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Sermon5/1/2021 12:42 AM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ Werewolves: Demonic Beings ”
It ought to be noted that werewolves are really demonic beings of Satanic origin. The root cause of people transforming into werewolves is really demon possession. Even media geared towards general audiences like the episode in Road Rovers called 'A Hair of the Dog That Bit You', which first aired on 21 September, 1996 markets demonic werewolves. A sermon like this is needed in response to these demonic beings called werewolves.

Sermon4/23/2021 1:20 AM
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Waiting on God's Vengeance
Rev. Andrew Patterson
“ Remembering 1 Samuel 25 ”
The example set forth in 1 Samuel 25 regarding the death of Nabal shows why vengeance really belongs to Jehovah.

Sermon4/21/2021 12:27 PM
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“ United States of Freemasonry ”
This sermon confronts this tool of Satan and the antichrist known as Freemasonry, which was behind the founding of the United States of America. This means that the USA, both North and South, is of Masonic origin. While American Northern Founding Fathers like Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, and Paul Revere spread Freemasonry to the American North, George Washington spread Freemasonry to the American South. It is already known that Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and George Washington were Freemasons. Of course, the reality is that Freemasonry will damn souls into Hell and The Lake of Fire. At The Great White Throne Judgment noted in Revelation 20:11-15, Freemasons will have their sins exposed at The Great White Throne and be cast into The Lake of Fire. Sadly, the majority of Americans while join their Founding Fathers in The Lake of Fire for all eternity. This sermon is a call to repent of and renounce all Freemasonry and receive Jesus Christ for Eternal Salvation. Because the American Founding Fathers were lost sinners, it means that they, who are called the American Founding Fathers, shall be judged at The Great White Throne Judgment and be cast into The Lake of Fire for all eternity.

Sermon4/20/2021 12:01 AM
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“ Cthulhumanoid: Hideous Demonic Creeps ”
Not surprisingly, the secular website called TVTropes, under the Cephalopod Index, has a section called Cthulhumanoid. The reality is that all cephalopod humanoids and similar cephalopod like monsters are really hideous demonic creeps rooted in the Nephilim. A sermon like this is needed in response to animated hideous demonic monsters, especially those hideous demonic monsters combined with cephalopod characteristics.

Sermon4/16/2021 6:04 PM
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“ Space Jam: Jammed with Vain Imaginations ”
Back on 10 November, 1996, a basketball-themed film called Space Jam was released with the ridiculous and vain imaginary Looney Tunes characters, including the Satanic witch known as Witch Hazel. Also, there were demonic aliens in Space Jam known as the Nerdlucks, who transformed into the giant and demonic monsters known as the Monstars. Also, Space Jam had a scene with divination, which is condemned as an abomination in Deuteronomy 18:10-12. With the plans for a 2021 sequel called Space Jam: A New Legacy, demonic monsters are forecasted to appear in Space Jam: A New Legacy. Also, Space Jam had the Nephilim theme with the aliens from outer space called the Nerdlucks. While Space Jam may appear to be a ridiculously comical film on the surface, it is a movie jammed with demonic aliens, demonic monsters, occult practices like divination, and other vain imaginations. It is also jammed with the empty worldly vanities of pro sports. It is worth noting The Book of Ecclesiastes and 1 John 2:15-17 in response to the worldly craze called pro sports, even when marketed in full length theatrical productions.

Sermon4/15/2021 1:50 AM
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“ DMX: Lost Sinner ”
This podcast shows that DMX, like Eazy-E, Bradley Nowell, Chris Kelly, and other rock and rap musicians, are really lost sinners now tormented in Hell. When Earl Simmons, DMX, (December 18, 1970 – April 9, 2021) died on 9 April, 2021 at the age of 50, he entered eternal torment in Hell. One day, those rebellious rock and rap musicians will be judged at The Great White Throne Judgment and be forever cast into The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 20:11-15 in response to rebellious rock music, including that of rap music. It is sad that DMX died a rebellious rap musician, but his sin of rebellion caused both his physical death and his spiritual death. A podcast like this also shows that Satan is using antichrist hip hop music to stir rebellion against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. On Judgment Day, rebellious rappers like DMX will never be able to rap again, but be judged for their sins, including the sin of rebellion, which is the sin of rap music.

Sermon4/14/2021 3:32 PM
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“ JW Pepper: Ecumenical Apostate Church Music ”
While this sermon primarily confronts the Satanic elements of rock music, it also should be noted that JW Pepper pushes antichrist ecumenical apostate church music, especially choral music. Not surprisingly, the choral music distributed by JW Pepper is sung in churches affiliated with antichrist liberal denominations and Catholic churches, which is what makes it ecumenical apostate choral music. Now JW Pepper is distributing antichrist rock songs like Rock Around The Clock by antichrist rock musician Bill Haley sung as a choral composition in SATB. This shows that the antichrist liberal denominations connected with the World Council of Churches and the Catholic Church are using choral music involving both rock songs sung by Satanic rock musicians and their own ecumenical choral music as a means of establishing the ecumenical one world religion of the antichrist.

