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Survey3/27/08 9:00 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
But John, the apostles clearly identified false teachers and didn't hesitate to indicate their fatal destination in eternity. They didn't pause and think they might after done some kind of secret repentance.
Haven't you ever heard of deathbed conversions? And the fact remains that you and I and nobody else but Christ knows if John Paul II did or did not receive Christ as Savior on his deathbed. William J. Murray the son of atheist old lady O'hair did not state that he knows that his mother is in Hell. He stated that there is a possibility that his mother could have converted to Christ before she was murdered. But according to you because old lady O'hair was a false teacher then there is absolutely no possibility that she could have converted to Christ before she was murdered. The Bible makes it clear that up until the time of someones demise that there is the possibility of conversion to Christ.

Survey3/25/08 12:01 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Dr. Phil wrote:
One is not "born again by reason of having prayed . . .". One is born again, "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." Titus 3:4-5
Perhaps this is why you do not believe the truth that the Pope is the Anti-christ, the "son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." 2 Thess. 2:4
It doesn't get much clearer than that!
Every Baptist and other Fundamentalist Protestant that I have known was saved by praying to Christ and asking Him to become their Savior which is the same thing that it states in Romans 10:9-10. And there will only be one Anti-Christ which will be the very last Pope of the RCC and thus no other Pope and nobody else has ever been the one and only Anti-Christ. There are anti-christ's but there will only be one Anti-Christ.

Survey3/25/08 11:01 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well of course head coverings are scriptural because they are mentioned in the Bible. But it is not necessary to wear head coverings in church because it is not required for gaining entrane into Heaven to wear head coverings.

News Item3/25/08 10:58 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Out of the fire into the frying pan? I couldn't say it was even that good, you have the [URL=http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Barton/11.htm]]]Inadequacy of Islam[/URL] and [URL=http://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/roman-catholicism/RC1299W2.htm]]]Is A Catholic Christian An Oxymoron?[/URL] Too bad neither knows what Resurrection Day is all about!
We can only hope that the former Muslim will become an former Catholic, and then become a Christian!
What is wrong with you anyway? Why do you have so much hatred in your heart? That is not being very Christlike. Christ did not hate anybody. I will agree with you that the former Muslim needs to receive Christ as his Savior. But it would not be necessary for him to leave the Catholic Church after receiving Christ as his Savior and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church because church membership is totally superfluous to gaining entrance into Heaven. Nowhere in the Bible is church membership equated with salvation and gaining entrance into Heaven. But you and the other Fundamentalist Protestants on here think that joining a Fundamentalist Protestant Church is also required for gaining entrance into Heaven along with receiving Christ as ones Savior.

Survey3/25/08 10:48 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I own and read both the Catholic and King James Bibles.

News Item3/25/08 10:46 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Which Paul's birthplace do they want to reclaim? It must certainly not be Saint Paul's because his doctrine flies in the face of Rome's heresy of justification by works. Therefore, it must be another Paul. Paul McCartney the Mariologist maybe? "Let It Be"
You really are totally off of your rocker for stating that the RCC wants to claim the birthplace of that crazy lunatic McCartney instead of the birthplace of that great Saint and Apostle Saint Paul. What is wrong with you anyway? Why do you have so much hatred in your heart? That is not being very Christlike. Christ did not hate anybody.

Survey3/25/08 10:36 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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No of course the Pope is not the Anti-Christ and nobody has ever been the Anti-Christ because there will only be one Anti-Christ. As a Catholic who is Born Again by reason of having prayed to Christ and asked Him to become my Savior I believe that the very last Pope of the Catholic Church will be the one and only Anti-Christ which I believe will be the next Pope after Benedict XVI.

Survey3/25/08 10:29 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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How can any of you Fundamentalist Protestants on here possibly know for sure that John Paul II is in Hell? Can you guys see into the heart of anybody to tell who has and has not received Christ as their Savior? No you guys can not because only Christ knows if John Paul II did or did not receive Him as his Savior on his death bed.

News Item3/21/08 1:16 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Gayle Pospeschil wrote:
You have paraphrased my views.
I sure hope that Billary does not get the Democratic nomination. I hope that Obama gets the Democratic nomination. But if Billary gets the Democratic nomination then I as a lifelong Republican will be forced to write in my own nominee because I believe that Obama's, Billary's, and McCain's political,religious, and moral views are too far out and I don't support anyone else (e.g., Huckabee, Paul) that's running.
Why do you state Billary instead of Hillary? And why would you want to write in your own candidate when that would be a waste of a vote since whoever you write in does not have a ghost of a chance to win election as president?

