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News Item5/16/09 6:09 AM
WAKE UP | aust  Find all comments by WAKE UP
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Another Roman catholic propaganda film..The title should be demons and demons..
Its just another mafia movie. demons fighting agaist themselves for more power

News Item5/16/09 4:47 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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rob wrote:
Some trust in chariots, & Some in horses, but as for me I trust in the Lord my God!!
Gr8t quote!!

News Item5/16/09 3:30 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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John UK wrote:
Absolutely! This book helped me out no end when I came across some Copeland fanatics in a church in Somerset, England. Very sad to see people so deceived.
Thx tom John and tom for recommendation, I have a friend who has gone over to that way of thinking I might buy him the book - his birthday is coming up soon.Thx

News Item5/14/09 5:26 AM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake  up
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America in my veiw needs to deal firstly with the sorcery that is clearly going on with your leaders in occult groups..

News Item5/9/09 6:34 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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John Yurich USA[/AUTHOR.....with that insane and psychotic occupant named Obama in the White House. That man really is sick, demented and in league with Satan.
and with jesuits - freemason as the coach..

News Item5/3/09 2:22 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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[QUOTE]How long before the new left finds a way to muzzle the Internet?[/QUOTE]They already do just ask the chinese.

Its going to get worse wait for internet 2

N.Y Times feb 17th 2009
"What a new Internet might look like is still widely debated, but one alternative would, in effect, create a “gated community” where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety. Today that is already the case for many corporate and government Internet users. As a new and more secure network becomes widely adopted, the current Internet might end up as the bad neighborhood of cyberspace. You would enter at your own risk and keep an eye over your shoulder while you were there.

News Item5/3/09 1:54 AM
wake up | Australia  Find all comments by wake up
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prince charles wrote:
thats a joke wake up, crackling is the fried pig fat bits swine flu - crackling see ? they sell it over here in small bags - rubbish joke i know but it made me laugh for hours and hours, i laughed myself to sleep and when i woke up this morning i was still laughing !
I am glad you liked it.

I tried to make it a bit criptic , but the second part not sure if its a joke or as some people on other forum have claimed the bit about a polly who has shares in a vacine company?? It wouldn,t suprise me coming from america? well or this world of coruption..

News Item5/2/09 8:55 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Dr. Michel Daniel wrote:
Virus Mania, by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein
"Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society. To cure it will require conquering fear, fear being the most deadly contagious virus, most efficiently transmitted by the media. Errare humanum est sed diabolicum preservare… (to err is human, but to preserve an error is diabolic)."-[2008] Virus Mania Foreword by Etienne de Harven
well put ..

Over here A caller I heard on the radio said they tried to ring the swine flue hotline and all they got was crackling..not good.. also heard a politictian over there has shares in vaccination company, probably not true either..

Survey4/5/09 4:20 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Edy wrote:
Since most churches are now under the corporate 501C3 and its pastors are CEO's, I see no reason to go. I am now looking for a home church; until then, I use Sermon Audio alot.
Praise God for your stand Edy and your search for a home church. Too many want to pay greater homage to ceasar but unto God the things that are God?? Who will stand for Him before men!

I used MLJ (his stuff is copy write but woth buying )for a while what a refeshing blessing to hear a man of God that actually feared God and wasn,t afraid to speak the truth in the Spirit!Id highly recomend Getting his revival series on gen 26: 18 dead orthadoxy , defective orthadoxy..... are rippers!

News Item4/4/09 8:17 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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who will excommunicate the one which let her in in the first place

News Item3/14/09 1:16 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Neil wrote:
Q: A: Some are, some aren't.
Question for you: how do you tell the difference? By empirical research (like Eve & social scientists), applying Biblical reasoning, or what?
"You say they are gods"
Sorry for the delayed responce Neil, I dont start and finish my day blogging.But I do want to better understand why you said what u said! Bonfire vanities to those who see that there is correlation between anything in this case music and lyrics. there is nothing neutral,

If as you say some M & L are imoral then you would agree as kenny pointed out you dont need science to say what they said above, but since they have said what they have said (coralation) faith not sight tells me this fact.Every thing we do or say effect everyone that is why God said of sin -woe to THAT man by whom they come.
Mt 12:36 every idle word that men shall speak (even music songs), they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Neil to help better understand u I dont need a dictionary just explanations would help than generalizing every one around here!
I am more confused when I 1st started lol so you would agree with what the scientist found but how they came to their conclution your not come in Neil over..I would agree over.

