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Survey2/27/09 5:02 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Bob wrote:
I said law.I hope the small numbers is not proof that it is the big issue to face the church!
Amen Bob..I said law too then thought liberalism is connected to law some for me its one of the same if you tale a low veiw of law of the spirit then all you have is liberalism.

Survey2/26/09 4:53 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Derrick wrote:
Yeah, you can use an ipod for sermons. I have an ipod touch that I use.
thx derrick for the info I end up getting one and got a suprise when i took it home and the girl sold me a 16G instead of a 8, then when I rang her to say what I should do she just replyed enjoy. Now I can listen to sermons in bed and wake up without my old balky walkman sticking into my ribs.

News Item2/22/09 2:31 AM
Wake up | ..  Find all comments by Wake up
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Great work S.A ..Praise God for His continued mercies on us all and "free" (freely we receive freely give!) sermons and material for all to hear and share!

Survey2/9/09 6:40 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Hi everyone new to these gagets whats the difference between a ipod and an mp3 player can I load sermons from sermon audio on a ipod? Thx

News Item2/6/09 6:08 PM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Amen KK!

Yes God is in control thats a fact!
But is it for good or evil?

For the true Born again believer it is but to the not true its not the question remains are we all so proud just because we go to church read our bibles have a solid confession of faith (form of godlyness) are we not Noahs generation that Jesus talked about where only 9 souls saved on the whole planet. Where The Lord Jesus said will He find (Faith) when He returns? The luke warm era . You need the whole bible robert I dont think the artical is about money but principle of christian targetted again - Moses call to president Pharoah let my people go from the tyrany of the outrite criminal robery that is going on in your country and mine . We cannot hide behind Justification by faith alone anymore and think that, what being a christian is all about and when The Lord returns He will ask us who well we know lurthers doctrine.
We are all in a bad state the inaction -the real Jesus and Holy Spirit living in the believer. What did Jesus say to the religious leaders what did the prophets say.
We need sound preaching not dead orthodxy. We need revival desperatly!Ge 26:18 And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them a

News Item1/30/09 1:10 AM
wake up | ..  Find all comments by wake up
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Neil wrote:
Some claim David & Jonathan were lovers, but these folks are reading modern prejudices about male relationships into the text.
Another factoid: Herodotus attributed Greek pederasty to the Persians.
Neil love reading your comments but this one is spew material not even worth mentioning, if you read that some where thow it out.

Survey1/28/09 4:15 AM
Wake up | ...  Find all comments by Wake up
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Clyde wrote:
Rom 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
(James 2:21-22)

Hmm... not quite as easy a topic as some make it seem.

Amen to that! I just love the hoop jumping most make to get around the james passage like luther,but ne was strong on sanctification I give him that.
Then they have to deal with hab 2.4, heb 10. 38..

News Item1/25/09 4:21 PM
wake up | ..  Find all comments by wake up
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No doubt the emerging church is anti-Christian, [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=914071040162]]]The Relentless Resistance to Revelation[/URL] and [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?currSection=sermonssource&sermonID=11907101328]]]Satan's Counterfeiting of Christianity[/URL], but it surprising to see a Calvinist think that any person that is predestined to be saved can be lost. [URL=http://www.ihcc.org/images/booklets/pdf/L105.pdf]]]Election: Whose Choice?[/URL]
all emerging churches are arminian because its their choice.

News Item1/25/09 3:39 PM
Wake up | ..  Find all comments by Wake up
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Bob Vincent wrote:
We should not forget what made this possible: http://www.rbvincent.com/godsandmadness.htm .
Bob is that link still current?

Obama waisted no time in the agenda that it is desighed for. No more sound preaching on the subject.
The last of the preaching soliders are about to round up.
Because of our wickedness God has given us kings that hate God
Lord Help us to get rid of all our Idles and throw them in the street out of our homes both earthy and heavenly In Our Lord Jesus Christ name Amen.

Come Lord Jesus, come!

News Item1/25/09 3:21 PM
Wake up | ..  Find all comments by Wake up
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Vogue wrote:
, He will govern from the Center for the most part.
Most Part? Most part? is that what your praying for?
Pray he will get Saved really saved!

News Item1/24/09 5:12 PM
Wake up | Zion  Find all comments by Wake up
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Mike wrote:
Opposition is not hate. That's the same nonsense the homosexual "community" tries to use when any opposition to their "lifestyle" promotion comes up.
How do you like his governing from the center so far? His executive order that will require US taxpayers to fund abortions performed out of the country, for instance. Nice centrist effort there, huh Vogue?
Dito! Amen to that Jim.

Blind, blind, blind'
You dont have presidents anymore. Obamas is bush 11th cousin. Oh its a coincidence.

News Item1/23/09 2:50 AM
Wake up | Zion  Find all comments by Wake up
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savedbygrace wrote:
"The others? Excused."
Exactly, because our media is far-left and the people are duped(as the world)because we are dumbed-down today in comparison to the past and the daily newspaper is their only or main vehicle of information.
Democratic Party(the Reps. are corrupt also)
Hypocritically they put

Media are far left because they are owned and driven by A secret society.
And polltical partys are from the same group of people.
You can tell if he going to be a good president by if he gets sh0t its been a long time since you had a good president!
Get rid of your (T.V) Idles. I will set no wicked thing befoe mine eyes!

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