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Sermon1/12/2021 1:35 PM
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“ Hebrews 11: A Response to the Secular Hero Craze ”
Since We The Saints of Jesus can relate to Biblical Heroes like those in Hebrews 11:1-40, it means that we do not need the secular "heroes", particularly these secular "heroes" called comic book superheroes. Marvel, DC, and other superhero comic book publishers are all connected with this secular "hero" craze in the culture today. Hebrews 11 is a solid response to this secular hero craze called superhero media. Secular "heroes", like these superheroes, are tools utilized by Satan with the intent on robbing people's hearts from Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. As we also know, Jesus is Perfect as Abba Father in Heaven is also Perfect. We also realize that these secular "heroes" called superheroes are not only imperfect, but less than perfect. These secular superheroes are deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Sadly, the majority of people in America, and around the world would rather choose secular "heroes" over Biblical Saints and The Saviour Jesus Christ. The people of Israel choosing Saul as their "hero" was a sad example in 1 Samuel 8:1-22. The example of wicked Saul shows why secular "heroes" lead people into their own wickedness. Very needed sermon in response to this craze over secular "heroes".

Sermon1/12/2021 1:03 AM
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“ States' Rights: Not Dead Since Appomattox ”
Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase claimed that after the surrender of the Confederacy at Appomattox on 09 April, 1865, that, "State's rights died at Appomattox." This antichrist principle called "states' rights" did not die at Appomattox on 09 April, 1865. It is still in effect to this day since Amendment 10 of the American Constitution was ratified on 15 December, 1791. Republican Union officer, Col. Robert Ingersoll claimed that, “The great stumbling block, the great obstruction in Lincoln’s way and in the way of thousands was the old doctrine of State’s Rights." America was exalted because of Puritan Righteousness. This sermon shows that righteousness, not "states' rights", is what really exalts all the nations of the earth. For "states' rights" is unrighteousness.

Sermon1/11/2021 8:01 PM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Superman: Sinfully Violent Hero ”
It ought to be noted that Superman is really a sinfully violent hero, especially since he is a major character in a 2008 video game called Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. While Superman was depicted as supposedly "virtuous" in Superman: The Animated Series (06 September, 1996 to 12 February, 2000) and Superman Returns (2006), the version of Superman in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (2008) and Man of Steel (2013) were darker and more violent in character. Of course, Superman has always been justifying sin, including sinful violence, in the name of "saving the world". This helpful sermon was released in response to the film called Man of Steel on 10 June, 2013. As demonstrated in this sermon, Superman, the Man of Steel, is really an antichrist man of sin. Also helpful were the references to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 and Daniel 2:1-49.

Sermon1/10/2021 4:49 PM
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“ Remembering Romans 3:10 ”
We ought to remember Romans 3:10 in response to this superhero craze. It is because these superheroes are wicked and justify their wickedness as "heroism." It is also worth noting Jeremiah 17:9-10 as well. We also ought to note Deuteronomy 32:1-52, particularly Deuteronomy 32:32 in response to the LGBT craze propagated by superhero media since superhero costumes resemble the costumes worn by LGBT Pride participants.

Sermon1/9/2021 10:46 PM
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“ Mention of Heath Ledger ”
This sermon mentions Heath Ledger (04 April, 1979-22 January, 2008), the actor who played the Joker in The Dark Knight (2008) and died at the age of 28 on 22 January, 2008 of an apparent drug overdose. The reality is that Heath Ledger died in his sins and entered eternal torment in Hell. One day, Heath Ledger will be judged at The Great White Throne Judgment and be cast into The Lake of Fire. In contrast to the ridiculous movie called Batman Forever (1995), which is occultic as are all other superhero media, The Dark Knight (2008) was dark and edgy. Not surprisingly, Heath Ledger was demon possessed when he was performing as the Joker. This is because Heath Ledger was a method actor who channeled demonic spirits to manifest himself as the vainly imaginary Joker. Though the Joker is a vainly imaginary character, he, the Joker, is a practitioner of Satanic witchcraft. This means that the Joker is really the Clown Prince of Witchcraft. This sermon uses the example of Heath Ledger's death to show why Bible Believers should shun the superhero craze, which is a continuation of the craze over mythological "heroes", who were really antichrists. This also means that superheroes are antichrists as well.

