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News Item3/22/14 1:19 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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The fact that Doug Phillip's lusting after a young woman serving as his children's nanny for over a decade (?!) indicates this was no mere fall from grace or backslide.

News Item3/10/14 10:02 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Admittedly, I've not been part of a trendy mega church that's really cool; but just the opposite seems to be true here in southern Illinois... The seniors are perhaps the most faithful in attendance and very much involved.

News Item3/7/14 2:36 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I don't understand why any Christian would agree to be on "dancing with the stars." Whatever happened to Christian modesty?

News Item3/6/14 10:24 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, US  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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While I haven't read all of Elisabeth Elliot's books, the ones I have read are very Biblical with godly, Scripture-based teaching for women... She is so conservative that I assumed she was Presbyterian.

News Item3/5/14 10:41 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois, US  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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May the good Lord continue to bless this precious woman who has influenced many for Christ. And may we remember her wisdom as we seek to serve Him.

News Item2/1/14 4:10 PM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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It just might be a case of questionable ethics and not one of Christian persecution for the reason the song was removed from consideration of "Best Song" - check this article out: [URL=http://jensgems.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/alone-yet-not-alone-the-tangled-web-of-the-academy-nomination/]]]http://jensgems.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/alone-yet..[/URL]

News Item1/1/14 9:54 AM
Angela Wittman | Southern Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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No surprise to me... I have never believed this woman was truly regenerated as she made her first big hit about lesbianism and followed it up with songs about promiscuity. I feel badly for her parents as they are reportedly Christian. She clearly hasn't honored her father and mother.

News Item11/22/13 9:25 AM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Well, folks, I've been issuing apologies for my dismissal and chastising those who I felt were taking "pot shots" at DP, patriarchy, etc. There really is reason for concern for abuse of power and instead of sweeping it under the rug, we need to look at the charges, evaluate the facts as best we can and take a stand against spiritual abuse in Christian ministries - both in the church and in para-church organizations. Once we begin doing this, I believe the good Lord will bless our Christian witness to the world and other believers. And as I've stated in other places - moderation is the key! We don't need to be extremists in any area other than extremely committed to Christ and living a genuine, sincere Christian life.

News Item11/21/13 6:52 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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I just want to acknowledge what a blessing Christopher is to this forum. His comment is right on target. Which one of us began our walk with Christ with 100% correct knowledge and impeccable theology? Let's give this man a break and sincerely pray for his growth as a Christian.

News Item11/21/13 4:11 PM
Angela Wittman | SW Illinois  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Barack Obama is making a mockery out of freedom and honoring those who have sacrificed much, including their lives for liberty. It would be so much better if he would just quietly fade into the woodwork instead of promoting ungodliness and exalting the wicked. I am astounded at his brazenness! Who in recent history was as unpopular as Pres. Obama is now? Does the man have no wisdom?

News Item11/19/13 11:22 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Well, Neil, I am humbled by your wisdom and ask forgiveness for my previous remarks.

News Item11/19/13 10:45 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Neil, I agree with your last comment. If this report of DP is true (I haven't yet checked it out), then I will have some apologies to make. And if true, this reveals a serious flaw in character and heinous sin that should be dealt with by using the principles of church discipline by the VF Board of Directors and DP's church in Texas. May God help DP's family as they pick up the pieces and may God's people keep them lifted up in prayer.

News Item11/15/13 6:54 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Mourner,
Why would you try to trick folks by bringing up a non-existing confession? I don't think that's very nice or funny.

To inhiswrds - I don't think your comment is very nice or funny either. Perhaps you and Mourner should watch this Christian family's reality show. You might learn some manners from the Duggar's children.

News Item11/15/13 3:54 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Hi mourner,
These forums are really difficult for me to communicate in as I tend to talk in sound bites anyway. Well, the wretched sinner was me about 20 years ago and I've changed my views a bit. However, I think all God's people brought glory to Him when I was on the school board. We fought the good fight.
As far as John Y. - I think the good Lord is opening his eyes to the Gospel truth, just as He has most of us on this forum. I'm not a fan of the Anglican Church and haven't read their confession, so I am not going to encourage someone to believe or read something I have no knowledge of; as far as I know it could be in error.

News Item11/15/13 10:44 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Neil,
I'll tell you a little story about a wretched sinner who came to Christ as an adult. She was very timid and shy - infact she sought the lowest seat at church as she knew she was a miserable wretch... But the good Lord seemed to have different plans and as the wretched sinner became a new creation in Christ, He brought her to the forefront of her community through a position on the local gov't school board and the publicity which followed her unashamed Christian witness. Many folks probably looked down on her and wagged their fingers, but she knew the Lord was using her to shame the wise and perhaps teach the comfortable Christian community a lesson. So, in the midst of her fears at being a public witness for Christ, she found consolation in the Sermon on the Mount and trusts that the good Lord will one day say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
PS - John Y. - I think it is wonderful you are reading Reformed Confessions from the 16th Century! Keep up the good work and don't become discouraged.

News Item11/15/13 7:26 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear mourner, Thanks for the response - I try to hold to historic Christianity and the Reformed Confessions of the 16th Century. Needless to say, I am still learning and do not have all the answers.
Regarding Neil's most recent comment:
"Has God really called Christian families to become like zoo exhibits to the world?" - Yes, He has... The Bible is full of examples. Perhaps it is time to once more read the Sermon on the Mount? Or review early Church history? We should all be boldly shining our "light" in this dark and depraved world.

News Item11/14/13 3:22 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Mourner,
I think extremism regarding theonomy is: 1. When one holds to the letter of the OT Law and leaves out the "spirit" or general equity of it.
2. When one holds to the ceremonial laws as well as the moral and judicial.
The far left,IMO, (which I think is right)are those who think there are two kingdoms (one secular, the other spiritual) and the OT Judicial Laws are no longer applicable to society. They might also believe in women elders, pastors, etc. as well as women civil leaders. In summary, they have turned Scripture on its head. I hope you aren't in that camp.

News Item11/14/13 1:07 PM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Dear Mr. Neil,
Enough of this slamming VF... For goodness sake, they did much good and I hope they will reconsider closing the ministry and continue serving Christian families. Also, I don't have access to the Duggars TV program, but it might be they are trying to be a Christian witness to the pagan death culture in America. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to wave St. Andrew's flag, also known as the Flag of the Confederacy.

News Item11/14/13 10:37 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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Well, stu, why don't you give us a run down on what God's Word says about "every other option" and the penalties?
Frankly, the feminists in the church are using this as fodder for their war on male headship and giving live births. Why encourage Satan's work in destroying a man and his loved ones, plus a much needed ministry that taught men and women Biblical principles for the home?

News Item11/14/13 7:43 AM
Angela Wittman | SW IL  Go to homepageFind all comments by Angela Wittman
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In response to some of Neil's comments (I haven't read them all): First of all, there is very little public information available regarding Vision Forum and its founder's resignation - probably best to not speculate, spread false rumors or gossip as the good Lord denounces these activities. Secondly, theonomy isn't a dirty word and it simply means God's Law, which is what most Christians claim to love. Of course, one's beliefs will influence their behavior and since we aren't called to live in a bubble, our Christian beliefs will influence the culture for good. There are different shades of theonomy and as in all things, we should avoid extremism. The Westminster Confession gives good guidance on Christian ethics and the government. Hope this helps Neil and others he might have confused with his comments.
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