Sermon4/10/2021 8:12 PM
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“ A Response To The Death of DMX ”
This sermon is needed in response to the death of Earl Simmons, DMX, (18 December, 1970–9 April, 2021) on 9 April, 2021 at the age of 50. The deaths of other rock and rap musicians like Eazy-E on 26, March 1995, Bradley Nowell on 25, May 1996, and Chris Kelly on 29 April, 2013 are also examples of how rock music and rap music leads to both physical and spiritual death to those who partake of it. As Eazy-E, Bradley Nowell, and Chris Kelly died in their rock and rap music profession, so did DMX. Worth noting 1 John 2:15-17 in response to this worldly craze called rock music.

Sermon4/9/2021 6:12 PM
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“ Notes on the State of Virginia: Notes of Racism ”
One example of early American racism against people of African descent can be seen in Notes on the State of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson. In this particular book by Thomas Jefferson, he describes people of African descent in the most racially derogatory manner. This is also because Thomas Jefferson enslaved people of African descent as chattel. Not only was Thomas Jefferson known for his infidelity against The Biblical Faith, but also his enslavement of people of African descent in the early American colonies. It is no wonder that white American southerners called rednecks are criticized for being racist white supremacists. These rednecks learned racism against non-whites from their "hero" Thomas Jefferson. While many modern day news commentators are aware of the recent wave of hate crimes committed by white supremacists against non-whites, they fail to see the root of such racist white supremacism, which was practiced by the early American Founders. How tragic that rednecks have exported racist white supremacism to every major corner of the world which can be traced to the ideas of their "hero" Thomas Jefferson. We must remember James 2 in response to the sin of racism.

Sermon4/8/2021 11:37 AM
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“ Sid Phillips: Gothic Kid ”
Back in 1995, particularly 19 November, 1995, Disney and Pixar released the very first computer animated film called Toy Story, which set the precedence for future computer animated theatrical films. Of course, one of the characters in the film named Sid Phillips is depicted as a goth, especially given his skull themed t-shirt and his gruesomely decorated bedroom with gruesome mutant toys. Later on, in the 2010 Toy Story 3, Sid Phillips reappears as an adult listening to Satanic heavy metal music. We know that both the goth subculture and heavy metal music have Satanic roots. It is disturbing that media marketed towards a general audience can depict the Satanic goth subculture as well as Satanic heavy metal music, especially since heavy metal music is associated with violence, profanity, narcotic usage, Satanic spirituality, and rape. The character in Toy Story called Sid Phillips is one example of how the Satanic goth subculture is infiltrating media geared towards general audiences. Also, Toy Story is about toys becoming animate. In Revelation 13, the Satanic idol of the antichrist beast becomes animate. How staggering that the 1995 film Toy Story depicted both the Satanic goth subculture as well as the inanimate becoming animate.

Sermon4/6/2021 6:23 PM
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“ Thomas Jefferson: Southern Made Infidel ”
One example of an unbelieving infidel was Thomas Jefferson (13 April, 1743–04 July, 1826). To this day, Thomas Jefferson is heralded as an American "hero" by American Southerners since he one of the Founders of the American South. Of course, many American Southerners also follow the sin of unbelief set forth by their "hero" Thomas Jefferson, which is paradoxical in the American South is erroneously referred to as the "Bible Belt", due to its strong American republicanism and patriotism. The example set forth by Thomas Jefferson with his Deism, tampering with the Bible, and overall unbelieving infidelity shows that the American South is really the Infidel Belt, which has caused the vast majority of American Southerners to be unbelieving infidels as their "hero" Thomas Jefferson was. Thomas Jefferson may have been a very influential figure in American history, but he was an infidel who rejected Jesus Christ and The Bible. All of this means that Thomas Jefferson and the American Southerners who followed his infidelity will be judged at The Great White Throne and be cast into Eternal Torment in The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 20:11-15 in response to unbelieving infidelity.

Sermon4/5/2021 5:40 PM
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“ Apistos (ἄπιστος): Greek for Unbeliever ”
In The Greek, the word for 'unbeliever' is apistos (ἄπιστος). It also is translated as 'infidel.' This is relevant because the Founding Fathers of the USA like John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and George Washington were unbelievers. This sermon is needed in response to the sin of unbelief in America started by this group of unbelievers called the American Founding Fathers.

