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Sermon3/31/2024 11:48 PM
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“ Steven Anderson: Murderer At Heart ”
According to The Sermon on The Mount in Mataio 05 (Matthew 05), particularly Mataio 05:21-26 (Matthews 05:21-26), showing fury and venom towards others, irrespective of the motive, is actually committing murder in one's heart. Mr. Steven L. Anderson, the pastor, more like cult figure of "Faithful Word Baptist Church", more like Hateful Words Andersonite Cult, is known for being a rage-filled, hate-filled person, which amounts to being an actual murderer at heart. As Yesu warned, "Ye have heard by those of earlier times, thou shalt not commit any murder, and whosoever commits murder shall be in danger of the judgment, but I, Yesu, say unto you, that whosoever shows fury towards others without a cause shall be in danger of the judgement: and whosoever shall curse others by referring to them as Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall curse others by saying, Thou fool, to them, shall be in danger of hellfire." This is a sobering reminder for Mr. Steven L. Anderson and his hate-filled cultists to repent of their venom towards others, lest they be judged as actual murderers. This clearly shows that the Andersonites are like coiled vipers ready to strike with their venom.

Sermon3/31/2024 11:22 PM
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“ American Country Singers: Lewd Whoremongers ”
According to The Seisho (Seisho, 聖書), which is called The Bible in Japanese, we are warned in The Epistle of Hebrews (called Hiperu, Hīperu in the Maori language), Hiperu 13 (Hebrews 13), particularly Hiperu (Hebrews 13:04) that marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled, but whoremongers and adulterers shall be judged by Kamisama (Goddo). This also means that the whoremongers called American country singers shall be judged by Kamisama! How tragic that so many Americans, including Southern Americans, are okay with whoremongering! This is because American country music, with its message of American patriotism, has made whoremongering into something as American as apple pie! We would be prudent to heed the sobering warning of Revelation 21:08 in regards to the final destination of all whoremongers, which is The Lake of Fire (Huǒhú, 火湖)!

Sermon3/31/2024 11:09 PM
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“ Helviti: Another Name For Hell ”
It should be noted that Helviti is another name for Hell! Particularly, Helviti is the name for Hell in Scandinavian languages like the Icelandic language (Islenska)! This clearly shows that the Biblico (Biblical) Christian Influence had reached Scandinavia, even Norway and Iceland! It is a tragic reality that all lost transgressors are now being tormented in Helviti prior to their future eternal torment in The Lake of Fire (Huǒhú, 火湖)! As noted, Huohu (Huǒhú, 火湖) means The Lake of Fire in Chinese!

Sermon3/31/2024 10:47 PM
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Be Saved Today
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Relying on Tuhan Yesu Kristo (Acts 16:31) ”
Another clear rendition of Apotoro (The Book of Act) 16:31 would read like this: And Pauro and Shirasu said unto the Philippian jailer, "Rely on Tuhan Yesu Kristo, and thou and thy household shalt be saved from Kehena (Hell).

Sermon3/26/2024 8:41 PM
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“ We Are One: Song With A Mixed Message ”
In The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride (1998), there was a song called We Are One written by Angélique Kidjo (born 14 July, 1960), which had a mixed message. While the tropical African instrumental music in this song was memorable, the problem was with the lyrics, particularly the reference to pride and whoever the 'we' in We Are One is referring to. One day, we, as Cristianos, will be one, in Heaven, and in The New Jerusalem. Worth noting Revelation 21 and Revelation 22 with regards to our future unity based on Sound Doctrine, not "unity" based on mixing Truth with error.

Sermon3/26/2024 8:34 PM
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“ The Late Walt Disney: Freemason ”
It is commonly understood that the late Walt Disney, whose name was Walter Elias Disney (Born: 05 December, 1901 - Died: December 15, 1966 (age 65 years) was a Freemason. It is very tragic how the late Walt Disney was influenced by the spiritual darkness of Freemasonry. As noted in Isaya 08, particularly Isaya 08:20, if the people of this world do not speak according to The Word of Tuhan, it is because there is zero light in them, the people of this world. By this very definition, there is zero light in Freemasons, including the late Walt Disney.

Sermon3/26/2024 7:55 PM
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“ Easy Believism Soul-Winning: No Decalogue ”
It is very evident that easy believism "soul-winning" like those associated with the Hyles cult completely ignore and sidestep The Decalogue (The Ten Commandments) in their presentation of The Gospel. According To Isaya 42, particularly Isaya 42:21, Tuhan (The Lord) will magnify The Decalogue (The Law, also called The Ten Commandments) and make it into something honourable. Yet, the easy believism types would rather ignore all of this since it has to do with repentance, preferring to focus on "soul-winning". This also explains why the self-righteous Hyles cultists could continually lie about abuse. In Mataio 05, Yesu expounds upon The Decalogue, which also shows why The Decalogue should be preached when presenting The Gospel to others.

