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News Item12/20/10 12:41 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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"a philosophy called creationism"

Here I thought it was just being a Bible Believer.

It's not a New Philosophy, it's been around for a while.

News Item12/18/10 9:42 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Obviously the term Evangelical has changed quite a bit. Or the people who were interviewed were not really Evangelical.

Either way, it's clear that the sentiments of many church goers are unbiblical. Not too many years ago to Comprimise was considered a bad thing or cowardly. Today, it's considered one of the highest virtues.

Thank the Lord there will always be a remnant though who will follow the Lord whethersoever he goeth.

News Item12/17/10 10:53 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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We are a small church, but God has been gracious to us thus far in this respect.

Sermon12/17/10 10:45 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Revival On The Isle Of Lewis
Rev. Duncan Campbell
“ Wonderfuly Convicting ! ”
We are going on a second generation of those who have never even heard of things like this, much less that have experienced that wonderful power of God that brings the spirit of prayer and holiness. Lord, raise up those who will learn from these revivals, and cry out to God for it again.

News Item12/16/10 8:18 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Bob; Glad your study went well. The pastor doesn't know how blessed he is to have a group of people who want to have an In Depth bible study.

If he felt the subject matter was going to be difficult, he should have attended to oversee and guide through the difficulties.

God Bless.

News Item12/11/10 8:02 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Sea P. wrote:
Actually I live in New Hampshire and while I was organizing books for my class fundraiser some of the English teachers where talking about this and they said it had something to do with portraying Christians as bad.
But truthfully it's saying things against Christ, not Christians.
As much as ye have done it to the one of least of these, ye have done it unto me. Mt 25:40 Chritians and Christ are so united that if something happens to them, Christ is offended, and vice versa.

If someone attacked the charachter of a beloved Parent, no one would say "Don't worry about it, they were not attacking the children, only the parent". The faithful child would be offended that their parent was slandered.

News Item12/6/10 5:40 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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I knew nothing of this Wikileaks or Julian Assange until this story broke. From what I was able to glean from the net, this guy is in league with Amnisty International and other left leaning causes. Maybee we have another "Julian the Apostate"

News Item12/5/10 1:35 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I think their silence on May 22 will speak for itself. Maybee they will try to move it to October, that's what these groups historically do.

News Item11/27/10 11:47 AM
Rick | Alabama  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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Preventing faithlessness in marriage involves more than deleting a Facebook account,

Agreed. But doensn't all of this reaction sound like christians are trying too hard to protect their new idol of technology. Seems like if you even suggest that the use of cell phones texting, computers, and ect. should be moderated by biblical principles, that people start getting nervous. They immediatly start crying "Legalism" and state how all thechnology belongs to God anyway.

It seems to me that from the T.V to the Texting, that most people are guarding it so closly, and making sure nobody says anything negative about the use of it, because, just like the drug addict, they want to protect whatever they have made an idol of, or are addicted to.
Yes ultimatly all technology belongs to God, just as all material substance belongs to Him, yet the use and misuse of it is something to be avioded. After hurricane Katrina we lost everything, and when we were rebuilding we did not get another T.V. When the people at church heard about it, they wnated us to huury and get another one; quicky and quietly, lest anyone thought we were weird. Eventually we did. But we were fine without it, and we didn't die. We actually talked to one another more, and read more-Real Books printed on Paper.

News Item11/24/10 3:49 PM
Rick | Alabama  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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I remember that is was in the early part of this decade that I heard a young pastor of a large church say that he had never even read the King James Bible. I was absolutly astonished seeing that the church had historicaly been conservative with a fundamental approach.

He did go on to say that since he had inheretid the library of a former pastor, that he would read that pastors King James Study Bible. I was also pleased when he gave me John Gill's Body of Divinity from that library. Maybee he kept some Gill himself. If he read it and the King James Study Bible he might have ended up with quite a bit more depth in his sermons.

News Item11/24/10 2:06 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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News Item11/23/10 9:46 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Two things the article doen't mention: (1) What Translation Philosophy are they using? (thought for thought, or word for word)
(2) What Text are they translating from?
Although I think I already know the answer to both questions.

News Item11/22/10 11:08 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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But the Word of God is not bound. Let's pray that God continues to use and protect this pastor and all who proclain Chrict as the only way.

Sermon11/19/10 10:59 PM
Rick  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Martin is as rich and thorough in his Parting Words sermons as he is in all of his teachings. In this sermon he amdmonishes his congregation to hold fast to the biblical standards of church order. Even though he is gone as pastor from Trinity Bapt.we can still enjoy his teachings through this resource.

News Item11/18/10 3:14 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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It's a shame that the SBC doesn't even know it's own history. The founders of the SBC were Calvinist. Check out founders.org

News Item11/15/10 3:33 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
I went to our local college theatre last night to listen to him, it was a lecture called: "Why I am not an atheist." During Q&A someone asked to the effect of creation and I wasn't satisfied with the answer, so I went to talk to him after.
Mr. Bannister believes in a long earth creation and not in the literal six days. He also leans more towards the gap theory.
But he did say that Ravi Zacharias himself, is a young earth creationist. So, I was surprised that Bannister did not seem to see creation, as a vital component in his arguments against atheism. Further, that he didn't share the same views on creation as Ravi Zacharias.
Wow. I didn't know that about Bannister. That issue does go to how we view scripture. I'm glad Zacharias is still on track though. Thanks for the info.

News Item11/15/10 10:02 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
Has anyone else gone to a talk by this apologist? I would like to hear your view if you please?
[URL=http://www.rzim.org/aboutus/tabid/464/default.aspx?itemid=52]]]Andy Bannister[/URL]
I have not, but if he is associated with Ravi Zacharias he will probably be very solid.

News Item11/14/10 1:14 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Street-Preacher wrote:
I've Been In A Predicament Where Street-Preaching Almost Turned Into A Public Riot.
Same thing happened to us in Mobile Alabama in the 70s. We would stand on a platform in the square, and gays and athiest would try to pull us down. We wern't even preaching on Issues, we were preaching Salvation through Christ.

The good news is that many people got saved and bore fruit that remains.

News Item11/3/10 3:09 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Neil wrote:
Notice the shallow appeal to civic "reputation" & vague spirituality, rather than to Scripture.
So if "spirituality" really matters, then why aren't these pious clergymen instead protesting that the restaurants are open at all that day?
My guess from observation: church people like restaurants open for Sunday lunch (thus making it difficult for employees to attend services).
Very good observation Neil.

News Item10/31/10 10:26 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Amen! We are showing the film "Luther" for our night service. A few Mo. ago we went through the History of the Reformation on Sun. Nights.

I pray that Pastors who find that their churches are into Helloween, will be able to steer those churches into the truth. The churches in the Midwest and the South have allowed and embraced the cultural aspect of Halloween for so long, that Pastors are viewed as Fanatical when they try to educate their people about it.

It is Reformation day for us, Not Halloween, or even All Saints day.

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