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News Item7/18/07 1:09 PM
shawn  Find all comments by shawn
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The best way to display your Christian faith is to obey the law of God first, and get out of government schools.

Wanting to display your faith in a government school is like a man trying to preach the gospel in a hoar house. You should not be there in the first place.

Covenant children in Government schools is a direct violation of the law of God (deutornomy 6), and you want to display your faith while your rejecting God's law...makes no sense to me.

News Item7/18/07 12:56 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Christian fantasy is just now catching on? What, have these people never heard of the "Left Behind" series of books..Or how about Hal Lindsey's book "late great planet earth" that was a national best seller 25 years or so ago.
Christian fantasy, often found in the "prophecy" section of a book store, has been around for a long time.

Even the mythical characters that can be found in these fantasy books have become mainstream, for example The "anti-christ" demonic world ruler guy who put's microchips in peoples hands and foreheads to send them to hell.

Yep, Christian fantasy and mythical christian characters have been around for a long time...It's a billion dollar industry...The bad thing is that a lot of Christin's read the garbage and think it's true.

News Item7/13/07 1:06 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Islam cannot exegetically be the beast of Revelation. Here are a couple of reasons why.

- Islam was not around to persecute the Christians of the first century (like the beast of rev. does)
- Islam did not have five fallen kings in the first century like the beast did. (5 have fallen, one is, one is yet to come)
- Islam did not destroy jerusalem with fire in the first century
- Islam did not arise as a world power at the time of Christ like the beast did
- Islam did not have a king (a head) whose name equalled 666 like the beast did in the first century
- Islam was not destroyed to make way for the rise of christendom to spread throughout the world like the beast was

and on and on I could go.

Being you are so influenced by the reading of someone's propecy book...let me recommend some.


News Item7/13/07 12:01 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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I can prove to this man there is a hell.

All he has to do is go to the local cemetery and dig up a couple of dead bodies, and look at the worms, maggots and gross corruption that has come upon that person...then let's see if he tells me that there is no hell.

Proof of hell:
The very fact that this man is going to die and be eaten by worms should be proof enough...We all accept death, we should all equally accept hell. If the visible corruption is so plain, then surely we should accept the much more spiritual corruption of hell.

If God saw fit to appoint you to die for your sins, and see gross corruption, and be eaten by maggots...then surely he will see fit for your soul to endure the same.

Death itself is the proof of hell. This is a non-debatable fact..your going to see corruption..You have to be in real denial to reject the obvoius.

News Item7/13/07 11:46 AM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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FYI Mr. Huckabee,
the "second commandment" is not "do unto others"...it is:
"Thou shalt not make for thyself a graven image".

As for being a "grace Christian"..

" A new and more powerful proclamation of the Law is perhaps the most pressing need of the hour...A low view of Law always brings legalism in relegion; a high view of Law makes man a seeker after grace. Pray God that the high view may again prevail"
J. Gresham Machen

How can you really be a "grace christian" without being a "law Christian"...It is the "Law Christians" who seek after grace...It is the "grace christians" who negate the actual need for grace.

just my opinion.

News Item7/13/07 11:26 AM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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It is impossible for "grace" itself to rule at anytime, just as it is impossible for "law" by itself to rule...
It is "Christ" the King who RULES, and it is he who gives grace as he please, and who commands obedience to his law.
Without "law" there is no sin, and if there is no sin, then there is no need for grace.

God commands many types of criminals to be put to death, (especially murderers). Now, does he command only the "sinless" to be the executioners? NO, if so then he would of made void his own own commandment. For there are none who are sinless, therefore no one could ever be put to death for his crime. (this would make God a very bad lawgiver)

God (nor Jesus) does not command the sinless to carry out execution by stoning. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as the death penalty. God only commands that those who are innocent of the sin being condemned can be the executioners. Makes perfect sense.

The women caught in adultery could not be stoned because it was an unlawful trial, and there was no pharisee there who could throw the first stone without breaking the Law of Moses himself..that is why they left.
Jesus knew the Law better then they, and he used it to convict the pharisee's own hearts.

Jesus confirms the death penalty, not ends it

News Item7/12/07 5:52 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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By ridiculing the stoning of an adulterer...You are in fact ridiculing the God who commanded adulterers to be stoned...
Granit, Islam is evil...but not because they stone adulterers...In fact, being God commanded such to be done, I would go so far as saying that stoning an adulterer (legally), is in fact righteousness (justice)...Wow, Islam actually performed true justice, by obeying the law of God...Now if they would just obey the rest of the law of God and repent and believe the gospel.

