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News Item11/30/08 3:04 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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DJC49~"Embracing what is false is THE hallmark--THE preeminent TRADITION--of the Roman Catholic Church"

That was exactly my point, the RCC's acceptance of and embracing with open arms the Muslim faith is more proof of their own apostate beliefs. For GG to continue to defend the RCC, even though they 'line up' with the Muslim beliefs, is again proof of his true condition, he is lost in sin, loyal to a tradition that is NOT sacred, but wicked, vile and evil. One that will send him straight to hell. He has no clue as to who the God of the scriptures is, he has been blinded and deceived by Satan; all because he refuses to step away from ritualistic religion and open God's word, letting the Lord show him from His word who He truly is. This is sad, no matter how sarcastic and argumentative the RCC followers may be, let's always remember, we are dealing with a lost soul headed for hell.

News Item11/30/08 1:34 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~You cannot give Muslims any 'benefit of the doubt'! If you educate yourself on their beliefs, all 'doubt' would be removed. You only uphold them because the apostate church you belong to is in bed with them. Muslims and the RCC are spoken of by Christ in Matthew 15:14, "Leave them, they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit".
If you do recognize Islam to be a false religion, how do you justify your religion embracing what is false?

News Item11/29/08 11:17 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ what do you base your universal belief in god on? Do you think just because someone claims a belief in a god, they must mean the God of the universe? Are you that gullible? Again, READ THEIR KORAN, that IS their bible. Where do you get your information from?
Let's review; Quran's Surah, 17 111, 'Praise be to Allah {arabic-'elah'- a god, or something worshiped}, who beget NO SON{read that over and over GG, this is their denial of Christ}and has NO PARTNER in his domain{again READ REPEATEDLY}. That is what they teach, that is what they believe. They do NOT believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as the aforementioned makes clear.
"And fear the God of Israel" Isa. 29:23 If God is the God of the Jews, how can He also be the same God the Muslims lay claim to?
This is the importance of reading the word of God, standing solely on it. Then, when apostasy comes your way, you can discern it. Without Godly wisdom, you will never grasp what is being said.

News Item11/29/08 11:06 PM
Lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lyn
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GG~FYI...Here is the Muslim 'Abraham connection'...Muslims believe the Jews changed and distorted the bible in order to establish themselves as heirs of Abraham's covenant blessings {even though the New Testament clearly teaches otherwise, Romans 9:7}. According to Islamic tradition, Abraham had 8 sons rather than 2 who were reared in Mecca, not Hebron. They insist Ishmael was the son Abraham was going to sacrifice on Mount Moriah. According to the Koran, the Abrahamic covenant was passed down to the Arabs through Ishmael, rather than to the Jews through Isaac.
If one believes the old and new testaments were written under the inspiration of the Spirit of God, then there is NO QUESTION that Israel is the promised land of the Jews. God's words to Abraham are some 2500 years older than the creation of Islam.

News Item11/29/08 10:06 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~If God were truly the God of the RCC, then you would not yoke yourselves with the children of Satan, the Muslims. But, since you cannot even differentiate between your 'god' and theirs, it becomes clear you and the Muslims do indeed worship the same 'god'.
"Nor are they all children because they are the 'seed' of Abraham, but, in Isaac, your seed shall be called" Romans 9:7 Only Isaac's descendants could truly be called the 'children of Abraham', the inheritors of the racial and national promises (Gen. 17:19-21}

News Item11/29/08 9:54 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~you say, 'there is more to their faith than you care to acknowledge'...elaborate please. And not with your opinion, but with factual statements.
Not everyone who 'descended' from Abraham is a child of God, so why you keep hammering on this is puzzling.
Do you honestly think the One True God is pleased with the murdering of people? Are you willing to go that far, just because your precious RCC is siding with this apostate religion? May God have mercy on your soul GG, you truly are ignorant of the underlying evil that lurks within radical islam.

