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News Item1/24/13 7:53 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks Christopher! I agree wholeheartedly with you and am concerned for my 9 yr. old granddaughter who is growing up in this crazy time for men and women.

News Item1/23/13 2:43 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I agree with Michael Hranek's comment and want to thank SA for keeping us informed on issues that affect the Church and our nation. In fact, SA is my home page.

News Item1/23/13 7:19 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I hope Pastor Driscoll isn't pressured into apologizing for his tweets. Maybe he's tough enough to handle all the hatred and venom the Obamaites are sending his way.

News Item1/22/13 8:22 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I can only think that there is a strong spirit of ignorance and delusion affecting the masses. We need to step up our sharing of the Gospel and God's Word.

News Item1/19/13 11:14 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hmmm... I wonder how many of the Founding Fathers would fit into the category of a terrorist as defined in this West Point Study? Propaganda is so deep in this historic institution, we are going to need a team of bulldozers to move it out with a Patrick Henry at the helm.

News Item1/16/13 4:09 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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This is a good article for all the republicans in Illinois and America to read... And if one wants more proof, do a search for IL GOP Governors who have been incarcerated for corruption. This state is overripe for a new political party that will truly honor Christ and be based upon Biblical Principles. But for some reason, many Christians in Illinois continue to try to reform the rotten GOP - a waste of time and effort.

News Item1/15/13 11:37 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Here we have a woman of courage, conviction and good morals presenting wholesome and worthy words to students who might not be taught these good qualities in order to develop desirable character, and along comes the secularists firing a teacher for setting a good example with Biblical sources. I pray the good Lord uses this teacher's Christian witness to her students for His glory. Either way this goes, this woman is leaving a lasting impression on those young minds. Praise the Lord!

News Item1/10/13 10:34 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Well, actually Barack Obama is a minister of God to do what is good... But allowing and even promoting the murder of millions of preborn babies on his watch is not doing good... Neither is trying to turn God's created order for marriage upside down by shamelessly endorsing unnatural coupling/marriage of homosexuals. President Obama will answer to King Jesus for his actions and lack of action for good while serving in the White House and my advice is that he quickly repent and turn from his wicked ways.

Sermon1/9/13 3:04 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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“ Great Program! ”
Excellent program! After listening to Mr. Storm's testimony, my prayers are for a new reformation in Norway and the success of the conference Mr. Miano is speaking at this week. Also, I greatly appreciate the Biblical response to the tragedy at Sandy Hook... I hope others will listen to this program.

News Item1/7/13 3:45 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Sorry for delay in responding to Neil from Tucson - I am inclined to agree with you and get concerned when I and others become so focused on our food/calorie intake that it becomes an "idol." Moderation in all things not forbidden is the key principle I get from Scripture. Right now I am trying to lose a few pounds for the new year due to baking and eating too many cookies and have found myself backsliding - so perhaps I am just trying to make myself feel less guilt.

News Item1/6/13 3:01 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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The point I was trying to make is that (praise the Lord!) we still have a knowledge of classic Protestant and Puritan teaching in America, and this is why folks are admitting to being "tempted" to overeat and/or be "lazy." Frankly, I like to see masculine men with some muscle and meat on their bones and ladies to actually look feminine with a few classic curves, as well.

News Item1/6/13 7:12 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Could it be Protestants actually have some sort of knowledge that gluttony is a sin while some of the other faiths don't? If so, praise the Lord that not all of our Puritan Heritage has been forgotten.

News Item1/3/13 1:27 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I appreciate Judge Rufus' Biblical stand and pray the good Lord will someday give us men with such insight to serve as judges and magistrates.

News Item1/1/13 7:51 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear John, I did not vote for a third party candidate - I dissented from participating in the 2012 charade of a Presidential election. You really need to sign up for my weekly newsletter so you can become better informed. Please contact me and I'll add you to the e-list.

News Item1/1/13 7:20 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In response to "Indirectly voted for Obama" - I directly dissented and "voted" for righteousness instead of an anti-Christ cultist. Who did you vote for? Also, please know that our ungodly state of IL has had problems for many years much like the rest of the united States. Is your state really any better than mine?

News Item1/1/13 11:43 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Good! Now I'll know who to boycott!

Sermon12/30/12 3:33 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Reclaiming Surrendered Ground
Peter Hammond
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise the Lord for Dr. Hammond's willingness to preach on subjects seldom heard in mainstream churches! This sermon is meat for the soul and one I sincerely pray others will listen to.

Sermon12/29/12 1:47 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, US  Contact via emailFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Animals in Heaven
Peter Hammond
“ Great Sermon! ”
Fascinating message! I have long respected the work of Frontline Fellowship and I'm very happy to see Dr. Hammond's sermons featured at SermonAudio! I plan to listen to all of them!

News Item12/29/12 10:30 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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RE: John Yurich - Why don't you attend a Lutheran Church (LCMS) instead of the Roman Catholic? I understand how few and far between are good churches, but surely there is a Lutheran church within driving distance.

News Item12/27/12 9:26 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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As the mother of two grown sons who want to find moral Christian young women to marry, I can only pray that they won't lower their standards and settle for an independent woman without morals or respect for men and who desires to have the state be a daddy to her children.
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