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Survey9/15/07 12:32 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Let's see what's going on here...

For "Yamil Hate Day" I only found two participants.

The Female Preacher accusing me of stealing her monicker. Well, for all her conspiracy theories, this does not surprise me much. She accuses our president of being a terrorist and the terrorists of being innoncent people. So I guess I should take the charge as a compliment.

and... let's see

Allan calling me wicked. I wonder if that has anything to do with me believing that God loves every person in the world, not just Allen and his friends.

Not very creative guys. I would think you could do better than that.

Survey9/14/07 2:58 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Anybody else wants to criminalize me?

As the Weapon of Mass Instruction I decree this day, foreordained before the foundation of my prethought, to be declared as "Hate Yamil Day."

On this day, I give you the priviledge to post any of your hate, hangups, and otherwise criticism no matter how ridiculous they be.

News Item9/13/07 3:01 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Never mind that two out of the three first succesful colonies were made by Christians.

Nevermind that the majority of the pilgrims were seeking religious freedom.

Nevermind that our founding Father's were all open religionists who depended and confided in God.

Nevermind that most of the early documents made reverences to God and his sovereignty.

Nevermind that congress originally had the routine to start off in prayer.

Nevermind that many of the state constitution made references to God.

Nevermind that since its inception most of Americans are Christians.

Nevermind the idiocrisy of the 2% elite still thinking that they are smarter than the majority.

Maybe in another 500 years they will rise to the big 3%.

Survey9/12/07 11:51 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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I am sure that if hell froze over, I probably would have something to do with it as well.

Survey9/11/07 11:35 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Ernie G wrote:
Thank you for taking the time to write that.
Wow, Ernie. I did not know someone actually cared enough to save it.

You just never know,huh.

A man and a little girl accepted the Lord and Savior a couple of weeks ago. I had the nerve to tell them that Jesus loves them.

I saw the little girl this Sunday. She gave me a hug. I asked her, where she is going when she dies. She told me, heaven.

If a Calvinist were in my shoes, I am afraid that the girl would never know that Jesus loves her.


That bothers me.

Take for example Lurker's unconverted wife. He wants her saved (although he can never be sure that she is one of the elect) but how will she be saved if she is never told that Jesus loves her and wants her to be saved.

Then again, how many would be saved, if they only knew how?

Survey9/11/07 4:03 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Lurker wrote:
"Lord, Lord!! Yamil said "Trust me. Its that simple.""
It's Doctor to you. Or if you preffer, Daddy.

Well whatever your fancy may be, I guess it would be better than saying, "Lord, Lord!! Lurker said, 'Trust me, it really is that complicated.'"

The F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist wrote:
And that's the way the cookie crumbles around here.

Survey9/11/07 2:29 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Lurker wrote:
What does free will have to do with salvation? Absolutely nothing as the verse I quoted demonstrates.
You preach easy believism which I detest with every fibre of my being. Do you understand my speech?
Well, I guess you are one of those that cringe at simple declarative statements like "God so loved the world..."

If easy believism is believing that God desires all men to be saved (and it would not surprise me if you do since you like to make up definitions at whim) then I am surely guilty.

Is'nt that much easier than prooftexting a verse that has nothing to do with salvation like the one you just quoted?

I much rather accept that God means what he states and states what he means.

We have enough editors of God's word, the last thing we need is another one.

Survey9/11/07 1:03 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Lurker wrote:
Reading comprehension problems Yamil?
Jesus' words:
Why do ye not understand my speech? Because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. (John 8:42)
My words:
"So much for the doctrine from the pit of hell known as free will. And, oh, those enticing and subtile words..."
Your words:
"Trust me"
Actually that is really how your posts reads when you resort to prooftexting instead of accepting clear declarative statements from God's word. I understand that you have a hard time with context both within and without the Bible, but humor me just this once and try reading the context of your post.

Ridiculous is it not?

Yes I know.

That's why if you want to debate salvation, then it is best to stick to versus that speak salvation. You know the ones like:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

I know its a horrible thought for you elitist, but its a wonderful thought for the rest of us: God loves your neighbor just as much as he loves you!

While some cringe at this simple fact, others rejoice.

I choose to rejoice.

