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Sermon3/23/2021 7:13 PM
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“ Pocahontas: Colors of Pantheism ”
On 10 June, 1995, Disney released Pocahontas, which was an animated film. One song featured in that film was called Colors of the Wind, which is a song about pantheism. The real Pocahontas (c. 1596–March 1617) converted to Christianity, which was completed omitted in the Disney version of Pocahontas. We ought to remember Isaiah 8:20 in response to any form of paganism, occultism, pantheism, and polytheism, especially if it is marketed in an animated feature like Pocahontas.

Sermon3/23/2021 5:59 PM
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“ Science Fiction: Humanism Mixed with BDSM ”
It out to be noted that science fiction is a mixture of humanism and perverted BDSM combined in one package. Many science fiction authors like Carl Sagan (09 November, 1934–20 December, 1996) espouse a secular humanistic outlook, especially since science fiction depicts a coalition of human "heroes" uniting against an outside threat from the sky. Science fiction also markets perverted BDSM by depicting characters in armored catsuits. This humanism and BDSM was also portrayed in the 2013 film Pacific Rim. We also see science fiction marketed in all branches of media. This sermon is a call to repent of and cast down all vain imaginations marketed by the media, including science fiction, which is rooted in antichrist secular humanism and perverted BDSM fetishism. It is also worth noting 2 Corinthians 10, especially 2 Corinthian 10:4-6, in response to vain imaginations.

Sermon3/19/2021 8:01 PM
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“ Remembering James 4:4 ”
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (James 4:4 KJV).

Sermon3/16/2021 4:35 PM
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“ Marvel Not at Superhero Gnosticism ”
Back in The Days of The Apostles, there was an ancient heresy known as Gnosticism, which taught that the main objective of humans is to be enlightened with "higher knowledge." Today, this antichrist Gnosticism is reflected in the superhero media as well as science fiction media. Of course, superhero media combines ancient Gnosticism with modern day transhumanism. Of course, transhumanism teaches that human beings can reach their peak condition with technology. One example of transhumanism is the Marvel Comics superhero called Iron Man since his name reflects the antichrist heresy of transhumanism. It is sad how churches are endorsing this Gnostic day heresy of transhumanism through science fiction and superhero media. We know that Genesis 3 reveals the origins of transhumanism and Gnosticism and all manner of humanism. It is paradoxical how humanists believe in the existence of a "higher power" like that taught by Alcoholics Anonymous, but asset their own sovereignty through humanistic efforts. We ought to remember Jeremiah 17:9 lest we think of ourselves as "heroes" of society. We also must remember Genesis 3 lest we be ensnared with Satan's deception of all manner of humanism, including ancient Gnosticism and modern day transhumanism.

Sermon3/16/2021 4:14 PM
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“ Illuminati: An Organization of the Antichrist ”
We know that the Illuminati was founded on 01 May, 1776 during the Enlightenment by Adam Weishaupt (06 February, 1748–18 November, 1830). The reality is that the Illuminati is really preparing people to receive the antichrist, especially the mark of the beast. The real objective of the Enlightenment was to establish a secular age of reason mixed with ancient Gnosticism, both of which are antichrist in origin. This also means that the Enlightenment thinkers were seeking to revive the ancient damnable antichrist heresy of Gnosticism. We know that Genesis 3 reveals the real origins of Gnosticism since Gnosticism is really of Satan himself. This is because the main objective of Gnosticism is to possess "higher knowledge." This sermon is a call to repent of antichrist secular humanism and antichrist Gnosticism, both of which were spread among the Enlightenment thinkers of the 18th century Enlightenment.

Sermon3/13/2021 1:38 PM
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“ The Two Edged Sword of Electronic Music ”
It appears that electronic music is really a two edged sword. While electronic music is often used in physical exercise and other athletic activities, it is also associated with sinful sexuality. This is because the techno beat itself is of sexual character since not surprisingly, athleticism is closely associated with eroticism. Also, there is a subgenre of electronic music called industrial music which combines rock music and rap music with techno. As rock music and rap music has polluted the earth with violence, so its subgenre industrial music has also polluted the earth with violence. Also, dark wave techno incorporates the Satanic goth subculture with techno music. This sermon confronts the Satanic elements of rock music, including that of the Satanic goth subculture.

