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News Item8/16/11 10:52 AM
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"We would be naïve and dishonest were we to say this is a Roman Catholic problem and has nothing to do with us because we have married and female priests in our church. Sin and abusive behavior know no ecclesial or other boundaries." Rt. Rev. William Persell, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, Good Friday Sermon, 2002.

[URL=http://reformation.com/]]]Protestant clergy abuse list[/URL]

News Item8/15/11 7:57 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Your argument to avoid the appearance of evil, sounds good, but if implemented into law as Prohibition was, would have made Jesus a criminal.

As God commands us to not be gluttons with food, He commands us to not be gluttons with wine. Otherwise we make the abstinence therefrom an idol.

Sermon8/11/11 8:28 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
"If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity." — Daniel Webster

News Item8/11/11 9:11 AM
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Lady_Virtue wrote:
Fornication has wrought havoc in the black community and anywhere else it exists and thrives (sadly, many churches are no exception to this). It breeds fear, mistrust, suspicion, and hatred, breaks down relations between men and women, and it devalues marriage.
Regardless of the hue of one's skin, creed or religion, fornication is powered by mass-produced contraception and fueled by antibiotics.

A culture that consumes both of these will soon fall.

News Item8/11/11 7:27 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Britaiin's rioters are young, poor, disillusioned and mentally deranged for rioting in the first place.
Where are their fathers?

With evolutionary theory taught in school, ubiquitous contraception, no-fault divorce, and abortion, perhaps this is an indication of the hopelessness associated with the modern destruction of the family.

This economic plight heaps more misery upon their heads.

News Item8/11/11 7:05 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Pluralism and freedom of religion work until one sect, according to its holy book, declares a jihad and issues fatwas against members of another. Not long thereafter the victorious sect alone receives state funding.

News Item8/10/11 4:37 PM
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“If [good preaching is] absent [in a worship service], then [praise and thus true doctrine is absent] ... Boring preachers should be fired.”

-Dr. Carl Trueman

To ensure praise and true doctrine are optimized at all worship services, wouldn't it be best for orthodox congregations to tune into universally-great expository preachers (e.g., John Piper, John MacArthur Jr. or R.C. Sproul Sr.) at every worship service?

"Boring" preachers don't have to be fired, they could be on-call for counseling, administration and other services.

News Item7/27/11 12:39 PM
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Sone wrote:
This "Vicar" has his seat of power in the papacy (Vatican) where, (along with his advisors) he continues through history to concoct and construct the alternatives to Bible truths and precepts.
This is the reason why the Reformers called the papacy "the antichrist" - because he/they are "anti" Scripture AND replace Christ with tradition, idolatry, maryolatry, saints, relics and the blasphemous mass.
This is definitively "ANTI" Christ who is the Word become flesh!!
Since you believe that Pope Benedict XVI is the "antichrist" leading his billion-member flock off of salvation's cliff into Hell: For their "good," aren't you, ultimately, an advocate for one who would destroy the Pope and St. Peter's Basilica as Anders Behring Breivik would desire of Islam in Norway?

Isn't "The Pope is that Antichrist" an ancient label ([URL=http://www.reformed.org/documents/index.html?mainframe=http://www.reformed.org/documents/westminster_conf_of_faith.html]]]WCF XXV:vi 1646[/URL]) that a modern baptized right-wing wacko fundamentalist anarchist biblicist will gladly take up to that end?

Sermon6/14/11 11:31 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Since at least the 1950s missionaries have all been going overseas to the neglect of the USA; maybe it is about time we send missionaries like this to our own country, the USA.

News Item3/24/11 5:42 PM
Anon | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Anon
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News Item3/24/11 3:16 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Of course we are commanded to get along with our fellow Christians. The operative word is "Christians." [URL=http://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/roman-catholicism/RC1105W3.htm]]]Should Roman Catholicism really be classified as a Christian religion? -- No.[/URL]
Are we suppose to be try to get along with those who aren't as long as it is possible? Yes.
How do you differentiate between Christian and non-Christian?

"Although known as gospel people, evangelicals no longer share any consensus on the Gospel's meaning."

-Eminent Evangelical Church History Professor and author, Dr Carl Trueman
The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind

Doesn't the Nicene Creed, the universal Gospel in a nutshell for over 1,600 years, remain the Gospel summary?

[Ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicene_Creed]

How could one be considered a Christian and disagree with it?

Since no Reformation creed has supplanted it, doesn't the Church who gave us the Nicene Creed, retain the Gospel?

Otherwise, what's the minimal litmus test?