News Item11/29/08 9:46 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~DO YOU READ? I quoted you some of their Quran, it CLEARLY states their god is called ALLAH, they deny the Son of God, how much plainer can it get? This god of theirs is NOT, I repeat, is NOT the God of the bible. Claiming to be descendants of Abraham means nothing. Your problem lies with your statement, "I THINK". Absolute truth is found in one place, the Word of God. You will side with the devil to uphold your traditional beliefs, even when the evidence is clearly presented. The Muslims do NOT worship the same god, for your own sake, DO SOME RESEARCH!!!!!!!

News Item11/29/08 9:33 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ again, you are in error. In your opinion, you say, "the only people talking about god these days in Europe are the Vatican and the Muslims". True, but it isn't the God of the Bible. The Muslim god is called 'Allah'. You need to do some research on what the Muslims actually believe instead of defending them just because the apostate RCC defends them. You have no idea what you are even defending.

News Item11/29/08 9:20 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ you are without a clue to the god of the Muslim faith, 'ALLAH'. This is NOT the God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. You are under the impression that anyone who throws out the name of 'god' automatically links them to the Creator of heaven and earth.
Christianity is based on God sending His Son to save lost sinners, the Quran's Surah 17 111 says, "Praise be to ALLAH, who begets NO SON, and has no partner in (his) domain"
Surah 4 171 says, "O people of the book! commit no excesses in your religion: Nor, say of ALLAH aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was NO MORE THAN AN APOSTLE of ALLAH and his word"
So GG, still think the Muslims worship the same 'god'?

News Item11/29/08 9:07 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~read this article carefully... It is my understanding that the 10 attackers were all Muslim males between the ages of 17-35. Your upholding the RCC's giving credit to Muslims for returning 'god' to Europe should drastically change after reading this article. This is their 'type of religion'. If you think it is okay to take a life over refusal to convert to a certain set of systematic beliefs, or simply because of one's ethnic background, then you will fit right in to 'Allah's' plans. Yet, they keep trying to 'convince' Westerners theirs is a religion of peace; there again, actions speak louder than words.

News Item11/29/08 7:05 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Mike~you bring up one of the great mysteries of our Great and Awesome God! How can this Holy God care and love such disgusting creatures as ourselves? When I really ponder that thought, it brings me to tears every time. Thank you for sharing.

News Item11/29/08 7:01 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~ your ignorance of the god of the Muslim faith is scary. They do NOT worship the God of the bible. There is no way the RCC can 'bring them into' the true church of Jesus Christ, because the RCC isn't even a part of that church. You are correct in saying the idolatrous Mary of the RCC will indeed bring the Muslims and Catholics together {read Jim's link 'Understanding Islam and Roman Catholicism}. {Rev. 17:13}
Now I must ask, in your ignorance, you say that "Islam will re-introduce 'god'{in an imperfect form}"...How blasphemous!! The God I worship is perfect, without fault, true, mighty in power, rich in mercy, and full of grace. NEVER, ever should a true follower of Christ line up with and side with the children of Satan. Again, I urge you to educate yourself on Islam.
You have no idea how dangerous Islam is,{visit this link...www.defendingcontending.com}. This is a 'religion' that sends out their 'invitation' and if you reject, then you die. You need to get away from RCC apostasy and read what Islam REALLY is about Lance. Then maybe this would truly shock you into reality. You are blinded by the very church you think is going to save you, it could very well cost you your life, and will certainly cost you spiritually.

News Item11/29/08 6:14 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Mike, more than likely, the incidents of people pushing and shoving to get their material 'god' went unnoticed and unpublished. Granted this is minor, but nonetheless, still a reflection of where mankind is headed.
May the Lord bless you Mike, and your family.