News Item3/20/08 5:21 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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eutychus wrote:
"although he was forced to publicly pronounce himself an atheist"
he was not forced, and if he were a Christian he would have stood out and been a witness for Christ.
If Gorbachev had declared himself a Christian publicly instead of pretending to be an atheist then he would have been thrown in the gulag in Siberia and would not have been able to have been involved in the disintegration of the Communist system in the former Soviet Union.

News Item3/20/08 8:22 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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KK wrote:
Hey John,
Tell me this ---
Have you weighed Clinton IN THE LIGHT OF GOD'S WORD ??? --
This race is about putting America back on track or continuing on the path of moral decay...
Hell-ary and Obama have been schmoozing the American voters talking about all the corruption in DC ------- HOW STUPID "We The People" HAVE BEEN ??? --- "They" are all part of the machine THAT HAS BEEN TEARING THIS NATION APART --- "We" HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT ON SO MANY LEVELS ... IT AIN'T EVEN FUNNY !!!
"We" have a Government filled with "Servants" who haven't got the common sense GOD GAVE A ROCK !!! -- "They" talk a lot, but THE TRUTH BE TOLD, "they" AREN'T SAYING ANYTHING -- AND "they" STAND FOR MUCH LESS -- "they" ARE MORALLY BANKRUPT AND WITHOUT CONSCIENCE ... AND "they" CANNOT BE TRUSTED !!!
When an old dog goes rabid isn't it time to put it down ???
Answers to questions:

News Item3/19/08 11:03 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I sure hope that Obama does not get the Democratic nomination. I hope that Hillary gets the Democratic nomination. But if Obama gets the Democratic nomination then I as a lifelong Democrat will be forced for the first time to support the Republican nominee McCain because I believe that Obama's political views are to far out.

News Item3/19/08 10:58 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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It is a fact that there were other members of the Communist Party of the former Soviet Union who were also Christians that were forced to pronounce themselves publicly that they were atheists. Gorbachev is I believe a Russian Orthodox.

News Item3/18/08 1:33 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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kenny wrote:
OK, John Yurich, then let's do this:
Let's take a mortal man, a wretched sinner just like every other mortal man, and let's put him in a nice robe. Let's allow him to live in absolute splendor with unfathomable wealth and resources. He can travel the world with a stupid hat on his wretchedly sinful head that indicates that he is the 'Vicar of Christ'. Let's even give him a bulletproof 'popemobile' to ride around in. Let's adore him, kiss his ring, fall at his feet and cry when we see him. Let's consider his every utterance to be an edict from God. Let's decide what's right and what's wrong, what's sinful and what's not sinful based on his wretched, sinful, mortal judgement. Let's ignore or blow off the history of his office and the historically corrupt organization he represents.
Now let's call him "THE HOLY FATHER".
What absolute blasphemy. That's why those who understand call him Anti-Christ.
I agree that it is stupid to put the Pope on a pedestal. I consider the Pope to be just a normal jerk like everybody else is. And I agree that the Pope is not the Vicar Of Christ but is just the earthly leader of the RCC. I also agree that the Pope is not infallible. I also agree that it is blasphemy to refer to the Pope as "Holy Father".

News Item3/16/08 6:30 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Minnow wrote:
John Yurich;
How much does the Vatican pay you Jesuits for these comic cuts?
I am not a Jesuit. In fact I am not even a Priest. I would not want to be a Priest because Priest's can not get married.

Survey3/15/08 9:37 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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There is nothing wrong with women and girls wearing pants from time to time. It is not required for women to gain entrance into Heaven that they wear skirts and dresses. And men wear skirts only they are called kilts.

News Item3/15/08 9:32 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Have you really studied the doctrinal foundation of the United Church Of Christ denomination?
[URL=http://www.trinityfoundation.org/PDF/186a-FivePoints.pdf]]]Five Points[/URL]
The other day I looked up the website of Trinity United Church Of Christ in Chicago, Illinois where Obama attends and belongs to and it states on that churches website that they have Altar Calls and thus that means that the minister preaches the Gospel Of Christ.

News Item3/14/08 7:25 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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What is with you Fundamentalist Protestants on here anyway? Why do you guys keep stating that the RCC believes in a different Jesus? The Apostles and Nicene Creeds which are the Statement Of Faith of the RCC state "We believe in ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, the only Son Of God". Now that is the bibilical and historical Jesus that the RCC believes in. So knock off this insanity that the RCC believes in a different Jesus.

News Item3/14/08 10:03 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item3/13/08 6:59 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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As a Catholic who is Born Again by reason of having asked Christ to become my Savior and who is being guided by the Holy Spirit I believe that the Vatican is nuts for wanting to have anthing to do with the satanic religion of Islam.
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