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Sermon1/23/2021 1:17 AM
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“ John 3:16: A Response to Nationalism ”
We ought to remember John 3, especially John 3:16 in response to nationalism and patriotism, especially American patriotism. For God (Abba Father) so loved the world, that He (Abba Father) gave His Only Begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life. The Wonderful Words of John 3:16 out to inspire us to preach The Global Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.

Sermon1/23/2021 1:06 AM
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“ Patriotism and Nationalism: Attack on John 3:16 ”
We ought to remember John 3, especially John 3:16 in response to the issue of patriotism and nationalism. This also means that any form of nationalism and patriotism, including American patriotism, is an attack on John 3:16.

Sermon1/23/2021 12:49 AM
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Why I'm Not 100% for Jack Hyles
Roger Voegtlin
“ Curtis Hutson: Covering Up Abuse ”
It ought to be noted that Curtis Hutson (10 July, 1934–05 March, 1995) was aware of the abuse perpetrated under the pastorate of Jack Hyles, but completely turned a blind eye to such abuse. Curtis Hutson sadly died at the age of 60 from prostate cancer. While we realize that Jack Hyles and Curtis Hutson lead souls to Jesus Christ, we also realize that Curtis Hutson brought great reproach on The Name of The Lord by turning a blind eye to the abuse committed by Jack Hyles. Also, Jack Hyles brought reproach on The Name of The Lord through his abuse, legalism, and authoritarianism. It is sad how Curtis Hutson misused The Sword of The Lord Ministries to promote the abusive Jack Hyles. It is also sad that Jack Hyles abused his ministry to demonstrate his authoritarianism, legalism, and narcissism. May old fashioned Bible believing ministries lead as gentle shepherds rather than as authoritarian jackboots.

Sermon1/20/2021 5:04 PM
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“ Saul: Precursor of the antichrist ”
It ought to be noted that Saul was a precursor of the coming antichrist. This was clearly known when Saul became the adversary of David as noted in 1 Samuel 18 after David overcame a previous adversary in 1 Samuel 17 known as Goliath. We also realize that like Saul, Goliath was also a precursor of the antichrist. As Saul was at odds with David, so the coming antichrist will be the adversary of Jesus. Saul was also a reflection of the antichrist because in 1 Samuel 8 and 1 Samuel 9, he who is called Saul, like Goliath, was a champion of the people chosen by the people. In 1 Samuel 16, David came as a lowly shepherd. Like David, Jesus also came as a lowly shepherd. Jesus is also known as The Good Shepherd as noted in John 10. Let us follow the example of the lowly shepherd David rather than those antichrist champions of the people called Saul and Goliath.

Sermon1/20/2021 4:43 PM
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Teach Us To Number Our Days
David Whitcomb
“ Psalm 90: Written by Moses ”
It is commonly known that Psalm 90 was written by Moses, making it The Oldest Known Psalm in The Old Testament. It is also believed that Psalm 90 was written after the closing of The Book of Numbers, particularly Numbers 36, and before the beginning of The Book of Deuteronomy, particularly Deuteronomy 1. Very insightful sermon.

Sermon1/19/2021 2:23 PM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Antichrist Superman: Popular in Asia ”
It also ought to be noted that this antichrist called Superman is also popular in Asia as well. Not surprisingly, the Chinese name of a superman is chāorén 超人. In Japanese, it is chōjin 超人 (ちょうじん). In Korean, it is choin 초인. In Tagalog, it is higtao. In Vietnamese, it is siêu nhân. This shows that the antichrist spirit of Friedrich Nietzsche's Übermensch has now become a worldwide philosophy of a coming secular world "hero". Of course, this secular world "hero" is really the antichrist man of sin. This sermon is needed in response to this superman craze of a secular world "hero." Of course, the philosophy of the Übermensch originated in Genesis 3:1-24. This is because the idea of being a secular "world hero" deifies sinful humans to the point of hero worship. There needs to be more sermons confronting the issue of the "superman" and this sermon on SermonAudio is just that.

