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Sermon12/24/2020 1:42 AM
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Christ Purges His Temple
Dr. Peter Masters
“ Cleansing of The Temple ”
It is worth noting the example of Jesus Cleansing The Temple in Matthew 21:12–17, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45–48, and John 2:13-16. It is also worth remembering Psalm 69:9 and Isaiah 56:7 as well.

Sermon12/23/2020 6:37 PM
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“ Immigration Laws: Attack on Great Commission ”
While we are required to obey the law in Romans 13:1-7, it ought to be noted that immigration laws are an attack on The Great Commission. We know that Jesus mandated The Great Commission. We also realize that immigration enforcement is an attack on Biblical Evangelism, since it insists on enforcing so-called immigration "laws", even when such immigration "laws" conflict with Jehovah's Law. We as believers are as strangers and pilgrims on the earth. This sermon is a call to proclaim The Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.

Sermon12/22/2020 8:47 PM
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“ Nationalism: Hurtful To The Great Commission ”
It is worth noting The Example of The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-18, Luke 24:44-49, John 20:19-23 and Acts 1:4-8 in response to this craze called nationalism, especially American nationalism. This is because nationalism, as well as localism, are both hurtful to The Cause of The Great Commission. The Example of The Great Commission should also be noted in response to this craze called patriotism. This sermon shows that nationalism and localism are just as antichrist as the globalism of the United Nations.

Sermon12/22/2020 8:42 PM
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“ Examples To Note Regarding Eddie Van Halen ”
The examples of Kurt Donald Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994), Dee Dee Ramone (18 September, 1951 – 05 June, 2002), Sandy West (10 July, 1959 – 21 October, 2006), Jay Reatard (01 May, 1980 - 13 January, 2010), and Ronnie Montrose (29 November, 1947 – 03 March, 2012) are examples of how rock music is the music of death in response to the death of Eddie Van Halen (26 January, 1955 – 06 October, 2020) on 06, October 2020.

Sermon12/17/2020 6:53 AM
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“ Eddie Van Halen: Satanic Antichrist Legacy ”
This sermon shows that Eddie Van Halen created a legacy of Satanic antichrist rock music. Then again, all the major rock musicians have created a legacy of Satanic antichrist rock music.

Sermon12/16/2020 3:29 PM
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AWANA and Apologetics?
Kevin Boling
“ AWANA: Arminian Parachurch Ministry ”
It should be noted that AWANA is really an Arminian parachurch ministry. There is also no mention of repentance in AWANA's statement of faith as well. We also realize that parachurch ministries are not recognized by Scripture. This is because parachurch ministries usurp the ministry which was designed for the local church. Only the local church is predestined to be The Lord's Established Ministry on Earth.

Sermon12/16/2020 1:57 PM
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“ Sports Venues: Dens of Thieves ”
It is worth noting the example of Jesus Cleansing The Temple in Matthew 21:12–17, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45–48, and John 2:13-16. It is also worth remembering Psalm 69:9 and Isaiah 56:7 as well. This is because sports venues are actual dens of thieves. Sadly, contemporary churches, with their use of sports, are also dens of thieves. This sermon shows why we should not turn Abba Father's House into a house of merchandise, or rather, a den of thieves.

Sermon12/15/2020 2:17 AM
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“ Neutrality is an Illusion ”
This sermon shows that the neutrality touted by the secular state is an illusion. The reality is that the secular state is a vehicle of the antichrist.

Sermon12/15/2020 2:15 AM
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“ Brought Before Governors ”
It is important to remember the example noted in Matthew 10:16-20, Mark 13:9-11, and Luke 21:12-15 of being brought before governors.

Sermon12/14/2020 1:14 AM
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“ Media: Marketing Satanic false gods ”
It is sad how the media is know marketing Satanic false gods, especially since there is numerous media which favorably depicts the Satanic Egyptian pantheon. All the pantheons of the major cultures of the world are Satanic. This means that all the false gods of the world are just another name for Satan.

Sermon12/13/2020 4:55 PM
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“ Revelation 12: A Reflection of Isaiah 14:12-15 ”
It should be noted that Revelation 12:1-17 is a clear reflection of Isaiah 14:12-15 since both document the fall of Lucifer from Heaven. Lucifer lead one third of the angels in rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. In The Book of Revelation, the dragon's tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. This means that the dragon is the fallen angel Lucifer. Very thought invoking sermon.

Sermon12/12/2020 11:22 PM
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“ States' Rights: An Antichrist Principle ”
Because the United States of America was born of antichrist Freemasonry, it means that the principle of "states' rights" is also antichrist. Back in The Old Testament, there were provinces and not "states". The issue of "states' rights" needs to be confronted because the principle of "states' rights" and "state sovereignty" is the reason why America is now preparing for the coming of the antichrist.

