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Survey6/13/04 5:21 PM
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This is an official request from SermonAudio for everyone involved in this discussion to please take greater care in not attacking or insulting one another personally (on this site anyway). We would please appreciate your cooperation in this as the testimony of this site itself (as a place where Christ is honored, God exalted, and the people of God are edified and encouraged) is also of concern to me in these discussions.

Consider this to be the first warning before I begin blocking certain people from posting to the site. Thank you again for your cooperation.

Survey6/13/04 4:40 PM
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Or.. you could just search for "american airlines" in the search box above (and select search in "Discussions"). That will do it too.

News Item6/12/04 2:15 PM
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We appreciate the feedback that you've given on the new look of commenting (and the organizing into discussion groups). There is now a time limit on all EDITING of posted comments. After 5 minutes, you can no longer edit a comment. This should be more in keeping with what is "standard" for discussion groups and it does make much more sense at that.

Second, the "Report Abuse" link is simply a way to notify us of any POTENTIAL problem posts. And by "problem", we are referring to inappropriate language (which as a matter of fact happens often enough on this site, but we remove those messages when we detect them). However, there are times when we will miss something, and that is what that simple "Report Abuse" link will help us with. Nothing more.

Third, the way we've organized the comments in the new "Discussion Groups" is more in keeping with how other discussion groups on the web operate. We are actually not aware of any message board that will allow you to view ALL posted messages across all groups, "in-line" as it were, as our's was in the past. Having said that, you can still view ALL USER comments (the old way) by clicking on the "All User Comments" link in the Discussion Groups section. Simple.

We hope you'll continue to enjoy the site and give us valuable feedback.

Survey6/12/04 2:14 PM
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We appreciate the feedback that you've given on the new look of commenting (and the organizing into discussion groups). There is now a time limit on all EDITING of posted comments. After 5 minutes, you can no longer edit a comment. This should be more in keeping with what is "standard" for discussion groups and it does make much more sense at that.

Second, the "Report Abuse" link is simply a way to notify us of any POTENTIAL problem posts. And by "problem", we are referring to inappropriate language (which as a matter of fact happens often enough on this site, but we remove those messages when we detect them). However, there are times when we will miss something, and that is what that simple "Report Abuse" link will help us with. Nothing more.

Third, the way we've organized the comments in the new "Discussion Groups" is more in keeping with how other discussion groups on the web operate. We are actually not aware of any message board that will allow you to view ALL posted messages across all groups, "in-line" as it were, as our's was in the past. Having said that, you can still view ALL USER comments (the old way) by clicking on the "All User Comments" link in the Discussion Groups section. Simple.

We hope you'll continue to enjoy the site and give us valuable feedback.

Survey5/11/04 9:26 AM
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For a helpful list of recommended software(s) that may help you, feel free to go to "www.sermonaudio.com/software" or click on the "MP3 Tools" link found on the bottom of any page. However, the absolute best and most efficient way to listen to sermons away from the computer is to use a portable MP3 player. May I recommend the Nomad Muvo (NX) player? It is extremely compact and holds many many sermons. I personally use this MP3 player away from the computer (before I sleep, on the road, etc) and it is absolutely excellent. You can find a link to it on the following page www.sermonaudio.com/mp3. Other listeners have posted their comments on MP3 players they use in another poll found on this site. I hope this helps.

Survey5/11/04 9:17 AM
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It is not practically possible for us to know how much of the sermon a listener listens to. For that matter, it is not possible for any church to know how much of the tape anyone listens to when one orders a tape of the sermon. Or how much of the radio broadcast any listener listens to when a church uses the radio as a medium of outreach either. However, of the three different mediums mentioned (SermonAudio, tape, radio), we believe we offer the most accurate reflection of people listening possible.

Furthermore, the site is so designed so that it prevents any one person "trying" to inflate download counts by clicking on the PLAY or DOWNLOAD button repeatedly.

Ultimately, we are simply doing our best to be a blessing to both listener and church broadcaster alike.