News Item3/24/11 3:03 PM
Anon | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Anon
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News Item3/24/11 2:54 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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Never thought I'd see the day that Pastor Paisley would throw his political weight behind Catholic Republicans.

Perhaps C.S. Lewis was right:

“I believe that, in the present divided state of Christendom, those who are at the heart of each division are all closer to one another than those who are at the fringes."

-C. S. Lewis
11-12 of Letters to an American Lady

Jesus' high priestly prayer is coming to pass?: "May they be more perfectly one" (John 17).

News Item2/24/11 10:15 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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He who defines the word wins. Let's get back to the root meaning of the word "marriage":

MATRIMONIUM. By this word is understood the inheritance descending to a man, ex parti matris. It is but little used.
     2. Among the Romans this word was employed to signify marriage; and it was so called because this conjunction was made with the design that the wife should become a mother. Inst. 1, 9, 1

News Item2/23/11 7:47 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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If we condemn those who get abortion wrong, we'd have to condemn the SBC:

Southern Baptist Convention Resolutions on Abortion

Resolution On Abortion, adopted at the SBC convention, June 1971:

"Be it further RESOLVED, That we call upon Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother."

Thankfully the SBC repented of this.

News Item2/23/11 3:23 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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Fertility or fidelity?

If fertility isn't an issue, why are major world leaders paying cash-money for more babies?:


Married couples are designed by God to be naturally fruitful and multiply -- often exceeding a minivan's capacity. Because the Bible teaches "multiply" and showing one's children the way to Christ, don't fruitfulness and faith go hand-in-hand?

When married Christians significantly limit their fertility (e.g., count the number of family-owned maxivans in the average church's parking lot on Sunday morning -- there are probably few to none), why would anyone be surprised to hear that Islam is surpassing Christianity in numbers?

Fertility matters to God, perhaps it should also matter to us.

Sermon2/22/11 10:27 PM
Anon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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“ Excellent! 'No Biblical Grounds for Divorce' ”
Thank you Pastor Reaoch! Yes, the "exception clause" applies to the betrothal period. Yes, remarriage is only permitted after the death of a spouse otherwise an adulterous relationship occurs. As you said, "Only God can separate a marriage." If a Christian man's first wife is still living but he has civilly married another woman: (1.) Isn't he still married to his first wife in Christ? (2.) Isn't his second marriage null-and-void because their relationship is scandalous and adulterous? (3.) Mustn't he leave (civilly divorce) the 2nd woman and return (civilly marry) to the 1st or remain single?

Sermon2/22/11 9:53 PM
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It's Not About the Music
Kevin Swanson
“ Front-and-Center Performers? ”
Why should we throw reverence overboard to get front-and-center performers? Our Lord's Day worship service includes confession, prayer, kneeling, preaching, communion and one song (a capella) before going out. It wasn't primarily about the music in the Upper Room. It's not primarily about the music for us. Although hearing music is important, seeing the performers front-and-center is not regardless of genre.

News Item2/17/11 12:24 PM
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Why is Confession to a Pastor Biblical?

The main biblical support for Lutheran and Catholic practice of confession to a pastor is found in Jesus’ statement to Peter, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Mt. 16:19).

The Catholic Church states that Jesus was telling Peter, and through him the Pope, “whomever you exclude from your communion, will be excluded from communion with God; whomever you receive anew into your communion, God will welcome back into his” (Catechism, 1445).

Since Lutherans and Catholics understand Jesus' words literally, why are they in a "false" church?

For those sins committed against another who you can't locate or who has died, how do you *deliberately* confess them to God? Perhaps many Evangelicals, for example, try to confess them as they drift off to sleep at night.

Because Heaven and Hell weigh in the balance, perhaps Jesus desired us to be more deliberate with confession and absolution.

Therefore, perhaps deliberate and regular confession to a pastor (not just via a phone/txt) is a good, biblical and safe idea.

News Item2/17/11 9:13 AM
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Why Was SB0136 Dropped?

Researcher and author, Dr. Eric Kaufmann, a secular liberal scholar of politics at the University of London, has written the following soon-to-be-released significant book: “Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?”

Which religions will survive?:
(1.) Old Order Amish,
(2.) Quiverfull Evangelical Movement,
(3.) Traditional Latin Mass Catholics,
(4.) American Mormons,
(5.) Hasidic Jews and
(6.) Muslims.

In the final analysis, which of these religions were protesting in Springfield, IL? Don't most homeschoolers have the courage to obey God, be fruitful and multiply? Isn't this why they were able to marshal 4,000 on a Tuesday morning?

Aren't there blessings when one obeys Christ?

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