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News Item8/10/16 8:13 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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"It's one of those stories that rarely comes around once in a lifetime" what kind of fuzzy feel good pack of lies fluff piece is this?

I worked in geriatric nursing and the occurrence of couples dying within minutes and days of each other is common, we even had a son die and then the mother died 3 days later ...

so they put this fluff piece in here why? distractions and lies, fake promises, is it promised in the bible? NO

News Item8/10/16 7:59 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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heres one that states it's about racism
How Did Marijuana Become Illegal in the First Place?

heres one that states it's about industry

How Marijuana
Became Illegal

in the last one there are the propaganda posters stating its about sex with white women ...

the comment by this guy explains dupont corp.
Matt Davey • 2 years ago
Yeah, you totally forgot to mention the huge influence Dupont had in this legislation. They had recently developed synthetic fibres and the use of hemp was their number one competition. Up until this point all ropes, rigging and sales, paper, and a million other products were made from hemp fibres. Even George Washington grew hemp, and declared that all good US farmers should do the same. So any way, by lobying hard to make cannabis - and therefore hemp - illegal, Dupont made billions by taking over the market in synthetic fibres. Big business does not care too much about the people, only their profits. It is a fact that Henry Ford experimented with plastics made from hemp for his cars. And 1 acre of hemp will grow in a single season, and provide more fibre for paper than 4 acres of trees. It also conditions the soil

News Item8/9/16 8:09 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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this i can safely say, i don't trust either candidate ... lol

News Item8/9/16 7:03 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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John UK
thanks, i really needed to hear that today.

News Item8/8/16 8:53 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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and a vote for Trump is like unto a vote for the Pope

HuffPo: Conservative Catholics Like Donald Trump Despite Pope’s Opposition


SID MILLER, the new co-chair of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s agriculture advisory team has jokingly called for the atomic bombing of the Muslim world, compared Syrian refugees to venomous rattlesnakes and been critical of people who say ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Merry Christmas.’
Sid Miller wants to have voter ID laws and we know that will morph into a national ID

News Item8/8/16 3:40 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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the church of satan could endorse any candidate to throw mud on them then and people would believe that was an honest representation of an endorsement?

We understand the non-endorsement endorsement, were not that stupid ...

and Jim Lincoln you have already been exposed and so has this site for harboring and giving the likes of your ilk a soapbox to stand on ...

i literally can't wait for the end of the world, i have seen so much inhumanity to man and good people turn away every day~!!!! we have no candidates, communists like hillary, putin likes trump, they are both crooked because the lucifarians are in end game, the only thing that stops it, the only thing that saves is Jesus now, there is no interposition of the hierarchy left save for men who will do a thing like Oskar Schindler, we are looking for our Oskar Schindlers and i'm telling you that God will pay that fare (we will be provided for) to take some home, and the ones he saves alive to the end, anyone scrabbling for world power now is ONE OF THEM

News Item8/7/16 7:13 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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to some being tested of your faith means God hates you ....

God why hath thou forsaken me?

He dosen't really hate me right?

when i went to the Baptist church to check it out and see if i could possible attend i was greeted by the homeschooler women who were prideful and condescending about their children's success and their raising them, when i spoke about my trials they clucked their tongues and made these weird faces and i was made to feel like a lesser being ....
don't they know God hates a proud look?

News Item8/4/16 8:38 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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I cried and cried because the dentist prodded my teeth with his medieval tools until I met a man with no teeth ....

wish I had dentistry ... lol
i need a "ental ann" (dental plan)

News Item8/4/16 8:22 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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you mean the social policy's that teach our kids sex ed in kindergarten cause that causes rampant serialization of our children and it's what Obama did

this is the next nightmare just like "they" said "they" would ...

PEDOPHILIA: The Next Item on Satan's "Civil Rights" Agenda. Don't let the enemies of God succeed in the effort to normalize and legalize child abuse!


this is a pedophile expose youtube playlist choose wisely
lots of people talking about just killing all pedophiles like they are killing all the drug users in the Philippines and lets us just grab our pitchforks and torches and have us a good old purge ...

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's island hide away for Pedophilia ring exposed, (it's in this playlist) Bill Clinton was a regular to this island, how is Hillary going to clean up this problem? legalize it ...