News Item11/29/08 4:59 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Mike~did you go at 5 or 6 in the morning, when the crowds were building and waiting to 'stampede'?
Do you not see the downward spiral of this, and all nations? The hearts of men are growing more cold and less caring by the day, yet we have many who profess Christ who do not want to acknowledge the decline that surrounds them. This should prompt all to proclaim the Gospel, and pray for lost loved ones. The bible is clear we will face perilous times as evil men wax worse and worse. Please, let's not bury our heads in the sand! Let us pray for the return of Jesus Christ, and please let's pray for unity. Christ warns that as lawlessness increases, the love of many will grow cold. Let's not attack one another's postings with sarcasm, let's us remember 'the more excellent way'...LOVE

News Item11/29/08 10:42 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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This just proves America's lack of respect for human life, as this mob of degenerates races to their 'god', {material possessions}, a man lay dying. We are becoming more and more 'desensitized' by the day; a culture that thrives of tv, video games, texting, googling, and on and on. No matter where you go, someone has a cell phone glued to their ear, as they head to the mall to zero in on their 'kill'. They are 'driven' by their passion and lust for 'things'. It is like a bunch of robots whizzing around.
Many professing Christians are right there with them; some wasting valuable time by belittling others with their superior knowledge and wisdom, others claiming Christ but clinging to their credit cards to buy their worldly 'gotta haves'.
"Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold"~ Mat. 24:12

News Item11/29/08 9:57 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Hi Micheal,
It is always nice to hear from you, may God continue to bless you and lead you as you, and all who belong to Christ, wear the full armor and go forth wielding the sword of the Spirit.

It is heartbreaking to know the fate of the RCC followers. This 'religion' is spoken of by Christ in Mark 7:8, "For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men" as well as this, "Making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down".
It is quite obvious by the actions of this apostate church, they do not know the God of the Bible. Their 'god' is man-made, followed by a list of 'how-to's in order to reach him. Actions always prove authenticity.

God bless you brother Micheal.

News Item11/29/08 9:32 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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I am curious to know how Lance and GG defend their beloved 'church' now. So the one true 'church', founded by this guy they call Peter{not the Apostle Peter we find in God's word}, the first pope {btw, none of this is backed with God's word}, now embraces and acknowledges the Muslim faith as having 'returned God to Europe'. This so called 'religion of peace', that doesn't even acknowledge Jesus Christ, is credited with helping God out. The question is...who is their 'god'?

How can the RCC possibly claim to be Christ's 'church' when they are embracing His enemies? How does the RCC justify and defend this?
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, NO ONE comes to the Father but by me" John 14:6. Without Christ, what you have isn't real, or lasting.
It would appear that the RCC and Muslims are bedding down with one another; God's prophetic word is being fulfilled right before our eyes..."These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast" Rev. 17:13

Survey11/28/08 10:45 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Let's be careful not to link water baptism with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. "Not of works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration {rebirth} and renewal of the Holy Spirit" Titus 3:5 The Holy Spirit is the agent of the 'working of regeneration'. The 'rebirth is evidence of salvation. {Ezekiel 36:26,27}

News Item11/27/08 6:15 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~everything that you spew out is nothing more than your OPINION, and that you are entitled to. You cannot prove with any concrete evidence ANYTHING you say. You come on these boards and argue round and round, the same old garbage, why? NO ONE here is interested in converting to a man-made tradition.
You will find out for sure if your opinion is right, the very minute you draw your last breath and your soul separates from your earthly body. Then, the truth will be oh so plain.

News Item11/27/08 3:39 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~How in the world do you establish any kind of office of papacy from Isaiah 22?! DJC49 has already clarified that passage.
Again, other offices were clearly established in scripture, apostles, bishops/elders, and deacons. Why would such an 'important' office of 'pope' be overlooked by Jesus Christ and not clearly be taught; instead of having to take some passage from the old testament and twist it to fit? Read Revelation 3:7, Christ is the ONLY ONE who has the power and authority to 'open and shut' the door to His kingdom.
Your heretical teachings hold no water here, and cannot be found or backed with Gods' word. You do not believe God's word is sufficient in itself, so like a master chef, you add a pinch of this and a dash of that, but your man-made traditions are tasteless and worthless. You have proven absolutely nothing, your post is nothing more than senseless ramble.
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