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Sermon Having Possessions and Being Possessed | H.B. Charles Jr.
"After watching this sermon, my world was rocked. It is chocked full of..."
-2 hrs 
Sermon Salty Saints | Dr. Steven J. Lawson
-3 hrs 
Sermon Growing Pains | Jeff Scott Jr.
dbox from Hanford CA
-10 hrs 
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Sermon8/12/2023 9:49 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this excelllent message… The world will continue to look and pursue ungodliness in any form or matter and we Christians must be on high alert as so not to be misled. .

Sermon4/19/2023 5:43 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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Church History Introduction, Part 1
Stephen Feinstein
“ Great Sermon! ”
This study of Church History has been SO beneficial, informative and interesting… I really appreciate all the little extras you throw in… and the video and text format are very helpful in reviewing what I miss from listening. Thank you Pastor Feinstein.

Sermon4/19/2023 5:39 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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In The Beginning Part 1
Stephen Feinstein
“ Great Sermon! ”
Fantastic Introduction… and really look forward to your multi-functional approach to the study of Genesis… my son walked from his faith in college with many of these objections you have listed… thankfully he is open minded and we are always diaologing so I look forward to learning new insights and evidences to present to him in our next chat w the hope the HS will shine the light! Thank you Pastor Feinstein.

Sermon9/15/2022 1:01 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Waters for this wonderful series on church history… I really appreciate the text included so I can go back and read anything I missed in listening!

Sermon6/4/2022 6:30 PM
Suz | Nor Cal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for putting together this series… i especially appreciate the video format… hearing and seeing contribute to a fuller grasp and understanding. As you said: it is important to know where we have come from, what makes our faith different than all the other religions, and that we can find comfort in what those who have gone before us went through… highly recommended!

Sermon8/17/2021 3:45 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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Creation Theology - CLASS 2
Carlo Magno
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks for this series… looking forward to it continuing as I learn about these different theories… very interesting to learn to pick through the errors… and discern the truth of God’s creation story…

Sermon5/4/2021 10:37 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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How Humanism Sees It, Pt 2
Dr. J. Drew Conley
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a great and much needed series to help us understand the culture vs God’s ways. We are bombarded daily with its lies and we need to be renewing our minds to truth. Thank you and I look forward to listening to the rest of the series and gleaning more wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God’s way and His truths which stand eternal

Sermon4/23/2021 11:01 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Series! ”
Just listened to the first episode in this series and so glad I did bc Pastor Hill is “spot on” about our need to understand the importance of the “preaching of the word.” I look forward to growing in spiritual knowledge as I listen and applying it to my walk... thank you!

Sermon4/23/2021 10:27 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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02 The Morning Devotional: WSC Q2
William F. Hill, Jr.
“ Great Series! ”
Thank you for this series on the confession. So many folks today dont understand what they should know/believe about the faith they proclaim... I wish the confession was taught in every church giving its congregation the firm foundation necessary to walk in faithfulness.

Sermon4/14/2021 1:23 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
So VERY thankful for all these Bahnsen sermons and lectures... they are a feast for the soul and the mind!

Sermon1/28/2021 10:38 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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Clip: Be A Nice Person!
Dr. John Vaughn
“ Confusing message ”
Did Jesus call us to be nice? Is nice one of the fruits of the Spirit? When Jesus confronted people was he nice? Recently an atheist publicly stated: Christian are too nice... are we too nice now not to answer the doubter or the critic or the so-called worldly Christian? Walk with a man as far as you can but like Jesus, speak truth... and be kind... big difference in nice and kind. Nice tries to please and kind’s concerns are for the welfare of the other person.

Sermon1/28/2021 10:11 AM
Suz  Contact via emailFind all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon/Series ”
This series(4sermons) is SO good... I need to listen to it once a week... reminding me and calling me to true Christian living...all of Bahnsen teachings never fail to pierce my mind and heart.

Sermon1/8/2021 10:38 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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1 - A Fainting Heart (1 of 4)
Greg L. Bahnsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
What an encouraging word...from a man who has had his own fainting heart... thank you... exactly what I needed to hear in these first days of the new year... my heart is fainting but God is my Rock and my trust is in Him.

Sermon12/19/2020 10:20 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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3 - Evolution (3 of 5)
Greg L. Bahnsen
“ A Must Listen ”
Over 100 ppl have listened to this presentation and no one has left a comment? Why? This is the stuff that we as Christians need in our back pocket when we come up against those who would lead us to believe evolution is based on science and therefore trumps our belief in creation.Bahnsen gives plenty of concrete examples to set before the critics. Every parent should be arming their teen-ager with these examples because this is one of the reason kids walk away from their faith in high school and college... so-called science is washing out their faith... because they get told evolution is science... its not... its a philosophy and a worldview...as Bahnsen so perfectly points out over and over again... IMO...we need to listen up!

Sermon11/20/2020 6:52 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow, Pastor Sean... lots of unpacking there... Very very interesting...

Sermon11/17/2020 2:34 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Fantastic expose on the founding of the confession... gives great historical background... was so surprised to hear it came about by a civil rather than religious commission and that so many varying demominations were involved...

Sermon11/5/2020 8:26 AM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for the excellent presentation of information on the culture of first century. It waa very enlighting and edifying... look forward to hearing the rest of your series and now your study on Luke!

Sermon10/29/2020 5:42 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Webb for these two sermons... you really answered a lot of my questions and gave me the ability to now, express myself when in conversation

Sermon10/29/2020 5:38 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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Darwin/Marx (9 of 19)
Greg L. Bahnsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Awesome! What a gift to be able to hear these lectures! So good... listening to it again... and look forward to hearing them all... thank you for making these available to us!

Sermon10/26/2020 12:31 PM
Suz | NorCal  Find all comments by Suz
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Quadrennial Zoo Visit
Jim Harris
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for giving this excellent overview of the issues that we as Christians should be concerning ourselves with during this election time... we must remember that God is sovereign and still on the throne and NOT fret! Amen!
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