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News Item9/24/18 3:31 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
Actually, I preached the gospel last night, Miss Cora. And I spent 22 years in the armed forces defending your freedom of speech. Please refrain from trying to deny me mine.
How could I have missed that you were a preacher of the gospel. From your posts I thought you were trying to get possum fur out of your craw. Nothing like getting possum fur and hair in your throat. Makes you cough to abnormality. Even make you say things that turn people away from the reality found in the gospel; even make you think there is no God.

When I was a child I was told that possums can fake death. Some politician was no doubt after them. Now that I am grown, I am learning that preachers can fake life. Never feeding others anything but their fleshly opinions.

Well, enough about possums (pretenders). I like eating the bread from heaven. I'll leave supreme court matters to the Supreme One too.

My prayers are for you, other veterans, and preachers battling for the souls of men.

News Item9/22/18 5:35 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Frank wrote:
Hey Chris,
Looking at Cora's comment it is easy to see why women shouldn't lead in our world. They see everything through tainted lenses and those lenses are generally focused on their individual rights and agendas.
You never once made light of rape, but simply doubted the truthfulness of this lady as I do. What Cora is saying is if a woman accuses someone then that person is guilty simply because the accusation was made. What a silly argument.
You are looking at the argument being made, Cora is looking at the gender and her personal experiences.
"What Cora is saying is if a woman accuses someone then that person is guilty simply because the accusation was made. What a silly argument."

I am not saying this! That would and is silly. Have you no desire to listen for heaven's sake?

Everyone should be heard. Every stone should be turned over. Period!

I do know that some people have not come forward and will not come forward. It might take others 50 or more years to do so.

Women were accused in most cases, years ago, against their abusers. They were made to feel worthless.

Ginzberg recently spoke of injustices toward wives/mothers in cases of divorce or widowhood. Who were the judges making the final decisions?

News Item9/22/18 5:22 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
Miss Cora, the fact that you would even suggest that there was a time when only white people were racist shows that you either don't know what racism is, or you are racist yourself. And telling Christopher to shut up was very arrogant and rude. My last post to you on this topic. "It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling." (Proverbs 20:3)
So why do you keep meddling?

I am talking about certain men who used violence ganged up on weaker groups. Anyone touting superiority above another is a self-centered racist.

I believe the godly should lead. There lives should demonstrate another's righteousness. Not their own prideful self-righteousness.

News Item9/22/18 1:45 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
Cora, have you always been such a racist?
Plain Old Tim wrote:
Cora, have you always been such a racist?
What do you mean “always?” What do you mean “such?” What do you mean “racist?”

Always from birth? Such to what degree? Racist compared to who or what?

There was a time "racist" distinguished "white" people from people of color. Today it has multiple applications.

It is when men fail to identify properly with others I consider them racist. They think highly of themselves while demeaning other people groups. Those who play God by demanding to rule over others, joining with others in order to deprive others of their God-given liberties. But you commented on an issue concerning victimization. Jim, they often do what you seem to have done here.

I'm not very bright and my lights are dimming faster at this age. And I cannot understand for the life of me how you saw me as racist. To satisfy you fishing expedition, I am neither racist, nor a racist. I was just stating the fact that certain men dominate. They are white. They do it by deceit today as they have done in the past. Though sinners like the rest of us, they promote agendas that maintain the status quo.

They know more tha

News Item9/22/18 1:01 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Christopher000 wrote:
Thanks, Quiet Christian. Here's exactly where I'm at with this whole fiasco...Any woman, man, or child has the right to, and should speak up as a victim of assault, and expose those who hurt, or tried to hurt them, etc. Mrs. Blasey is no different, and normally, would have every right in the world to confront and expose her alleged attacker, Mr Kavanaugh, and get to the truth, no matter who he is, or his political position. She deserves that right, just like anyone else would.
The issue is her precision on the timing. Kavanaugh has been in the public eye; a public servant, for many, many years, but only when he is nominated for a position in which the Roe vs Wade decision could be affected, she suddenly can't bear the emotional turmoil any longer, so after 36yrs, she finally steps out as the victim of attempted rape, and being in fear that he actually might have murdered her that night. Back then, she never told a friend, her parents, or reported this horrific crime to the police, yet 36yrs later, she just can't bear the silence any longer, but only after Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court became a reality.
Talk about nepharious agendas.
You have no idea of how devastating rape is. So SU!

News Item9/22/18 12:59 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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John UK wrote:
Brother, I don't know if I'm permitted to say anything "honestly" as it may turn out for evil.
Matthew 5:37 KJV
(37)  But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
But to answer your question, please be informed that I know you better than you imagine I know you; you are a fearless preacher and soul winner, not given to being caused to bow down for any reason, and any upshutting by yourself is a mere whim and humorously passing comment, designed to offbalance someone who ought to know better than they do, but who post without thought or prayer, showing themselves to be without Holy Ghost guidance or desire to truly edify, not having sufficient scripture anyway.
Two scriptures for those critical of her and refusing to "listen for heaven's sake."
1 Cor. 2:11 and Prov. 18:2.