Sermon4/3/2021 5:01 PM
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“ Pro Sports: Vanity ”
We ought to remember The Book of Ecclesiastes, especially Ecclesiastes 1, Ecclesiastes 2, Ecclesiastes 3, Ecclesiastes 4, Ecclesiastes 5, Ecclesiastes 6, Ecclesiastes 7, Ecclesiastes 8, Ecclesiastes 9, Ecclesiastes 10, Ecclesiastes 11, and Ecclesiastes 12 in response to this temporal vanity called pro sports, which shall vanish away.

Sermon4/2/2021 12:19 AM
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And When You Pray
Thomas Waters
“ Mantras: Condemned by Matthew 6:7 ”
Given that mantras (मन्त्र) are uttered repeated while praying to Satanic false gods, it means that mantras are strongly condemned by Matthew 6:7 since they are vain repetitions. Mantras are closely associated with the Satanic false religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, all of which are Satanic. It is sad how Hindus in India utter vain repetitions known as mantras as they pray to their strange looking Satanic Hindu gods.

Sermon3/31/2021 1:17 AM
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“ George Washington: Unbeliever ”
While this sermon is primarily about the sin of unbelief on part of the American Founding Fathers, it also confronts the sin of unbelief on George Washington's part. The fact that George Washington (22 February, 1732–14 December, 1799) was an unbeliever is clearly shown in this particular sermon. George Washington demonstrated his unbelief of The Gospel of Jesus Christ by his connection with Freemasonry and other Enlightenment philosophies. George Washington is often heralded as "the father of America" since he was both a Founding Father and the first President of the United States of America. However, George Washington, like Thomas Paine, built the United States of America on the sin of unbelief. This sermon is needed in response to the American hero worship, or rather idolatry, of this unbeliever named George Washington.

Sermon3/26/2021 2:02 AM
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“ Preaching Jesus To Third World Countries ”
What is wonderful to hear is that people in third world countries are very open to The Gospel of Jesus Christ. This should be noted in relation to this sermon, especially since this sermon confront the sin of unbelief on part of the American Founding Fathers. It also shows that most people in third world nations have far more respect for Jesus Christ than the American Founding Fathers ever did.

Sermon3/26/2021 1:22 AM
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“ Spice Girls: Wannabe Friends with the World ”
Back in December 1995, the Spice Girls recorded a song released in 08 July, 1996 called Wannabe. The reality is that this song called Wannabe by the Spice Girls is really a song about friendship with the world, which is enmity with The Lord according to James 4:4. How tragic that pop musicians like the Spice Girls have caused antichrist worldliness around the world. It is also tragic that British pop bands like the Spice Girls have caused the people of Britain to repudiate Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit as well as Biblical Righteousness, which is what truly exalted Britain as a nation. This is worth noting because Britain is a nation influenced by The Biblical Faith. Everything good and noble about Britain can be traced to The Biblical Faith of The Old Testament and The New Testament, even though The Bible is primarily centered around Israel. A sermon like this is needed in response to antichrist pop music groups like the Spice Girls.

Sermon3/24/2021 7:17 PM
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“ Jack Hyles: Sinful Authoritarian Abuser ”
It should be noted that Jack Hyles sinned against The Lord with his authoritarian abuse. Curtis Hutson also sinned against The Lord by turning a blind eye to the abuse practiced and authorized by Jack Hyles. While Jack Hyles was a man who stood for Biblical Truth, he defended The Truth in a sinful abusive way. We must resist the tendency to become authoritarian abusers in response to the atmosphere of licentiousness practiced by today's contemporary praise churches.

Sermon3/24/2021 1:39 AM
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“ The Spirit of The LORD Departing From America ”
We ought to remember the example of Saul from 1 Samuel 9 to 1 Samuel 31 since Saul was an unbeliever, especially the passage noted 1 Samuel 16:14. The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul because he was an unbeliever. As The Spirit of The LORD departed from Saul in 1 Samuel 16, so His Spirit did, does, and shall depart from all unbelievers. This also means that The Spirit of The LORD departed from the American Founding Fathers like Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson because they, like Saul, were also unbelievers. Since the American Founding Fathers established America as a nation of unbelievers on 04 July, 1776, it means that the vast majority of Americans today are unbelievers. This sermon is a call to repent from the sin of unbelief, which brought the United States of America into existence in the first place.

Sermon3/24/2021 1:12 AM
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“ United States of Unbelievers ”
This sermon reveals that the United States of America was founded by unbelievers called the American Founding Fathers. Since America (the United States of America) was founded by unbelievers, it is not surprise that the majority of Americans are unbelievers. Worth noting Matthew 7:13-14 in response to this sin of unbelief, including the American sin of unbelief.
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