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News Item11/30/07 5:43 PM
Just Wondering  Find all comments by Just Wondering
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R. K.,

Just wondering,

You said, "I believe we are in the millenium now." If we are in the Millenium now, why doesn't it line up with what the Bible has to say about this time period? You know, "beating their swords into plowshares", and "the wolf shall lay down with the lamb". In the Millenial kingdom, sickness will be healed immediately and justice will be just and swift because Jesus will be reigning from the throne of His ancestor, David. Don't you agree?

Just wondering

Survey11/28/07 11:27 PM
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jago wrote:
Do you really see God up there biting his fingernails and wondering if anyone will accept his magnificient offer?
What does God having compassion on sinners have to do with him biting his nails?

Are you trying to state that the only way God can have compassion is if he bites his nails or is it another one of those strawman arguments?

Just wondering

Survey11/28/07 5:15 PM
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Michael Hranek,

Just wondering,

If you will read Discerning Believers' post again, you will notice that the one "on his knees crying, begging and pleading for someone to let him save them" is the god of the Arminian, not a truly repentant sinner.

An accurate picture was given in that post of what seems to take place at many evangelistic meetings. How do I know this? Because often the evangelist is crying and begging and pleading for them to let this powerless god save them. Don't you agree?

Just wondering

Survey11/25/07 11:30 PM
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Why does Walt insist on having a condescending attitude with everyone he agrees with?

Does he believe that he is better than everyone?

Why does he quote someone that basically states, I am right and you are wrong? Would it be better to simply state one of his arguments that may be (or may not be) convincing towards his view?

Survey11/25/07 11:17 PM
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Why did you stop in the middle of a statement?

Survey11/25/07 11:02 PM
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R. K. Borill wrote:
Boy Wonder,
Before you accuse someone of using "logical fallacies" which is an oxymoron, you should learn to recognize what an ad homenim argument is. It is an attack on the person and not his argument.
This is one of a number of fallacious arguments raised by Dr. Yamil. Ad homenims and "red herrings". Red herrings are smoked, salted, and dried. They stink. And when dragged across a fox's trail it throws the dogs off the track.
Why do you always insist on having a condescending attitude everytime someone asks you a question you do not appreciate?

Why do you not simply answer the question?

Why are you able to state that one has a mental disorder and not be censored and when someone else like Dr. Yamil Luciano states it, all of a sudden it is foul play?

Just wondering

Survey11/25/07 6:23 PM
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R. K. Borill wrote:
They prefer to walk by sight and look for truth empirically rather than propositionally.
Why do you insist on using logical fallacies in your defense? This is the same tactic that all materialists use to force someone to rely on empirical evidence.

Just wondering.

R. K. Borill wrote:
I have been reading an essay by Peter Masters entitled "The Law of a Sound Mind". It is very good. He talks about how there is a connection between false doctrine and neurosis.
Is this not what Dr. Yamil Luciano has been saying all along. How is it that it's ok to suggest it when a Calvinist proposes it but when someone else proposes it, it deserves censorship?

Just wondering?

Survey11/25/07 11:35 AM
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JD wrote:
.... N, it could not! The text says that he was the "firstborn" from the dead. That means there was a birth taking place. And if that is enough, this could be no plainer.....

Regeneration is the new birth. The renewing of the Spirit.
Titus 3:5,6.

You reject the idea of eminence because...? A birthing taking place?.. Have you not read the OT and the privileges of the first born etc.. In what sense then does God speak of David as his first born - see Psalm 89.27?

Christ is also called the only begotten... but clearly if you are correct then that cannot be the case.

Still you have not provided any reference to link resurrection with regeneration... or are the 2 exactly the same in your mind?

Survey11/25/07 8:17 AM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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JD wrote:
.....I read the links and they did not address our subject here. Our subject is Ro 8:29 and Co 1:18 that says Jesus is the firstborn son of God.
...Do you deny that Jesus Christ is the "firstborn" from the dead?
Was this birth his second physical birth or was it a spiritual birth or was it no birth at all?
..I want to know what firstborn means in your own understanding....
I referred you to the articles because it addresses the dangers of people like you who in the name of originality are striving for novelty. And since you are again putting aside what has been said in ages past, it is quite obvious that you have either not read the articles or that they are beyond your comprehension.

Firstborn from the dead... could merely refer to his resurrection.. he was the fist to brought back to life never to die again. It could also mean that of all that are to be raised he is the first born in the sense that he will have the pre-eminence.

But I still fail to see what any of this has to do with "regeneration". Can you find the word "regeneration" used of the resurrection in the Bible?

