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Sermon6/17/18 7:00 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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A Revelation of Jesus Christ
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Great Truths ”
Amazing doctrine.

Sermon6/17/18 4:57 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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A Revelation of Jesus Christ
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Tremendous message. I love this pastor's sermons. Solid, thorough, substantive.

Sermon6/15/18 9:00 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Prolegomena to Hebrews 2
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
I wish I could have been under his teaching. I feel secure with him. He seems to care for the soul of the hearer; wanting them to know the truth as it is in Christ Jesus.

Sermon6/15/18 8:58 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Prolegomena to Hebrews
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
So refreshing to hear someone who wants the hearer to have a thorough understanding of what is being taught. Dr. Brunson causes one to search the scripture as well as other study aids to assist in our spiritual growth.

Sermon6/15/18 8:55 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Hebrews 1: Hebrews Chapter 1
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”

News Item6/8/18 8:22 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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So now sin, evil, wickedness, perversion can be labeled "age appropriate."

Gimme me an aspirin.

Precious Lord Jesus, come quickly.

Sermon6/8/18 8:17 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Trump Says No to LGBT Month
Adam McManus
“ Great Sermon! ”
Didn't listen to the report. But if he declined to have a month set aside for wickedness, he is to be praised for using good judgment.

News Item5/30/18 12:09 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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To Never | ever's post 5/28/18 10:14 PM

“Only war will protect Christians. . . . Christianity would have disappeared like many other cults in history. This sickening pacifistic doctrine never existed in Christian history until the last few decades.”

First, Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church.
Secondly, Christianity is not a cult.
Since the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, then we must first proclaim the word of God with conviction. We don’t know doctrine. We can’t in ignorance continue to fumble over what scripture means and allow ourselves to become sidetracked from the Gospel. I believe if we started within the church walls first and equipped believers with spiritual swords, then imaginations of the wicked would crumble. We haven’t done what is right first. That is to be doctrinally sound in our approaches and debates.
I am not bragging saying this, but when I go to PP, the universities, and food distribution centers, I am amazed at how many stop and listen. Furthermore, I have witnessed fruitfully in the PEWS. Often they say, “I never understood, or I never heard that before.” And I never hand out the tract until they show an interest. I explain what the tract means as well.

To God be the glory.

News Item5/14/18 8:45 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Quote from JL today 7:16 pm
"As a Conservative Christian, it should be no surprise that I have little problem with what Jeffress thinks a different religions. However, being so well-known to hold such views Jeffress certainly was not the person, or Hagee either to be speaking at a political and not religious event"

Was Jeffress correct or not. What should he have said? That they can choose how to get to heaven?

Sermon5/10/18 2:23 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Ecperiencing Joy of Dpirit in Unity ”
Just listening to the joy of the listeners under Dr. Brunso’s teaching/preaching brings joy. This is how happens going to be

News Item5/5/18 3:24 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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I honestly couldn't finish reading this doctrine of demons that support what God clearly says in Psalm 5 he hates.

Make no mistake. God does not change. His word is forever settled in heaven. He "hates all workers of iniquity" as well as iniquity itself.

Because ignorant believers don't believe ALL of God's words, even though his actions vindicates his word, they discuss the forbidden.

As for Mormons, why are we even surprised at what they do. They received their dogma from a demon. And they are all morons; descendants of Moroni.

Jim Lincoln and commenters to his posted articles, ought to be ashamed. Is this being done as survey? Or, for money?

But as the scripture says, the wicked can't even blush as sin. So post on, Jim Lincoln, for judgment is at hand.

Job knew how to withdraw his eyes from looking on things that might influence his emotions, but Jim Lincoln habitually sticks our noses into matters he thinks God winks at.

We know these things go on, but to come to this board and have it in our faces is discouraging.

Who is this Jim Lincoln and who belongs to his inner circle? They seem to be feeding each other the bread of leaven. If one reads this stuff enough, then they are less sensitive to sin.

Be offended and depart from evil!

Sermon5/5/18 1:29 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Poor audio quality

Sermon5/3/18 12:36 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Prolegomena to Hebrews
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Accurate and Precise Teaching ”
The word rightly divided makes the believer more effective in this life.

Sermon5/3/18 12:34 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Prolegomena to Hebrews 2
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ For the Genuine Seeker ”
What an eye-opener!

Sermon5/3/18 12:23 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Tithing Proves Christianity
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Simplistic Teaching ”
What a simple truth. No need to struggle for understanding.

Sermon5/1/18 8:55 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Great Teaching ”
A must listen to message. Wrong interpretations of scripture lead to division among God's people. Dispensationalism teaches that it is not by grace alone, through Christ alone. Dispensationalism overrides the gospel of Paul, particularly in the book of Galatians.

Sermon5/1/18 7:10 PM
yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by yolanda
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“ Great Truth ”
There is only one way of salvation. One way.

News Item5/1/18 2:27 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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This requires prayer.

Pray for all prisoners of Christ.

Sermon4/30/18 12:54 AM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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The Power of the Blood
Hal Brunson, Ph.D.
“ Profound ”
Thank you pastor Brunson for such teaching. I don't like to say that I have favorite preachers, but you are one of the most thorough teachers I've listened to. I can't wait to get your book Amyraldianism: A Parabolic, Geometric, and Exegetical Critique of Four-point Calvinism Who is Israel? What is a Jew? Where is Jerusalem?: A Biblical Mandate for Prophetic Reformation in the Twenty-First Century And Scofield's Greatest Error: An Exposition of Acts 15:13-16 in Relation to Amos

Sermon4/29/18 8:59 PM
Yolanda | AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Things God Did Not Create ”
A Gay Christian???? Those of the new creation have been washed of such an identity. Old things have passed away.
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