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Sermon12/8/2020 11:14 PM
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“ Shenlong: Satanic Dragon ”
It should be noted that there is a Satanic dragon god in Chinese folklore known as Shenlong (Shénlóng 神龍). Not surprisingly, this Satanic dragon god known as Shenlong is a wish granting dragon in the Dragonball anime (known as Qīlóngzhū 七龍珠 in Chinese). Very helpful sermon in response to the many crazes of pop culture, especially the dragon craze made popular by the vain imaginary Dragonball manga and anime.

Sermon12/8/2020 10:15 PM
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“ Joseph in Egypt: A Foretelling of Moses ”
It should be noted that Joseph being sold into Egypt by his 11 other brothers was a foretelling of Moses who would deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. Like his 11 brothers, Joseph was also a member of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The names of the Twelve Tribes of Israel are as follows: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. The story of Joseph in Egypt is a story of major prophetic insight, which would also come to fruition in The New Testament.

Sermon12/8/2020 12:49 AM
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“ Founding Fathers of USA: Dead in Their Sins ”
It should be noted that the Founding Fathers of the United States of America like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin died in their sins because they were unregenerate antichrists connected with Freemasonry. One day, those Founding Fathers of the USA will be judged by The King of Kings at The Great White Throne Judgment and be forever cast into The Lake of Fire. The antichrist nation known as the United States of America is the exact opposite of The Christian Puritan America. It should also be noted that the USA stands for United Sinful States of Antichrist America. As we know, the Founding Fathers of the USA revolted against King George III during the American Revolution. On Judgment Day, those Founding Fathers of the USA will be judged by The King of Kings. Worth noting Revelation 20:11-15. This sermon shows that everything good and noble about America can be traced to The Puritans. A sermon like this also shows that Freemasonry and Deism will result in eternal torment in The Lake of Fire.

Sermon12/7/2020 11:42 PM
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“ CCM: Whorish Church Music ”
This sermon shows that CCM music is antichrist music with its whorish characters. This means that CCM music is really whorish church music. What a tragedy that contemporary praise churches are literal whorehouses where female praise singers peddle perverted sexuality for filthy lucre. Both male and female praise singers make erotic poses as they sing their praise songs also by combining it with their sinful erotic dance. This shows that contemporary praise churches have only revived the erotic dance performed by the daughter of Herodias before Herod Antipas. We also realize that this erotic dancer known as the daughter of Herodias requested the Head of Righteous John The Baptist on a platter. This sermon is a very sobering sermon in response to this erotic antichrist church music called contemporary Christian music.

Sermon12/7/2020 11:29 PM
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“ Country Music: Redneck Antichrist Music ”
This sermon shows that the redneck culture in Dixie is of antichrist with its country music. This antichrist music called country music has turned the majority of hicks, rednecks, country bumpkins, and hillbillies into whoremongers, fornicators, and adulterers. Fortunately, there are Southerners that oppose this antichrist whoremongering music called country music, but they are in the minority. Southerners say that being a true redneck means connecting with country music. That would mean that Southerners taking a stand against country music are not really true rednecks. It is sad that country music came into existence since it, country music, is antichrist Devil music driven by sexual perversion.

Sermon12/7/2020 2:12 AM
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Robert W. Reed
“ Cleansing of The Temple ”
It is worth noting the example of Jesus Cleansing The Temple in Matthew 21:12–17, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45–48, and John 2:13-16. It is also worth remembering Psalm 69:9 and Isaiah 56:7 as well.

Sermon12/7/2020 1:34 AM
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“ Noting Jeremiah 10:1-25 ”
It is worth noting Jeremiah 10:1-25 in response to this pagan idolatrous craze called Christmas.

Sermon12/6/2020 11:49 AM
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“ Dragons: Idealized in Pop Culture ”
It should be noted that dragons are idealized in numerous pop culture media, especially anime like the occultic Dragonball series produced by Akira Toriyama. The Biblical Reality is that dragons symbolize Satan as noted in Revelation 12. This sermon shows that we should unplug from pop culture if it has to do with dragons.

