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News Item1/23/11 4:57 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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John UK wrote:
Got the pin on the button with that one bro, and it is a very serious charge. But parrots are notoriously unrepentant.
Hey John; Welcome back.

News Item1/22/11 1:26 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I wish he would have stood by his convictions, rather than to have appologized so quickly when he heard someones feelings were hurt. The exclusive claims of Christ will offend people, yet Christ will exclude none that come to him on his terms.

I also wish he would have insisted in enforcing the State's laws concerning gambling as well.

Sermon1/22/11 12:33 PM
Rick | Alabama  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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Meeting at the Lord's Table
Pastor William Rogers
“ Solid Teacher! ”
Glad to see God is using William on Sermon Audio. Back in the mid 70s as a teenager and new convert, I used to attend home Bible Studies at Williams house. He was an earnest student of scripture then and has still held the same emphasis of Expositional teaching in the power of the Holy Spirit. Those were great days of real revival. Imagine a house full of teenagers on Fri. and Sat. nights studying the Bible and learning how to pray. During the week, I think we knocked on every apartment door in town, sharing Christ with the lost. May God use William to bring the same emphasis to his new church and to a new group of young people.

Survey1/22/11 10:08 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Depending on where a christian is in their ability to asssimilate; I would recomend, "What Every Christian Needs to Know" by Owen. For those able to read and study more closley, I would say "The Works of Edwards". Other than that, Biographies of those close to God and used by him: i.e. Spurgeon, Whitefield, Lloyd-Jones Ect..

News Item1/20/11 8:21 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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We had a similar problem working at the Waterfront Rescue Mission. We could not let Church groups come in with pre cooked meals. We also were not allowed to let any homeless person take any food out of the Mission (which they would do at tiomes to have something to eat later) because the health Dept. said "The person might take a sandwich and leave it on a park bench and forget it. Then days later, it would spoil, and another person might pick it up and eat it and get sick. So it would be the Missions fault" So, under the threat of a fine, we had to keep people from taking food out of the Mission. Beyond Sad!

News Item1/19/11 9:18 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Another example of "Do whatever it takes to bring them in" Here in the U.S we call it "Reaching People" but reaching them with what? A message that is no message? A salvation from no danger at all?

I'm afraid what many are really doing with this approach, is a desperate attempt to keep from loosing Bodies and Bucks.

I really believe the time is comming (and now is)that a Biblically Ordered, Spiritually Healthy church is going to look like an oddity, even among proffesing Christians.

News Item1/16/11 8:59 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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John Yurich USA wrote:
You are being legalistic. If someone attends church on Sunday morning then why would they want to attend church on Sunday evening also? If someone attends church on Sunday morning then there is no reason why they can't watch television the rest of Sunday. And the Sabbath is not Sunday it is Saturday. Sunday is the Lord's Day.
John you are really begining to surprise me. Wanting to obey God is not Legalism. It's ussually only the Carnal and Liberal that throws out that charge of "Legalism"

Why would someone want to go to church on Sunday night, after going on Sunday Morning? Why would they Not want to? If you love God, His Word, and His people you would want to spend as much time as possible with them.

As far as the Sabbath issue. Iv'e been following comments on this site for some time regarding this, and have come to the conclusion that most people are unwilling to look at the whole teaching on this subject. They hear the word "Sabbath", and they immediatly assume the one using it is advocating Saturday Worship, Salvation by Law, or Cerimonial worship. They could just be talking about the Lord's day; meaning Sunday.
Why would you fault someone that wants to keep Sunday special for the Lord ?

News Item1/15/11 12:36 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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John Yurich USA wrote:
How can you possibly state that the Catholic Church is Anti-Christian? Anti-Christian means against Christ.
Hello John. John; sometimes the term Anti Christ means a Substitue Christ, or a Counterfiet Christ. Not one that by apperence is directly opposed to Him.

Any group that says there is no salvation outside of it's institution, has effectivly placed itself in the place of the Real Christ.

News Item1/15/11 12:28 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This may not be Spiritual Revival, but it is good news and a step in the right direction. Internet, Cell Phones, iPhones, texting, ect. have actually become an addiction for many people; and not just the young.

Many of us have had to deal with people driving while texting, have had to wait till the cashier at the supermarket finished texting to wait on us, and watch lifeguards ingore swimmers so they can engage their electronic god's. In common conversation people turn away from the person talking to them to engage in a Text Conversation. Worker productivity in decreasing, rudeness and addiction abounds.

Thanks for this article. It's good to know that there are other people who are concerned about the trend, and that there are people who want to get back to Real Life.

News Item1/13/11 11:02 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Alan H wrote:
John UK's reply:
"Mr May, I do not appreciate being e-mailed with heretical doctrines. I will not be reading this document, nor will I be forwarding it to anyone else. The JW's have been making this mistake concerning the Person of Christ since their inception, so it is nothing new you bring to our attention; it is merely old heresies rehashed. I do have certain sympathies concerning your brainwashing by a false prophet, and shall pray for you to be enlightened by the Holy Ghost as to the errors of Mr Camping. When the date comes and goes, and you are feeling dumbstruck and disillusioned, please feel free to e-mail me again for support and encouragement in the truth."
Excellent comment 1/13/11 7:54 PM! Well done!!!
Wow, Alan! Thanks for posting that. And John UK as well, thanks. It sad to see someone that is so far off the rail as Mr. May is, but when they are as dogmatic and condesending, in the face of wiser men, it's even worse.

God Bless, and I hope to here from John again soon.

News Item1/8/11 8:14 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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At best, this is confusing Evangalism with the worship of the Lord conducted in a church setting. Jesus indeed went to people to reach them, but he did not replace going to the synagouge with having a service in a house of prostution. The woman caught in adultry did not stay in that industry. Pauls admonition regarding Abiding where you are called does have it's limits.

