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News Item3/10/2020 1:31 PM
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Yes, I know about GP and their try this try that approach. Our son is in the medical field so he steers us in the right direction and keeps us from taking useless meds.
The natural supplements are fine to take once you get the inflammation down and in control, but really are of no benefit when you are suffering from severe pain.IMHO.

News Item3/10/2020 1:13 PM
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John, I would strongly urge that you ask your health care provider for some prednisone. The pain is almost relieved within a day or so. My elderly Dad was prescribed it and felt relief from his severe joint pain within a day.
Opioids do nothing for this type of pain and cause more harm than good.

News Item3/10/2020 12:02 PM
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John, we also suffer from severe joint pain and are very sympathetic towards your plight.
I went the natural route of tart black cherry juice or supplements, turmeric and also topical Voltaren Gel which I believe is available in the UK over the counter.
These are helpful, but the pain can be quite severe and a low dosage of prednisone which is a steroid was prescribed for the flare ups.
This helps with inflammation and pain, but should only be used short term as there are side effects, as alas there are with nearly all medicines.
Hope this info. is helpful and you find some relief.

News Item3/5/2020 3:07 PM
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Lady_Virtue wrote:
Does anyone know if our brother Unprofitable Servant is well? I believe he's in TN but not sure if his family is in Nashville.
I was wondering the same LV. Also brother Rodney K. I believe is in TN also.
Praying for you brothers and the residents of and around Nashville.

News Item3/2/2020 3:29 PM
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John- May the Lord strengthen and protect you and your fellow laborers as you preach the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, and minister to the saints.
Will be remembering you all in prayer.
Godspeed and May Grace and Peace abound brother.

News Item2/28/2020 2:21 PM
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It would be a real service for many of us, if there were zero news articles concerning Roman Catholicism.
They add nothing of value and do not belong on a Reformed Protestant website.

News Item2/27/2020 3:19 PM
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Amazing grace indeed, Dolores.

News Item2/27/2020 3:18 PM
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I might add, that there is no reason to stir up strife unnecessarily.
Proverbs 26:20-22.

News Item2/27/2020 3:07 PM
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Sojourner, I indeed posted that in 2017, and still stand by my comment.My question to you is why you felt the need to repost one of my older posts on a thread that has nothing to do with the Graham’s or the BGEA?
My purpose on coming to the site was to give testimony of my Dad’s conversion out of Romanism and to encourage and strengthen those who have friends and loved ones still in Rome’s clutches. We saw a miracle in our family and I am praying that at least two brethren on here that I know for sure that has family still in RC ,will see that miracle in their family also.

News Item2/27/2020 10:55 AM
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I have posted this before but I felt after reading Dolores’ comment that a word in season was appropriate here.
We witnessed to my RC parents for over 20 years and the only thing it seemed to do was drive them deeper into their RC religion.
My Dad especially was quite angry with me and refused to speak of the things of the Lord.We continued in prayer and honored his wishes on the matter.
Mom passed a few years ago and my Dad’s estranged sister came back in his life.She is also a Christian and lives in N .Ireland.With his new smart phone they started what’s apping face to face nearly every day and she began witnessing to him and he began to soften read his bible and even started to ask us questions about Scripture.
Long story short, the Lord called him out of his darkness and called him to himself.
He has left the RCC and is in a sound church in his small community.
He is 89 years old.NEVER give up on your loved ones and friends.
All praise, glory and honor to the Lord, who saves sinners young and old, male and female.
Hallelujah what a Savior.

News Item2/6/2020 7:36 PM
MS  Find all comments by MS
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Thank you Christopher for your graciousness and meekness of spirit. You have always been the peacemaker on this forum and our Lord pronounces you “blessed”.
Dr. Tim- 👍

News Item2/6/2020 4:20 PM
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Thanks for your feedback Dr. Tim.Do enjoy your humor also.
I’m wrong most of the time, not sometimes, but I rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ and His glorious Gospel of Grace for such a sinner as myself.
Hallelujah what a Saviour!

News Item2/6/2020 3:24 PM
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Maybe by God’s grace we should all start with a group repentance towards one another, abide with the forum policies, and be a good witness concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel that we all claim to believe.
What saith thee all?

News Item2/4/2020 11:29 AM
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Greetings BMcC- You have a good day.🙂

News Item2/4/2020 11:13 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
US wrote:
"...so I reject that evaluation."
I do as well. I've been following this thread, and you have my support.
Hello dear brother, hope all is well.Please extend my well wishes to Dave, if you are still in touch.
Brother US, you were unjustly maligned and we have all been guilty of this sin on here.I myself have found a greater peace with God and my neighbor when I refrain from posting on SA.
God Bless.

News Item12/29/19 9:37 PM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Praise the LORD!!! That is great news and an answer to prayer, thank for sharing and I know that must be a great relief to your heart. We rejoice with you!! Trust al is going well for you.
Thank you brother, all is good.

“Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Amen”.

News Item12/23/19 8:11 PM
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Thank you Rodney.
Quite surprising that only 4 brethren could stop by and praise GOD for His mercy and grace to one of His own, and crickets from the rest, but plenty of engaging in useless political rhetoric.

Bah humbug!

News Item12/19/19 4:26 PM
MS  Find all comments by MS
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Thank you also James, and for that most encouraging verse which always brings much comfort to the children of GOD.

News Item12/18/19 4:01 PM
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Thanks John. Would ask if upon remembrance you and anyone else who are so led would pray for my Dad.
It will be a difficult transition for him to be in a Protestant fellowship after being at his RC parish for nearly 50 years...

News Item12/18/19 1:05 PM
MS  Find all comments by MS
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John-I so appreciate the kind comment.
Would like to take this opportunity to apologize for some of my previous remarks to you. Please forgive me, as I have also forgiven you and others for our ungracious and rude banter that is so unbecoming children of GOD.
By His grace, I hope to respond in a more gracious fashion.
Every blessing, brother.
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