Sermon3/21/2024 1:31 AM
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“ Poor Unfortunate Souls: Satanic Song ”
It should be noted that Ursula's signature villain song called Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid is really a Satanic song. One of the reasons for this is because Ursula is a demonic and Satanic character based on a cephalopod. It is very tragic how a Satanic song like Poor Unfortunate Souls can gain a popular following with the masses, even though this song called Poor Unfortunate Souls is clearly associated with Satanic Ursula!

Sermon3/16/2024 5:14 PM
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“ Naked Country Musicians In Hell ”
As of now, the fallen country musicians like Toby Keith burning in Hell are now naked because their sins have been revealed. It is worth noting Revelation 20, particularly Revelation 20:11-15 with regards to American country music and the country musicians, whose final place is eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. One day, the country musicians will be naked when they, the country musicians like Toby Keith, have their sins exposed at The Great White Throne Judgment and when they, the country musicians like Toby Keith, are forever cast into eternal torment into The Lake of Fire.

Sermon3/11/2024 12:33 AM
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Holy Spirit or Hindu spirit?
Pastor Jonathan Campbell
“ Hindudharma (हिन्दू धर्म): Satanic False Religion ”
It should be noted that the false religion called Hindudharma (हिन्दू धर्म) is really a Satanic false religion. One of the reasons for this are those bizarre-looking Hindu Devata (हिंदू देवता) with multiple faces, multiple arms, and blue skin. We are warned in Isaya 08 (Isaiah 08), particularly Isaya 08:20 (Isaiah 08:20) that if the people of this world do not speak according to The Word of Tuhan (The Lord in Bahasa Indonesia), it is because there is not spiritual light residing in them. It is tragic that the Hindus of Hindistan (another name for India after the Hindi language). We should not confuse the Hindi language with the Satanic false religion of Hindudharma. It is also a sobering reminder that the Hindus will one day be tormented in The Lake of Fire because of their worship of the demonic and Satanic Hindu Devata. This is a much needed sermon in response to this Satanic practice called kundalini yoga as well as anything else having to do with Satanic Hindudharma, which we know is of Satana, who is known as Saitana (Śaitāna, ਸ਼ੈਤਾਨ) in the Punjabi language, who will be tormented in The Lake of Fire according to Revelation 20. Yesu is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

Sermon3/10/2024 11:58 PM
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The Lord is My Shepherd
Voddie Baucham
“ Tuhan: Our Shepherd ”
As noted, according of Psalms 23, Tuhan (The Lord in Bahasa Indonesia) is Our Shepherd, we shall not lack His Sufficiency! Surely The Rectitude and Mercy of Tuhan shall follow us all of the days of our lives and we will dwell in The House of Tuhan forever, which is what we will be doing one day in The New Jerusalem (Atarashi Erusaremu, Atarashī Erusaremu, 新しいエルサレム) according to Revelation 21 and Revelation 22!

Sermon3/10/2024 10:09 PM
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“ Pokémon: Marketing Sexual Innuendos ”
It should be noted that Pokémon media like video games, anime, magazines, and so forth are marketing sexual innuendos. Even the secular TVTropes has a whole section on Accidental Innuendo within Pokémon media, documenting a list of sexual innuendos in Pokémon media. Yet, not only is it Pokémon marketing sexual perversion, but all anime. We would be prudent in remembering that whoremongers (people who are lascivious and perverted) shall have their part in The Lake of Fire as we are warned in Revelation 21, particularly Revelation 21:08. There are other passages in The Seisho (聖書), Japanese word for La Bible, which strongly condemn lasciviousness, which is another name for all manner of sexual perversion. How tragic, yet very sobering, is the fact that all anime is rooted in all manner of sexual perversion aside from the otherwise silly appearance of the anime style of art.

Sermon3/4/2024 1:58 AM
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“ Cephalopods: Associated With The Satanic ”
It should be noted that cephalopods like octopi and squid are associated with Satanic and demonic beings largely due to their extensive use of sucker-clad tentacles, even though cephalopods are real marine invertebrates, particularly molluscs. One notable example of a demonic and Satanic being is Cthulhu from Lovecraft-lore. This demonic and Satanic Eldritch abomination (all Eldritch abominations are demonic and Satanic) called Cthulhu is depicted with a humanoid body combining aspects of dragons and octopi. According to Revelation 12, dragons are Satanic and demonic since Satana is referred to as the red dragon in Revelation 12. It is even possible that Satana the dragon in Revelation 12 has an appearance similar to the Cthulhu given the demonic and Satanic appearance of Cthulhu. The tragic reality is that the Satanic and demonic spirit of octopus will damn souls into The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 20 in response to this demonic and Satanic spirit called octopus.

Sermon3/4/2024 1:49 AM
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“ Legalism: Bogeyman of Self-Righteousness ”
This podcast is a needed response to this autocratic bogeyman called legalism, which seeks to smother others with "rules" of self-righteousness. As noted, legalism is like pushing a pile of bricks up a hill only to get crushed by said pile of bricks. We must reject the temptation to be legalistic in response to permissiveness and antinomianism, even permissiveness and antinomianism in today's liberal apostate churches.