I was saved out of the whole party scene. I also went with others back into the clubs to evangalise. (There are numerous problems with that as well)Yet I knew that the Christian life was a life of separation.

The Emergent folks I know that are trying this so called church experience, are people who really still love this world's system. They just want God's approval to do what they really want.

Remember; this is the movement that says that "Today's generation or smarter and more spiritually in tune than any other that has ever come before"

News Item1/7/11 11:54 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Little John UK2 wrote:
John UK "s problem sounds like the old
classic !He and his pc are suffering from "Foot in Mouth" disease it shows up in those that "lose it " when they post.
The only remedy for this problem is to write on a large piece of paper with a black magic marker "these words"
Remember John when you are about to write a comment "BE NICE ", "BE KIND "
and think through how to say what you need to say and take a deep breath before you click,"submit".now tape that paper to the wall just above the pc .Now if that does not work sell the pc and do something else ,jog ,walk ,stroll,watch tv ,read only and write your comment in the back of the book !
I will mail you my bill for this advice
Little John UK2
You should take your own advice!

News Item1/4/11 10:06 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Neil wrote:
OK, I'll weigh in a bit more - I think these comics are just another example of the idea that Christianity needs to be made fun & entertaining in order to keep the interest of bored children warehoused by their parents in SS. I see this in youth ministries all the time - the idea seems to be, send in the clowns or little Johnny will walk out.
Could you imagine Marxists making Communism "fun" in their Youth Leagues? I doubt it - they were in deadly earnest & at least *acted* like it was worth dying for, so why aren't Christians likewise? I have long suspected that there are way too many churches compared to the number of serious believers. And those of us who *are* serious can't seem to agree on very much, if this website is any indication.
"For it [the Law] is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life" - Deut. 32:47
Very, Very good point Neil. As a pastor of a small church, many of our members are tempted to follow what the big entertainment churches are doing. They would get people temporarily, but not disciples. Thanks for your post.

News Item1/3/11 10:38 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Traumatized by Ham?

What about Shem and Japheth?

News Item12/31/10 10:30 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Alan H wrote:
As some of you may have noticed, "John UK" has been absent for quite some time from Sermon Audio. I have had a little contact with him through email and he is currently having "technical difficulties." He has been communicating with Sermon Audio trying to find a solution to the problem, but obviously without any success. It is uncertain whether it is his own computer or whether SA has inadvertently blocked him (If that's the case, they have been unable to unblock him). He has kept up reading the posts but is unable to submit any posts himself. I, for one, really miss his input. And he misses inputting!
Please pray that this may be resolved soon.
Thanks! Alan H
Amen! Something similar happened to me not to long ago, but Steven with S/A was able to fix the problem. I hope to see John's post again soon.

News Item12/30/10 12:02 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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I was reading the other day where John Owen called Sunday the The Lord's day "Sabbath". It was also called the Christian Sabbath.

He certainly wasn't advocating a return to the Jewish Sabbath, or worshiping on Saturday. His point of using the term Sabbath, was that the word meant Rest, and that we should rest from out ususal labours on Sunday in order to keep that day Holy for worship of God.

It seems that a lot of confusion comes from the word Sabbath. In Gen. it was on the seventh day. In Exodus it does appear that the day was Saturday, but Seventh and Saturday don't neccisarily mean Sabbath(Rest). The older writters were calling Sunday the Christian Sabbath, not because they believed we could be justified by law. The simply believed Christ ressurection changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday. I have no problem with them calling it the Christian Sabbath if that is their reasoning.

As far as the artice goes (you remember the artice don't you?)they were pointing out the irony of Churches canceling their worship services because it came too close to the day they were to celebrate the incarnation. After all, the coming of the Saviour is a day for Family, not worship (Heavy sarcasm intended)Iv'e had the same thing in churches Iv'e pastored. Very sad

News Item12/25/10 6:07 AM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Arthur wrote:
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."
The best news article of the year, of the century, of the millennia of all time.
A merry Christmas to all who read this.
A merry Whatever if you don't accept this celebration at this time.
May God be with you and yours and may your life belong to Christ and His purpose. Amen.
May the Lord pour out His Spirit upon all.
1 Let brotherly love continue.
2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.
20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

News Item12/24/10 11:05 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Anti-abortion? You mean Pro Life don't you?

You can tell the media bias in the very terms they use for the story.

News Item12/24/10 10:42 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Mike was right. Robertson did not say he favored legalizing pot. The news source is trying to make a story where there is none, by making it sound like there is a groundswell of conservatives that want to legalize drugs. It's liberal thinking that says "If we make everything legal, crime will go down".

Having said that; ther are a lot of issues involved in the video clip. Two of which I don't agree with. The foremost is the old idea that we should rehabilitate instead of punish. Well; it's not an either or situation. Prisons are for punishment of crimes and should be kept as such. Rehabilitation is desirable [regeneration is better] but should not replace punishment. Second was the comment about taking things off the books that arn't really crimes. That opens a can of worms. They Are crimes because they are on the books. But I do understand making the punishment fit the crime.

News Item12/20/10 4:15 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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JoJo wrote:
Hey Barna....remember your "User-Friendly Churches" book? -Accessible way to "worship", a comfortable place to bring frinds and a creative community they can belong. Nothing said about Hell, repentance and the such. You created this problem and now you are concerned about its results? Let's get back to the ancient paths...preach the word...and they will come. True Christians, sheep, should be concerned about feeding on the truth first not about comfortable conditions...
Couldn't have said it better. Blessings to you as you share the truth.
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