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News Item7/4/19 7:23 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gay Allen
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John UK wrote:
The majority of the population will not understand this because they do not understand the purpose of God in creation. And they never will understand this until they read and study the word of God. And they will never read and study the word of God until they have a desire to read it and a capacity to understand it. And they will never have a desire to read and study the word of God and a capacity to understand it unless they are quickened by the Spirit of God. And God will never quicken them by his Spirit unless they are part of the covenant he made with his Son before the world was made. And God made them a part of the covenant with his Son because .... because .... I don't know why because.
this is being done to you men as punishment from God, instead of becoming shame faced and repenting, you double down on the misogyny!

Will they never understand oh Lord?
the failing is theirs, and when their failings are discovered they blame the women, why not just go one better and blame God and curse Him and die? you have already cursed one half of His finest creation, don't you know when you curse women this way you actually curse yourselves? you diminish us all! GROW UP BOYS and read the bible, God does not hate women!

Sermon5/21/19 7:32 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank You, please join me in praying for my two sons~! God Bless

News Item5/21/19 12:28 PM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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1517 wrote:
Whatever. This is irrelevant to Christians.
unless your husband and children subscribe to this kind of response when you tell them they are sinning ....

News Item5/19/19 8:21 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Powerlifting Federation WILL NOT Recognize Records Broken by Transgender Lifter

USA Powerlifting Bans Transgender Women from Competing

there are more people who won't kowtow to this than you would think, keep fighting

News Item5/16/19 9:15 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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when telling women to shut up you never seem to mention the prophetesses or the proverbs woman, is she not the ideal woman? it does not say she begs her husband to get money and lets him decide whether or not she should buy a field,it does not speak of a woman with weak arms who needs hubby to open the mayonnaise jar, abigail did not consult nabal before she threw herself on Davids mercy~! these seem to be inconvenient truths here

News Item5/16/19 8:49 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Gay Allen wrote:
to other women at women's meetings, unless God has made you like unto one of the seven prophetesses as Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, and Esther were.
Behold therefore, I will gather you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered into your grave in peace; and your eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring on this place.

it's about 150 to 200 years away, as much time as it takes to convince Iman's that burkinis are old fashioned and just wear the bikini and get over it, of course im being flippant with the burkini timeline estimation, it is so ready to happen (think of coiled spring) that when the Restrainer is taken away it all happens so fast your head will swim, if you are alive to see all of it unfold, i pity you, i have not the heart to watch nuclear war amongst other things ....

News Item5/16/19 7:38 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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to other women at women's meetings, unless God has made you like unto one of the seven prophetesses as Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Abigail, and Esther were.

News Item5/14/19 6:26 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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lets kill this evil scientific dictatorship once and for all, who eats oatmeal? well they spray roundup on it to kill it for fast harvests, look into it ....
well we have been poisoning ourselves every time we ate cheerios and oatmeal and used it as a soap additive ...
why ARE my bowels burning when all i can possibly eat is oatmeal and potato for carbs/starches? ^^
i want to die every day it still burns
lets get this stopped more people should speak up

News Item5/14/19 6:22 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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mr anderson is the controlled opposition, discernment is a gift

News Item5/8/19 6:58 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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after WW3 the USA is not a world power Jerusalem is .....
the end comes in about 240 years, minus the last 40 so about 200 years left to see Israel built up as a world power and America destroyed economically and morally then WW3 completes the death knell, we will no longer be a world power and mover or shaker ....


Jesus Tarries, people mock saying where is His coming

this is the esoteric journey you symbolically take as you walk about

News Item5/8/19 6:28 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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one world government, which will be located in Israel headed by the antichrist, the jewish messiah because they rejected Jesus this is their end and God will see their end and the end of their nonsense, who else was so blessed and rejected Him so fiercely? does God have a grudge match with them,(strikes chest 3 times saying) oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, He will see it to the end, do you think He gave of His Beloved son and don't care about justice for His rejection and crucifixion?
they are building babylon now as we speak it's not just the temple mount you should look at ... https://youtu.be/AXdPkH2cQGY
i do not advocate any of these youtubes, i'm just showing the premises
this is the infrastructure for the beast, i doubt he will be a Muslim, can you see a Jew accepting a Muslim as holy? nope
it is illegal to boycott Israel if you are an american business, President Trump closed down congress saying it was for a border wall and this was passed, why? because money to build babylon big, they will trade in everything even mens souls,think Occam's razor, did the Muslims reject Jesus? was Jesus the Muslim messiah? was He given unto the Muslim s wherein their fate was sealed for crucifying Hi

News Item5/7/19 5:37 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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especially at the 2:17 mark Thanks for blood of martyrs and for prophets slain~!

too many people on this forum are ashamed of the blood~!

