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Sermon1/26/2024 1:14 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, brother Fred. Another God glorifying comforting message for the sinner saved by grace. I loved your honest statement which witnesses my own experience: "St the time of love, I was not seeking or looking for Christ". But God ... And to this sermon add a recent message by brother Curtis: Christ Began- Christ Will Finish. God came to me and told me, by His Gospel and His Spirit (that wonders of wonders) He has saved me and that He purposed this from before the world began. His Spirit revealed to me a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and having given me faith made me wiling and now I believe. This is the work of God.

Sermon1/26/2024 12:59 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ Great Gospel Sermon! ”
Thank you, brother Clay. Another God glorifying comforting message for the sinner saved by grace. To this add a recent message by brother Evans: The Faith of the Righteous.

Sermon1/18/2024 10:40 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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One True Gospel
Fred Evans
“ Great Sermon! ”
A clear sound preached by brother Fred, reminding me of Ezk 16:6 (1-6); Ezk 37:5 (1-10) and John 11:43-44. God's man declares the Gospel of God -that is, “the” gospel revealed by the God in His Word, and when it pleases God in the fulness of His own time, Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live ….. And he that was dead came forth.

Sermon1/10/2024 2:51 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Do Ye Now Believe?
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God"(2 Cor 2:12) God, by His Spirit, is the genesis, cause and sustainer of our assurance which is received through the faith, the common faith of all God's elect; the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are the sons of Gpd and makes known to us the mystery of His will testified in 1 Timothy 1:9 and Ephesian 1:1-6. This truth can be read or preached yet, without the Spirit and the quickening of the sinner, no assurance of the promises can be believed in a natural man. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you"?

Sermon1/9/2024 11:31 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Full Assurance of Faith
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
GREAT message! GREAT series: Assurance of Faith, Assurance of Hope and Assurance of Understanding by brother Clay. It comforted me as well as enriched me in the grace and knowledge of who my Assurance is; it is a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and Colossians 1:27 declares that He wells in me. To believe that is to understand the Trinity or the new birth. It is impossible unless He perform the work for, in, upon and to the sinner, whom He invades with His Spirit in a vital union. Romans 8:38-39 the word persuaded (πείθω peíthō) is used which means believe, convinced, and confident by inward certainty. That's it --- Assurance!

Sermon1/9/2024 11:17 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Loved this series: Assurance of Faith, of Hope and of Understanding by brother Clay. And my love for the brethren whose labor of love in support of the ministry has enriched me here in FL. So very grateful, and comforting to know that He who is my all has not left me comfortless, by whom I had received His Spirit, His Word and His Gospel. The clay pot preached from Scripture written by the Spirit of Truth however, the preacher can not Gove unto me assurance in Christ. Only God, for Christ's sake, can bless me with that faith and hope.

Sermon1/9/2024 11:08 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Every Believer's Assurance
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
The brethren @ SGC Ewing are very blessed to have brother Clay. And I thank God for the brethren because their labor of love in striving to support the work in NJ was a blessing to me when I resided in NY, and remains a blessing here in FL. And not only to me but to other saints, as well. Loved and commend: Assurance of Faith (2021); Assurance of Spirit (2019) and the series: Full Assurance of Faith (2014), of Hope (2014) & of Understanding (2014). Great teaching by the Spirit through the vessel.

Sermon1/9/2024 10:57 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Assurance By The Spirit
Clay Curtis
“ Great Sermon! ”
Christ is all! Yet, the Father sends the Son & sends the Sprit. Christ Jesus prays for the children of God & the Spirit makes intersection. Three Persons yet undivided. Our minds can not comprehend the Godhead we just, by faith, believe it to be so. Our assurance is Christ. Here is God's decree & promise: “for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest” (context: the Eternal Covenant) whereby “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” & we have this confidence that “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities” (all our infirmities in our experience as a saint in life for He has not left us comfortless) & we know that “He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself”. What's that?--“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles'; which is 'Christ in you, the hope of glory”. “These things have I (the Holy Spirit) written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (RE: John 6:29). God must give us this assurance, as well. How so? -- Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

Sermon1/5/2024 1:47 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Every Believer's Assurance
Clay Curtis
“ Great Message! ”
Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine .. He has fetched me from the fall before the world began, reserved and accepted me in His Son, my Representative and Savior, and by Hid Spirit graciously works assurance in my soul, belief of he truth and preserve both my trust and love in His Son.

Sermon12/25/2023 3:47 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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The Gospel in Disguise
Fred Evans
“ The Gospel of Representation, Substitution ”
In Ecclesiastes 1:9, the Preacher Solomon wrote these words:hall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun”, ”The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which s and that is so very true concerning the Gospel … the everlasting Gospel (Rev 14:6) Such a wonderful picture of the Gospel and of Christ and the faith of God's elect. I am reminded of (Job 25:4) “How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?” “having obtained eternal redemption” we are “accepted in the Beloved”. Reading the will of Isaac (a picture of the Father) to Esau ( a picture of the Son) concerning the promise of the 1st born, Isaac a picture of God the Father “who first trusted in Christ”, Isaac trusted Esau, who is a picture of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, in which Jacob (by faith) would be accepted by his father because of the completed finished work of his older brother. Esau obeyed his father Isaac's will hence for Christ sake Jacob partook of the promises obtained by our Savior “for all the promises of God in Him”.