Sermon1/18/2021 5:24 PM
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“ Curt Connors: Satanic Reptilian ”
It ought to be stated that Curt Connors, also known as the Lizard, is really a Satanic reptilian. We ought to remember Genesis 6:1-22 in response to this Nephilim craze, especially the Satanic and demonic Nephilim of the reptilian variety. It is known that the Lizard (Curt Connors) first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #6 on November, 1963. Also, Curt Connors transforming into a lizard or any other reptilian also has roots in Satanic and demonic witchcraft. We also must remember Genesis 3:1-24 in response to this reptilian craze, since Satan the serpent was the first known reptilian. These reptilians which people speak of are really Satan and his demons as well as devil possessed people. As demonstrated, the character called the Lizard from the Spider-Man media combines Satanic Nephilim with Satanic witchcraft, demon possession, and demonology as do all other reptilians. A reptilian character like the Lizard, who shifts from human to reptilian and vice versa, is marketing devil possession in a secular format.

Sermon1/18/2021 4:29 PM
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“ The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers ”
There is a documentary published in 2008, then rereleased in 2010, called The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers. This documentary shows that the Founding Fathers of the United States of America were antichrists, particularly because of their connection to Enlightenment Freemasonry. This documentary called The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers is a Christian documentary, so it frequently references Biblical passages from The King James Version of The Bible. This documentary is also a call for America to repent of Deism, Freemasonry, and all other antichrist philosophies and religions which were propagated by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

Sermon1/18/2021 3:38 PM
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“ Contemporary Praise Circus Nightclub Music ”
As noted, contemporary worship music literally turns churches into worldly circuses and nightclubs. It is ridiculous how churches feel that they need these silly circus sideshow acts to "draw" people to Christ. Titus 2:1-15 advises us to exercise sobriety in The Lord's House. We know that the Church at Corinth was the original circus church, which is why Paul The Apostle wrote an Epistle calling them out for their own lack of sanctification. Sanctification was lacking in the Church at Corinth as it is in today's contemporary praise churches. Sadly, many fundamentalist church organizations are now becoming worldly circus churches, even though worldly fundamentalist churches are filled with born again believers as the Church at Corinth was filled with born again believers. Both the First and Second Epistles of Paul The Apostle to the Corinthians serve as reminders for believers against being carnal. This sermon shows that circus sideshow acts, as well as nightclubs, are worldly and carnal, and have no place in the church.

Sermon1/18/2021 12:46 AM
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“ Reliving Past Olympic Games: Pointless ”
It ought to be noted that attempting to "relive" past Olympic games is pointless. This means that attempting to "relive" multi sport events, which took place in 1992, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010 are also just as pointless. It is also because attempting to "relive" past multi-sport events spoken of in those respective years are rooted in sinful pride and the futile desire to preserve temporal earth life instead of enjoying The Eternal Life found only in Jesus Christ.

Sermon1/17/2021 5:29 PM
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“ Hollywood: Demonic Trances ”
In a recent article published on 15 January, 2021, Salma Hayek (born 02 September, 1966) attested that for the role as the demonic vampire named Santanico Pandemonium (formerly known as Esmerelda) in the 1996 film From Dusk till Dawn, she experienced a hypnotic trance to cure herself of ophidiophobia (the fear of snakes). This shows that actress Salma Hayek had tampered with demonic and occultic spirituality for said role. Also, Santanico Pandemonium also has the words 'Satan' and 'demon' in them, especially since vampires are of demonic and Satanic origin. In addition, Salma Hayek also dressed half naked in a bikini when she performed as Santanico Pandemonium. The 1996 film called From Dusk till Dawn combines the Satanic and demonic spirituality of vampires with perverted sexuality. This is a tragic example of how media, especially the film industry, is marketing occultism and demonology as well as perverted sexuality. Worth remembering the example in Philippians 4:1-23, especially the particular example of Philippians 4:8.

Sermon1/16/2021 4:10 PM
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Man Of Steel: Man Of Sin
Jason Cooley
“ Remembering Zechariah 11:17 ”
It is worth noting Zechariah 11:1-17, particularly Zechariah 11:17, since it warns about the coming antichrist.

Sermon1/15/2021 5:49 PM
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“ Superhero Antichrist Witchcraft ”
This sermon shows that superhero media is preparing the world for the coming antichrist, especially by emanating witchcraft, which is also antichrist.

Sermon1/14/2021 10:20 PM
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“ A Response To The Death of Billy Graham ”
This is a very helpful sermon in response to the death of Billy Graham (07 November, 1918–21 February, 2018) on 21 February at the age of 99. It is also worth noting Luke 6:26 as well.