Sermon3/12/2021 6:25 PM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ A Rugrats Passover: Blasphemous Children's Episode ”
One sad example of blasphemy in general audience media is A Rugrats Passover, which aired on Nickelodeon on 13 April, 1995. This particular episode took liberties with The Biblical Account of The Exodus of Egypt with a female pharaoh, even though the Pharaoh in The Book of Exodus was clearly a male. We are forbidden from taking liberties with The Bible, and such warnings are noted in Deuteronomy 4:2, Deuteronomy 12:32, Proverbs 30:5-6, and Revelation 22:18-19. A sermon like this is needed even in response to blasphemous media marketed towards a general audience like the episode called A Rugrats Passover.

Sermon3/6/2021 12:38 AM
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“ Satan the Rebellious Dragon ”
This sermon shows from Revelation 12 how Satan is the rebellious dragon. We also realize that in Revelation 20, particularly Revelation 20:10, Satan the rebellious dragon is cast into eternal torment into The Lake of Fire as punishment for his sin of rebellion. This sermon is an indictment against Satan the Rebellious Dragon.

Sermon3/5/2021 12:37 AM
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“ Superheroes: Blasphemy Against The Lord ”
This sermon clearly shows why superhero media is blasphemy against The Lord. It is because sinners in costumes are portrayed as "saviors". Many of the recent superhero media show superheroes in crucifixion poses, which is blasphemy against Jesus Christ. There is only Salvation in Jesus Christ as noted in John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. This means that Jesus Christ is The Only Saviour. Any other "savior" or "saviors" is blasphemy against Jesus Christ as well as blasphemy against Abba Father and blasphemy against The Holy Spirit.

Sermon3/4/2021 3:56 PM
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“ King Saul: Unbeliever ”
We ought to remember from 1 Samuel 9 to 1 Samuel 31, Saul was really an unbeliever, especially since 1 Samuel 16, particularly 1 Samuel 16:14 makes it known that The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul. As he called Saul was an unbeliever, so are the comic book writers who write superhero stories. This also means that as The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul, so has He The LORD departed from superhero writers like Al Plastino and Jerry Siegel.

Sermon3/4/2021 2:05 PM
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“ Government of the People: Government of Infidels ”
This sermon shows why government of, by, and for the people is really a government of, by, and for infidels. In Ancient Greece, their government of people was known as dēmokratia (δημοκρατία). In Ancient Rome, it was known as res publica. Both systems of government were run by unbelievers since both governments were about power to the people. This humanistic sovereignty of the people has continued to this day since Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Both humanistic governments are about the majority's choice of their leaders even though we know that the majority is always wrong like in Matthew 7:13-14. Yet governments of the people gradually become ochlocracies were the mob runs the government. In The Last Days, there will be a mob of rebels lead by Satan the dragon, the antichrist beast, and the false prophet in rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Throughout Biblical History, there has been a war between The Monarchistic Will of The King of Kings and the humanistic will of the people. One example is the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. This sermon also shows why The Lord's Kingdom will prevail over the humanistic infidel governments in rebellion against The King of Kings.

Sermon3/3/2021 4:01 PM
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“ Universities: Run By Unbelieving Infidels ”
As we know, universities are run by unbelieving infidels. We also realize that in John 15, particularly John 15:19-21, the world will persecute The Saints of Jesus as the world persecuted Jesus. This also means that The Biblical Faith of Jesus is not welcome at universities in America and around the world. Then again, Jesus Christ would not be welcome by the universities across America and around the world. If evangelicals wish to be received by the secular academic world, they would be required to compromise Biblical Beliefs for the sake of larger fellowship. Because secular universities are centers of inclusivism, Biblical Absolutes, like John 14:6, are not tolerated at secular universities. Jesus was not received by the academics during His First Coming, and He called Jesus is not received by the academics of today. Jesus Christ is The Only Way to Heaven as noted in John 14:6 and Acts 4:12, but Jesus was, and is to this day, The Most Unwanted and Unwelcome Person on Earth. We ought to remember The Example of Jesus in response to evangelicals desiring academic prestige by the unbelieving world.

