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News Item5/14/11 3:53 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Not really, John, U.K., it's in Elizabethan English, if a modern reader wants to peruse the AV, He should first read a good modern version of the Bible like the NIV, NKJV, (even an RSV of the '70's) and of course, [URL=http://www.lockman.org/nasb/]]]The New American Standard Bible[/URL]. I had done that, and I picked up the AV, and said I understand that, and of course tossed it aside again. No, you at least need a James Strong Concordance to understand the AV, because of the [URL=http://www.bible.ca/b-kjv-only.htm#archaic]]]Archaic Language of the KJV: 419 examples![/URL]
Isn't that interesting. Here I was a 10th grad dropout with learning problems, and when I got saved I used the KJV with good understanding. All this before I ever read new versions. After I read and studied the new versions, I went right back to the KJV. I still study and preach from it today. The new versions are so dumbed down I don't see hoe people could progress in knowledge.

Certianly your experience is yours, but it doesn't apply to as many people as you think.

News Item5/4/11 3:05 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Contrarian wrote:
Garbage. Converter boxes can be purchased for just 30 bucks - even without Bush's socialist subsidy.
New 19" HDTV's can be had for as little as $130 on Amazon etc, as little as old Cathode Ray Tube sets used to cost.
Existing antennas work just as well for digital as for analog.
Technically, digital signals generally require LESS power to meet the same geographical distribution as analog signals.
Simple ignorance would be the reason a few lost their TV service in 2009. It is sad, but some simply have no friends and family to help them through the simple set up.
As the NYT notes, the main reason for decline is people switching to internet based services. Same with phone landlines. Obsolete, not needed anymore.
Sorry friend. We live in a rual area that even with a digital t.v and good antena, the slightest inclimte weather will cause tv's to blank out. There is one station that no on in the county has been able to get unless they have cable.

News Item4/29/11 10:21 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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They say that Homosexuality is a gift from God, and that gays, lesbians, bi's and transgenders strengthen the body of Christ.

Why stop there? Why not say that Adulterers, fornicators, lairs, and cheats do the same?

It will be interesting to see what the denomination does about this, if anything.

News Item4/23/11 9:10 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Wonderful English Bible wrote:
Check out this booket online or order a hard copy for free, just put it in the cart and go to the check out and it will be sent postage free.
[URL=http://www.chapellibrary.org/files/archive/pdf-english/ebtb.pdf]]]English Bible Translations, by What Standard?[/URL]
Thank you for that. I live near Chapel Library and the corrosponding Church. We visit there often. They also have many reprints and tapes they give out free. Their seminary is a blessing. Small classes, solid academics and warm fellowship.

Mt Zion Bible Church is one of the few Churches that is both Reformed Baptist and King James. Bro Jeff's Sermons are avaiable here on Sermon Audio.

News Item4/12/11 2:44 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
To understand the AV? Yes, plus the Oxford Dictionary or at least a James Strong's concordance.
If you were refering to my post Jim, I was not using Matthew Henry and the Pulpit commentary in order to understand the King James English. Those commentaries were using King James English. My point was that if a High School drop out with ADD can understand those resources (Particularly the KJV) then anyone can.

News Item4/12/11 12:00 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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John UK wrote:
Ask anyone who has studied the KJV all their life if they have any problems with it due to language. That minor difficulty is easily overcome by one who loves God and his word, and who believes the Bible they hold in their hand IS the infallible and inerrant word of the Living God. And if the New Testament was still only available to read in greek, I would make the effort to learn greek as fast as I could. And that's one difference between a disciple and an impostor.
Great point. I was saved at 17. I was a High School drop out with ADD and dyslexia. But when I got save I started reading the N.T(later the whole bible)through, and then studying a chapter a day. I used Matthew Henry, and the Pulpit commentary as assistence in studying my KJV.

When someone gets saved they are given spiritual eyes. Even with that, just a little effert was all that I needed to understand the KJ language.
Later I started using modern versions but studying verse by verse it became evident there were many missing verses. Here it is 35 yrs later and I still believe the KJV is the surperior English translation

News Item4/9/11 11:35 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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YAT wrote:
"WHEREAS, Christians in the American society today are faced with difficult decisions about abortion; and
WHEREAS, Some advocate that there be no abortion legislation, thus making the decision a purely private matter between a woman and her doctor; and
WHEREAS, Others advocate no legal abortion, or would permit abortion only if the life of the mother is threatened;
Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Convention express the belief that society has a responsibility to affirm through the laws of the state a high view of the sanctity of human life, including fetal life, in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves; and
"Be it further RESOLVED, That we call upon Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother."
With this line of reasoning even by the SBC, it's no wonder Roe Vs. Wade was handed-down and now a U.S. Citizen is killed every two minutes.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Agreed: Looked like they were on the right track, but they DESOLVED on that last RESOLVED

News Item4/2/11 1:32 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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One of the many problems with this type of Pentecostalism, is this overconfidence of being able to beat up on the devil.

Appearently, these people pay no attention to books like Jude where even Michael did not bring a railing accusation. Yet today's name it and claim it crowd thinks that they are more powerful. Not to mention, they have their focus wrong. I remember hearing a word of faith preacher tell people that the first thing they should do in the morning is to shout "devil; I'm comming for you today."