News Item5/10/04 11:11 AM
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We received this email from one of our listeners to share on the site: "Due to problems geting your weekly newsletter and other service problems. several months ago I switched to Wal Mart Connect and have better service at a much cheaper price! I would recomend this service to anyone seeking a better option. Sincerly. Listener in Sebring, Ohio."

Survey5/4/04 4:08 PM
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It appears that there are two possible solutions to the "MPEG" problem:

1) The RealAudio Player seems to be the culprit in most cases. Try un-installing the RealAudio Player and use another MP3 player out there. For some recommended players, please refer to: http://www.sermonaudio.com/links.asp?localSection=MP3%2DWin

2) Try the following steps for a Windows 98 machine (It should be very similar in other versions)

- Go to my computer
- Select view from the top tool bar
- Select folder options
- Select files types it is the last one on the right
- Find MPEG AUDIO and highlight it (this is the one with the .mpga extension)
- Then select DELETE

Let me know if that works for you. And let me know if anyone has any other recommendations/suggestions to this problem.

Survey5/2/04 10:49 PM
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We just recently purchased the new NOMAD MuVo NX (Creative Labs) MP3 player. It is extremely compact. It has an excellent little display which shows the sermon title, etc. It is the 256 MB model so it can hold plenty of sermons (as well as any other data). And it plugs directly into any USB port making it extremely convenient. Sermons played on this MP3 player sound very good and it is highly recommended. You can search for it at buy.com.

Survey3/30/04 4:09 PM
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Which player are using? Are you on a Mac or Windows? This should not be a problem. In fact, I was able to listen to several sermons from beginning to end just yesterday without any difficulty. I personally use the WinAmp player and highly recommend it. If you are still having these problems, the ultimate solution would be to simply DOWNLOAD the entire sermon and listen to it offline. For more help with audio please refer to our HELP PAGE..

Survey3/16/04 12:35 AM
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Regarding the "echo problem".. my question to you would be (1) Does this happen consistently with every sermon you try to play? Different broadcasters encode their MP3s using slightly different settings (although all are at 16kbps bitrate.. but the sampling rate may be varied). (2) Does your Gateway computer (or speakers even) have some sort of special "enhanced" sound mode like some stereo systems in order to "boost" the sound? If so, try disabling it. (3) What player are you using? Windows Media? WinAmp? (4) Have you tried listening to sermons on another computer .. perhaps a friend's computer? Do you get the same result? Many thanks.

Survey3/15/04 12:02 AM
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Actually, the Transfer Agent works with a minimum resolution of 800x600 and fits very well within that resolution. But 'BH' does bring up a good point that if Lester has a screen resolution of 640x480 then the "DOWNLOAD" button will be hidden off-screen. Perhaps that's the problem. Change your resolution to at least 800x600.

Survey3/14/04 11:13 PM
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To answer Lester's comment, the Transfer Agent is a standalone program that does not require Internet Explorer at all. (However you will need to use your browser to mark your favorite sermons for downloading of course.. but it appears you've already done that part of it). What is the exact error message that you see? Do you see a large "DOWNLOAD SERMONS" button near the lower right hand side of the Transfer Agent program? That is the button you click to get things going..

Survey2/9/04 1:49 PM
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It may help to post which sermons exactly (Sermon ID) you found to be unacceptable.. quality-wise. Because this varies from broadcaster to broadcaster.

Survey1/5/04 10:29 AM
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The best place to start to solve problems listening to sermons is to go through the HELP page on the site. Also, we highly recommend using other free MP3 players such as Windows Media Player or the WinAmp player. You can find links to these players by clicking here.

Survey1/2/04 3:07 PM
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If you are having problems listening to sermons, please write in a comment. Perhaps there are others who have had similar problems that can post their solutions. We are working hard to ensure that playing sermons on the site is a trouble-free experience. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

News Item10/3/03 11:50 AM
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Just to give an update: It appears that this issue has been resolved (for now) with AOL. Let us know if you're still experiencing difficulties gaining free access to the site with your AOL email address. Thank you for your patience and continued support! The bigger the site becomes, the more challenging it is to manage. But we're doing our best! Thank you!

