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News Item1/17/19 10:03 AM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Thank you Neill

News Item1/17/19 9:01 AM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Wow! Didn’t mean to be disrespectful, just pointing out a huge double standard. Dr.Tim, your position seems subjective and pragmatic, so what if people are drawn to God but the Message (horrible translation)? They can say the same thing. Also, hard for me to take a KJV guy seriously, you are putting so much say in a Bible that didn’t occur until 1611. So what about the people who used the Vulgate for 1000 years? Yep, they were using the same argument you are. Also, you can’t have your view with a world wide view. There are many languages many times and places. This argument you use only works for a western mindset where all the people can read and speak the same language. I am glad you are preaching, but it was NOT the KJV that brought them to Christ, it was the Spirit of God. And God has used many different versions, languages etc to draw his flock. It is the message that God providential and sovereignty preserves and the faith he gifts people with that converts. I would take Connor 7 advice on this one, wouldn’t want to go to heaven and have to stand before God for calling his word (different versions) names or taking credit (converting people to Christ with well placed words and the KJV) that isn’t yours. Also, I read the Greek, is that a “bad” version? Is that okay?

News Item1/17/19 12:08 AM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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If I used your same logic I could say that the KJV teaches that Jesus is not God. Compare 2 Peter 1:1. The KJV says, “God and our Savior Jesus Christ” the ESV says, “God and Savior Jesus Christ”. We know now about the Granville Sharp rule which states that two nouns which are not proper names which are describing a person and these two nouns are connected with “and” and the first noun has the article while the second does not they are referring to the same person. So the ESV connects God and Savior the KJV does not. Of course, this argument is absurd because the translators of the KJV didn’t know about this factual Greek rule in language and in other places the KJV clearly states that Jesus IS God. So I would not use this argument because it is illogical as you should not use the Col. 1:14. Thanks.

News Item1/16/19 11:53 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Yikes!! Dr. Tim. I hope you are joking. So those translations chose to leave out that phrase because those Bibles don’t believe in that Jesus bled? If so, why did they not take the phrase out of Ephesians 1:7? Clearly this view you hold is not logical. If there was a conspiracy to tamper with God’s word, I guess they overlooked Ephesians 1:7!😂

News Item1/16/19 10:46 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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I hope they go so the those atheistic leftists will learn about what the rainbow really stands for!
Also, love Dr. Tim’s idea about the BTTF! Took something from their playbook! They’re just scared 😱! Lol 😂

News Item1/16/19 9:34 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Sorry, forgot one other thing. Thee are a lot of really bad translations out there. And I don’t want to judge the motives as to why there are lots out there. I am sure money is one of the reasons. But some reasons are for textual criticism issues. We are constantly finding new papyri and are being able to learn more about God’s word. So there are updates. Like when the NA28 came out just recently, means, there will prolly be another ESV or NASB or NET. I endorse each of those, I also endorse the Greek as well

News Item1/16/19 9:24 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Thanks J3. I didn’t mean “this day and age” as some golden era. Just that we have a massive amount of information out there that is available for us to glean. The translators of the KJV would have LOVED the resources we have available today. Also, Connor makes a good point. Not very many people have the actual 1611 KJV. Not even the KJV onlyists 😂. Very difficult to read. Words are spelled completely different and there are words that we don’t even know anymore.

News Item1/15/19 8:32 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Steven Anderson is the epitome of a false teacher. He believe in no repentance (I have studied him extensively) he believes that the King James Version is the only “inspired” text. So all other translations are wrong and not the Bible. Very very ignorant. He does not respect the law (YouTube him getting tazed by a police) there are numerous videos of him disrespecting law enforcement. Definitely not a man of God to imitate. He leads a cult and has very cultish ideas. Stay away from him please. He also wished Obama to get cancer and go to hell. The list goes on and on. I beg all of you to please stay away. There are many other options (especially this day and age) to listen more accurate, Godly, and edifying sermons/talks.

News Item1/13/19 11:27 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Wow! Missed opportunity to cleanse the church. Yeah only one couple, but at least it would be a God-fearing congregation. No it’s just a building full of Fake Christians”.