Make some effort to go beyond the spur of the moment comments. PLEASE.

And Tim, go preach the Gospel and get off this board for a day or two, I say. Rest your fingers and your mind and breathe in the life of the life giver for a while.

News Item9/22/18 12:50 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
In my own life, one can be a Christian parent, pray deligently for your children but there is individual accountability for everyone. And after your children are of certain age, your voice is a clanging bucket when it comes to matters of faith to a millennial who was born with everything but the ability to gain faith and wisdom.
No, I do not believe that your faith in Christ can rub off on anyone. They may see your good works and glorify God for the change in you, but if they don’t cry out to God for salvation, they are dead in their sins.
Is it possible that the more we talk about people and what the do, the more our children will focus on people? Conversely the more we talk about the things of God the more our children will focus upon the things of God?

I read many SA posts and posted prideful opinions. It was Christian gossip; comparing man to man. My children did the same. I knew I was out of place. I confessed to them and to God of this sin. I was blinding them to the Gospel. I changed and now I am seeing a remarkable change in them. They welcome spiritual conversation; what scripture says.
Their attention is turned to God each and every day. We now pray with and for one another. God turned me around.

Let God

News Item9/22/18 12:17 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Plain Old Tim wrote:
Empress Hirohito: "Men need to shut up. And kiss my feet." How insulting for this arrogant picklepuss to say that men "need to do the right thing for a change." The implication, of course, is that men never do right, and that doing so now would be a first. Poor thing had a rotten childhood; show me five people who didn't. That's no excuse for being a rotten adult.
Good afternoon, John UK. You didn't honestly think I'd stay away long, did you?

I believe she was inferring the following from Proverbs 18:2:

A fool has no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.

He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

Keep your eyes on your offspring, your mother, wife, sister, and those you love when you see a change in their relationships. Even males.

I think we'll see more catholic victims come forward in 25 - 30 years.

News Item9/21/18 8:04 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Lurker wrote:
Thanks for you reply, Cora.
“… you seem to have your mind made up…”. The situation is very polarizing … a huge political game of brinksmanship. The dems … The dems. The dems. “
This is politics!
“...mind made up…” about what?
You add to the polarization simply by saying “dems” and making accusations about them. Has it been reported who contacted who? Did she go to them or vice versa?
As for defeating Kavanaugh, we all know that this confirmation is being rushed through. Why?
Are there any men around that will stand up for righteousness? Or do we have people that just want to argue all the time? Contentious men.
Our Lord said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Now if there are any righteous men among those deciding Kavanaugh’s fate that will bring the Lord Jesus into this debate; seeking to honor him and glorify him, we would come away confident. He would change the heart. He would settle this debate.
Just like people see Christ in us (if we’re walking in the Spirit), people see Trump in Kavanaugh. Others, see themselves in Dr. Ford.

News Item9/20/18 10:54 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Forgiving someone doesn’t necessarily set you free.

This kind of offense can often make you more vulnerable.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think all men are alike. No broad brushing here. It just seems that there is a group who think only along “white” lines. We see this going on with the confirmation issue. The testimony of a woman against a powerful man is dangerous still. Look at the opposition Doctor Ford is encountering even now. They will vilify her without blushing. This is why the senator said what she did. She knows they are dishonest.

I wish they would shut up. I wish they would do their jobs with integrity. Better I wish they would vacate their offices.

News Item9/20/18 9:44 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
My if she had said “ black men or Mexican men “, need to stand up and shut up, oh, she did.
Unfortunately this just shows us how domineering and dominating white men are. They seem to be adamant in retaining power over others. It shows continuing disparity between white men and men of color. Also, it shows just why women don’t report the abuses of males. White men are the last to believe them because they are the ones committing the most violence. It seems as though they’ll do anything to establish laws that benefit themselves. Most people find them intrinsically evil and are tired of them wickedly engineering societal systems.
They are a bunch of cowards. Lacking guts. They are afraid of one another.
Why should this woman be interrogated by all male and all white men?

I am in my late 70s. Ten years ago I could not contain what had happened to me when I was hardly a teen. During a Bible study I blurted it out when abuse was not ever the topic. Haunted by it for years I realized it was still affecting my life because I knew I would not be believed for several reasons.

It's a man's, a white man's" world.