Sermon3/4/2024 1:40 AM
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The Marks of Legalism
Brian Borgman
“ Vision Forum: Vision of Legalism ”
Back in 1998, Vision Forum was founded, but was closed back in 2013, particularly November 2013 due to allegations of marital infidelity and sexual abuse by Doug Phillips. As noted, the formerly operating Vision Forum, which was founded by Doug Phillips, really had a vision, a vision of legalism. Some passages like Colossians 02, particularly Colossians 02:20-23, are one response to legalism. We realize that legalism with its "rules" is like pushing a heavy crate up a hill only to get crushed by said heavy crate. We must reject the temptation to embody the heavy weight of legalism and the excessive gravity carried by it in response to licentiousness, even licentiousness in the church. This podcast shows that we must not be legalistic robots or licentious rebels, for both are a recipe leading to disaster.

Sermon3/3/2024 1:36 AM
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“ Goddo: Not American At All ”
As the speaker explained in this presentation with a run time of 13:46 (13 minutes, 46 seconds), Goddo is not an American since He, Goddo, does not get choked up about the American national anthem (titled Star-Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key) being played or even sung for that matter. While it is true that nations like the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and many of the European nations are cosmopolitan communities within their respective nations and cities within their respective nations, it is also equally true that Goddo is not a respecter of persons as noted in Acts 10. This podcast is a much needed response to this prideful idolatry called national patriotism, including American patriotism, which is both arrogance and idolatry. The Agape Love spoken of in Yohane 03, particularly Yohane 03:16, is one that is unmerited favour as described by Martin Luther and The Other Protestant Reformers, which is ultimately, an International Agape. In Jagoba 02 (James 02), we are warned that any respect of persons is a highly detestable transgression.

Sermon2/26/2024 10:43 PM
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“ Star-Spangled Respect of Persons ”
This podcast is a response to this sin called respect of persons, which is clearly demonstrated in American patriotism. According to Acts 10, particularly Acts 10:25-37, we learn from Petoro (ペトロ) that Goddo (ゴッド) is no respecter of persons, but those who revere Him, Goddo and work righteousness before Him, Goddo, are accepted by Him, Goddo. It is rather tragic how churches are promoting nationalism, which is the sin of respect of persons, and the sin of pride. The Gospel (ゴスペル, Gosuperu) of Yesu Kristo is a Global Message for all nations, which is a counter to any form of respect of persons, including star-spangled respect of persons called American patriotism.

Sermon2/25/2024 12:33 AM
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“ Taylor Swift: Whoremonger ”
It is very apparent that Taylor Swift (born Taylor Alison Swift on 13 December, 1989) is a whoremonger. Considering the warning of Hebrews 13, particularly Hebrews 13:04, we are warned that whoremongers and adulterers will be judged by Goddo. We realize that Taylor Swift is very open about her fearless, more like fearlessly lewd, behavior. She, Taylor Swift, puts her fearlessly lewd behavior on display by provocative dance techniques combined with her perverted attire in the form of leotards with high boots on many of her tours and concert performances. It is very tragic that Taylor Swift, like many other pop musicians and country musicians, is a whoremonger, who markets her whoremongering lasciviousness as "entertainment." All of this demonstrates that Taylor Swift and many other popular musicians are being paid to peddle lasciviousness under the leadership of the Anticristo. As noted, Taylor Swift is a type of anticristo.

Sermon2/24/2024 11:37 PM
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“ Yesu Keriso: Samoan Name For Yesu Kristo ”
As a tribute to Our Sama (Lord) and Masiya (Messiah) named Yesu Kristo, The Name of Yesu Kristo in the Samoan language (Gagana Samoa) is Yesu Keriso (Iesu Keriso). It is most magnificen that the many languages of the world, including the tribal languages like Samoan (Gagana Samoa) pay great tribute to Yesu Keriso!

Sermon2/24/2024 11:23 PM
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“ Darth Vader: Compared To Yesu ”
If there is one thing that we know to be true about Darth Vader, he is most compared to Yesu. This is because he, Darth Vader, is referred to as Lord as well as his standard outfit being modeled after the High Priest Outfit noted in Exodus 28. Also, Darth Vader has a pectoral panel on his armoured outfit closely resembling the priestly breastplate called the hosen (חֹשֶׁן ḥōšen). Darth Vader is also referred to as Father, much like how Abafu (Ābàfù 阿爸父) is referred to as Father. It is very clear that the liberal Hollywood industry, including the sci-fi industry, is blaspheming Yesu by depicting Him as a villain in the form of Darth Vader. A podcast like this is needed in response not only to the liberal ideology presented in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), but also in Hollywood media as well. Also tragic how Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) presents the rebels, who symbolize Satana, his demons, the Anticristo, and the various types of anticristos, as the "heroes" of the story.
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