News Item1/11/19 9:59 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Agreed. Just think of the first martyr, Stephen. Scripture says that the people hearing were “cut to the heart”, then they stoned him. But many after that came to know Christ, including the one whom they put the clothes of Stephen at his feet. Amen!! Keep going!!

News Item1/11/19 12:30 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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The whole idea is that we swear in to a law and higher power in which our law is made. God’s law is above our law, so we swear in, in the presence of Gods law. To swear in by the constitution is a circular argument. She is swearing by the very document she says to uphold? So what happens if the constitution changes? Exactly, God’s law does not change.

News Item1/11/19 12:30 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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The whole idea is that we swear in to a law and higher power in which our law is made. God’s law is above our law, so we swear in, in the presence of Gods law. To swear in by the constitution is a circular argument. She is swearing by the very document she says to uphold? So what happens if the constitution changes? Exactly, God’s law does not change.

News Item1/7/19 7:29 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Autocorrect sorry “shut” up.

News Item1/7/19 7:27 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Yep, sounds like something the Libs would say, “keep it in your church, house, etc.” funny though, Bruce doesn’t have to keep his views in his own house? Oh! I see, we have to shit up, but you all get to keep promoting all your stuff. Sound fair 🤷‍♂️

News Item1/1/19 7:19 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Somehow quoting from a humanistic, drug using, universalistic, philosopher about how vaccines are bad is sound logic. I am clearly not discussing this with a mentally sound individual. I am done. Set your pride aside. Thank you.

News Item1/1/19 7:13 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Happy National Aldous Huxley quote day! Everyone!!
“The effective object of worship is the bottle and the sole religious experience is that state of uninhibited and belligerent euphoria which follows the ingestion of the third cocktail”

“The need for frequent chemical vacations from intolerable Southold and repulsive surroundings will undoubtedly remain what is needed is a new drug which will relieve a good soul are suffering species”

Aldous Huxley. 🤔👍

News Item1/1/19 6:56 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Dude, your quoting a person who encouraged trips on LSD. He used it till he died. Hmmm. Let’s see here, I read peer reviewed papers on how medical science is examined you watch movies and quote from drug addicts. I rest my case, obviously you are the one that doesn’t really research. 😂

News Item1/1/19 6:19 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Hilarious! Have you read Huxley? I have. That’s why I think it’s hilarious. Huxley was a philosopher that believed that people need to take drugs to be sane. Being under the influence of substance was his answer to the problems of the world. Many 1970’s social justice type people used his philosophy to justify drugs. He is obviously make a reappearance!! Lol. May it be a lesson for you not to quote that which you know not of! 😂 priceless. I can’t wait to show this thread to all my friends! Epically ironic! Someone against vaccines quoting someone who thought it would be good to take drugs 🤣 thanks for the laugh !!!!

News Item1/1/19 5:12 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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Yeah, Mississippi guy, when you talk about chemo and such, you just sound ignorant. Not stupid, but just uninformed. Also, I check the Vaxxed movie out. Let’s me know where you are coming from. Wow. You do know that they play scary music when presenting pro-vaccine people is unscholarly, deceptive, and just plain dishonest. Ask yourself why they are doing that? Why they chose that music, why they need music, the angle of camera chosen while presenting it? The syringe that is spraying some gas that looks scary and I would not want to breathe? Why include scary music while asking if I know if my children are safe? All emotional. Start thinking in terms of presuppositions. That will help you not get entangled in this ridiculous stuff that is saying your time. Thank you.

News Item1/1/19 3:59 PM
Benjamin | KCK  Find all comments by Benjamin
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I am always amazed at people who belittle those who have put in a considerable amazing of work into learning a subject. There are people who study for 12 years, and there are those who watch movies (that have obvious presumptions I might add). Lol! Amazing! Also, we all know your philosophy is not real, you can’t live it. Where are you going to go or take your children when they are deathly ill, emergency, etc. ? Right! The so-called, “evil doctors and medical community”. We all know it. I see it all the time. First you will go to your herb only witch doctor type who will tell you to eat this or that then when that doesn’t work you will go to the doctor but by then your cancer would have metastasized it whatever you had is too far advanced to cure and you will say, “see! The doctors can’t even help!” Don’t want to take responsibility for the fact that they don’t use the vehicles or avenues that out Good God has blessed us with. I see it all the time. Sad.
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