Sermon3/1/2021 7:55 PM
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“ Superheroes: 'Heroes' for Unbelievers ”
Given the injunction to practice separation from unbelievers in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, we must also realize that superheroes are really "heroes" for unbelievers. This is because the artists who publish these stories about superheroes like Al Plastino are unbelievers themselves. Given that Jerry Siegel (17 October 17,–28 January, 1996) died on 28 January, 1996 at the age of 81, it means that he, Jerry Siegel, died an unbeliever and entered into eternal torment in Hell. Then again any stories that exalt sinful human "heroes" as "champions of the people", including the stories of secular action "heroes" like GI Joe, are stories written of, by, and for unbelievers. This sermon shows that superhero stories have turned people away from The Biblical Faith and towards the sin of unbelief called occultism and humanism. This podcast clearly explains why superheroes are "heroes" of, by, and for unbelievers.

Sermon3/1/2021 7:13 PM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ Casper: Demonic Ghost ”
Another example of a demonic ghost is Casper, which was adapted into a movie on 26 May, 1995. While Casper is touted as a "friendly ghost", the reality is that Casper is a demonic ghost. We ought to remember 1 John 4, especially 1 John 4:1, which advises us not to believe every spirit, but try the spirits. A sermon like this shows how the entertainment industry markets unclean spirits, even as a form of "entertainment."

Sermon2/28/2021 1:39 AM
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“ A Continuation of Superheroes: Replacement Christ ”
This helpful podcast is a continuation of the sermon called Superheroes: Replacement Christ published on 24 June, 2013. This podcast also references Superman as an antichrist as was preached in the sermon called Man of Steel: Man of Sin, which was also preached on 24, June 2013. This podcast is needed in response to the superhero craze.

Sermon2/27/2021 12:48 PM
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“ Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Unbelieving Infidel ”
One other infidel was Dietrich Bonhoeffer (04 February, 1906–09 April, 1945), who believed a secular humanistic social gospel of liberationism and human rights activism. As we know, Dietrich Bonhoeffer lived during the tyranny of Nazi Germany. We know that the social gospel is a false gospel because Jesus did not "liberate" Israel from the tyranny of the Roman Empire as the Jewish zealots had hoped. Also, when the people of Israel rebelled, they were put under the tyranny of the Babylonian Kingdom. Any gospel that promotes universal human rights is a false social gospel of humanistic "liberty." We must resist the temptation to join forces with unbelieving "freedom fighters" and their social gospel lest we be unequally yoked with these "liberty"-minded unbelieving infidels. The social gospel of human "liberation" is spiritual infidelity, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, like Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, was an unbelieving infidel.

Sermon2/26/2021 1:10 AM
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“ Satan is like a chameleon ”
We know that chameleons are lizards known for changing colors for camouflaging themselves. Like a chameleon changing it color to camouflage itself, Satan is also spreading deception through his subtlety as he did back in Genesis 3. Worth noting 2 Corinthians 11:14 since Satan poses as an angel of light, but is still that hideous devil behind the angel of light facade. This is why Satan is like a chameleon.

Sermon2/20/2021 11:08 PM
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“ A Goofy Movie: Marketing Rebellious Rock Music ”
Another tragic example of how rebellious rock music is marketed in media geared towards general audiences is the animated film of 1995 called A Goofy Movie, which is connected with the Goof Troop tv series. Some examples of songs are I 2 I, After Today, and Stand Out. A helpful podcast like this one shows that the spirit of antichrist is marketing the sin of rebellion in rock music through media geared towards general audiences like the 1995 film called A Goofy Movie. It is worth remembering the example of Korah in Numbers 16 in response to this rebellious craze called rock music.

Sermon2/19/2021 1:09 AM
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“ World Council of Infidel Churches ”
This sermon shows that the World Council of Churches is really the World Council of Infidel Churches, especially because of its association with another infidel church called the Vatican. We ought to remember 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 lest we become unequally yoked with the idolatrous infidels who run the Vatican and the infidels who run the World Council of Infidel Churches.

Sermon2/16/2021 4:34 PM
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“ 1830: Liberty Murdering People by Eugène Delacroix ”
One example of how sinful murder is committed in the name of "liberty" is a painting by Eugène Delacroix called Liberty Leading the People in 1830. This painting should be called Liberty Murdering People since Lady Liberty is murdering people and leading people into murdering other people in the name of "liberty." This sermon shows that any "liberty" devoid of righteousness, as espoused by the Enlightenment thinkers, is really the evils of rebellion.
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