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News Item11/3/2020 4:18 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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I have not been able to attend Saturday Vigil Mass at my Catholic parish since March because of the virus and because the church bus(that takes parishioners who don't drive to Saturday Vigil Mass) until the 6 ft separation between seating is no longer required. I have been viewing Saturday Vigil Mass live on the Facebook page of my Catholic parish. I have not received Catholic Holy Communion since March. I have been receiving Holy Communion at my Baptist Church when they have it every 3 months.

News Item11/3/2020 4:05 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Total perversion. That kind of insanity is against science.

News Item11/2/2020 4:07 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I was hoping this archbishop wasn't a nutcase, but this shows that he is. :snakehead:
That Archbishop is not a nutcase. He is pro capitalism.

News Item11/1/2020 3:06 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Today at my Baptist Church during Adult Sunday School was Part 2 of Church History(The Medieval Church). Then during worship the sermon was given by Associate Pastor Neil and was titled "Finding Your Place in the Family" from Romans 8:14-15. The sermon was about how all those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior become adopted children of God.

News Item10/29/2020 3:58 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Frank wrote:
If you don't understand the difference between the catholic jesus and my Jesus, then I can't help you. Last one to you on this issue.
Barrett embraced the biblical Jesus as her Lord and Savior and thus she is saved. Romans 10:9 states if anybody confesses Jesus as Lord then they are saved. Anybody includes a Catholic.

News Item10/29/2020 3:40 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Frank wrote:
She will fool many because of their cultural progressive views of Christianity where any professing Christian who is conservative is considered to be in the faith.
So what you are saying is we should compromise for a greater good. Note the below:
Romans 3:8 “And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.”
If Barrett embraced Jesus as her Lord and Savior then she is saved. Since when is it evil to want a conservative majority on the Supreme Court to overturn abortion and homosexual marriage?

News Item10/29/2020 4:01 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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This is insanity. How come public schools don't care about the First Amendment?

News Item10/28/2020 5:19 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Frank wrote:
Well it looks like we have a genuine conservative feminist on the Supreme Court. I say feminist because she has only been a part time wife and mother. Since scripture is clear that women should stay at home “when possible” and care for her children, why should we give this woman a pass and not all women? Did she or does she need to work?
Anyway, she has been heavily involved with some organization as a ‘handmaiden” that is referred to as “people of praise”. This group reminds me of the “skull and bones” group as far as secrecy goes. They are also heavily involved with the Charismatic movement.
So, at this point I consider this committed catholic to be an abomination to Christ’s church. She will fool many because of their cultural progressive views of Christianity where any professing Christian who is conservative is considered to be in the faith.
I just pray this is a sign that we are nearing the end.
I am also aware that the handmaiden title may be a lie.
I am against a married woman working outside of the home also. But Barrett is a conservative judge making the Supreme Court a conservative majority which will mean the overturning of abortion and homosexual marriage. And that is important.

News Item10/28/2020 7:24 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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I heard that Barrett is a Catholic who embraced Jesus as her Lord and Savior and was Baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.

News Item10/27/2020 9:02 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Zach wrote:
2 hours ago
John Yurich USA from USA writes:
Fruitcakes are under heavy demonic influence.
John let’s not call these people fruitcakes... they are human beings just LOST in the worlds evil, lusts and desires... these people need the Gospel of Jesus Christ just like we do. Do not forget to not judge so quickly about others and trying to take the speck out of someone else’s eye when we have a log in our own eye!!!
Don’t judge harshly, but judge with love
The term fruitcake is a slang term for homosexual. But I will refrain from using that term.

News Item10/27/2020 8:44 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Lady_Virtue wrote:
The article is about women rejecting marriage in favor of various forms of sexual perversion. That is sinful and there is nothing normal about it.
You are right. Sexual perversion is sinful and not normal.

News Item10/27/2020 8:00 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Lady_Virtue wrote:
Precisely why God wills that the younger women marry, bear children, and guide the house {I Timothy 5:14}. Women inevitably get into trouble {see the preceding verses before the Scripture reference} when they don't do as the Lord commands.
My late Great Aunt(my Mother's Aunt) never married and worked and resided in Los Angeles,California. It is not a sin for a woman to not marry.

News Item10/27/2020 6:23 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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The US Episcopal Church is apostate for supporting fruitcake marriage.

News Item10/27/2020 6:20 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Fruitcakes are under heavy demonic influence.

News Item10/25/2020 2:45 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Today at my Baptist Church during Adult Sunday School the new material in Church History it was about The Medieval Church. The sermon was given by Pastor Steve and was titled "First Things First" from Mark 12:28-34. It was about Jesus first priority.

News Item10/25/2020 2:38 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Frank wrote:
I was baptized and confirmed into the RCC as a child. That makes me a lifetime catholic unless I am excommunicated.
I remember after arguing with a real catholic apologist that he said because I understood catholicism and rejected it, then I had excommunicated myself.
That is one of the greatest honors I have ever had.
I only posted this because someone might believe that excommunication from the RCC might be negative.
Since you can fool no one, this is the last one to you on this thread.
When you ceased attending Catholic Church then you ceased being Catholic. There is no such thing as self excommunication.

News Item10/24/2020 2:00 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
John, considering we don't know the sanity of some Republican leaders, it's hard to say about the sanity of these people who support an obvious rejection of even natural law. However one thing is for certain, and has been shown not to work:
John 18:36
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world. ---ESV
Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?"
The Republican Party platform is against abortion. Sure some Republicans support abortion but they should really become Democrats if they support abortion.

News Item10/24/2020 7:15 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Bunch of psychotic losers who are demon influenced to support fruitcake marriage.

News Item10/24/2020 7:11 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Apparently, many of the good Catholic women of Poland don't approve of these restrictions either ❗
"Poland abortions: Women protest for second day against new laws"
Any Catholic who has an abortion and supports abortion should be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

News Item10/23/2020 4:24 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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John UK wrote:
I joined a church at around the turn of the century, and I was very keen to give out Ryle tracts locally, so that people could at least hear the gospel, and hopefully get saved and join the church. But when I met with the two elders to discuss the project, they both read the tracts, and then told me I couldn't give them out because there was two Bible verses on the back page.
I left that church, and I don't blame myself for doing so. Ah, the Bible is so powerful, it is the word of God. No wonder the atheists want to snip it.
Why did you discuss passing out salvation tracts with the Elders? At my Baptist Church anybody who attends my Baptist Church can pass out salvation tracts around town without getting permission from the Elders or any other church official.
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