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Sermon11/27/2020 1:14 AM
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What About Popery
Larry Phillips
“ Popes: Rebel Leaders ”
It is worth noting the story of Korah in Numbers 16:1-50. Just as Korah led and organized a rebellion against Moses and against The Lord, so the Catholic popes led and organize a rebellion against The Lord. It is also worth noting the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. Just as The Lord stopped the construction of the Tower of Babel, so shall The Lord bring desolation upon this Tower of Babel called the Vatican. Babylon is fallen indeed.

Sermon11/27/2020 1:08 AM
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“ Vatican: Cursed with Plagues ”
Just as The Lord sent The Ten Plagues upon idolatrous and pagan Egypt, so shall The Lord send plagues upon the idolatrous and rebellious Vatican. This sermon is a strong condemnation of this monster of the antichrist called the papacy.

Sermon11/26/2020 5:39 PM
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“ Locusts 'arbeh (אַרְבֶּה) ”
It should be noted that the word 'locust' is translated from the Hebrew word 'arbeh (אַרְבֶּה). It is used in reference to the grasshopper insects known as locusts. It is also translated as grasshopper. It occurs 24 times in 21 verses in the Hebrew concordance of The King James Bible, particularly in Exodus 10:4, Exodus 10:12, Exodus 10:13, Exodus 10:14, Exodus 10:19, Leviticus 11:22, Deuteronomy 28:38, Judges 6:5, Judges 7:12, 1 Kings 8:37, 2 Chronicles 6:28, Job 39:20, Psalm 78:46, Psalm 105:34, Psalm 109:23, Proverbs 30:27, Jeremiah 46:23, Joel 1:4, Joel 2:25, Nahum 3:15, and Nahum 3:17.

Sermon11/26/2020 5:11 PM
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Why God Insists on Faith
Dr. Peter Masters
“ A Reference To The Brazen Serpent ”
As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, even so must The Son of Man be lifted up. Very helpful reference to John 3:14. The story of the brazen serpent is noted in Numbers 21:4-9.

Sermon11/26/2020 1:42 PM
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“ Wicked WWE's Tribute to Kobe Bryant ”
It is tragic how the wicked WWE (Wicked Wrestling Enterprises) paid tribute to Kobe Bryant (23 August, 1978 – 26 January, 2020) in response to his death on 26 January, 2020. WWE is full of vile businesspeople like Vince McMahon as well as vile wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Triple H, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Also, whorish WWE divas like Trish Stratus and Ronda Rousey also paid tributes to the now fallen Kobe Bryant. It is worth noting Genesis 6:1-22 in times like these. Just as sinful people filled the earth with sinful violence in the days of Noah, so WWE and other pro wrestling promotions fills the earth with sinful violence. How sad that a vile pro wrestling promotion like WWE can pay tribute to an adulterous whoremongering pro athlete like Kobe Bryant. This sermon shows that the rebellious spirit of antichrist indwells not only the WWE personnel, but also the pro athletes and other professional athletic personnel as well.

Sermon11/26/2020 1:32 PM
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“ Antichrist: People's Champion ”
Just as Dwayne The Rock Johnson (born 02 May, 1972) is referred to as "The People's Champion", so the antichrist will be a people's champion. In The Bible, particularly The King James Bible, the word 'champion' occurs 3 times in 3 verses, particularly in 1 Samuel 17:4, 1 Samuel 17:23, and 1 Samuel 17:51. The 'champion' is referring to Goliath, who is also a picture of the antichrist. It is very apparent that the WWE (Wicked Wrestling Enterprises) is of the antichrist itself due to it peddling drugs, perverted sexuality, sinful violence, and profanity. Of course, Dwayne The Rock Johnson is not the only pro wrestler who is a picture of antichrist. So are all other pro wrestlers, especially the foul mouthed Stone Cold Steve Austin as are Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. The spirit of antichrist indwells the pro wrestling echelons like Vince McMahon as it does the pro wrestlers themselves. This same spirit of antichrist also indwells the pro athletes like the now fallen Kobe Bryant. As we know, pro athletes are pictures of antichrist because they are people's champions reflecting the collective will of wicked people. Let us be like Noah who sought The Righteousness of The Lord.