Sermon12/14/2023 12:11 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Recently heard a message on 2 Peter 1 (Partakers of the Divine Nature), which confounded my (as well as others) understanding, is absent of simplicity & confused everything taught here, and offered no comfort of the Scriptures declared here in this blessed message by brother Henry. Add to this the message of brother Don, Marvin, and Tate preached on (Partakers of the Divine Nature) … bless God He has calmed my soul and spoke peace to my heart, as well as "Will God Indeed Dwell Upon the Earth - DF (2013). Also, I refer to brother Don's message: Partakers:Delighting in the Obvious, where he made the point (he has made it before) and I quote: "I cannot think of a poorer way to study Scripture than by doing "word studies" in which you look up the meaning and interpret every passage that uses that word without considering the context God the Holy Spirit uses that word". Amen ... that clears up the confusion, and also confirms to me that all and only God called and sent men declare the clear same message. God is faithful!

Sermon12/14/2023 11:58 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ Exceedingly Wonderful Precious Promises ”
Recently heard a message on 2 Peter 1 (Partakers of the Divine Nature), which confounded my understanding, is absent of simplicity & confused everything taught here, and offered no comfort of the Scriptures declared here in this blessed message by brother Don. Add to this the message of brother Henry (Partakers of the Divine Nature) bless God He has calmed my soul and spoke peace to my heart. Concerning DF's message on the title Partakers:Delighting in the Obvious, he made the point: "I cannot think of a poorer way to study Scripture than by doing "word studies" in which you look up the meaning and interpret every passage that uses that word without considering the context God the Holy Spirit uses that word". Amen ... that clears up the confusion.

Sermon12/14/2023 9:24 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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At That Day
Eric Lutter
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Gospel teaches that God saves us and more His Son dwells in all who are called and elected to salvation in Jesus Christ. This message was a blessing.

Sermon12/11/2023 1:12 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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As The Days Of Noah Were
Gabe Stalnaker
“ Christ honoring Gospel message. ”
As brother Gabe preached my mind went to; “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his”. “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”.  “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time”. Now this “last time” ushers in 2 Peter 3:7 and Rev 20:6 because in view is the 2nd death. Had not God from the beginning chosen us to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth making me willing in the day of His power, I too would be left to myself, as Cain & Esau; I too would be hostile to God, His Gospel, His Son and His truth.

Sermon12/4/2023 8:42 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ Great Gospel Sermon! ”
"Faithful is he that calleth you" (to this work)... "who also will do it". When God puts His Word in the mouth of His man He causeth the sheep to hear and rejoice. The works that accompany faith are the fruit of the Spirit, & He makes all His people know that their fruit is from Him & we agree & rejoice that it is that way.

Sermon12/4/2023 7:51 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Justification Through Faith
Clay Curtis
“ Faithful Gospel Sermon! ”
What comfort; what consolation in the preaching of what God has done for sinners in Jesus Christ. What a blessed message.

Sermon12/4/2023 1:41 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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Where Is My Hope?
Frank Tate
“ A Gospel Sermon! ”
All my hope is in my Representative and Substitute; He who is my hope of glory; He who is all. And because we are kept by the power of God we shall not be moved away from the hope of the Gospel; Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil ... Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope.

Sermon12/4/2023 1:31 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ A Gospel Sermon! ”
"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people" ... a testimony that the sheep never become weary of hearing or loose interest in because He has given us a love of the truth and He who is the Truth.

Sermon12/4/2023 1:24 AM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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What Is Coming To Christ
Gabe Stalnaker
“ A Him Sermon! ”
John 6:37. "God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth whereunto he called you by our gospel".

Sermon11/29/2023 5:29 PM
Anthony | Altamonte Springs, FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anthony
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“ Great Sermon! ”
On Job 9:2 brotherTate preached. Those 3 miserable friends preached a Christ-less comfort to brother Job. All (3) pointed Job to himself; the flesh to “fix” the issue our God purposed & sent His just Job (the man). Their “lie” is preached by men using the word “grace” but by it have an entirely aberrant meaning than God the Holy Spirit' intention. The (3) had a gospel devoid Representation & Substitution yet, they demanded Job fix the problem with God himself. Now, on to Job (as a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ) & how these (3) represent the “Cause of God” and “How a sinner is made just before a Holy God”. Our Lord Jesus was separate from sinners; He is the perfect man described is Psalm 1; the Righteous Servant of God. Though He honored His Father, honored the Law, was the perfect Good Samaritan and Shepard (His Father's Darling Son in whom His Father was well pleased) the application, for us, is in ”the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, He saved others; himself he cannot save”. Hence, there was no Representative or Substitute found for Him, who is called FAITHFUL; who as the God-Man, was made sin for sinners! He had to die for “He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him”.
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