News Item1/23/02 11:27 PM
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Brethren, it seems that the apostates, false leaders, and "the world" in general are aware of the web's potential. It's high time for the TRUE church of Christ to seize this opportunity and use these MEANS to get the TRUTH out to the masses!

News Item1/3/02 7:18 AM
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Hope the following can shed some light on the subject. SermonAudio.com is opposed to the official doctrines of the Catholic Church and is unapologetically a Protestant site.

160. What worship does the Church of Rome teach should be given to the mother of our Lord?

Prayers are addressed to her and she is honoured with hyperdulia: this is a word coined by the Church to indicate the highest kind of worship which, according to her, may be given to a created being. A careful review of Rome's books of devotion affords the fullest proof that among Romanists Mary divides the honours of Divine Worship and even Divinity with the Supreme Being.

163. Is this doctrine taught in the New Testament or was it known in the early church?

The whole Word of God teaches the contrary, even as Paul declares that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Mary's own language confirms that she acknowledged she was a sinner and needed salvation when she exclaimed: "My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." The teaching was unknown to the apostolic church, and in the writing of the fathers of the first five centuries it was never once mentioned. Not one great name can be quoted for it during the first eleven centuries. On the contrary, no fewer than fourteen Popes oppose it.

170. What are the three names which Rome uses which more than any others exalt Mary?

She is called the Daughter of God the Father, the Mother of God the Son, and the Spouse of the Holy Ghost. Such names most plainly imply that Mary is honoured as the fourth person of the Godhead, for more exalted names could not be given to the Divine Being.

173. Does Rome make Mary a partner mediator with Christ in the work of redemption?

Yes. She declares it to be absolutely necessary to the salvation of the sinner. Her words are: "Because men fear Jesus Christ, that Divine Person who is destined one day to judge them, it has been necessary to give them a Mediator with the Mediator, and none was so fit for this office as Mary His mother." Accordingly she teaches that "no grace, no pardon emanates from the Throne of the King of kings without passing through the hands of Mary [...]; no one enters Heaven without passing through her."

You can read the entire article at http://www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?ArtKey=bible13.

67. What is the correct interpretation of the words: 'This is my Body and this is my Blood'?

These words of Jesus must be interpreted spiritually. The bread and wine are symbols of His Body and His Blood. As Jesus was present in person at the Last Supper when He said: 'This is my body', and His whole Body was present, these words must have been symbolical. At the same time Jesus' Blood had not been shed, therefore the words 'This is my blood' must also have been symbolical.

When debating Tom Corbishley, the head of the Jesuit Order, I put to him the question which he was never able to answer. Did he believe, when Jesus said: 'I am the door', that Jesus was a literal door with four panels, a handle and a keyhole? - and when Jesus said: 'I am the true vine',did he believe that Jesus Christ was the literal trunk of a vine tree?

Figurative language such as this is used every day. For instance, a portrait of a person is painted and one describing it says: 'This is Mr. So and so.' Now he does not mean that it is literally the person who is portrayed: he means rather that it is a representation of the person who is portrayed.

'This is My Body' - that is the divinely appointed representation of My Body.

'This is my Blood' - that is the divinely appointed representation of My Blood.

Christ emphasised that His Feast was to be a remembrance one. 'This do in remembrance of Me.' You can only remember a person when he is not literally and bodily present with you. If Christ is literally and bodily on the altar, as Rome proclaims, then the Feast ceases to be one of remembrance, and that destroys the very foundation of the Lord's Supper.

68. What is the correct interpretation of John 6:54: 'Whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day'?

This passage can have no direct reference to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper because the evident fact is that two Passovers (the Passover was a yearly feast) elapsed between the delivery of these words and the institution of the Sacrament (compare John 6:4 with John 12:1); but Christ uses the present tense: 'Except ye eat.' It was their duty right away to eat of that spiritual food, even at the very time when He was delivering His discourse; therefore the words cannot refer to a Sacrament not even then instituted. Even Rome herself does not receive the absolute literacy of these words, for it says here that the Blood must be drunk; yet for centuries Rome refused the wine to her communicants.