Sermon11/26/2020 3:04 AM
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The Lord of the flies
Pastor Jonathan Campbell
“ Ten Plagues of Egypt: Memorable Story ”
The Ten Plagues of Egypt is a very memorable story. The Ten Plagues are as follows: 01: Turning water to blood (Exodus 7:14-24), 02: Frogs: (Exodus 7:25-Exodus 8:15), 03: Lice (Exodus 8:16-19), 04: Flies (Exodus 8:20-32), 05: Pestilence of livestock (Exodus 9:1-7), 06: Boils (Exodus 9:8-12), 07: Hail (Exodus 9:13-35), 08: Locusts (Exodus 10:1-20), 09: Darkness for three days (Exodus 10:21-29), and Death of firstborn (Exodus 11:1-Exodus 12:36).

Sermon11/26/2020 2:29 AM
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“ Planned Herodhood ”
It is worth noting Matthew 2:1-23 in times like these. There was also a prophetic reference to Jeremiah 31:15 in the same chapter. It should be noted that Planned Parenthood should really be known as Planned Herodhood in reference to Herod's murder of children from two years old and under in Matthew 2:16. In Matthew 2:19, Herod gave up the ghost. As we clearly saw, Herod died because of his sin of murdering infants. As Herod died, so will the abortion industry. Very needed sermon in times like these.

Sermon11/26/2020 2:13 AM
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“ John The Baptist: Beheaded for Opposing Adultery ”
As noted in Matthew 14:1-12, Mark 6:14-29, and Luke 9:7-9, John the Baptist was beheaded for opposing the adultery committed by Herod Antipas. It is also because John the Baptist referenced The Law of Moses, particularly Leviticus 18:16 and Leviticus 20:21. As John The Baptist opposed the fornication of Herod Antipas, so we also must oppose this sinful fornication which is called pro sports.

Sermon11/26/2020 1:37 AM
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“ Olympic Diving: Erotic Dance ”
It should be noted that Olympic diving is really a type of erotic dance. This is because the poses performed by Olympic divers while flipping, twisting, and leaping in the air look very similar to poses performed by strippers performing pole dancing. As strippers are scantily clad while pole dancing, so Olympic divers are also scantily clad while diving in a similar manner. It is sad how swimming venues are literal strip clubs where recreational and Olympic divers can perform erotic poses while flipping and twisting into the water from a springboard and/or platform. Olympic sports, especially Olympic diving, are literally a more publicly accepted sex industry. This also means that Olympic diving, like Olympic gymnastics and Olympic synchronized swimming, is a more publicly accepted erotic dance. Then again, pro sports is really erotic dance in plain sight. Worth noting 1 Corinthians 6:18 and other passages condemning fornication, adultery, and whoremongering in response to this whoremongering entertainment of the flesh called erotic dance.

Sermon11/25/2020 5:36 PM
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Popery vs Scripture - On Sanctification
Rev. Andrew Patterson
“ Popery: Religion of Fig Leaves ”
With regards to Genesis 3:1-24, we know that Adam and Eve made aprons of fig leaves after they sinned by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in an attempt to hide their nakedness. The aprons of fig leaves are clearly the first known attempt at salvation through works. Just as Adam and Eve futilely attempted to hid their nakedness through aprons made of fig leaves, so Roman Catholics futilely attempt to hide their nakedness through their partaking of the "seven sacraments." The reality is that Adam and Eve could not hide their nakedness with their aprons made of fig leaves anymore than Catholics hide their nakedness with their participation in the "seven sacraments." This sermon shows that popery is a religion of fig leaves, which means that popery is a religion which causes spiritual nakedness to its own adherents.

Sermon11/25/2020 5:27 PM
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“ Relevant Chapters in Revelation ”
It is worth noting Revelation 17:1-18, Revelation 18:1-24, Revelation 19:1-21, and Revelation 20:1-15 in response to this Satanically inspired rebellion against The Lord called popery.

Sermon11/25/2020 2:35 AM
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“ Lawfulness vs. Legality ”
It should be noted that Biblical Lawfulness is not the same thing as worldly "legality." For example, under Amendment 8 of the United States Constitution, it bans the use of "cruel and unusual punishments." In Old Testament Israel, brutal stoning was a method of execution. Amendment 8's ban on "cruel and unusual" punishments goes against The Lord's Lawful Use of Brutal Stoning as an execution method. Even though Our Righteous Lord would lawfully authorize brutal executions like stoning for heinous crimes, the modern "legal" view of "human rights" attacks brutal capital punishment for heinous crimes as "cruel", "inhumane", "tyrannical", and "draconian." Sadly, this constitutional construct of "legality" has banned stoning as an execution method. It is sad how the United States of America can ban stoning as an execution method, but legally permit the mass murder of the unborn known as abortion. This sermon is a call to repent of any worldly constructs of legality, especially that which is known as "human rights."