Sermon12/12/2020 2:33 PM
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“ Patriotic Country Music: Sin of Respect of Persons ”
It should also be noted that country music, particularly the American patriotic type, is also the sin of respect of persons. It is worth noting James 2:1-26 in times like these, especially since the sin of respect of persons is addressed in that same chapter. It is also worth noting Acts 10:1-48 in response to this sin of respect of persons called American nationalism and American patriotism. The Lord is no respecter of persons and neither should His Saints be. Sadly, most American hicks, including the church going types, are guilty of this sin of respect of persons. The Greek word for the sin of respect of persons is prosōpolēmpsia (προσωπολημψία) and it is translated in the King James Bible at 4 times in Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25, and James 2:1. This sermon is a solid response to this sin of antichrist called country music, which also includes the sin of American nationalism and American patriotism.

Sermon12/12/2020 2:06 PM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ Profanity: Sin Against Jehovah ”
It should be noted that profanity, including the use of the f-word and other expletives, is a sin against Jehovah. This means that using profanity is a sin against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. It is worth noting Ephesians 4:1-32, especially Ephesians 4:29-30, in response to the issue of sinful profanity, especially the f-word. It should be noted that the sin of profanity originated after Adam and Eve sinned. This sermon shows how the media markets sin in the form of entertainment, especially when people are entertained by sinful profanity, especially the f-word. We realize that in Jehovah's Eyes, sin is not "entertaining," but deadly. For the wages of sin is death, but The Gift of The Lord is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Also worth noting Romans 6:1-23 in response to the marketing of sin, especially profanity, as "entertainment."

Sermon12/11/2020 10:45 PM
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“ Puritan America vs. United States of America ”
This sermon shows how the Puritan America and the United States of America are different. The Puritan America honored The King of Kings, but the United States of America rejected The King of Kings and His Righteous Monarchy. This sermon shows that the United States of America (more like United States of Antichrist) was built on the spirit of antichrist on 04 July, 1776. Because the United States of Antichrist was born of the spirit of antichrist, it means that patriotic national symbols associated with the United States of America like the stars and stripes, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, states' rights, and so forth are also antichrist.

Sermon12/11/2020 2:24 PM
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“ Founding Fathers of USA: Antichrist Champions ”
It is worth noting 1 Samuel 17:1-58 in response to this craze over championship, especially these antichrist champions, which are worldly "heroes". One such example of worldly "heroes" are the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. This is because the Founding Fathers of the United States of America came as champions of "liberty", even though their ideals of "liberty" were rooted in antichrist Freemasonry. The whole idea of being a champion of the people is antichrist. We realize that in both The Old Testament and The New Testament of The Bible, Jehovah's People and The Messiah came as shepherds, not champions of the people. Very helpful sermon in response to this antichrist craze of championship, especially these antichrist Masonic Enlightenment champions known as the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

Sermon12/11/2020 3:10 AM
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“ The Docks by Kevin Schilder ”
It should also be noted that a composition of music called The Docks by Kevin Schilder is really the theme music of dragons, especially the dragon in Revelation 12. This composition of music also sounds like the theme music of the beast in Revelation 13. This is because the music matches both the dragon and the beast.

Sermon12/11/2020 2:59 AM
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“ Video Game Music: An Amazing Art ”
It should also be noted that video game music is an amazing art, especially since some video game music tends to repeat in a loop. Also, some video game music would work for a dramatized King James Bible because the music fits the reading. Very thought invoking sermon in response to the issue of video games.

Sermon12/9/2020 2:49 PM
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Mythology's Masquerade
Rev. David Mook
“ Bible Stories: Prophecies ”
Many churches take many famous and well known Bible stories like those of Moses in Egypt to turn them into "character lessons" like Aesop's Fables. It is amiss to treat famous Bible Stories in both The Old Testament and The New Testament as "character lessons." Of course We The Lord's Saints should demonstrate The Fruits of The Spirit, which are noted in Galatians 5:22-23. These well-known Bible Stories in both The Old Testament and New Testament are prophecies and their culminations. The Old Testament was a foretelling to events that would come into fruition in The New Testament. This sermon is a response to cleverly devised fables, especially those which are called Aesop's Fables.

Sermon12/9/2020 2:37 PM
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“ Jacob: Father of The 12 Tribes of Israel ”
This sermon is also a tribute to Jacob, who was The Father of The Twelve Tribes of Israel.
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