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News Item4/10/09 1:08 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Is joel a rube or a pagan plant, but rich one. i find it hard to believe he is my brother in Christ, thus I laugh but should pray also.

News Item4/6/09 8:08 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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The problem with many female church leaders is they let their "emotions & feelings" come before the mind of God & the Word of GOD. Women are a beautiful work of God but having both lobes of the brain hooked together may enlarge their feelings but decreases godly sense of evil, untruth & impracticality. But men can go that way also. I feel GOd is a blue bippy & I shall live my life in that thought, to complete my life!!

News Item3/6/09 7:27 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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john Dewy's athiestic teaching in our college's has influnence many in the teaching ranks. Teachers are kewl. I remember at NCSU I had a professor who gave me a 'C" the first day of class because he did not like my looks. After my semester of teaching, he admitted that I did a great job but he was only going to give me a
'B". Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I thought I earned my grade, not that it was given due to subjective criteria. Schools are the place to change the world. Watch out for the new order of education in the US.

News Item3/6/09 7:21 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Guess democratic republicanism is fine for te gay agenda until they object to something! would they opt out & start their own country in South America?

News Item3/5/09 5:16 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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The new witch hunt - Ch.Terrorists

News Item1/12/09 9:33 PM
ROb  Find all comments by ROb
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But we would not want any discrimination about the uses of public moneies would we? This is the era of liberal HYPOCRISY.

News Item1/3/09 9:42 PM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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And what happens when the first woman, or man, is raped? Or there is emotionally crippling behavior over a period of time foisted by one student/gender upon another?? What will the Diversity of Chicago say in their defense???

News Item12/23/08 1:40 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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How ironic... that the President-elect, having little respect for the Constitution, will swear to "uphold & defend the Constitution" on the same Bible another President, who also disrespected & violated the Constitution, swore upon.

Lincoln launched an UnBiblical, Unconstitutional, unecessary war... what will "Barry" do to us?
Deja Vu all over again!

News Item12/20/08 6:23 PM
Rob | Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Jerry "Moon-Beam" Brown should be impeached, and deported for Treason. Along with his pal Gov. Arnold "Knows-nothing-about-Austrian-Economics" Schwartznegger. Treason!

News Item11/24/08 9:51 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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The Phew!! report is another media report produced by people who do not know Christianity. There are so many small nuances about denomoination, myths, truth & "the American way", (oops, that's Superman isn't it) that even Fox news cannot clearly report news about Christian, Jewish or Islamic influences on the political scene. It seems there was once a female reporter with theological training who quit religous reporting,or at least her network,due to the hypocrisy or lethargy of her employer.
Touche', Mike
In the end, the world cannot know spirtual truth until the Holy Spirit gives them eyes to see & ears to hear.

News Item11/22/08 10:20 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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A) Being a SBC, Southern Baptist, ya'll, although I have charismatic DNA from the Holy Spirit, I "see" A lot & use a lot of songs about God's Spirit in our worship, but I do realize & teach that SBC have been known to have a spare tire theology about the Spirit of Christ.
B) What do you mean by anger? IF we sin, & GOd says we will, 1 Jn.1:8-9, we ourselves have stepped away from God's influence & greived the SPIRIT within. That is pain enough. I would agree that the punishment of sin have propiatiated but the presence of sin in us & our choices move us to an experience of the lack of God's blessing for His nature is Holy & all non-holiness is authomatically outside of His blessings. He can use our unholiness to teach us & discipline us. I am seeing God's anger against sin as part of His immutableness. SO it is not so much that God acts against us but we(beleivers & unbeliever) act against His eternal bidding. Beleivers have repentence in Christ to ask for, unbeleivers may wander in the desert of ignorance until the Holy Spirit convicts them.

News Item11/20/08 9:45 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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But the man soes speak the truth when he says we will be in the garden praying due to bad political decisions, starting Nov.4!

News Item11/20/08 9:41 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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why don't these college grads learn to spell?
On the real side, has anyone heard any more about Obama's meetings, 3x,. with Gene Robinson, homosexual leader of the Episcopal church?
Jesus said, (Mk10) "6  But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7  For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8  And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9  What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."
Sounds clear enough!

News Item11/20/08 9:29 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Can't any of these college grads spell?
On the real side, has anyone heard any more about Obama & his meeting 3 x with Gene Robinson, homosexual leader of the Episcopals? That's very interesting to go 3 times to see a religious leader during elections.

News Item11/20/08 9:25 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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The Joy of the Lord is My strength. Happy is usually if your fridge is working, the car is working. you are working...hmmm, could be a lot of unhappiness right now. My wife & 2 children are out of work but we still praise the Lord IN all things. (not for all things)

News Item11/20/08 9:08 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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I hope things are going better for you as many have been praying for your spiritual "recovery". I know my life of Buddhism & drugs seemed like a search for truth but until I submitted myself to Christ, I did not find peace or truth. Vios con Dios y Christo me amigo.

News Item11/14/08 8:59 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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There are also such events as droughts.

News Item11/14/08 8:56 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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KK & othes, why listen to these guys?? I get much better news from the scriptures, then this site, some Christian TV. Hal Lindsey, who I had not listened to for years, said the other day that an Iranian ship bound from China to "Rotterdam" was hijacked by Somali pirates. After a few days, the pirates were losing hair, skin burning, etc. as they had captured some kind of boatload of radiated materials. Going where? Israel, the West? No mainstream news on this almost disaster.
I went to MSNBC a few days ago for the very first time only to get a stock quote. I watched Chris Matthews for a minute & knew I had not missed anything from them all these years.

News Item11/14/08 8:46 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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The problem is NOT how good YOU are at repenting as much as how great you see the Love of God to cover sinners inthe blood of Christ for forgiveness.
1 Jn 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have ellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all un- righteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Lyn, God is saying that we should not kid ourselves about personal sin AND we should see the ability of GOd to renew & cleanse us from ALL our sin. Deeply, joyfully Trust God through the work of Christ on the Cross for forgiveness & acceptance AND continue IN CHRIST! I'll Pray for you today!

News Item11/14/08 8:29 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Noice in the article that the Buddhist authorities have their own test claims for truth within their worldview. That is better than too many Chritians have. Women accept Oprah's version of Christianity & just add something to Jesus for a NEW Jesus. NEW! WE WANT NEW GIVE US CHANGE We'll take Obama or Biden or anyone who will change us & our environment.
HMMMMM. If we become atheist enough, would a later Christian revival be a CHANGE that everyone would accept ?
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