News Item5/7/19 5:21 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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from the article wrote:
The United States is not seeking war
so are you talking about Iranians?

i'm not here to comment for the edification of professional internet trolls who have proved time and time again that they have no reading comprehension and are biblically illiterate or so set into sin that they are blind naked and wretchedly poor, i'm commenting to encourage the already edified, apparently a bunch of us have gone silent on certain forums and i'm here "representing",
we are not dead or changed of mind .....

News Item5/6/19 7:28 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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war they are seeking war and we all know why

News Item5/2/19 9:35 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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there are a LOT of people waking up to the jewish control upon america and its citizens, there are a ton of places exposing this but not doing it in a Christ centered manner, so they leave out where this is all coming about because God will have His Say~! in His people~!
aint no one going to stop this train~! it's Jesus's train, Choooo Chooo get out of His way~! He is going to save His people and spank them too~!
remember the 144 thousand~! were expecting, new babes in Christ Jesus~!
here they come~!

News Item5/2/19 9:27 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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what they don't tell you in vogue: sometimes a brothel you are working at will have a "sale" or "special offer" to get loads of men in there, these men like sick and twisted perversions and this is why they are still single because they are miscreants and psychopaths, well anyway on a sale night they will literally get hit with buss after buss of "sex tourists" who get bored of the same old whores after a time and want adventure, after having so many sick customers in a single night many women quit and have breakdowns, its not a job or work in the oldest profession like it used to be, its downright sick sex slavery, in the old days it was sinful fornication, adultery, sewing to the flesh, now a days its like something out of silence of the lambs .....
where you will be asked to accommodate "buffalo bill" in his twisted desire to become a woman ...

News Item5/2/19 9:04 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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it was called "Death Training Your children" it has since been relegated to the dreaded "dark web" where indeed there are drug dealers, hired assassins,human traffickers, and the sick and twisted, this is also where the truth tellers are sent so no one can find them. Well there was a website called Death Training Your children where they explained how things like sex ED were engineered to create more teen pregnancies, alcohol and drug avoidance to create teen addicts with drivers ED to get them into cars to die, and all of these were successful they had the actuary tables, charts and graphs to prove an increase and then they started death ED in some schools with the associated rise in teen suicide, people got wise and they stopped death ED and it looks like some are still pumping out this filth, we should boycott netflix, is it jewish owned? when trump closed down congress to "build the wall" lol, they passed all kinds of draconian laws against any business who would boycott Israel.the whore of babylon is israel its the jews, they were first betrothed to Jesus they cheated on their Husband first, now who are the daughters of this WHORE? they are filthier than even HER !
also remember the 144 thousand, there will be new babes in Christ fleeing as soon as they see the abomination

News Item3/18/19 12:05 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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this is catholic so please excuse and keep that in mind Libido Dominandi: Lust, Power, & Control https://youtu.be/w3lZiC2AWas

News Item3/16/19 9:14 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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Jonathan Cahn is a zionist or an Israel First, politician, and not a judeaizer christian apostate he plays at being, his job is to convince america, demoralize america, by calling her the whore of babylon, getting americans to lay down their rights on his altar of social justice warrioring by making americans believe were "That Whore" so that israel can take first place as world power some day, israel is the great whore, the antichrist will seat himself in israel, how many years until israel is a world power, thats how many years till the great tribulation, i was predicting 100 or 200 years left, but things get faster as we near the end, so maybe 150 to 100, maybe even as close as 50 to 100 years

News Item3/11/19 10:22 AM
Gay Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay Allen
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"She began encountering opposition from officials last September when it was claimed that a discussion between herself and another resident about heaven and hell had allegedly caused him to lose sleep and therefore was elder abuse, emotional abuse, and otherwise illegal."
"But officials are labeling her conversation with the other resident as 'abuse.'"

Did they throw out the TV in the homes TV room? it show scary movies~!! thats elder abuse~!!

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