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Sermon4/12/16 9:25 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow I will be listening to this again Great word with which to renew my mind

Sermon3/31/16 2:49 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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God Declares War
Paul Dowling
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sobering- God grant us repentance before it's too late. Stay thy hand oh God and grant us life in Christ

Sermon3/19/16 11:22 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Privilege of Prayer
Voddie Baucham
“ Great Sermon! ”
A message that challenges us to think differently about our circumstances, needs and who Christ really is!

Sermon3/18/16 10:04 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Kings And Gods Sovereignty
Jeff Arthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
There is something different about hearing the word preached. It really adds power to scripture. God's sovereignty is my comfort. Great reminder for the days we are in

Sermon3/15/16 8:59 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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A Divine Argument For Drawing Near
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is excellent I tend to draw near to God in a cowering spirit Too often doubting his love due to my imperfections. I am encouraged to meditate more on gospel truth after listening to this Thank you!

Sermon3/4/16 9:33 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Before Men & God
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
A perspective correcting sermon: what's more valuable, God's view of me or the worlds'

Sermon3/1/16 9:56 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging especially if going through dark times. God is always with us bearing us up under our crosses.

Sermon1/27/16 9:09 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great reminder and encouragement to trust God. Practical application for anxiety issues using 1Pet 5:7 and Phil 4:6-7. Can't wait to use this and apply in my life.

Sermon1/26/16 8:52 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Run With Endurance Part 1
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great teaching! Looking forward to seeing you in Speing TX this weekend

Sermon1/12/16 8:42 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The story of my life-God takes me into the desert often and I can't understand why He does this. But I fight for his presence until he grants me mercy. I think heaven will be so glorious being with our Savior and not having the presence of the old man. "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed...." praise the Lord.

Sermon1/11/16 9:16 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Divine Direction for Dark Days
Rev. John Wagner
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for faithful preachers, men just like all of us. I love passion from the pulpit that reminds me of the serious battle we have against the enemy of our souls. Faithful pastors are such a gift to us from the Lord.Thank you!

Sermon12/22/15 9:27 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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God's Guidance - Thy Spirit is good, lead me
Pastor Chalan Hetherington
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great reminder for the pattern our prayers should take in times of need. I am so quick to ask God for deliverance without thinking! Thanks be to Jesus for the opportunity to enter in to God's presence. 'Haste makes waste'

Sermon12/9/15 9:03 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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How To Persevere - The Details
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Precious preaching! ”
God's throne is one where we find grace and not wrath, despite our struggles. As I read these verses its easy to think of Jesus as a distant 'High Priest' having ascended to through the heavens to the right hand of God. In my unanswered prayers I wonder if God hears and cares for me (am I too sinful, faithless?). His wisdom is better than mine, and he knows whats best for my perseverance. Heb 4:14-16 is deep and this teaching really encouraged me.

Sermon12/4/15 10:24 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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You Are Mine
Scott T. Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
God is central in everything. I am included in his concern for his great love for himself. Its not so much about me feeling good because of God's peculiar love for me, but rather God's glory in everything.Tough to explain since our flesh wars against the knowledge of God. Its not about me, I'll leave it at that!

Sermon11/19/15 9:00 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Providence and Suffering
Robert McCurley
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you brother for this spiritual meal.God's love for me is the buoy that keeps me from drowning in my doubts and fears. I think this is the toughest lesson in life to learn. In everything may God get the glory

Sermon11/12/15 6:15 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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Gracious Striving
Richard Caldwell Jr.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Faithful teaching and preaching as always...excellent evangelistic sermon. God graciously warns us, through the children of Israel's example, to beware of a heart of unbelief. Do not put your soul's salvation off for another day. God will not strive with a man forever. He eventually gives them over to their stubborn heart, resulting in eternal destruction. Good preaching contains God's judgement for sin and His gracious offer of mercy in the gospel. Thank God for faithful preachers like Pastor Caldwell.

Sermon11/12/15 5:37 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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The Sin of Anxiety
Joe Gilliam
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have listened to many sermons on anxiety (my struggle) and was encouraged. It's such a tough battle. At times I see it as my 'thorn in the flesh' but don't think God would purpose to give me a sin for this. I am re energized to obey his word in my life. His character calls for me to trust him.

Sermon11/12/15 5:25 PM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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God Over You
Don Green
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow- this is really good. A preacher who really helped me grow was Dr Lloyd Jones and he encouraged 'preaching to oneself' I am excited to practice this again in light of God's divine providence's. Thanks Pastor Green

Sermon11/3/15 9:47 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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How to Wait on the Lord
Scott T. Brown
“ Great Sermon! ”
Lots of good teaching here. The answer to why is always who-who God is. We tend to reduce him and forget He is absolutely holy. I like the point when we can not understand his ways, we take his promises to us and live on them.

Sermon10/28/15 8:13 AM
Bob R | S TX  Find all comments by Bob R
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O God, My God
Paul Mahan
“ Great Sermon! ”
I was reminded how I need God every moment. Apart from temptations and trials I would be self-sufficient. God is such a treasure and all we need. "Apart from me you can do nothing"-Jn 15:5
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