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News Item7/8/09 9:37 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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I have cows that God has made, the gas they and I produce is sin??
The New Methodist Church need to repent and Beleive God's Word!

News Item7/8/09 9:21 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Dan wrote:
Sounds exactly like what the antichrist would call for.

Little by little its being set up..

News Item7/6/09 8:46 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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CHAPPIE wrote:
Thank you Brian and Doris Johnson - We who are called Christian need more like you who are not afraid to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and offer a free copy of His Word, the Bible, to all who would take one. May we join them in proclaiming the truth.
AMEN to that from me too!!

Where are the Christian of america to busy saying god will do it..to busy saying...we are to love our enemies.. Turn the other cheek...Its time to find out what these verse really mean and used these verse in the right way, not for every instance. Has not God provided us to STAND for His WORD in action - not in word only by the death of His SON!!

Where are the John the baptists (spirit) standing up to even a king and saying its not right for you to have your brother wife to then have his head cut off! As in the day of Noah so will it be in the end times ..We need real Faith By Faith.....Heb 11

News Item7/6/09 8:25 AM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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GK wrote:
now there's a shock.....
cough cough
I was saddened again, and again to hear of the news of the above that america is heading further away from true righteousness, the disbelief that people voted for this satanic leader who influences the world by their demands via wall street money masters,

to then read the reply by G K ...I had to laugh..

Survey7/2/09 1:41 PM
Wake up  Find all comments by Wake up
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If you want to read John Piper's shocking (and insipidly sentimental) tribute to Billy Graham it can be found here:[URL=http://www.desiringgod.org/Blog/1484_A_Tribute_to_Billy_Graham_at_90/]]]http://www.desiringgod.org/Blog/1484_A_Tribute_to_..[/URL]

News Item6/29/09 9:06 PM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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great post guys, I loved reading them all ..

News Item6/29/09 2:15 AM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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It doesnt matter who is printing this news. But is this news true in general?
Isn,t this the more important point?
Id say it is true about teens.

Why is it true should be sort.
Dont blame God by saying God will do what he will do. God has finished His Work If your in the vine then produce fruit because of it.
If you want evil to triumph then do nothing - christian parent keep giving your todlers and pre teenagers all those (spiritual drugs) amussments that they will learn to love as their god and will choke any good seed..

News Item6/29/09 1:54 AM
wake up | Aust..  Find all comments by wake up
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Hidemi Williges wrote:
"The real purpose of the museum visit is to give some of my colleagues an opportunity to sense how they're being portrayed," said Arnold Miller, a professor of paleontology at the University of Cincinnati, which is hosting the conference. "They're being demonized, I feel, in this museum as people who are responsible for all the ills of society."
Ha Ha, And rightly so. When you submit demonized garbage as scientific fact, you should expect to judged by those who hold the Truth.
Well put!

News Item6/13/09 4:01 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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Tony Lopez-Cisneros wrote:
Wake Up, After Attending Bob Jones University In The 1980s-............... Etiquette" CEtiquette":


We agree

I remember being told off for useing the wrong spoon to eat Ice cream.
What people think thats important and what really is, is debatable and somtimes given too much time.
As too writting in capitals - I take it as emphasis, always, never as some one yelling at me who would I guess there seem some who do for what reason, I hate to find out. A spoon in the general use is for eating soup as well as icecream, writting in bold generally means to me as emphasis. all the best.

P.s Djc Etiquette ego seems,to hurt him by having a go at you tony for no reason worth strainning nat.

News Item6/11/09 6:28 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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San Jose John wrote:
Wow. He should become a great jounalist.
lol... Or a good president.

News Item6/11/09 6:15 AM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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DJC49 wrote:
Perhaps your alter ego -- *A Bible Christian Who Believes* -- was given yet another SermonAudio "timeout"

for having a sticky CAPS LOCK key on his keyboard. Typing posts in mostly ALL CAPS is akin to yelling and is verboten as far as SermonAudio is concerned.

It's not nice. It's contrary to sound, Christian etiquette. Posts in mostly ALL CAPS are subject to removal.
It's evident from your response here that you haven't gotten that message yet.

If thats the reason for timing him out and for you to have a go at him?? .. what a joke who make the rule what deems a shout and what is emphasis?? What a joke..

I would say it was emphasis that he is conveying. But what do I know about strict computter or dinning etiquette, and who really cares, I guess the queen and S.A..

News Item6/6/09 8:57 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Neil wrote:
"...try again, use the bible in the future... Plenty of people in the bible that[sic] were political."
OK, then please follow your own rule & prove that claim from the Bible. Where did the NT organized church have anything to do with Roman politics?
Neil where in the Bible Neil...Not N.T ..
There were soldiers saved in the N.T that still kept being roman soldiers. There were plenty of people who were Jewish political officers that were told once they were saved not to take extra tax from the people. Neil its not being political is the sin, its being corrupt and not looking to Christ the Head in faith. If all you look for is the letter of the law neil you will fail to see.. its the Spirit.
The Whole Bible is the rule of life.. Prove all things. Ps 33:12 ¶ Blessed [is] the nation whose God [is] the LORD; [and] the people [whom] he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

News Item6/6/09 8:31 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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More sodomite news!

Come Lord Jesus . Amen..

As in the days of Noah........

News Item6/4/09 5:08 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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What is happening over their in the "great" U.S is it let help the sodomite party...

News Item6/3/09 2:01 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Freddie wrote:
May I ask a question? Do any of you in this forum struggle or have struggled with this sin? I have struggled with this sin of bisexual for a long time. I wish it were different. I know this lifestyle is terribly sinful. I need help because I do not want to go to Hell. I need someone to talk to who knows from experience the pain I am in. I constantly feel I'm not born again and feel at times, that there is no more hope for me. I pray to God to take this sinaway and to give me a hatred for this sin. Anyone out there who can help me??
Freedie, you might be strugling with the great sin of bi...I struggle with abundance of idleness and fullness of bread ezk 16. 49 which is also a great sin both need Christ and His Spirit to strengthen the child to be a man of God, ask, seek and Ye SHALL find..

News Item5/28/09 6:16 AM
Wake up | Aust  Find all comments by Wake up
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Neil wrote:
We not only have search engines, we have the gov't itself as a resource on this issue: [URL=http://www.irs.gov/publications/p557/index.html]]]IRS Pub. 557 - Tax-Exempt Status[/URL]
The most interesting sections here are "Political Activity" & "Religious Organizations."
Now for my two cents: while theology does have broad political implications, the organized church has no Biblical warrant to engage in political lobbying. And any pastor who thinks his congregation needs to be told whom or what to vote for has not taught them properly & should be disciplined.
2 cents not worth anything over here. try again, use the bible in the future.

Plenty of people in the bible that were political. I think a good pastor should teach his church to stay away from both major parties, a good independant true christian party should be fine if you have that over there ..

News Item5/25/09 5:34 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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hello wrote:
Maybe you got what you need a Barak ( No moral) Obama to be the president
No he,s just a puppet too, the real government is in the shadows and they dont care for any but themselves!

News Item5/24/09 4:56 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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"Its liberating for us too that hes out of satan freemasons demon worship seat"

News Item5/24/09 4:37 AM
wake up | aust  Find all comments by wake up
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DJC49 wrote:
The time is coming when *TL-C* realizes that not every single word needs to begin with a capital letter!

Sincerely Yours,
St. Ignatius of Loyola

No need for that Djc49

News Item5/22/09 6:55 PM
wake up | Aust  Find all comments by wake up
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where are these people that did these sadistic crimes, not in jail but sent to other lands to continue their evil.. the doctrine of not allowed to marry.
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