Sermon12/5/2020 2:49 PM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Everything Wrong With Superman ”
This sermon shows everything wrong with Superman and superheroes. Sadly, many evangelicals are crazy about superheroes as the unbelieving world is. This sermon clearly shows that Superman and other superheroes are tools of Satan for stealing people's hearts from Jesus. There is something wrong with costume clad sinners called superheroes "saving" the world when Jesus Christ is The Only Saviour of The World. It is worth noting The Example of Jesus in Isaiah 53:1-12 as well. These superheroes like Superman are symbols of antichrist because of their sinful pride as champions of the people. Then again, all superheroes have sinful pride in their heart. It is also worth noting 1 Samuel 17:1-58 in response to this craze over worldly champions of the people called superheroes. It is also worth noting The Vine of Sodom in Deuteronomy 32:32 in response to the superhero craze, since Superman's costume as with those of all other superheroes looks like the costume worn an a LGBT Pride event.

Sermon12/4/2020 2:18 AM
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The Libertarian Fallacy
Curtis Knapp
“ Kingdom Gospel Vs. Libertarian Social Gospel ”
We ought to remember The Kingdom Gospel spoken by Jesus in Matthew 24:14 in response to the worldly humanistic social gospel of libertarianism.

Sermon12/4/2020 2:10 AM
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“ Millenial Reign of Jesus: Foretold in Zechariah ”
It should be noted that The Millennial Reign of Jesus was foretold by Zechariah the Prophet. One notable example is Zechariah 14:1-21. As we know, The Millennial Kingdom of Jesus is outlined in Revelation 20:2-7. This sermon should not that The Book of Revelation is not about humans taking back their so-called "liberty" and "human rights." The Book of Revelation is about Jesus coming back to rule as The Eternal King. We ought to remember the example in The Bible of The Millennial Reign of Jesus in response to this American craze over the United States Constitution.

Sermon12/3/2020 6:07 PM
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“ Pro Athletes: Antichrists ”
It is worth noting the example in Samuel 17:1-58 in response to this craze over worldly athletic championship. In The Bible, particularly The King James Bible, the word 'champion' occurs 3 times in 3 verses, particularly in 1 Samuel 17:4, 1 Samuel 17:23, and 1 Samuel 17:51. The 'champion' is referring to Goliath, who is also a picture of the antichrist. Just as Goliath was referred to as a champion, so these antichrist pro athletes are also worldly champions. One notable celebration of antichrist are both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. This sermon shows that the spirit of antichrist indwells the pro athletes and that pro athletes are symbols of antichrist. A sermon like this also shows that the desire for athletic prestige, which is of the world, is also of the antichrist. Pro sports is indeed an abomination in The Sight of The Lord because it is highly esteemed among the masses of people.

Sermon12/3/2020 5:52 PM
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“ Superheroes: Antichrist Champions ”
It is worth noting 1 Samuel 17:1-58 in response to this craze over championship, especially these antichrist champions of the people called superheroes. Like the sinful pro wrestlers and pro athletes, the superheroes from comicdom are pictures of antichrist because they too are people's champions. The whole idea of being a champion of the people is antichrist. We realize that in both The Old Testament and The New Testament of The Bible, Jehovah's People and The Messiah came as shepherds, not champions of the people. Very helpful sermon in response to this antichrist craze of championship.

Sermon12/1/2020 3:36 PM
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“ Steve Irwin: Evolutionist ”
It should be noted that Steve Irwin (22 February, 1962 – 04 September, 2006) sadly died as an evolutionist when a stingray bard pierced his heart at the age of 44. This means that Mr. Irwin denied The Bible and died in his sins and entered an eternity in torment in Hell. This sermon clearly demonstrates that the theory of evolution is an attack on The Bible.

