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Survey5/11/08 11:05 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Just a thought - Under premil theology there will be one world government before the end. It will be lead by the Lord Jesus Christ and will govern raptured souls and evil sinners together. Very strange.

Survey5/11/08 8:22 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob are you adding to scripture again?
My bible in Mt24:14 says "and then shall the end come" It does not add as you do "of the tribulation"

Survey5/11/08 12:26 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob, context, context context!
Acts 15 was written about a meeting of the believers in Jerusalem. They were discussing what was happening and deciding on a course of action {circumcision, gentile believers etc}. Reference is made to the rebuilding of the tabernacle spoken of by Amos. The gentile believers are being added to the Jewish believers and this combination is being referred to as the rebuilding of the tabernacle. Elsewhere we are told we are living stones being built into the temple. (1Cor 6) Surely this is a reference to the same thing.
The group then wrote to the churches about their decisions.

Survey5/9/08 8:18 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob, I fear you should take heed of God's warnings on pride, lest you fall.

Survey5/8/08 9:59 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Why are people bothering to take the gospel to Israel? According to Casob they don't need it as they belong to the national Israel and will all be saved whether they believe in Christ or not. With this reasoning Jesus need not have come to the Jews.

Survey5/4/08 11:35 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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We will all be knowledgeable on this subject within 50 years. Looking at history Christ's kingdom has grown and developed from a few hundred to millions spread throughout the world in 2000 years. Sure we have our differences but the almighty God is still our Lord and King.
As to the end of all things we're told repeatedly that one day He's coming to judge us all and to make a new heaven and a new earth. This does not appear to leave time for a millennium second chance as some would have us believe.

Survey4/21/08 8:13 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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I know because I walk every day with the Lord. He speaks to me through his word. His word says my prayers are like incense before his throne, so I believe he hears me when I pray. I know the peace that passes understanding when times are difficult. Yes I know I'm one of his. He has forgiven me and called me into a relationship with him. Praise his holy name.

Survey4/17/08 9:03 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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I have seen the absolute joy on the faces of many people who suddenly see that their salvation is all of God. He died for them individually. He called and justified them, and as a result their glorification is assured.
They realize they no longer have to work at keeping their salvation and as a result begin to serve and obey their saviour with joy - wanting to get to know him better and to follow him more closely.
Casob: I'm still wondering if you'd have me remove from scripture those parts that you say are not relevant to gentiles.

Survey4/14/08 6:40 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Doesn't Paul tell Timothy that deacons must be "not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy "?
Whereas a bishop should be" not given to wine"
So a bishop should not drink alcohol but a deacon may drink in moderation.

Survey4/14/08 6:20 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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No Casob, It is you who says there a difference. I say that all must come to God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ his son. That is all - OT and NT believers- for there is one body of believers from Adam to that day when the last of God's people will be born and drawn to his side.
Casob, you say there are many ways to God. I say that scripture says there is but one.
All scripture is for all believers - Jew and gentile.

Survey4/13/08 5:55 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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If polygamy is so great why does Paul insist that office bearers in the church be married to one wife only?
If a person with multiple wives (eg moslem) becomes a christian I feel he must continue with them and care for them, but he must not take any more.
God is quite definite in his statement that two shall become one. He does not say man shall leave his father and his mother and other wives to become one flesh with a new wife.

Survey4/13/08 5:34 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob, I still have not heard if I should remove the letters from Peter and James from my Bible. You said a few days ago that they were not written for gentiles, but here you are quoting from them for me.
You are making me confused.
Or is it you that is confused?

Survey4/13/08 2:28 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Jesus himself said that he died for his own.
John 10:15 "I lay down my life for the sheep" He then continues to show that Jesus was referring to all those who believe in Him.
In ch17 John records prayer that Jesus prayed to his father shortly before the crucification.
He prays for his current disciples
v9" I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them thou hast given me; for they are thine" and in v20 " Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also that shall believe on me through their word.

Survey4/6/08 8:38 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Casob are you saying the letters from Peter are not for the gentiles. Should we cut these from our Bibles?

News Item4/3/08 6:41 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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I cannot understand this fear of letting the Bible be used in the classroom. Perhaps the nonchristian knows that God's word is powerful to convict and convert.
It is now actively taught in Russia, and China uses it as one of three text books for teaching English.
In Australia religious education is taught in all primary schools, but parents may write and have their child excluded. Unfortunately the local churches provide the teachers who may not be trained for these classes.

Survey3/31/08 11:37 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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What music do you sing the psalms to? Is this music man made? If so how is that different from singing the psalms to rock or blues?
Or do you chant them with no tune?

Survey3/25/08 5:35 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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According to John there are many antichrists
See 1John 2:18 "ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know it is the last time."

News Item3/19/08 1:46 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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I believe we should be in constant prayer for brothers and sisters in Algeria and other countries where they face such opposition. God has many children in these areas and we who are free should uphold them to God.

Survey3/13/08 11:54 PM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Bernard I agree with you.

Survey3/13/08 12:57 AM
jago | australia  Find all comments by jago
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Reread the verse you quoted
Heb 9:12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
Heb 9:15 And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

Notice in v15 " for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament"

The OT or first testament believers were saved by the blood as we are.

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