TLDR: Hillary's social policy is to teach sex ed and normalization of homosexuality to kindergartners, and lets Bill go to the sex slave island .....

News Item7/27/16 2:02 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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my unpopular testimony: i remember being on my face before God and then all of a sudden i was sent out in a transparent rainbow hued bubble, i was full of rage at being sent out, so much in fact that i clawed at the walls of this "prison" and if i could have destroyed it i would have, out of 12 kids mother said i was the most painful one to deliver, my favorite passage is Revelation 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

it bears repeating: "and he shall go no more out"

News Item7/25/16 9:25 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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John UK wrote:
From one unbiblical denomination to another. Independency and autonomy is better.
John you should be commended for listening to your God given discernment~! what a blessing it is to discover this is what God meant by leaving babylon and leaving sodom

and Steve: its nice to have a middleman so you never really have to go it alone with God because you need your pastor to protect you from Him, (this disgusts Him, it's another form of the papal system), your pastor and fellow congregants can support you in all your bad decisions and you never have to stand alone until you go before God in judgemnt, your pastor and fellow congregants can drive away anyone who might tell you the truth, what a protective cult

News Item7/14/16 12:53 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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every time there is a ken ham article certain people who would speak out against it experience an inability to post that day ....

News Item6/30/16 10:13 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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hey don't mind me if i found agent provocateurs promoted by this "christian" website ...
people that want you to take up arms and start making Christians look like terrorists ...

News Item6/30/16 9:52 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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it wasn't christian identity but its so close, its a heresy... i'm having memory problems and they seem to have gotten worse as of late but i do remember this ... kevin is with matthew ... they are heretic's and are dangerous ..

no matter how bad my memory gets and how many times i come back and re-listen to things God never lets me fall for the lies

lets play a memory game shall we ... im slipping into dementia and seem to be on a loop wherein i do things over and over and over and lets watch you all look really really compassionless and pick my decaying bones ... it's all good christian mercy
God always has my back

News Item6/30/16 9:38 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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so sorry off topic needs to be said ...
i listened to kevin swanson ... 20 Years of Pro-Life Undone , every once in a while i listen to him not because i agree, just because it reminds me ...
southern poverty law center has him as an extremist and i agree that they should ... when he goes on about his Federalist vision heresy and the doctrine of the lesser magistrates, this was a doctrine first formalized by Lutheran ministers in Magdeburg, Germany, and what a bloody mess Luther whipped up the populace into, i can smell the stink of the christian identity and of Neoconservatism, God did not order us to make the world christian, He called us to be light and salt in a fallen world, that the world will get worse, men will wax worse, and we would be tortured and killed ... it flies in the face of federalist vision and taking back what was ceasars to begin with ... kevin swanson is unbiblical, anti biblical, and he knows he is and his goons bully me when i speak of it on here ...

i remember that other pastors name
Matt Trewhella - The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates https://lessermagistrate.com/the-man-behind-the-mission/
and i found out Mercy Seat christian church was at Zoofari Conference Center
9715 W Bluemound Rd,
Milwaukee, WI 53226

News Item6/30/16 9:33 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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i listened to kevin swanson ... 20 Years of Pro-Life Undone , every once in a while i listen to him not because i agree, just because it reminds me ...

southern poverty law center has him as an extremist and i agree that they should ... when he goes on about his Federalist vision heresy and the doctrine of the lesser magistrates, this was a doctrine first formalized by Lutheran ministers in Magdeburg, Germany, and what a bloody mess Luther whipped up the populace into, i can smell the stink of the christian identity and of Neoconservatism, God did not order us to make the world christian, He called us to be light and salt in a fallen world ...

News Item6/30/16 8:07 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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its Romes fault for birthing so many harlot daughters causing division, we are one body with many members, many gifts, called by Him, scattered yet triumphant

News Item6/30/16 8:05 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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it's not night yet ...

News Item6/28/16 8:32 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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blank check

Sermon6/25/16 6:41 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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“The Disowned”
Terry Reid
“ Great Sermon! ”
not everyone who sits inside a brick and mortar church will be saved, and conversely not everyone who does not sit inside a brick and mortar church will be lost
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