News Item3/7/09 11:51 PM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Neil wrote:
That is so much incoherent ranting over so little said, it's more amusing than frustrating.
So why dont you actually say "something" that you mean. And prove your point if you can.
What do you know in relation to the above report. Do you believe lyrics and music Is a-moral , can you answer that scientific question for everone?
You say they are gods where did they say this can you point out where they said this, the question is put as simply as posible.

? + Words = .........

Talk about bonfire of the vanities around here!

Its amusing you only want to say somthing without saying anything you mean!

News Item3/7/09 6:55 PM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Neil wrote:
"I find it hard to see where you are coming from sometimes ,.."
Judging from this & the rest, further argument on my part would be pointless.
"do try to tone down the bigger words once in a while for a industrialist worker like me."
I use "big words" to be precise. Anyone who can read the Bible should not be bothered by them.
Quote: "Don't get angry with someone who knows more than you do. It isn't their fault."
Neil you havn,t said WHAT you know more than others. To help them? If you really do know more than children who can explain thing better than the elite . Jude 1:16 walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling [words], having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.

The Bible is not FULL of Big words.
Neil you said I am angry where is my anger as you said,or are you again higher than other posters as you seem to change the suject when some one trys to find your real point.Or is it again, you have already judged that you know more because you use bigger words. Your science is flawed in this case. Again you said the scientist are saying they are god where is it said? It seems you like to judge without reason. I have set forth my point yet you like If I am wrong help me neil dont condem

News Item3/7/09 7:49 AM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Neil wrote:
We avoid unclean things because God commanded it, not because scientists, trying to be as God, decide they're unclean using humanistic methods (as Eve did).
How many sins did you or I fail today neil can i ask. God commands it but I find not the power to perform that which right. Thx be to Christ who now lives in me TO Be able to now do his Will
Are you saying music and lyrics are a-moral then Neil. I find it hard to see where you are coming from sometimes , maybe it me I am not educated enough, but do try to tone down the bigger words once in a while for a industrialist worker like me. cheers. The artical in a general way seem to be ok 4 me. It say heavy metal any music for that matter that has sexual lyric influence people even those who never have done it before neil. the constant sugestion either in hearing or the eye influnce the soul of the weak. And does even more to those who you say have already an inclination toward the lust of it..
Neil the artical didn,t say the scientist wanted to be god, it just say the scientist have just found out something that every christion should know that music and lyrics has power over your and my life...

News Item3/6/09 7:07 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Neil wrote:
I know that this sort of "Bonfire of the Vanities" is popular around here. but how does one tell whether such music encourages fornication, or fornicators like such music? Correlation does not imply causation. And as usual w/ science, there's the problem of induction (hasty generalization).
Its not rocket science..Did eve have sin before the sugestion came that she would not die and it was good to eat. The true power of suggestion. Sadly few beleivet it really has detrimental effects.. stay away from ancient philosophy!

News Item3/1/09 5:20 PM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Mike wrote:
Red States.
sorry for my un cultures mind mike but what is a red state.

News Item3/1/09 4:20 PM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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There are some sane states left over their. Great news..

News Item2/28/09 7:03 PM
Wake up | aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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dont they have freemason churches there in d'c the mother of all harlets.

Or is it that they want to appear to belong to a chistian church!

News Item2/28/09 6:49 PM
wAKE UP | aust  Find all comments by wAKE UP
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Ah america the land of the free..

Survey2/28/09 1:08 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Calvinist Understanding wrote:
have to assume that he knew all about Christ.
As to why Peter was sent for- only to confirm to Peter that the gentiles were to be part of Christ's kingdom.
So what about Acts 11.14? Cornelius was already an OT believer. This passage was only to initiate him and his family into the blessings of Pentecost.

Interesting debate all- Id add to the above quote and to the debate by saying my own convictions would be cornelius knew the Lord personally.
All Jews needed "the perfect transition" to take place where all true jews who were looking for, and all they who now have HIM were togeather. Without any still belonging to the old system, that is why J.T.B who was 2 bring this old system to the new.
John T. B. was pointing all the true jews to the new testement Christian name and covernant , thus ALL those who has only johns baptism needed the Christian holy spirit Baptism because then you will have the problem of like today where modern christians saying the jews are save in the old system of a looking for the messiah if Ive made sense in this short message.For me cornellius needed peter Gods Message to bring him to the new covernat which is the same which he already had but now full!!The Risen Christ! Hope this help.

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