Leviticus 20:10
If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

Note: Jesus never commanded the women caught in adultery to not be stoned...Only that the trial was in error, because of the adulteress sins of the pharisees...They had not right to condemn her. Jesus called them adulterers as well; you cannot throw a stone at someone as guilty if you are guilty of the SAME sin. The law commands the first witness to throw the first stone, but he cannot be guilty of the sin himself...That's why Jesus said to "throw the first stone"...he did not say that stoning adulterers was wrong, only that the Law of God was to be upheld properly, not like the pharisees were trying to do.

If only the USA would do the same.

News Item7/10/07 3:34 PM
shawn  Find all comments by shawn
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AntiVaticanistAmerican said:
"The True "Protestants" and/or Apostates are the Satanic-Vaticanists & Roman "Catholic" Cultists: who historically added 6 spurious & un-Holy-Spirit-inspired "inter-testamental" books to The Authorized 66 Books of The Holy Bible: 66 + 6 = 666-The Satanic Vaticanist/Roman "Catholic" Cultic Number of The Beast (Anti-Christ) !"

Since when does 66+6 =666 ??

66+6= 72

The only thing "666" has to do with is the role of Ceaser Nero in the book of Revelation.
Now people are attributing it to how many books are in the bible.

News Item7/9/07 5:35 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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I what I find most suprising about "AntiVaticanistAmerican" claim is this statement.

"Go After The Treasure that they have been pursuing, lo, These Last 18 Centuries. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Holy & Eternal City of Jerusalem !"

HOLY & ETERNAL...Physical Jerusalem. What!
Jerusalem was destroyed 2000 years ago...What remains in it's place is just buildings, car's, and people..There is no such thing as a physical holy and eternal city of Jerusalem...Yet, the vatican want's it...If they just embrace Christ, they will have it.

News Item7/5/07 4:38 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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This is nothing more then the Athiestic world view in action. Without God there is no right and wrong, and no one can say that what these people did was wrong. In fact, if they chose to do what they did by instinct, then they were perfectly right.

Now in a biblical world view, we can read scriptures that tell us to even help out our neighbors ox if it is hurt, let alone our neighbor himself.

These people are guilty as accessory to a crime leading to death.

Note: Now before the "dooms-dayers" come on here and tell us this is the signs of the end times...let me say that Jesus gave a parable of the exact thing happening in his time.

News Item7/5/07 11:55 AM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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There are two unforgiveable sins...Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and buying goods without cash...There is hell fire for both of these.

Nope, only in the fiction books is a cashless society some sort of sin.

What is the original mark on the hand and forehead as found in the bible? (hint...no microchips)

Deutoranomy 11
18 “You shall therefore lay up these words (commandments) of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a mark on your hand, and they shall be a sign upon your forehead.

God's word shall direct all of your thoughts (forehead) and all of your actions (right hand). This is the "mark" of a child of God.

The mark of the beast is that corrupt govt. influences your thoughts and your actions. You trust in king's, rather then in the King of kings.

The mark of the beast is not a microchip...it is a way of life. Hince, those who practice this (the mark) are doomed to hell (not because of a microchip) because they submitted not to Christ, but to the world system.

After John see's the mark of the beast, he say's this:
Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.
Reve 14

This is not about the NWO..it's about spiritual truths.

Survey7/5/07 11:17 AM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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I guess JD has never sung the hymn "joy to the world" at Christmas time, or any other time.

Singing about the birth of Christ the Church has confessed the kingship of Christ.

"Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;…
Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns;…
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love"

"Come quickly" means it is going to happen very soon.."Time is near" means the time is very near.."At the door" means it is here, the time is now.

Revelation was written to the 7 churches in the first century. They themselves were being told what was about to take place. The "time is near" means NEAR..not far..If soon meant a long time, and near meant far, and at the door meant later, then John was a deciever. He decieved the people of his day that the time was near, when in fact it was not.
But, if you study the prophecies of matt 24, and Revelation, you will see how they all came about in the first century (as Jesus said they would). It is lack of understanding that makes a person throw the scriptures into the distant future. One does not understand the meaning, so he throws it into the future; this is not good exegesis.

Survey7/4/07 12:47 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Being the Lord revealed to John things which he said "must shortly come to pass", and this in 65ad or so, then it should be obvious that the Rev passage you quote was fulfilled in the first century.

Christ is king and nations have been coming to worship him for the last 2000 years. And as Christ continues to rule and reign, the nations will more and more be subdued by his word and will worship him. This will continue until the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of God, and Christ fills all in all.