Survey11/25/07 6:18 AM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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JD wrote:
Walt you have "static" religion. You are stuck in a time warp. The word of God is a "living" word. Do you know what it means to be a living word? It means you cannot stick yourself in the 15th century and God never intended that.
I have always wondered why you men are so disinterested in the Scriptures and do not ever have an original thought or see no spiritual application of the scriptures. The time warp is the reason, I think.
God does not feed his people on rotting, spoiled meat...
The impression I get from JDs post is that the meaning of the Word changes through time.. what utter nonsense!

JD ought to read what C H Spurgeon had to write to those like JD who think that they have the monopoloy of the truth when what the believe is so out of step with what the churches have believed historically.

Someone put up a link not too long along for this. See:

[URL=http://www.book-academy.co.uk/lectures/index.html]]]Commenting and Commentaries- Lectures 1 and 2[/URL]

Incidentally, I found this site to be a wonderful site for free bible commentaries!

Survey11/24/07 5:26 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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JD wrote:
Yes you have! Your above comments suggest you are not willing to accept the meaning of firstborn as a birth and first as the first birth.
Now, it seems you and Lurker as positioning yourself to redefine regeneration in a way that calvinism will not be compromised instaed of accepting the terminology of the bible.
This is wicked and a crime against heaven and earth.
You have probably used the trem "born again". What did you mean by it?
You are pathetic JD. You cannot find a denial so you have to dream one up. Now I will ask you again, where is my denial? A simple declarative quote from me will do!

And why have to not clarified me if I have misunderstood you?

Refer to my post of 11/24/07 8:56 AM and just answer the questions. Once I understand what your beef is and how you connect Christ's being the firstborn from the dead with regeneration, then you might have a hope that someone will answer you. Until you can unravel your own gibberish don't keep asking people to respond to your rubbish.

Survey11/24/07 2:17 PM
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Just wondering,

Why would you recommend a book that teaches in direct contradiction to THE BOOK?

Just wondering,

PS-would also like to know why someone else is posting under this moniker? At least call yourself Just wondering 2. I don't want your posts confused with mine. Thank you.

Survey11/24/07 2:14 PM
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Just wondering,

Why did you quote John 3:16 and 17 and then give your interpretation of 2 Peter 3:9 instead of quoting it? Is it because if you don't tell us what it says that it really doesn't say it?

Just wondering

Survey11/24/07 8:56 AM
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JD wrote:
There have been two calvs that have flat out said that Jesus is not the firstborn from the dead. From your comments here, you are the third.
Uh huh! Excuse me? Where is my denial that Christ is the first born from the dead?

What I was asking was for you to state clearly what you believe!

Now let me get this right.. your understanding then is that "firstborn" refers to Christ's resurrection.. am I correct?

If so, were there not others raised from the dead in the OT and also during Christ's ministry? So "firstborn" in what sense? Raised never to die again?

In any case, what does all this have to do with regeneration???

Survey11/23/07 9:27 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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JD wrote:
Yes, actually I do know. That which you posted was not the extent of my argument. Jesus Christ is not only born of the Spirit, he is the FIRSTBORN of the Spirit from the dead. This makes regeneration a NT doctrine.
Do you believe that Jesus Christ was the firstborn son of God from the dead?
MurrayA believes those in Ge 6 and prior were born again sons of God. How can this be?
I cannot make head or tail of your prating. In what sense do you suppose that Jesus is the first born from the dead?

Did he need "regenerating"? Was he dead in sins and tresspasses? Did he not have life in himself?

I don't think you have a clue what you are going on about? This is all way above your head!

Survey11/23/07 5:13 PM
Just wondering  Find all comments by Just wondering
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JD wrote:
Ro 8:29 For whom he did foreknow....that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
This verse is one of the most oft used proof texts for calvinism in Scripture, especially when the subject is predestination.
......In simple terms, do you believe the clear statement that Jesus Christ is the firstborn son of God, born of the Spirit (In his humanity) and that all those who believe in him are subsequently born again of the Spirit and are his brethren and are sons of God because of it?
Heb 2:13 And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me.
Perhaps the reason why you have not had a response is that your post is so garbled. Jesus born by the Spirit in his humanity and we born of the Spirit- what have these 2 things to do with one another... surely the analogy would be that Christ was born by the Spirit in his humanity and to be his brothers we should be too?!!

What are you getting at? Do you even know?

Survey11/21/07 11:06 PM
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Sin nature-the bent toward sin that is passed from generation to generation which places us under the wrath of God.

Note:Ephesians 2:3 which says that, "by nature (natural production, (lineal descent), we are the children of wrath". Don't you agree?

Just wondering

Survey11/21/07 10:45 PM
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Just wondering,

I need to know where you are coming from. Did Jesus have a sin nature like every other man or didn't He?

Just wondering

Survey11/21/07 10:31 PM
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Just wondering,

"I do not know if you men know this or not but Jesus Christ is as much man as anyone of us."

I have a sin nature, and so do you. Do you really want to say that Jesus was just as much man as you and I?

Just wondering

Survey11/21/07 10:08 PM
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