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Survey12/18/07 5:09 AM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
RK, there are plenty of Catholics who have died for their faith at the hands of those who claimed to be following Christ Alone by Scripture Alone. .......
More lies emanating from Rome!

Survey6/28/07 8:14 PM
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How about keeping your vows, you pathetic wimp.


How about you showing some humility for a change you devil's advocate, or do suppose that divorce is a greater sin than pride?

Survey6/28/07 8:04 PM
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Apparently, the female was either not saved or not taken into account since the man is the representative head, not the woman.


And this is not eisogesis?!!

Survey6/23/07 5:09 PM
DuH  Find all comments by DuH
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Okay JD

Will you for the time being set aside your personal convictions about the Jews and look with me at the NT passages where the spiritual Israel is mentioned?

Oops got to dash. Catch you Monday to see whether you are up for it.

Survey6/23/07 4:44 PM
DuH  Find all comments by DuH
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More obfuscation and assertions without proof!!

Spare me your ignorant insults.

Survey6/23/07 4:02 PM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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You are sooooo dense!!

Look at the NT and see how the apostles defined Israel. What pains they took to point out that the Jewish privileges were over. The apostle to the Gentiles, who was the Jew among Jews, resisted every attempt to Judaize the gentile believers, and went to great lengths to demonstrate that they are not Israel who are ethnically descended from Abraham, but they are the true Israel (to whom pertain the promises) who have Abraham's faith.

Your bunkem is quite appalling!!

You are a heretic of the worst kind, and you have a God who you think plays to your tune- well what else, when your free will trumps his grace?!! Your God is impotent to do anything, needing your pathetic permission before he does anything.. and of course the same pathetic logic is utilised to foist on the church at large the stupid view that the Lord needed the permission of the Jews to set up his kingdom and get this - he did not foresee they would reject him (!! ) and that is why the kingdom had to be postponed. What sort of god is this - who did not even know what would happen?!!

You take the OT and superimpose it wholesale on the NT, rather than accept the clear light of the NT and superimpose that on the OT - explaining why you err and will continue to err.

Survey6/22/07 9:05 PM
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How can JD utter such drivel and feel no shame!!

Funny, is it not, that only JD knows where the 2 or 3 thousand year breaks happen in any particular text? Are these breaks evident in the text? No! They are just in JD's fanciful imagination, but that is authority sufficient for JD the oracle!!

He asks, "Did they call his name Immanuel? (sic)"

Why sure JD, You answered your own silly question earlier when you said , "The names in the Scriptures denotes the character of the person". This is very true that in the Hebrew language that "to name someone" is the same thing as saying that he is that character. So let me ask you did the early disciples recognise Christ as God with them or not?!!

Survey5/23/07 4:43 PM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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So according to Yamil Christ forgot what God wrote in John 3.16 during his high priestly prayer in John 17. An exegete par excellence is our linguistically challenged friend.

Survey5/23/07 4:35 PM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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So according to Yamil Christ forgot what God wrote in John 3.16 during his high priestly prayer in John 17. An exegete par excellence is our linguistically challenged friend.

Survey5/13/07 6:37 PM
Duh!  Find all comments by Duh!
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"1000 Temporal years is NOT eternity!!!"

Who said it was? The Bible says that eternity with the new Heaven and Earth happens after the Millennium. The Bible doesn't say the Millennium is eternity, and nobody else said it was either. There's a lot of lamebrains posting here, but nodody is that lame as to think 1,000 years equals eternity.

Can you say straw man?

Survey1/27/07 4:24 PM
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"He uses an active verb to describe a passive action"

Our not so expert English tutor - perhaps you will explain to us what you mean by "a passive action" - presumably the same as "God passively giving peope to their destruction"?

Stick to Spanish, and leave English to the educated!

News Item1/17/07 5:00 PM
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Mike from NY wrote:

"I speak in a tongue. It's called English. And I do it close to 100% of the time."

Yeah, Mike - but do you understand it 100% of the time, or do you get edified even when you do not understand?

News Item1/17/07 3:58 PM
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How many monikers can one person use?

News Item1/17/07 12:18 PM
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Looks like he read your posts just like he reads his Bible - just skimmed over them!

News Item1/17/07 11:56 AM
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You obviously reserve it for bed time reading then

Try studying it sometimes instead of just skimming the surface.

News Item1/17/07 11:51 AM
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I see that there is another thread on the same question and I have just read what MBL has posted - go see for yourself and receive an education on this issue.

News Item1/17/07 7:22 AM
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Quote:"have you come across that one which records that the last Apostle of the Lord died and took speaking in tongues to the grave with him forever? Cessasionists are so adamant about that, surely it's gotta be in there somewhere "

You sure have a mental block!! - you choose to ignore the very clear link that scripture establishes between the Apostles as revelation bearers and the miraculous gifts as attestations to them, and then you want some verse in the Bible that has to tell you clearly that the thing does not exist any more.

Take some lessons in logic msc.

News Item1/16/07 10:03 AM
Duh!  Find all comments by Duh!
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So you have no scriptural arguments for your position and hence do not want to engage with the texts.

Oh well, go your way little girl!

How about the label "Arminian Fundie"? Your hermeneutics betray you!!

News Item1/16/07 9:39 AM
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Ooooo huffy!

Touched a raw nerve I see - you may think yourself against the dispys on these forums but you have virtually the same exegetical approach, and the same spirit- you deserve each other!

You should not be on these forums if you have such little understanding and you're also so tetchy!

News Item1/16/07 9:35 AM
Duh!  Find all comments by Duh!
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Quote:"Tongues were given for more than a sign to authenticate apostles. (ie for personal spiritual edification)."

So which sign miracles were given to authenticate the Apostles (and please give scriptures)?

Quote: "I don't know. Were all the people at Pentecost apostles? Did they all have "sign gifts?" "

Tongues were a revelatory gift (in other words when accompanied with interpretation they were equivalent to prophesy) and you will not find them exercised in the book of Acts without the presence of an Apostle. There is also indication in the Scriptures that only the Apostles could by the laying on of hands grant the ability to work sign miracles see for instance Acts 19.6

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