lower portion of her body. Melissa McCarthy's appearance as Satanic Ursula includes bioluminescent suckers on her cephalopodic tentacles as well as a high collar of doom and a sleeved top. It is also worth noting The Entire Book of Revelation, especially Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 in response to the promotion of Satanic spirituality, which is clearly manifest in Ursula the Satanic marine witch.

Sermon9/6/2023 1:14 PM
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“ Masonic Cumberland Presbyterian Church ”
Not only is the Cumberland Presbyterian Church a very liberal and very popish organisation, but it, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, is also a very Masonic organisation as well. Many members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church are also members of Masonic organisations like the Hillbilly Shriners and the Order of the Eastern Star. Of course, The Lake of Fire will be burning hot for all Freemasons and their Masonic organisations like the Hillbilly Shriners and the Order of the Eastern Star.

Sermon9/4/2023 1:58 PM
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“ Jack Hyles: Vice of Self-Righteousness ”
As we know, the late Jack Hyles was characterised by the vice of legalism, which is really the vice of self-righteousness. We know that self-righteousness is a vice, because it is righteous done out of selfishness. A podcast like this shows that legalism is not the virtue of justice, but the vice of self-righteousness. This vice of self-righteousness was manifest through the abuse demonstrated by Jack Hyles and his ministers at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana and Hyles-Anderson College. Of course, Romans 01 (Romans 1), particularly Romans 01:28-32 (Romans 1:28-32), shows that transgressors are worthy of death. One of the transgressions listed are slander (called backbiting), which the self-righteous like the late Jack Hyles are known for. Because of mankind's transgression, all of mankind, including the self-righteous and the depraved, are worthy of death. However, according to Romans 05 (Romans 5), especially Romans 5:8 (Romans 05:08), Adonai commends His Own Love towards transgressors by having Cristo die for them, the transgressors, by shedding His Blood at Golgotha.

Sermon9/4/2023 1:34 PM
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“ Steven Anderson: Hateful Words Baptist Church ”
The magnificent words 'faithful word' are noted Titus 01 (Titus 1), particularly Titus 01:09 (Titus 1:9) of the KJV. However, Steven Anderson (Steven Lee Anderson born 24 July, 1981) is known for his hate-filled, rage-filled personality. It is rather confusing for Mr. Steven Anderson to refer to his organisation as 'Faithul Word Baptist Church', which really should be known as Hateful Words Baptist Church, given his hateful words, especially towards the LGBT community. While the LGBT lifestyle is strongly condemned by Scripture, we are not supposed to despise LGBT people because we as Bible Believers reject their choice of lifestyle. Steven Anderson also had some of his training under the legalistic Hyles-Anderson College, which was founded by the late legalistic Jack Hyles. There needs to be more podcasts in response to the hate-filled legalism of Steven Anderson, pastor of the Hateful Words Baptist Church.
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