Sermon1/8/2021 3:58 PM
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“ Thomas Paine: Infidel Founding Father ”
It is commonly known that Thomas Paine that American Founding Father Thomas Paine (29 January, 1737 - 08 June, 1809) coined the term 'United States of America' on 29 June, 1776 as a public declaration. It is also known that Thomas Paine was an antichrist infidel. This means that the United States of America is really the United States of Infidelity, particularly infidelity against The Faith of Jesus Christ. As we know The Faith of Jesus Christ was The Puritan Faith of Puritan America. Many of the statements made by Thomas Paine in The Age of Reason (1794) are blasphemous against The Bible, Abba Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. We ought to remember 2 Corinthians 6:1-18, particularly 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 in response to the spiritual infidelity of America, especially since America's Founding Fathers like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson reconstructed America upon their own spiritual infidelity against The Biblical Faith of Jesus Christ.

Sermon1/7/2021 8:23 PM
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“ Political Elections: Smokescreen ”
It ought to be noted that the United States Presidential Elections in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008 were really smokescreens preparing the world for the coming antichrist. Where it was a choice between Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, or Ross Perot in 1992, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, and Ross Perot in 1996, George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000, George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004, and Barack Obama and John McCain in 2008, it was all a smokescreen for something unseen. This is not to endorse ridiculous conspiracy theories. This is to show that the aforementioned presidential elections were really a smokescreen to the real issue. Very sobering podcast in times like these.

Sermon1/7/2021 7:43 PM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ Media Catsuits: Sexual Fetish Garments ”
It ought to be noted that close-fitting catsuits in the media, even if they cover the torso, legs, and arms, are sexual fetish garments. Not surprisingly, secular resources like TvTropes list the Spy Catsuit as an erotic garment. Catsuits, even the armored catsuits, are frequently depicted in spy fiction and other action media like science fiction. Even children's media like Max Steel market the sexual catsuit. It is rather staggering and saddening that the media can market perverted sexual garments out on the open, especially those garments which are called catsuits, which are really just another name for external underwear. This means that catsuits, especially the armored catsuits, are really underwear.

Sermon1/7/2021 6:45 PM
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“ Pokémon: Occultic Since Its Inception ”
Pokémon, a game created by famous artist Satoshi Tajiri (born 28 August, 1965), has been occultic since its very inception on 27 February, 1996 when Pokémon Red and Green Versions were first introduced, which were called Pokémon Red and Blue Versions in North America. Years later on 29 January, 2004, Pokémon Red and Green Versions were remade as enhanced remakes called Pokémon Fire Red Version and Pokémon Leaf Green Version. We would be wise to heed the warnings about the occult in Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and Leviticus 19:31, especially in response to overtly occultic, but popular games like Pokémon.

Sermon1/6/2021 12:24 AM
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Mexico Moving Pro-Homosexual
Adam McManus
“ Mexico: A Sadly Sexually Sinful Nation ”
This podcast is showing the sad reality that the sin of perverse sexuality is a favorite sin among the Mexican people. This includes adultery, fornication, immodesty, pornography, and even homosexuality. This is not to insult the Mexican people, for these people are in need of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is to show the sad reality of a nation and its many sins, including the sexual sins in the nation of Mexico. It is also tragic how Mexican women and women of Mexican descent are being used to market sinfully lustful eroticism.

Sermon1/6/2021 12:07 AM
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“ Rap Music: Rebellious Music ”
It ought to be noted that rap music (also known as hip hop) is really rebellious music. This sermon is very eye opening on the issue on this style of rebellion which is called rap music. It is worth noting the example of Korah's rebellion in Numbers 16:1-50 so that we do not follow the example of rebels who will be eternally tormented in Hell and The Lake of Fire. It is also worth noting The Great White Throne Judgment in Revelation 20:11-15 in response to this sin of rebellion which is called rap music, also called hip hop.

Sermon1/5/2021 9:15 PM
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“ Sad Example of Emanuel Cleaver ”
It is tragic how Emanuel Cleaver (Emanuel Cleaver II) (born 26 October, 1944) was shown endorsing antichrist in the House of the American Congress. Very eye opening podcast.

Sermon1/5/2021 8:46 PM
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“ America (USA): Born of Tragic Rebellion ”
It is sad how the United States of America was born of tragic rebellion on 04 July, 1776. This tragic sin of rebellion which started the United States of America can be traced to Satanic Freemasonry. This podcast shows how America has rejected Biblical Christianity in favor of antichrist inclusivism.