Investigate it by inquiring ACAC church, Pgh, PA. I still don't want to be identified; only to support vic

News Item9/19/18 7:42 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Frank wrote:
Well if this administration is basing its values on biblical values, then we should hear the following:
1. Abortion is murder and those who participate in this should be prosecuted.
2. Homosexuality in any of its forms is an abomination in the eyes of God and those who practice it will experience His wrath.
3. Greed is synonymous with idolatry.
4. The feminist movement is evil.
5. Men and women should wait until marriage to have sex.
6. Christianity is not inclusive, but exclusive. So, if someone dies outside of Christ, they are lost.
The above are so basic that any genuine Christian would have to profess them. So, why don’t we hear those in Washington profess the above?
Many attend church regularly and are not changed. It's just a show and means nothing.

He needs to respect the Law and keep his mouth shut.

He also demeans people. Is he learning this in bible study?

News Item9/5/18 3:58 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Adriel wrote:
""House Democrats intend to unleash an avalanche of hearings, subpoenas, and investigations on the Trump Administration""
Democrat policy is not politics anymore. Instead it is:-
Hmmm. The Democrat ideology hasn't changed much has it.

News Item8/29/18 8:02 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Christopher000 wrote:
No, Cora, and this will be my final response to you on any topic, because I find you to be, not only toxic, but bigoted, according to the tone of some of your comments of recent weeks. I've met you before, many times throughout life...all kinds of Coras who raise their hands up high in church, while grasping their bibles tight, and shouting, "Praise Jesus!". White Coras, and black Coras, claiming to have been born from above, while at the same time, harboring a dark bitterness in their heart, one towards the other, over the sins of generations gone by. I find your bitter attitude, and bigoted outlook, beyond sickening.
To answer your assumption/accusation...No, I don't follow Breitbart. The address I posted was the direct link that SermonAudio itself used to point to that particular story on Julius M's comments to the foreign press.
Sorry. And happily I am not one of those Coras, even thought they could be my spiritual sisters.

It is perfectly ok with me whatever you choose to do. I am not your master.

News Item8/29/18 6:59 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Christopher000 wrote:
Thanks Cora. In fairness, I did read the

Given the overall temperature, the obvious rage, and documentaries, as well as independent interviews with American, Australian, and other landowners, I can't dismiss the slaughters, but I can't say they are government sanctioned, or pockets of expropriation patriots who have taken it upon themselves to speed the process up.
I'd point you to the following, and while takeover by slaughter isn't mentioned, it certainly seems like a possibility, given the extreme anger:
Where I'm at right now is simply that I don't know, and that's as fair and honest as I can be. Bottomline is that we can't possibly know what's really going on based upon news feeds and reports, but would need to be there to see with our own eyes, and speak with the locals, etc. All Yolanda needed to do was what you did, but she just blurted out one-liners about lies, and moved on. Issues of race should not be alive and well within the church, but I often feel just that when these storys arise.

Oh! So you follow Brietbart? I wonder if God approves of their propaganda tactics? HATRED F

News Item8/28/18 8:46 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Lurker and Christopher in defense of Yolanda


News Item8/28/18 8:40 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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South Africa's top diplomat slams Trump tweet as 'right-wing ideology
Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu dismissed Trump's remarks as "unLindiwe Sisulu dismissed Trump's remarks as "unfortunate," saying that they were resonating with other people with the same ideology.
fortunate," saying that they were resonating with other people with the same ideology . …
"Our job is to make sure we can redistribute land, that those people whose was taken away from them, forcefully and illegally by previous governments, should be returned to them because we would like as much productivity as we can on the land.
"South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past," the government tweeted. "South Africa will speed up the pace of land reform in a careful and inclusive manner that does not divide our nation."

News Item8/28/18 8:39 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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South Africa's top diplomat slams Trump tweet as 'right-wing ideology
Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu dismissed Trump's remarks as "unLindiwe Sisulu dismissed Trump's remarks as "unfortunate," saying that they were resonating with other people with the same ideology.
fortunate," saying that they were resonating with other people with the same ideology . …
"Our job is to make sure we can redistribute land, that those people whose was taken away from them, forcefully and illegally by previous governments, should be returned to them because we would like as much productivity as we can on the land.
"South Africa totally rejects this narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and reminds us of our colonial past," the government tweeted. "South Africa will speed up the pace of land reform in a careful and inclusive manner that does not divide our nation."

Sermon8/15/18 12:41 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Go On to Maturity
Henry Mahan
“ Safe and Secure ”
Leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus.

News Item8/13/18 1:27 PM
Cora Suither | PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
--[URL=https://tinyurl.com/y9unmq54]]]Under Trump, America's religious right is rewriting its code of ethics[/URL]
[URL=https://tinyurl.com/y86zzydb]]]“There Won’t Even Be a Paper Trail”: Has Stephen Miller Become a Shadow Master at the State Department?[/URL]
Stephen Miller is the face of intrinsic evil! He's a dog.
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