Sermon1/14/2021 4:20 PM
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“ Superheroes and Supervillains: Super Witches ”
It ought to be noted that superheroes and supervillains are both witches since both practice various types of witchcraft. We know that practicing both the "heroic" witchcraft and the villainous witchcraft is evil in The Sight of Jehovah. We ought to note Leviticus 19:31 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12 in response to this licensing of witchcraft called super hero media. In both Marvel, DC, and other superhero media, they have various names for their witches like Kryptonians, metahumans, mutates, and mutants. The witches from superhero media not only include regular humans, with and without superpowers, but also human like Nephilim like the Kree and the Kryptonians. The term metahuman in DC and mutate in Marvel refers to regular human witches who were mutated into superpowered witches. The term 'mutant' in Marvel, like in the X-Men comics, refers to people born as witches. This sermon shows that The Lord condemns superhero media as an abomination in His Sight since such media emanates Satanic witchcraft as its primary powers, abilities, and superpowers.

Sermon1/13/2021 3:15 PM
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“ 2021 Storming: Predicted by Past Events ”
It appears that the 1995-1996 Federal Government Shutdown as did the 2013 Federal Government Shutdown only predicted and led to the events of the 2021 Storming of the American Capitol. In similar manner, the election of Bill Clinton in 1992 only predicted the election of George W. Bush in 2000 and the reelection of George W. Bush in 2004. Then again, the election of George W. Bush in 2000 and the reelection of George W. Bush in 2004 predicted the election of Barack Obama in 2008. It is worth noting past events to see how they led to current events and will lead to events in the future, especially in the field of politics. This podcast primarily shows that politics is a smokescreen setting people up for the coming antichrist.

Sermon1/13/2021 2:51 PM
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“ Political Leaders: Gaining The Whole World ”
It is worth noting Matthew 16:24-28, Mark 8:34-38, and Luke 9:23-27 in response to political leaders gaining the whole world. It is also worth noting the examples of fallen political leaders like Gale W. McGree (died 09 April, 1992), Les Aspin (died on May 21, 1995), Pat Brown (died on 16 February, 1996), Carl B. Albert (died on 04 February, 2000), Daniel Patrick Moynihan (died on 26 March, 2003), William D. Ford (died on 14, August 2004), William L. Dickinson (died on 31 March, 2008) and Alexander Haig (died on 20 February, 2010) as examples of the futility of political leaders gaining the whole world at the cost of their own souls. This is because politics is a magnet for those seeking worldly affluence and prestige, even though it is temporal and vanishes away.

Sermon1/13/2021 3:15 AM
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“ Reference to John Gill’s Exposition of The Bible ”
Very helpful reference to John Gill's Exposition of The Bible, especially the commentary on Isaiah 60:12, reading "The country that will not serve The Lord Christ, and worship Him with His Church and People; that will not be obedient to The Laws and Ordinances of His House; but appoint another head over them, the pope of Rome; and make other laws, and set up other ordinances, rejecting The Authority of Christ, The Rule of His Word, and The Order of His Churches: yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted; even all the antichristian states, when the vials of God's wrath will be poured out upon them;." Sadly, the people of America, who have departed from The Biblical Faith of The Puritans, have appointed another head over them called the United States Constitution. Also tragic is that the nations of the world have appointed another head over them called the United Nations (UN), thus America and all other nations are now rejecting The Authority of Christ, The Rule of His Word, and The Order of His Churches. This podcast is a call for all nations to repent of rebellion against The Kingship of Jesus Christ.

Sermon1/13/2021 2:54 AM
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“ First Amendment: Violation of Jehovah's Law ”
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Of course, we realize that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution violates Jehovah's Law set forth in The Ten Commandments, including The First Commandment and The Second Commandment. It is commonly known that the United States Bill of Rights was created on 25 September, 1789 and ratified by 15 December, 1791. We also know that the United States Bill of Rights was also written by the unbelieving Founding Father James Madison. This podcast shows that Jehovah's Law is The Righteous and Absolute Law. A podcast like this shows that the United States Bill of Rights is really an attack on The Ten Commandments.

Sermon1/12/2021 10:56 PM
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Shepherds of Bethlehem
Dr. Peter Masters
“ Remembering Micah 5:2 ”
But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. (Micah 5:2 KJV).
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