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News Item11/14/12 3:04 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey folks,
All 50 states have petitions. You can find your state's petition here: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions

News Item11/14/12 1:08 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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What has gone astray is the topic of this conversation. FYI - Traditional Reformed Presbyterian teaching is that there is a separation of church and state. But both are under the headship or authority of Christ and should seek to do His will as revealed in Scripture. John from the UK is very good at derailing the discussion; I suppose he has had much practice. As for me, perhaps I'll listen to another sermon.

News Item11/14/12 12:05 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I don't know of any Bishops in the Presbyterian Church. Also, I've heard that the American form of government with its checks and balances is based on the Presbyterian style of church government. As far as the Presbyterians taking over - only if God gives them the increase. As for me, I need to find out where Larry Kilgore is since I've nominated him for President of Texas.

News Item11/14/12 11:32 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Just finished listening to Pastor Matthew Trewhella's post election sermon posted here at SermonAudio - I highly recommend it for those seeking truth. Also, here's a link to his article Pietism: The Religion of Governments - http://www.mercyseat.net/pietismgovart.html

Sermon11/14/12 10:41 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for presenting the Biblical response to the shameful 2012 Elections and candidates. This message is full of truth and one Christians need to hear.

News Item11/14/12 9:38 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Well, one thing is for certain - if the good Lord wants to break up the united States, He will and none can thwart His plans.
The arguments of John in the UK remind me of the beliefs of the Anabaptists and they aren't going to be resolved at SermonAudio. As for me, I will stand with the Reformers as His-Story proves they were right. I recommend John check out a series Pastor Brian Schwertley has here on SermonAudio on National Covenanting and take his objections to him. Now I think I'll listen to a sermon...

News Item11/13/12 10:35 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Frank, No, I don't think you would intentionally mislead others and I apologize for painting you and John from the UK with such a broad brush. But you all must realize I am Reformed Presbyterian in my theology and will defend it and those who I believe rightly interpret Scripture. I really thought this was a place where I could express these beliefs without causing controversy. It might be best if I listen to more sermons and comment less. Sorry to have offended you.

News Item11/13/12 6:25 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thank you to faith secession... I guess I've been in a peaceful place for many years, worshiping and serving the Lord with like-minded believers from many different persuasions of Christian belief and was quite surprised at the "heat" displayed here. However, if I am correct that the owner is of Presbyterian belief, I recommend the "guests' here be respectful of the Reformation Fathers such as Calvin who preached and ministered in Geneva when it was a city shining upon a hill for all to see.

News Item11/13/12 4:54 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Frank and John from the UK,
I could be mistaken, but I thought this website, SermonAudio, was created by a gentleman in the Free Presbyterian Church. I then assumed that it would be a place where I could meet like-minded believers. Of course, I don't expect everyone to think exactly like me, but that there would be a mutual respect for the teaching and teachers of Reformed Theology. At this point, I am totally confused as to why there would be such hostility to the wonderful work of John Calvin at this website. I have never felt more like weeping at the comments on this website as I do at both of yours.

News Item11/13/12 2:50 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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John UK - I am utterly shocked! Praise the Lord for bringing out the truth... I will gladly continue to study and bring those dusty old documents to the attention of others. Yes, He is sovereign and has even used your comments for good. Now I know what and who to look out for as I press on for King Jesus.

News Item11/13/12 2:34 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Praise the Lord for our Presbyterian heritage! Would one of you like to present the case that John Calvin, John Knox, or even RC Sproul was/is unscriptural? You can't... I am very disappointed in all of you who are trying to discount or malign the character of these men. Why are you even on this forum? Is it to discourage or confuse the Lord's people?

News Item11/13/12 1:22 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks Rufus! I nominate Larry Kilgore for President of Texas.

News Item11/13/12 12:44 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey Rufus! Yes, it was Larry Kilgore! He's a true Christian Statesman and I would gladly work for him again. He's the best!

News Item11/13/12 11:41 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Christopher, That's fine - I don't take offense because in this format of communication we can't see beyond the words, whereas if we were talking at say a coffee shop or in someone's living room, we would see the facial expressions and hear their tone of voice.
Before I became a Christian, I was afraid to speak out on anything. But once I began reading the Bible, I realized that God wants us to speak out and that He'll give us opportunity and words. So, thank you for looking deeper into who I am and the message I am trying to convey to others.

News Item11/13/12 10:35 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I worked for a US Senate candidate from Texas who advocated secession - he was a Christian with a Biblical worldview - and Texas is a wealthy state with great resources. It really could function on its own. The united States needs Texas more than Texas needs the uS. It will be interesting to see how this movement for secession evolves.

News Item11/13/12 9:59 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Lurker, If all God wanted me to do was plan for Heaven, why not take me there immediately after conversion? I think we are commanded to make disciples of the nations and this has practical implications for the Christian.

News Item11/13/12 9:55 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Dietcan,
A Christian nation or commonwealth is going to explicitly acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and the Christian religion as the true religion in it's founding documents. It will then base it's laws on Biblical Principles and actual laws as found in Scripture which would be applicable to today's society. What does a nation do with unbelievers? I suppose the same as Israel did... One certainly doesn't persecute them, but if they don't have a Biblical Worldview, then they certainly couldn't be elected as leaders. Anyway, this is just my opinion and there are better minds out there who can work through these details. Sadly, I can't think of any present examples of truly Christian nations or I would be clamoring to move there.

News Item11/13/12 9:14 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Folks, if the separation is from tyranny and in order to serve God as in forming a Christian Commonwealth or Christian nation, then I'm all for it. But if these states want to secede in order to be mini versions of America with more conservative or libertarian values, then I advise extreme caution. In other words, if you are going to lay down your lives, make sure it is for something that will last and brings honor to Christ - not a temporary fix. Frankly, I don't think the people advocating secession are for the most part Christian and they'll not get my support.

News Item11/12/12 6:32 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Christopher,
You are welcome! Please feel free to visit my blog Christian Liberty News and examine the hundreds of articles posted there, as well as links to other resources: http://christianlibertynews.wordpress.com/

News Item11/12/12 11:12 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey Folks, I just wanted to pass along this link with a perspective I would think most Christians would respect and agree with: http://christiannews.net/2012/11/09/evangelist-blames-religious-leaders-godless-government-gospel-for-obama-presidency/ (You'll have to copy and paste in your browser.)
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