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News Item10/19/11 10:39 PM
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DJ wrote:
Any word on getting a version for iOS5? I wish I could use this app.
It just became available in the App Store tonight. Go get it!

News Item10/14/11 4:34 PM
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Aaron Thomas wrote:
When listening to a sermon, if you receive a phone call it doesn't stop the message. Both the phone call and the message are on at the same time. There should be something within the app that triggers the stop button when receiving a phone call.
Other than that I LOVE the app. Use it almost daily.
Thank you for writing. We are glad that you are enjoying the app. Have you tried the "Use External Player" option? That will use Android's own native player and may handle these scenarios.

News Item10/11/11 4:56 PM
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Scott McMahan wrote:
Not that these new features are bad, but after all these years bloggers still can't put a link in a blog without using a special browser? How difficult is it to translate [url]link[/url] codes to HTML like Simple Machines Forum does?
Scott, turn ON the Rich Text Editor option in the EDIT window on your homepage. Perhaps that will help.

News Item9/26/11 1:55 AM
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Cheryl wrote:
I have the same problem as many others - playing the sermon gives me about 18 minutes on the app's media player and about 25 on the external media player. Either way, it still cuts off.
I have a Blackberry Bold 9930.
Any help? Any fixes on the way?
I *really* love this app, but will go in search of one that works even if i have to pay for it, if this cannot be addressed.
Normally, these kinds of issues are network-related. Even if there is a momentary glitch in the network, it will produce this result. Our recommendation would be to use the WIFI setting and/or download the MP3 sermon first and then play with the external player. Thank you.

News Item8/4/11 9:30 AM
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Trevor M wrote:
Hi, I use a blackberry storm. The app keeps throwing an error message which says: Unable to connect with SermonAudio:Error message is :java.io.IOException:APN is not specified
Try using the "external player" option and see if that helps. Thanks.

News Item5/26/11 7:46 PM
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John T. Dyck wrote:
I did get the page to appear when I used the code tags, but on the linking page I get this text added:
Any ideas on how to eliminate this?
You will need to copy and paste the code as "HTML code" on your website (and not as regular text). Your site will need to allow code to be copied in this manner.

Email me directly if you're still having trouble at [email protected].

News Item4/7/11 4:21 PM
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We have been told by someone who got it to work that it does not work just to insert the code in the HTML view unless you wrap the SA code in <code> and </code> tags. Hope that helps!

News Item2/21/11 3:35 PM
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sremingt wrote:
Do you have downloads for the android phones?
Sure thing. Click on the "ANDROID" link down below at the bottom of the page. Or simply [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/android]]]go here[/URL] .. Thank you.

News Item2/9/11 11:49 PM
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If WordPress supports raw HTML code and Javascript in its pages, then it should work just fine. Perhaps you could check with their support to see if these are supported.

News Item1/24/11 1:18 AM
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Ibsj wrote:
How do i delete the sermons???
Swipe right to delete. iPhone-style.

News Item1/10/11 6:56 AM
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Alan Nattrass wrote:
We are a small group of believers who meet in Penrith, Cumbria, UK, in a hired hall, please let me know when these cards become available, we would like to distribute them in the early spring around the neigbourhood DV
Christian Love
Alan Nattrass
Unfortunately, this particular offer is only available to US broadcasters at the moment. We appreciate your interest but you may have to find a local printer for your immediate needs.

News Item1/2/11 8:48 AM
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bobby wrote:
Great app! What I've been looking for. What if I cant find a certain pastor or broadcaster? Can I recommend one to be added?
Thanks again for making this available for all to use! Praise God and may God Bless you all!
Absolutely! We would certainly encourage anyone to recommend [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/services.asp]]]our services[/URL] to other churches. Thank you!

News Item12/17/10 10:34 AM
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Frederick Serjeant wrote:
For a small church like ours, this is far too expensive to use.
The MINI sites are designed for church "groups" or denominations where several churches are involved and would benefit from having their own presence collectively. Individual churches still have their own homepage and (coming) church app.

News Item11/26/10 11:12 AM
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Angela wrote:
I am having the same issue with my Droid phone- the sermons keep ending after a few minutes. I'm going to try using the wifi setting to see if this helps but I agree with the previous post; this is very frustrating!
Do you get the same problem when using the External Player option? Thank you.

News Item11/23/10 8:15 PM
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We are aware of some issues with the Motorola Droid involving streaming video with our app. But this is the first we've heard of this problem specifically. Anyone else care to share their experiences?

Our recommendation would be to try accessing the sermons via the WIFI connection. Usually, these kinds of issues are indicative of network-related problems. Perhaps a bad signal, or perhaps some other carrier-imposed limitation. WIFI will bypass the carrier. You can also try downloading the sermon for listening offline.

News Item10/20/10 10:17 PM
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david1111111 wrote:
Agreed, I'd love to get this installed on my android device. Hoping you guys can put it together.
One step ahead of you. We had our Android app for some time now. You can get it by [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/android]]]clicking here...[/URL]

News Item9/17/10 9:01 PM
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Absolutely not. All you do is click on the PLAY button and the video will play with the popup video player. This should make playing videos much easier.

Alan H wrote:
Then this makes a MP4 player necessary for us viewers. Any ideas?

News Item9/6/10 5:39 AM
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Ricardo wrote:
Perhaps I'm missing something, but how do you delete a sermon once it's been downloaded? I downloaded a sermon due to the title but realized once I started listening that it wasn't the one I had planned on listening.
Thank you!
In the DOWNLOADS tab, swipe to the right on the sermon you wish to delete. That's it!

News Item8/30/10 9:32 PM
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moonfruit wrote:
The new system you have in listening to sermons is terrible for me.
When I listen to messages they will work perfectly for about 10-15 seconds and it will stop for about 5 seconds and then continues doing this throughout the sermon. Do you have any idea what is causing this?
We're sorry to hear that you're having this kind of difficulty. Are you using the regular PLAY link or the "Use External Player" link? And for which sermon exactly? Thank you.

News Item7/5/10 11:50 AM
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Jim Shannon wrote:
Hello, I am on the Iphone/Ipod information page, but cannot find any link or instructions to download the app. It states, "you can simply go to "www.sermonaudio.com" (or "www.sermonaudio.com/iphone") and you will automatically be presented with the new iPhone Edition interface to SermonAudio!" ,but going to either of these pages do not automatically present the interface. What am I missing? Thank you, Jim
You need to navigate to www.sermonaudio.com from the iPod browser directly (not from your PC). You will also be able to download the app from the App Store shortly -- as soon as it gets approved by Apple!
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