If the words 'Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood ye have no life in you' referred to the Sacrament and were to be understood literally, this would prove that all who do not receive the Sacrament must perish, yet baptised infants who have not received the Sacrament, according to Rome, are saved. Moreover, if it is received literally then it proves that all communicants are saved. Rome herself will not admit that that is the case. Then what does it mean?

The Scriptures are the best interpreters of themselves. It says in verse 58: 'He that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.' Compare that with John 3:36: 'He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.' There are not two ways of salvation, one by the Sacrament and the other by faith. Eating the bread is a representation of what happens when a person believes, he partakes of everlasting life through the Son of God. Verse 35 of the chapter gives the key to the interpretation: 'He that cometh to me shall never hunger' - that is, eating Christ's flesh. How do we eat Christ's flesh? By coming to Him.

'And he that believeth on me shall never thirst.' How do we drink Christ's Blood? By believing on Him. We feed on Christ by coming to him. We drink His Blood by believing on Him. Salvation is by faith alone.

In verses 62-63 the Saviour explains His meaning clearly. He says: 'What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where He was before. It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh (mark the words) profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.'

What was Christ saying? He was saying: 'Do you think that I am speaking of My literal flesh? But my literal flesh shall ascend to heaven, far beyond the reach of being eaten by man. The flesh profiteth nothing. Even though you were to partake of My body, it would not save your souls. The words that I speak unto you, they are the spirit, and they are the life. They have a spiritual signification and they show that you must feed on Me by faith, for he that cometh to Me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst. Jesus constantly used figurative language in order to enforce the truths which He taught. Instances of such figurative language are found also in Isaiah 55:1-3; John 7:37-39; Matthew 16:5-11.

69. What other Scriptural facts prove the Roman doctrine of Transubstantiation is a lie?

ONE: The Lord's Supper was commemorative as was the Passover. The Passover Lamb commemorated the Passover, when the Lord said 'this Passover' He meant this commemoration of the Passover. Likewise when He said: 'This is my body,' He spoke of the Supper as a commemorative feast to be observed in remembrance of Him.

TWO: The apostolic reception of Christ's words. The apostles, it is evident, understood our Lord as we do. They were accustomed to figurative language in which the Saviour constantly spoke and which was the current language of the day. There was no argument at the Table concerning these words: 'This is my body', 'This is my blood', for the disciples knew He was speaking in figurative language.

THREE: The Feast is commemorative from Christ's own words: 'Do this in remembrance of me' and from the apostolic declaration: 'For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till He come.' (I Corinthians 11:26.) How could it be done in remembrance of Him if He were literally present in Body, Blood, Soul and Deity?

FOUR: The words themselves refute Transubstantiation; the apostolic account is destructive of this dogma. It says in I Corinthians 11:23-26 that the cup is the New Testament: here is a double figure of speech. Firstly the cup is put for the wine and secondly the cup is called the New Testament.We ask: Was the cup literally transubstantiated into the New Testament? Notice the apostle used the word: 'After the same manner He took the cup' - that is, the manner in which He took the bread. It therefore cannot and does not mean that the bread was literally Christ's Body or the wine literally Christ's Blood, or the cup literally the New Testament.

You can read the entire article at http://www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?ArtKey=bible5.

News Item1/3/02 7:07 AM
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Hope the following can shed some light on the subject. SermonAudio.com is opposed to the official doctrines of the Catholic Church and is unapologetically a Protestant site.

25. What is the official teaching of Rome on the Pope?

The Creed of Pope Pius IV Section X states: 'I acknowledge the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church for the Mother and Mistress of all Churches, and I promise and swear true obedience to the Bishop of Rome the Successor to St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles and Vicar of Jesus Christ.'