Sermon11/29/2020 12:19 PM
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“ Superheroes: From The Vine of Sodom ”
This podcast also references Deuteronomy 32:1-52. It also references the particular particular Vine of Sodom in Deuteronomy 32:32. Not surprisingly, many superheroes look like participants of an LGBT Pride Festival, particularly because of their brightly colored form fitting catsuits. This means that superheroes come from the Vine of Sodom, especially since many superheroes identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. Also, comic book writers are writing LGBT themes in said superhero comic books. While this podcast primarily is about superheroes as pictures of the antichrist, it also highlights that superhero media is instrumental in advancing the LGBT agenda as well.

Sermon11/29/2020 11:49 AM
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“ Superheroes: Written By Christ Rejectors ”
As noted, superheroes are written by people who reject Jesus Christ. We ought to note 1 Samuel 15:1-35 in times like these. Samuel said to King Saul that because he King Saul has rejected The Lord, so The Lord has rejected he King Saul as king of Israel. In similar manner, because the writers of superhero comics have rejected The Lord Jesus Christ, so The Lord Jesus Christ has rejected them. This sermon shows that Satan is using the superhero craze to steal people's hearts from Jesus Christ.

Sermon11/29/2020 1:49 AM
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The Libertarian Fallacy
Curtis Knapp
“ Antichrist Libertarian Pacificsm ”
Many libertarians subscribe to this antichrist libertarian pacificism called "the non-aggression principle." While we Bible Believers realize that there is wrong aggression, this "non-aggression principle" claims that using aggression against people's "natural rights" is wrong. We know that The Lord did use physical force when He The Lord judged the world with The Flood in the days of Noah. Our Lord only uses physical and aggressive force as punishment upon the unrighteous. We also realize that Our Lord does not recognize the Enlightenment principle of "natural rights" since "natural rights" allows people to partake of the worship of false gods and idol worship. Our Lord used physical force on Egypt when He sent The Ten Plagues. Lastly, Jesus will use physical force against the rebel soldiers of the antichrist beast and the false prophet at the end of the Battle of Armageddon. From a Biblical Standpoint, the libertarian "non-aggression principle" is erroneous because it attacks The Lord's Judgment upon unrighteous people. There are numerous examples in The Bible where The Lord and His Saints used physical force and aggression to punish the unrighteous. Biblical Judgment goes against the libertarian "non-aggression principle".

Sermon11/27/2020 1:31 PM
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“ Borgia Family: Similar to Ahab Family ”
As the Ahab family in The Book of 1st Kings and 2nd Kings was an evil idolatrous family with many vices, so was the Borgia family. The Borgia family was a lot like the Ahab family in that both were national leaders involved in idolatry. We know that righteous Elijah would have taken a stand against the evil Borgia family like he did against the evil Ahab family. As the Ahab family proved The Lord to wrath, so did the Borgia family, and so does the idolatrous Vatican of today. The Ahab family were a picture of the coming antichrist as were the Borgia family. We ought to remember the example of 1 Kings 18:1-46 in times like these. Also in 1 Kings 18, we realize that Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves. As Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves, so The Lord slew the Ahab family and the Borgia family. This sermon is a warning that all idolaters, including the Baal worshipers and Catholics, shall have their part in the Lake of Fire which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. This sermon is a call to repent of all manner of idolatry. It also shows why popery is just a revival of the Baal worship of the past.

Sermon11/27/2020 1:33 AM
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“ New Heaven and New Earth ”
Both Genesis 1:1-31 and Revelation 21:1-27 involve Heaven and Earth. As The Lord created the heaven and earth as good in the beginning, so shall The Lord create The New Heaven and New Earth as good at the very end. There are numerous references to Old Testament Books in The Book of Revelation and Genesis is one of them.

Sermon11/27/2020 1:27 AM
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“ The Lake of Fire: Home of The Popes ”
It is worth noting Genesis 3:1-24 in times like these. Just as Adam and Eve were banished from The Garden of Eden, so shall the Catholic popes and their Catholic followers be cast into The Lake of Fire, the second death. This sermon shows that popery is really a religion of fig leaves.
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