Survey9/11/07 12:16 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Lurker wrote:
Why do ye not understand my speech? Because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. (John 8:42)
So much for the doctrine from the pit of hell known as free will. And, oh, those enticing and subtile words.... "Trust me."
Running the line of blasphemy equating your words to Jesus', do you not think?

But of course that would not bother your kind one bit, for the Calvinist motto is...

WHATEVER IT TAKES!!! SOLA CALVINISM!! The Fa_nciful L_and of the Calvinist wrote:

Survey9/10/07 7:08 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Great! New javascript to hack!
You will be more intellectually honest in telling him, "Sorry sucker, don't matter how much you desire them to go to heaven. There is not any amount of prayer that will change wherever God has predestined them. Best you sit back and cross your fingers. Hopefully God has not predetermined them to go to hell."


You will be B more /B intellectually honest in telling him, "Sorry sucker, don't matter how much you desire them to go to heaven. There is not any amount of prayer that will change wherever God has predestined them. Best you sit back and cross your fingers. Hopefully God has not predetermined them to go to hell."


Survey9/8/07 6:24 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Great! New javascript to hack!

[AUTHOR]You will be more intellectually honest in telling him, "Sorry sucker, don't matter how much you desire them to go to heaven. There is not any amount of prayer that will change wherever God has predestined them. Best you sit back and cross your fingers. Hopefully God has not predetermined them to go to hell."

[QUOTE]You will be B more /B intellectually honest in telling him, "Sorry sucker, don't matter how much you desire them to go to heaven. There is not any amount of prayer that will change wherever God has predestined them. Best you sit back and cross your fingers. Hopefully God has not predetermined them to go to hell."[/QUOTE]

Survey9/8/07 6:18 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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[removed by editor]

News Item9/8/07 12:55 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Survey8/21/07 1:38 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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(This survey is no longer available)
Needless to say, I have been overwhelmingly busy. I doubt I will ave any time at all for SA for I do not know when.

I humbly drop the banner of truth being fully confident that some other would come after me and proudly bear it.

Survey8/11/07 12:11 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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"Don't ask for a verse then accuse of verse launching."

DB, apparently you jumped in without reading up and understanding where you we are at in the conversation.

The post I gave you was a cut and paste from a previous post (the original one if you may) so how am I am able to change my mind when all I did was cut and paste my original post I will leave for you to figure out.

If all I wanted was a verse that Calvinist used, I would not had needed your help. I can easily find them myself.

BTW, double predestination is unconditional election.

Survey8/11/07 10:46 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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I am not sure what you are trying to do DB but if you would like to take the challenge you are more than welcome. Unfortunately verse launching is not going to get you anywhere. You will have to do a little bit better than that.

If you would please pick the ONE passage of Scripture which you think is the most convincing, the one that offers unsurmountable proof to the truth of unconditional election, and DEMONSTRATE to the reader from the IMMEDIATE CONTEXT how that must be so. I will then go on to using the same verse which YOU have chosen and give present the reader with the antithesis.

We can go all day verse launching but that will not edify noone, for one cannot use one perverted verse to justify another one.

News Item8/11/07 10:40 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Yeah, I am sure that in the F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist "For God so loved the world..." has been placed in the Bible through arminian conspiracies.

Survey8/11/07 10:37 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Preferably I do not like Jack Hyles churches because they emphasize too much on numbers. It's like a soulwinning competition to them.

I believe that John R. Rice was a good man. There is nothing wrong in making the Great Commision great. In his day and age he came in duw time.

But I must confess that fundamentalists are not the best theologians. They do more work than study. I by the grace of God do not want to succumb to that.

Survey8/11/07 10:25 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Election as I read it from the Bible is almost always unto service not salvation.

Survey8/11/07 1:39 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Personally, I believe that Calvinism is a grave error that rob churches from their evangelistic zeal.

There are a few Calvinist with an evangelistic zeal who believe that God loves everyone. If this is true of you, you will experience the persecution from the hypers.

I challenged you to give me the most powerful passage of Scripture that proves that God has ordained some people to heaven and others to hell, but instead I've got some off the cuff ad hominem.

It leaves me to ask, how much you really desire truth.

Those who desire truth allow God to state what he means and mean what he states, not fabricate definitions that do not exist anywhere in the world except in their own theological system.

Until you arrive to this point, your desire for truth will always be suspect.

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