Sermon11/24/2020 2:54 AM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Superheroes: Just Like King Saul ”
In 1 Samuel 8:1-22, the people of Israel reject Jehovah The King in favor of a temporal human king. Continuing in 1 Samuel 9:1-27, the people of Israel choose Saul as their king given his goodly appearance and higher stature than most people. Like King Saul, superheroes are well received by the majority of people as champions reflecting the collective will of the people. The reality is that superheroes, like King Saul, are really antichrists. As shown in this sermon, Jesus came as The Meek and Lowly Shepherd. It is also worth noting the example of Jesus in Isaiah 53:1-12. This sermon shows that it is better to be a humble shepherd than a prideful superhero. Then again, all superheroes have sinful pride.

Sermon11/24/2020 2:27 AM
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“ Borgia Family: Just Like Ahab Family ”
It should be noted that the Borgia family is just like the Ahab family. Just as the Ahab family in both 1 Kings and 2 Kings were forerunners of the antichrist, so the Borgia family were also forerunners of the antichrist. A very helpful sermon in response to this revival of idolatrous Baal worship called popery.

Sermon11/24/2020 12:58 AM
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“ Noting Numbers 21:4-9 ”
It is worth noting the brass serpent in Numbers 21:4-9 and its connection to John 3:14-15. As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, even so must Jesus The Son of Man also be lifted up.

Sermon11/24/2020 12:49 AM
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Church Anniversary Reflections
Dr. Carl McIntire
“ Revelation 22:18-19: A Final Warning ”
It should be noted that Revelation 22:18-19, which is also a reference to Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32, and Proverbs 30:5-6, is a final warning against tampering with The Word of The Lord. Back in Genesis 3:1-24, Satan the serpent took away from and added to The Lord's Word in Genesis 3:4-5. In other words, Satan the serpent tampered with The Lord's Word. The reference to The Final Warning in Revelation 22:18-19 clearly shows that The Lord has already indicted those who would intentionally tamper with His Word.

Sermon11/24/2020 12:03 AM
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“ Bruising The Dragon's Head ”
With regards to Genesis 3:1-24, we know that Satan the serpent's head will be bruised by Jesus as noted in Genesis 3:15. Also, in Revelation 20:1-15, particularly Revelation 20:10, Satan the dragon is cast into eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. Also in Genesis 3, The Lord said to the serpent that he the serpent is cursed above all cattle and every beast of the field. By the time that Satan the dragon is cast into The Lake of Fire, it means that Satan the dragon is cursed above all cattle and every beast of the field and that Satan the dragon's head is bruised by Jesus. This sermon shows that Jesus will put a permanent stop to Satan the dragon and his works of darkness.

Sermon11/23/2020 6:07 PM
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Robert W. Reed
“ Olympic Diving: Aerial Pole Dancing Over The Water ”
It appears that what is known as Olympic diving is really aerial pole dancing over and into the water. Like pole dancing, Olympic diving requires a lot of athleticism and acrobatics as well as half and/or fully naked performers. It is also because many of the poses that the Olympic divers do while flipping and twisting in the air look similar to the poses performed by strippers dancing on a vertical pole. While strippers dance on a vertical pole, Olympic divers erotically dance over the water from a springboard or platform. It is sad that aquatics facilities have now become strip clubs, especially where both recreational and Olympic divers can practice erotic poses while leaping, flipping, and twisting in the air over and into the water. It is also sad that Olympic diving is literally a more publicly accepted pornography. Worth noting Matthew 5:27-32 in response to this tendency to market perverted eroticism, especially as this type of publicly tolerated erotic entertainment known as Olympic diving.

Sermon11/23/2020 1:04 AM
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“ The Olympics: Highly Esteemed Among Men ”
Jesus clearly stated: 'that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in The Sight of God.' By that very definition, the Olympic Games, both Summer and Winter, are abominations in The Sight of God because they are highly esteemed among people in a worldly sense of prestige. The example of Luke 16:15 is a noble example to learn from. This sermon shows that our call is to run a spiritual race, not a worldly race with the intent on seeking worldly prestige.
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