26. What text in Matthew's Gospel does the Church of Rome use to support her claims for St. Peter being the first Pope?

Matthew chapter 16 and verse 18: 'And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.' The meaning of this text is obvious. Jesus having heard from the disciples the various notions which were entertained of Him, asked them: 'But whom say ye that I am?' and Peter, always more forward than the rest, replied: 'Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus, having pronounced him blessed, as every believer is (Psalm 32:1), said: 'Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.' Christ in addressing Peter said: 'Thou art Peter,' using the word 'petros', which signifies a stone, but in referring to the rock He used the word 'petra', which means properly 'an immovable rock'. He does not say: 'Thou art Peter, and upon thee I will build my church', but 'upon this Rock.' The Rock he had confessed was Christ the Son of the living God, as though He said: 'Thou art Peter, a living stone in this spiritual edifice, but upon this immovable foundation I will build my church.'

27. Were the Fathers unanimous in their interpretation of the Scripture?

The Fathers of the church, as the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kenrick, USA, who attended Vatican I, himself acknowledged, were divided. Eight say the Rock means the twelve apostles as a body. Sixteen say it refers to Christ Himself. Seventeen say it refers to St. Peter and forty four say it means the faith which Peter professed. It is clear that the Rock of the church is the infallible Rock of Ages, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

31. What eight Scriptures show that there is no foundation in the Scriptures for the Papacy?

Scripture one: Christ taught that all the apostles were equal. Matthew 23:10: 'Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ; and ye are all brethren.' Matthew 23:11: 'But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.' In Mark 10:42, when the disciples strove among each other for supremacy, Jesus said: 'Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and their great ones exercise authority upon them.' Mark 10:43: 'But so shall it not be among you; but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister.' Mark 10:44: 'And whosoever of you will be the chiefest shall be servant of all.' Mark 10:45: 'For even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.' From these passages it is evident that Christ conferred no superiority upon Peter, for if He had the strife could not have arisen, and Christ would have referred to His grant of supremacy to Peter.

Scripture two: Peter himself nowhere alludes to such supremacy. He says rather: 'The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ.' (I Peter 5:1) He here calls himself an elder and witness, but nowhere the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.

Scripture three: Peter was sent by the other apostles to Samaria: 'Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John.' (Acts 8:14) Just think of 'His Holiness' the Pope being sent by the Cardinals to preach the Gospel! It is well known that for many years Popes have not preached at all.

Scripture four: A council of the apostles and brethren was held at Jerusalem, Peter was present, and yet the sentence of James was followed (Acts 15:6-29).

Scripture five: The apostle Paul declares in 2 Corinthians 11:5 that he was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles, which is inconsistent with the notion of Peter's supremacy.

Scripture six: Peter, James and John are called pillars. 'James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars.' (Galatians 2:9)Because Peter was a pillar he was not the foundation.

Scripture seven: 'Paul withstood Peter to the face, because he was to be blamed.' (Galatians 2:11) It is hardly the attitude to an 'Infallible Pope.'

Scripture eight: When Paul enumerates the various officers of the church he does not say: 'First the chief apostle' or 'the vicar of Christ, Jesus Christ upon earth' or 'the father of kings and princes,' but 'apostles' (Ephesians 4:11).

42. How did Vatican II define the power of the Pope?
Vatican II - Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (18 November 1965):

'This sacred synod turns its attention first to the Catholic faithful. Basing itself upon sacred Scripture, it teaches that the church, now sojourning on earth as an exile, is necessary for salvation. […] WHOSOEVER, THEREFORE, KNOWING THAT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WAS MADE NECESSARY BY GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, WOULD REFUSE TO ENTER HER OR REMAIN IN HER, COULD NOT BE SAVED.' (Paragraph 14)

'But the college or body of bishops has no authority unless it is simultaneously conceived of in terms of its head, the Roman Pontiff, Peter's successor, and without a lessening of his power and primacy over all, pastors as well as the general faithful. For in virtue of his office, that is as vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church. And he can always exercise this power freely.' (Paragraph 22)

'Therefore his definitions of themselves and not by consent of the church are justly styled irreformable for they are pronounced with the assistance of the Holy Spirit promised to him in blessed Peter. Therefore they need no approval of others nor do they allow an appeal to any other judgment.' (Paragraph 25)

You can read the entire article at http://www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?bible3.htm. Or you can listen to the classic Catholic debate by clicking here.

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