People do not realize that they are in over their heads in warefare with the enemy (unless God empowers them) not to mention; we are supposed to be Christ focused not devil focused.

News Item3/22/11 9:27 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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His Mission is nonle, but his Method is deplorable.

It's dissapointing that preaching has taken a backseat to everyting these days. But to have preaching contests? To look for the most talented? What does Paul say? But God has chosen the foolish things of this world.....God had chosen the weak things,the base things.....that no flesh should glory.

Saved at 17 in a Fundamental Baptist church; gave me a great foundation. However; they would have Preachung Contest, and the winner would get a cash prize. The would have never let me preach. My sermon would be a Rebuke to such Carnal nonsense.

This group had taken it even further. They freely admit they are using the Worldy American Idol as a motif.

If you ask the question: As long as it creates the desired result (interest in preaching)doesn't that make the means alright? Simply put NO! The ends do not justify the means. Moses struck the rock, but the people drank. Was Moses of the hook? No.

Let's pray that God will stir a hunger once again for the preaching of the Word. And that God (not gimmiks) would raise up anointed preachers, and anoint exising preachers in the pulpit. Also to protect them. Please pray that for me as well brethren.

News Item3/22/11 9:08 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Revelation 22:19

News Item3/17/11 9:23 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Ever try to whistle a rap tune?

News Item3/6/11 5:56 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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John UK wrote:
Ahhhh bro....
I perceive that thou hast little knowledge about sound.

p.s. I think your tone rather patronising towards those born more than six hundred years ago. Modern man does not know more now than then, rather he knows less. Check it out!

You are absolutly right John. Anyone who would read the writings of people like John Gill, and Johnathan Edwards, and listen to the music of the Barouque composers such as Bach, and Vivaldi would be forced to conceed that modern thought and music has degenerated to terrible depths.

Sermon3/4/11 1:27 PM
Rick | Tampa, Fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rick
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“ God has given you light. ”
I would like to commend you for your dedication to preaching the word of God. Truly He has spoken to you re the "True Tabernacle"; the one where Jesus Himself ministers as High Priest. To truly understand how Jesus intercedes, we must understand how the earthly priest interceded for his people. Jesus' ministry of redemption continues to this day on our behalf. The Heavenly Sanctuary is in fact the reality of those the earthly one that was merely a shadow. May God continue to shine light upon you and may you continue to feed His sheep. Respectfully, Ricardo Vaquerano Tampa, Fl

News Item3/2/11 1:53 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Conservative wrote:
Before I became saved I often listened to Christian rock or rap ( skillet, Toby Mac, red).
In Absolutly NO way did it convict me of my sin! And we want to use it to do out reach! Our message to the world should be REPENT or Suffer eternal fire! Not o hey man come to my church wer we play cool music an we just have a grand time praisin the lord. O an we don't judge so all u pot smokers we welcome you!
Thank you for that comment.
John UK, RevivalReformation, Kenny, and Michael H. yours as well.

News Item3/1/11 2:28 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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For what it's worth; there is a book entitled "Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns" by T. David Gordon, that did a lot in helping me formulate my thoughts concerning music that is to be used in the church service.

News Item2/25/11 12:48 PM
Rick  Find all comments by Rick
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Revivalandreformation wrote:
So true. My in laws are hoodwinked over this guy and I sent them the video last night. What they will do with it, well, we'll see. I couldn't help welling up last night while I watched it. Sad!
Someone sent me this link. It's even more outrageous than the usual prosperity people.


Watch the top video first. I don't agree with much of the ministry this is from, but they have sure nailed it on this one.

News Item2/17/11 12:21 PM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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kenny wrote:
John, 'fundamentalist Protestant ministers' are not supposed to be sodomites. Ted Haggard is a sodomite.
I've have never known of a sodomite to truly repent and be saved. Have you?
Hi Kenny. Sorry to interupt your conversation. But thankfuly I have known a few sodomites that have repented, been saved and are living a normal life with a wife and a family.

Though not neary as many as I wish,
yet God has overcome the sin of many people involved in this sin.

What is truly troubling though is the people who claim to be heterosexual christians, that are supporting the gay agenda, and giving their pastors a hard time for speaking out against this sin.

News Item1/29/11 8:40 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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God forgive my home state of Indiana, and bring them to repentance. The time has come where they are calling good evil and evil good.

News Item1/27/11 8:12 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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This is one of the most important issues of the day. If BioLogos is right, then the first 11 chapters of the Bible are wrong. If the first 11 chapters of the bible are wrong, then how can anyone trust the rest of the Bible.

Mohler is right, but it seems like he wqas uncomfortable just stating the the Earth is young. I hope he will be more direct at the Pastor's conf. this weekend.

News Item1/26/11 8:12 AM
Rick | Alabama  Find all comments by Rick
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Land said he was surprised by the opposition.

Bad enough that he was involved in this coalition to begin with. He withdrew because his Constituency opposed support of Islam.

Sounds like Land wants to be a Politician. Let's just see where the wind blows.

Frankly, I was surprized to find that Land was so far off, that he would support such a thing to begin with.

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