Sermon1/4/2021 2:25 PM
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“ Prince Messiah’s Claims to Dominion (1832) ”
There is an article written by Covenanter by James R. Willson called Prince Messiah’s Claims to Dominion Over All Governments: and the Disregard of his Authority by the United States, in the Federal Constitution (first published in 1832 AD). This article shows how the antichrist United States of America willfully rebelled, and still continues, to rebel against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit as the USA did on both 29 June, 1776 and 04 July, 1776 under the banner of "liberty". This article is a sobering example of how America repudiated its Puritan Heritage in favor of Masonic Enlightenment ideals of "liberty."

Sermon1/4/2021 12:40 AM
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“ College: Highly Esteemed Among Men ”
We ought to remember Luke 16:15 in response to this prestigious worldly craze called college education. We must also realize that Jesus chose blue collar fishermen as His Disciples instead of college students and college professors. Because of this worldly craze called college, especially among evangelicals, the prestigious people of college scoff at blue collar occupations like commercial fishing, farming, and manufacturing. There are blue collar farmers in every nation of the world. This sermon shows that The Lord favors the lesser things of the world to confound the prestigious. Also worth noting 1 Corinthians 1:27.

Sermon12/31/2020 10:42 PM
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“ Serpent: Symbol of American (USA) Rebellion ”
Many of the early American flags were pictured with serpents on them since the American revolutionaries saw serpents as symbols of "liberty." The reality is that America (USA) chose a symbol of rebellion called the serpent as the national mascot. We also realize that the serpent symbolizes rebellion because in Genesis 3:1-24, Satan was that very serpent. How tragic that America (USA) chose the very symbol of rebellion called the serpent as its very national symbol.

Sermon12/31/2020 7:54 PM
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“ Higher Education: An Abomination To God ”
Sadly, we live in a time where blue collar work is frowned upon and higher education is more highly esteemed. It is worth noting the example of Luke 16:15 in response to this issue called higher education, including college education. That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. Unfortunately, many evangelicals highly esteemed higher education like high school diplomas, "degrees", "doctorates", etcetera. We must also realize that Jesus did not choose people with higher education to be His Disciples. Instead, Jesus Himself chose blue collar fishermen from Galilee to be His Disciples. Higher education is lauded by the world, but Jesus, who Himself was a carpenter, chose people of lesser occupations to do great things for Him.

Sermon12/28/2020 8:17 PM
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“ Spirit of The LORD departing from Eddie Van Halen ”
It is worth noting the example 1 Samuel 16:1-23, particularly 1 Samuel 16:14, where The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul in response to the death of Eddie Van Halen and other rock musicians. Just as The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul, so The Spirit of The LORD did depart from Eddie Van Halen and many other rock musicians. This also means that The Spirit of The LORD departed from Kurt Cobain, Dee Dee Ramone, Sandy West, Jay Reatard, and Ronnie Montrose. His Spirit, The Spirit of The LORD, rejects the Satanically inspired antichrist rock musicians like Eddie Van Halen as His Spirit did with Saul. This sermon is a wake up call to tell people that JEHOVAH, who is Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit strongly condemn all rock music because rock music is of Satan and the antichrist. Very needed sermon in times like these.

Sermon12/28/2020 1:16 PM
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“ Pro Sports: Antichrist to the Core ”
It ought to be noted that pro sports is antichrist to the core. This is also because the antichrist will come not just as a people's champion, but also possessing athletic prowess. From ancient times, pro sports has been preparing the world for the antichrist. Such antichrist symbolism in pro sports can be seen in the Olympic Games of today, both Summer and Winter. We as born again believers need to shun pro sports not only because it is the sin of covetousness, but also because it is an instrument of antichrist. We also ought to remember the example set forth in 1 John 2:1-29 in response to this idolatrous antichrist craze called pro sports.

Sermon12/25/2020 2:13 PM
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“ Revelation 18: Death of the One World Church ”
It ought to be noted that Revelation 18:1-24 is really a death sentence to the one world church, especially the Vatican and World Council of Churches. Just as Elijah slew the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves from Jezebel's table in 1 Kings 18:1-46, so The Lord shall slay the apostate one world church and her rebellious followers and rebellious leaders. This sermon shows that apostate churches like the World Council of Churches and the Vatican are antichrist and will bring death upon their followers, both the first physical death and the second spiritual death of being cast into The Lake of Fire. Also worth noting Revelation 19:1-21 and Revelation 20:1-15 in response to these rebellious apostate churches called the Vatican and the World Council of Churches.
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