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News Item6/12/13 7:55 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Glad he blew the whistle on NSA! I hope and pray this young man receives Christ as his Lord and Savior and comes under His protection. In Lord Jesus Name, amen.

News Item6/10/13 7:33 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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What can I say? Except the school officials actually believe that once that child is on their property, he also becomes part of their property. The only way you can have full control of your child is to remove him from the God-forsaken government schools.

News Item6/7/13 12:44 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Let's not forget the Great Commission and to resist evil... This is an opportunity for God's people to rise and shine in a depraved culture. We need to be busy discipling the nations of God's Law and exposing/rebuking the wicked who try to usurp King Jesus' authority.

News Item6/5/13 10:59 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Boycott's are effective. Happy to say I don't shop there; I hope other Christians will stop shopping at Macy's.

News Item5/13/13 9:15 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I hate to pop any bubbles here, but frankly sexual purity has been under attack in government schools for decades... I graduated high school in 1976 and we were the first class in my school district to have sex ed. Also, when I served on my local school board, I found Planned Parenthood materials that had been used in class since the early to mid 1970's. Parents, please remove your children from the God forsaken gov't schools. They are cesspools of immorality and violence. I wouldn't put my puppy in one.

News Item4/27/13 9:16 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - us  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey SteveR, When I was in the CP the main topics were the sanctity of life and keeping the Sovereignty of the Lord in the platform. I left in 2005 and cannot comment on what the meetings are like now, but please know that it is an ecumenical organization and different religious beliefs caused much strife. My opinion is that while Mr. Phillips and others of his generation began the movement toward Christian political activism, it is our responsibility to continue what they began and learn from their mistakes. May the good Lord bless the work Mr. Phillips began - however He sees best.

News Item4/27/13 9:08 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - us  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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He must have a seared conscience.

News Item4/26/13 7:01 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - us  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks Herman. I really don't want to converse with someone I don't know.

News Item4/26/13 6:58 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - us  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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He learned to be like this at the apostate UCC church in Chicago he belonged to for 20 years. A politician's theology (or lack of) will influence how he governs.

News Item4/25/13 3:52 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL - us  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey Herman,
Just what is wrong with following the plain spoken Word of God? On what basis have I interpreted Scripture? On the basis of Scripture interpreting Scripture. I'm not playing semantics with you - you'll have to play alone. May the good Lord open His people's eyes to the truth that all laws are based upon something and in order to live peaceful, happy lives, laws should be based upon His Word or the general equity found in it.
FYI - Here's a link to an article by RC Sproul Jr. on Mr. Phillips: Giving Honor to Whom Honor Is Due: http://highlandsministriesonline.org/kingdom-notes/giving-honor-to-whom-honor-is-due/

News Item4/25/13 8:59 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hey Christopher,
I have a pet peeve about folks who try to take a serious discussion about the authority of Christ and His Word and turn it into a silly discussion about wearing clothes made out of mixed fibers. I have heard that lame comment for almost 20 years now and at my age I'm running out of patience. It also occurs to me that if Howard Phillips had sat around doing nothing regarding his beliefs, folks would be applauding him. But since the man motivated possibly thousands of Christians to get involved in government, folks think it is alright to express nonsense in the comment section of an article announcing the man's death. And for those reading this that do not live in the united States, please remember that being an American Christian is unique. We have a legacy from the War for Independence that is Biblical and we don't take kindly to folks making wise cracks about our Christian heritage.

News Item4/25/13 7:21 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Herman, I really don't understand where you are coming from. There are different nuances of theonomy. Please don't lump as all together. My beliefs are shaped by the Westminster Confession and other historical reformed confessions. Perhaps we both jumped to conclusions? I try to help expose those in error or outright heresy.

Howard Phillips had a sound grasp on theonomy and I believe he was sound in the reformed faith.

May the good Lord raise up more men like him to help educate and motivate Americans to contend for God's righteous, good law to prevail in America.

News Item4/24/13 7:32 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Herman is being absurd and instead of making a valid point for his antinomianism, just looks like a fool.

News Item4/24/13 4:20 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Jim, I am trying to count to ten before I respond... Okay, I think I can calmly respond and point out that we all have different callings - mine is as a wife, mother and grandmother. If a Christian is called to be a legislator (or civil magistrate) then we as a nation (or people) are blessed. BTW - I am happy to admit of being a theonomist, which simply means I believe in following God's Law. Do you have a problem with this?

News Item4/24/13 8:40 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Thanks Rufus... Your remarks about Mr. Phillips are correct. Here's a link to an interview Eric Holmberg did with Mr. Phillips: http://www.forerunner.com/revolution/howard.html
He was a trailblazer... May we continue the work he and others like Dr. Francis Schaeffer began. In Lord Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.

News Item4/23/13 7:15 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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For a Christian perspective on Mr. Phillips passing, check this out from Christian News Network:

Phillips was born into a Jewish family in 1941. In his adulthood, he later came to believe in Jesus as the messiah and converted to Christianity.

“I guess the thing I’m most thankful for is that Howard Phillips, by God’s grace, died a Christian. I remember talking to him from time-to-time over the years about this matter,” stated friend John Lofton in remembering Phillips’ life. “Sometimes I used humor telling him once something like, ‘C’mon, Howard, give it up. Everybody else in your family is a Christian! They’ve got you surrounded! So, come out with your hands up and nobody will get hurt.’”


News Item4/23/13 3:36 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Howard Phillips is listed as an Evangelical Christian on his Wikipedia biography page. I knew Mr. Phillips from the Constitution Party and have no doubt that he was a Christian and is now home with the Lord.

News Item4/19/13 9:53 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Shocking! This is in my backyard, (so to speak) and I had no idea it was happening. Thank you to SermonAudio for posting the news item.

News Item4/19/13 9:44 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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I have to leave the room when this man is on television... The first four years I tried to make excuses for him as he was a long time member of an apostate UCC church in Chicago, but now there is no excuse for his hypocrisy and wickedness. If he truly valued life and loved God, he would immediately act to end the slaughter of preborn people in America.

News Item4/18/13 10:26 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, us  Find all comments by Angela Wittman
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Yes. America has much bloodguilt to repent of.
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