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Sermon6/4/09 7:35 PM
wendy | michigan  Find all comments by wendy
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What is Adultery?
Voddie Baucham
“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW WOW WOW This sermon is a must hear. Thank you Pastor.

Sermon5/9/09 4:54 PM
wendy | jersey city, nj  Find all comments by wendy
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“ Praise God ”
Very helpful sermon. This is a sermon to put on cd and give to as many brothers and sisters you can, praying that God will use it to work truth in their hearts - encouraging His children to press on into the Kingdom with Him and bringing others to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Sermon2/23/09 12:20 PM
wendy | usa  Find all comments by wendy
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Choosing to Love
Dr. Greg Mazak
Did you get saved after you got married? Are you wondering how to love an "enemy of God", who is beholden to the very same sin nature that ruled your heart before you came to know the Lord? Did you think your spouse would get saved immediately after you, but they didn't, so you've been spiritually alone in your marriage for some time now? Is the distance between you and your spouse growing as you get closer to the Lord and they are still outside of Christ? This will encourage and edify you...this sermon will instruct you on the importance of honoring God through sacrificially loving your spouse in a Christ-like manner. I found this very practical in helping me understand why I must "go against the grain" in loving my husband when he is cruel or "unlovely"...(this is obviously how we take up our cross and treat others the way we were treated by Christ before we were saved, He died for us when we were yet enemies of God) yet, it is tough to live that out. This sermon helped, it made the difference in moving from KNOWING I must love my husband regardless to MOTIVATING me to love him from my heart as joyful obedience to Christ.

Sermon1/31/09 4:57 PM
Wendy | Southfield, Mich  Find all comments by Wendy
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Contentment Rests Here
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You Pastor Curtis for this comforting and encouraging sermon. This is a must hear saints.

Sermon1/16/09 5:39 PM
Wendy | Southfield, Michigan  Find all comments by Wendy
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The First Lie
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
"WOW" The grace of God is truly amazing. This is a must hear.

Sermon1/9/09 11:56 PM
wendy | southfield, michgan  Find all comments by wendy
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The Door the Lord Opens
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks Pastor Curtis for this sermon. What comfort, What encouragement it was for me. Thanks again.

Sermon1/7/09 8:29 PM
wendy | southfield.mich.  Find all comments by wendy
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Covers To Wrap Yourself In
Don Fortner
“ Great Sermon! ”
WOW!! What a wonderful sermon! This is a must hear.

Sermon11/26/08 5:12 PM
wendy | USA  Find all comments by wendy
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God's Reproach on False Pastors
Rev. Ian Goligher
“ Great Sermon! ”
A humble call to remain true to Christ, never bashing or angry towards false pastors, simply telling the Truth. Excellent treatment of this concerning subject. Amen!

Sermon11/26/08 2:41 PM
wendy | USA  Find all comments by wendy
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The Heart of the New Covenant
Robert Fisher
“ Authentic Christianity ”
I encourage you all to listen: "Real Christian experience is where there is this dynamic relationship between you and the Living God. Where God takes you and He changes you, where He puts His law into your heart so you are inclined to do it, where God by His Spirit changes you inwardly; where God comes and puts His fear in your heart so you are drawn to Him and you are attracted to Him and you want to please Him. Where He Himself keeps working..." amen!

Sermon2/11/08 1:55 PM
Wendy | northeast  Find all comments by Wendy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Take notes, refer to them often. This is a sermon to keep us grounded and Christ exalted!

Survey2/1/07 11:13 AM
Wendy | Metro NYC /Jersey City, NJ  Find all comments by Wendy
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(This survey is no longer available)
The 2005 Wisconsin Act 482 was passed to prohibit mandatory implantation into humans with a microchip (RFID) device:

AN ACT to create 146.25 of the statutes; relating to: prohibiting the required implanting of a microchip in an individual and providing a penalty.The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION1. 146.25 of the statutes is created to read: 146.25 Required implanting of microchip prohibited. (1) No person may require an individual to undergo the implanting of a microchip.(2) Any person who violates sub. (1) may be required to forfeit not more than $10,000. Each day of continued violation constitutes a separate offense.*

updates: http://www.legis.state.wi.us/lrb/pubs/Lb/06Lb13.pdf

Sermon12/22/06 6:17 PM
wendy | New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by wendy
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Thought provoking ”
I would recommend this sermon for not only an interesting look at TULIP (that goes against the grain of readily accepting the tenets), but also as a serious reminder that we must hold the Bible as the only authority for faith and life. I am not a learned scholar on calvin or augustine, but I did recognize how doctrine that I've ingested/accepted has come from these men, and I'm left thinking about it seriously, because this sermon presents a view on where the calvinistic doctrine reaches beyond a Biblical conclusion...therefore I am seriously encouraged to be more 'Berean-like' and search the Scriptures daily for not just enrichment/edification but correction and reproof.

Sermon11/17/06 11:03 PM
Wendy | Oregon  Find all comments by Wendy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is the second of Pastor Conway's sermons I've heard. We already homeschool, but this was an awesome encouragement to hang in there when the world says we're crazy. If you are a parent, take the time to listen to this sermon. The spiritual, and even literal, lives of your children are worth it.
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