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News Item12/18/19 12:41 PM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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I support the wall but not the weed

News Item12/18/19 12:30 PM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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This was akin to a circus except the clowns were neither fun nor funny.

News Item12/18/19 11:12 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Why could not all students participate? This is ludicrous! Here we go again, Christians always being " herded to the back of the bus" while non-Christians are told to "go to "the head of the class."

News Item12/18/19 11:07 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Thank you Judge Collyer. I'm glad SOMEBODY exhibited rare common sense. I hope this will be further investigated and not ignored as is the usual "norm."

News Item12/18/19 3:26 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Just A. Sojourner has hit the nail square on its head. And I totally agree with the comments he (or, she) has posted regarding this farce of an act that makes it illegal for anybody, everybody to speak against sodomites. I can't, for the life of me, understand why this country has developed such a sinful "love affair" with this particular group of arrogant, prideful, pushy, never-satisfied, hardcore, in-your-face demon-possessed, abominable scum.

News Item12/17/19 7:56 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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John, I couldn't agree more with your comment. This has been their ungodly plan from the very beginning.

News Item12/17/19 3:08 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Is anyone surprised? Sodomy is worshiped by the ungodly and almost every new show that debuts now has some kind of sodomy theme with sodomites prancing around but since they are allowed to freely push more and more of themselves upon their viewers and it becomes more acceptable, the second episode may show them going beyond kissing and will take it to the bedroom. I don't even watch their ads showing what the show will be about. Change the channel. I don't even like enough of what is daily shown on MOST TV shows to get caught up in the ugliness of the mess, watching occasionally, a few of the old, very older shows from time to time, some of the very few religious programs available or news and some of the NFL or NBA, but I am disgusted with majority--almost all of what is regularly broadcast, and I always hope that nobody is allowing their children to watch these kinds of abominations.

News Item12/17/19 2:36 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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I fully expect that the "rights" of the sodomites will most definitely be protected --ALL! These are not "rights," however...they are WRONGS! Protections for religious institutions that uphold traditional beliefs about marriage and sexuality, however, I very seriously doubt that this part of this abominable law will be enforced. Only the sodomites' "rights" will be fully protected and upheld by this abominable law when it is passed. Sin and nasty abominations being legislated...and once this passes, the sodomites, never being satisfied, will only expand on this victory of theirs. Hopefully not, but I'm afraid that the next law passed by these ungodly demons will be one that will somehow legalize pedophilia. Wouldn't the sodomites just LOVE it if they are able to get pedophilia legalized?

News Item12/16/19 6:46 PM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Yes, sons of Satan are always seeking ways to sodomize little innocent boys. You hit the nail squarely on the head, Brother Douglas Fir.

News Item12/16/19 9:09 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Sodomites have become the "darlings" of this country.

News Item12/16/19 9:07 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Sadly and unfortunately, Christians are being targeted almost everywhere to some degree or other.

News Item12/16/19 9:04 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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The Chinese enemies of America never stops trying, do they?

News Item12/16/19 9:01 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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I will never be able to understand the depth of the depravity caused by the sin of greed. Murdering people in order to harvest their body parts. I wonder if these evil people extract the organs before the victims are dead or do they start harvesting while these poor unfortunate people are yet alive? Greed is one of the most evil of sins. The USA companies should be ashamed to be a partner in crime with one of the most evil countries in the world. The so-called "Planned" Parenthood cartel is just as evil and greedy as the evil, heartless, depraved, Godless, Chinese regime. This is truly a CRYING shame!

Sermon12/14/19 8:30 PM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! ”
LBGTQRSTUVWXYZ! Etc. I Have a few other alphabets for this kind of thing, namely : ABOMINATION!

News Item12/14/19 8:26 PM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Abomination. What kind of God do these kind of people THINK they are "serving?" I have never read, or heard of the kinds of abominations as I now hear almost ALL day long, every time I read something on my frequently visited websites? Madness, disobedience, sins that were once considered far too abominable to speak of, but being hidden in "closets" because of the nastiness of it, and ESPECIALLY the sins of sodomy and other similar kinds of shameful acts. I never thought I'd live to see the day when instead of shame, I'm now witnessing the pride of people who're involved in them. Never thought there would be such acceptance of the former "closet-type" sins. Unbelievable!

Sermon12/14/19 3:38 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Location of meeting?

News Item12/14/19 3:26 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Very disturbing! A crying shame, so sad. I wish this kind of abuse of children could become illegal. And I'm sick of the man-made terminologies used against everyone who does not agree with this particular mental and spiritual illness (transphobia, homophobia) and all other newly manufactured words regarding people who don't go along with the various abominations for those who practice these particular kinds of sins. Pray for these children, please.

News Item12/14/19 3:11 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Moderator, please delete my former comment regarding this confused man. Thanks

News Item12/14/19 3:05 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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Suffer a woman not to teach nor usurp the authority of the man. Sodomy is an abomination.

News Item12/14/19 3:02 AM
JD - Saved by Grace | Florida  Find all comments by JD - Saved by Grace
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As far as my opinion as to the loss of credibility of the pope and the Vatican, they lost credibility many years ago. Peter's Pence! Scam! Why do people in the Catholic organization continue to put up with, and support these various scams?
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