But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth...in the days of those kings (pre 70ad) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed..It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.
Dan 2

Christ's asscnesion
and behold, with the clouds of heaven
there came one like a son of man,
and he came to the Ancient of Days
and was presented before him.
14 And to him was given dominion
and glory and a kingdom,
that all peoples, nations, and languages
should serve him;
his dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away,
and his kingdom one
that shall not be destroyed.
Daniel 7

Survey7/2/07 6:07 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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The Lawless one is the apostate priesthood, which sat in the temple of God, suposedly ruling on behalf of God's law, but it was in fact lawless and sin, doomed to destruction. The priesthood ...Who, even in THE PAST, sentenced Jesus Christ himself to death, taking the perogative of God in so doing. Making itself, (himself) above God.

Rome restrained the priesthood for a time, but after the Jewish rebellion(apostasy), the "Jews" and the priesthood were no longer restrained...his (the priesthood) destruction was certain.


Sorry. What question do you want me to answer. How do I know what the "temple" is, or what "restrain" is?

Survey7/2/07 5:27 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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The position that Christ came, as he promised he would, in the first century is not a heretical view.

There are plenty of sermons on here that teach this. In fact, it is the prevailing (or is becoming) view in most reformed churches.

A vast many of conservative Christian leaders hold to this view. Including,

Hank Hanegraff, RC Sproul, Gary Demar, Ken Gentry (all major Christian leaders in this country)

Just because you have been dupped by the futurist's propoganda does not make my view heretical.

Try listening to some of these lectures on sermonaudio.



or get some books at

I will debate with you in precise detail on the scriptures here if you are up for it.


Survey7/2/07 5:08 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Obviously you are the one that paid no attentin to detail. Did you even read the post. I made a clear statement that indicates who the man of sin is, it is so clear that you, if you read, could never think that I hold to "Titus" as the man of sin.

Quote from my last post:
"Though the man of sin was very much an "antichrist", which is obvious by his seat in the temple judging, even pronouncing the death sentence upon Christ himself, then persecuting his followers for 40 years".

Did Titus seat in the temple, did Titus accuse Jesus of blasphemy and pronounce the death sentence, did Titus persecute Christians for 40 years?

The answer should be obvoius.

How could you confuse the priesthood, and namely the high priest, with Titus

And you accuse me of having no eye for detail. hah.

Survey7/2/07 4:56 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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If Jesus did not come in judgement upon the man of sin, in the first century, then both Jesus and Paul were false teachers.

For Jesus himself clearly told his disciples that his coming in judgement would come upon their generation (Matt 24:34), also Jesus said that "some standing here would not taste death till they see the son of man come in his kingdom", and Jesus repeatedly told John in Revelation that he was coming soon, that he was showing John what must soon take place, and that he was coming quickly.

Paul speaks often about Jesus' coming in judgement, as it is specifically laid out in Matthew 24 (which is completely fulfilled) and explained specifically with the destruciton of the temple and the end of that age.

In thessalonians Paul is not talking about the end of the world or the consumation of all things..He is speaking of the things in the first century, hince why he is writing to a Church in the fist century (Thess.) and teaching things that THEY should expect...not us.

It should be obvious that the Apostles taught and expected Christ's judgement coming in the first century. Being inspired, I don't believe they were wrong. It's the futurist's who are wrong. A careful study of prophecy can prove it.


Survey7/2/07 3:54 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Some say that Pauls "man of sin" is the antichrist; if this is so, then we know that the antichrist was alive (or "functioning", depending on the interpretation of it being a literal man) during the first century.
Paul explicitly tells us that this "man" was being restrained, at that time...not 2000 years in the future.

Also, the "lawless one" sat in the temple of God in Jerusalem, in Paul's day. The temple was destroyed in 70ad and will never be rebuilt. The "lawless" one therefore had to of been revealed prior to 70ad.

But, then again Paul's man of sin and John's antichrist are probably not the same. Though the man of sin was very much an "antichrist", which is obvious by his seat in the temple judging, even pronouncing the death sentence upon Christ himself, then persecuting his followers for 40 years.

I of course voted that the antichrist was way in the past.

Survey7/2/07 3:35 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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I think Paul makes the perfect balance of Law and faith in Romans.

For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law...Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law. Romans 3:28,31

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to GOD'S LAW; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8

Those who are in the Spirit can please God, for the Spirit, unlike the flesh, submits to God's law.

News Item7/2/07 12:18 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Good sermons/lectures on bible prophecy and America's Christian heritage, here on sermon audio.

If you are serious about the comments you all made, then you will listen to some of these sermons/lectures.


And for good literature on both these topics.

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